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CA/PA Sunday league project


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Trying to recreate my old Sunday league team to start in BSS as see how far I can get. Have decided to keep the same players throughout the career game and will set the CA's to the average for a player in BSS

However I presume these CA's will not get much further up the pyramid than maybe BSP and if I want to reach premiership that's no good. My question is if I have the PA set to a premiership level could all the players get too good too soon ( or does that depend on quality of coaches?? ) and make it an unfair advantage and spoil the project. I will put everyone on say 10 year contracts so they don't get poached.

The other option would be to edit the CA's after each promotion to an average level of the new league

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If you set the PAs to EPL standard the players won't get anywhere near their PAs if your training facilities are inferior and, more importantly, the level they're playing at in their formative years is way below that level. What will happen however is that despite your contracts, they'll get poached by higher rep clubs.

For your plan B - don't up the CAs every year - well you could but to give yourself a better challenge give them loyalty 20 and fav club/person you. You might want to increase the club's rep every year - it's still 'cheating', but maybe less intrusive than bumping the players up.

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Thanks for the sound advice.

If I have set the contracts to 10 years will it matter if someone tries to poach them because I will still be able to keep them. Or are you implying that this will affect their morale/performance etc

Also do you mean they will get poached because of their high PA.

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Unless they're very loyal and unambitious (in which case their training development will be inhibited) they'll get very upset if you block moves to big clubs. SI insist AI scouts can't see PA and I believe them, but they do somehow seem to spot the unrealised talent.

I'm actually doing this, starting in tier 10. I left visible attributes as is except for DET which I've given 20 to all, and 20'd the hidden atts of ambition and professionalism (those 3 are the key ones for developing), made me their fav person and gave the club 20 training fac and youth fac. The rest - stadium, attendance, money etc is untouched (ie next to nothing).

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