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Starting From Scratch


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Starting From Scratch

I wrenched open my eyes into bright sunlight and the hustle and bustle of Trondheim station slowly filters through. It took a moment to adjust to the surroundings, quickly doing so as I realised that a man was shouting just behind me and hands were pushing me out of the way of the doors. I grab my case and hop down from the train. As I scanned the platform something did not look quite right. I was sure that I had been to Trondheim before, quite sure in fact, but the sign said Trondheim so Trondheim is where I must be. I follow the crowd out of the station and onto the street outside and I turn back to look at the station entrance, some say it is famous for the architecture, and then it hit me - I had been here before, as a student, I had taken a gap year to Norway and I had my picture taken by the entrance. Again the little voice spoke up, a digital camera, a picture, yes! I was posing for a picture with my friends. Out my laptop comes and I find myself sitting down on a low wall next to a coffee stand. July 1984 – Trondheim. I race through the album, occasionally pausing to laugh at the drunken poses and ogle Norwegian girls, until I come to the picture of me, Zak and Carla under the station clock. I look up to the clock; I look back at the screen ten inches from my face.

“How can this be?” I ask the startled-looking overweight pigeon hoovering up breadcrumbs by my feet. The clock is clearly different. Maybe there is another way in I muse.

“Excuse me, is there another way into the station?” I ask.

“I’m sorry, that is the only one” A middle aged woman replies to me. Weird.

I gaze at the photo in disbelief, back at the clock. “I must have had a bang on the head, pull yourself together Tommy!” A quick glance at my watch says I am heavily late.

“Damn!” I hail a taxi and clamber into the back seat.

“Lerkendal please.” We back up and cut into the flow of traffic.

“Wait, are you sure this is the way man?” As soon as I said it I felt foolish, I can’t believe I just said that, questioning a taxi driver in his home town on the location of a twenty thousand seater stadium.

“It certainly is, friend.” He chuckles back but again it doesn’t feel right to me, everything is the same, but yet, it is different.

Twenty minutes later we arrive at the stadium and I give him the fare. As the cab drives into the distance, growing ever quieter by the second, I take a minute to gape at the wonderfully modern exterior of the main entrance, an imposing spectacle for the best team in Norway and easily one of the better stadiums. With this thought doing the rounds I begin the ascend of the short flight of steps from the roadside up to the stadium, every step closer the burden of immediate success seems to extend the distance to those beautiful glass doors, it would be so easy to just turn away right now.

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