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player development

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I have a couple of age oldquestions about player development that i would appreciate some views on:

- is it more benenficial to send a young player out on loan to a lower league to get first team experience, but with worse training facilites, or to let him play in the reserves and benefit from your superior facilites and emntoring?

- leading on from this, do players benfeit from reserve team football or does only 1st team pitchtime count?

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There is one interesting thread regarding players CA and development and experiments show that most important thing for development is first team experience, while training is more for reshaping attributes.

But...if I run only one league for example (slow computer) and send player to some other club on loan that plays in league that is relatively strong, maybe even stronger than my league, but it's inactive....I assume that player will benefit that like he is playing in my own league? Or maybe not?

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There have been a number of posts with research to back up their claims that training facilities mean zip when it comes to training and learning.

SFraser wrote a particularly good thread on training and youth players. I beleive you will find it in Cleon or Heathxxx sticky thread at the top for usefull links.

His take on it is to mentor them a few times if possible to build their mental TRAITS (not attribute). These dictate how quickly a player is capable of learning through their proffessionalism, Ambition and Determination, all of which have been proven to have a large effect on training (particularly Proffessionalism).

Once a player has had two mentor or hits 18 then its time to loan him out. Just ensure that its the highest league possible BUT more importantly that he is being loan as a FIRST/KEY team player. In my opinion, there is absoloutly no point at all to loan him to a club to sit in the reserves as he can do that with your team AND be mentored at the same time.

Hope some of that helps, but do check out SFRasers thread.

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But...if I run only one league for example (slow computer) and send player to some other club on loan that plays in league that is relatively strong, maybe even stronger than my league, but it's inactive....I assume that player will benefit that like he is playing in my own league? Or maybe not?

I'm afraid not. He will benefit, but nothing like if he was in a playable league - especially one running on full detail. You can run lower divisions in the country you're playing without too much strain being added to your processor - it tends to be extra countries that add a lot of work. Then you can get your youths loaned OK, but if you think it's running too slow just take off the detail - you'll hardly know they're there and your youths will develop better.

SFraser wrote a particularly good thread on training and youth players. I beleive you will find it in Cleon or Heathxxx sticky thread at the top for usefull links.

His take on it is to mentor them a few times if possible to build their mental TRAITS (not attribute). These dictate how quickly a player is capable of learning through their proffessionalism, Ambition and Determination, all of which have been proven to have a large effect on training (particularly Proffessionalism).

IIRC he suggests rotating the player yearly between a loan and getting mentored at his own club too.

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