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A Guide for Player Interactions/Recent form

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First of all, Hello and welcome to my guide for helping you make your team become a solid unit who plays for the manager.

In the latest forms of football manager there has become more impetus in motivating, Moral, team gelling, personal awareness, team talks, media interviews, plus many other factors in mental aspects of football.

One good example is Jose Mourinho, He managed to master the art of the premier league in a few seasons, but also got his team playing as a solid unit via personal motivation tactics, and gelling the team into one solid unit that "would die for him", He did this by talking to each player, and making them all feel that he was the reason they are playing so well.

You can do this in football manager by praising players after good form and more importantly letting them know when there form is not acceptable, this will also give them an additional moral boost!.

Its a very basic system in football manager how to gain good relations between yourself and your players in football manager, but you have to watch out for the random variables that FM games throw out you, which you shouldn't be put off by, you can easily solve these issues.

I took a lot of time over the last 2 versions of football manager developing this guide, and it has works pretty much perfectly in both, although the basic stats have changed a tiny bit in fm10 just to give us a bit of a headache (thanks si)

So here's for the exciting part.

Each player is always assets over the last 5 games, you can read this form on his interaction stat page.

You have 5 different levels of Interaction:






Deeply upset

You cant select any of these until a player has played at least 5 competitive matches.

My general rule of thumb for players AvG over 5 games is this, but be warned this is a guide and mental attributes can change this logic, but its easly overcome ill explain later in the thread.

General rule on praising (over last 5 games)

Delighted AvG 7.80 or higher

Pleased 7.40 - 7.80

Acceptable 6.95 - 7.40

Below-par 6.40 - 6.95

Disappointed 6.40 - or under

Deeply upset I don't know this figure I've never had to use it, i would guess sell the player if it gets this low he he.

Notes on a player taking to your praise or not.

Not all players like to have the same praise as others, this is easy to overcome in FM games then in real life.

You can easily tell how a player took to your praise VIA looking at the after media screen, or in his personal happiness page, plus you can see a raise in moral or a drop in moral, and there is a small hint in the news you will get after praising/telling off a player.

If you got his praise bang on first time, you can forget the rest of this post for this player, keep using the same style of praise for him all the time, and you will soon become his favorite manager :)

But this is not always the case in football, some people like to be told they should be doing more/less then others, you can do this in FM too.

You can see if you have given to much praise or to little praise easily by looking at the players personal happiness page, he will display a message like, doesn't have to do much or feels let down by Ur praise.

Once again you can quiet easily overcome this factor in FM, its not so easy in real life!, but this is a game so it has a logic

If a player thought you over praised him, then the next time you need to give him 1 less praise then you did the time before.

So if you said you was pleased with playing 7.40 - 7.80 and he didn't agree you need to say he played acceptable next time over the last 5 games.

And if your player was disappointed with the lack of praise you gave him for playing a 7.40 - 7.80 (pleased) you should say he played delighted next time you praise him

Heres a few examples of changes in praise style for diffrent players.



Here both players are playing within the rule of thumb guideline for "Pleased" praising, Neymar 7.66AvG over last 5 games, Ortemendi 7.48AvG

Now i know from experience that Neymar likes to have the what i can Normal praise, and Ortemendi like a more harsh praise, So i gave:

Neymar - Pleased

Ortemendi - Acceptable

As you can see both players outcome was positive, even tho both players was in the pleased bracket on my chart, but because of personality diffrences in players the change in praise style was correct, and both players was happy with the level of praise.

+moral boost

+Manager favoured

Now i have only tried this on premiership players, it took me a while to get each player right, because hidden attributes come into it, i haven't looked into this part yet, as i feel it would be cheating, but i would guess it has something to do with his professionalism and ambition & temperament how a player will react to each interaction.

A rough guess would be

A professional player would need less praise as he would always want to do better then he was doing, aka lampard

A ambitious player would need less praise as he will drive himself towards success rather then you do it, aka ronaldo

A none determined player may need more praise to get him more motivation to perform in matches and play better aka Adriano

Another tip for you is, once you have given a praise you can do so again after 3 games, you can snowball praises and really get them firing on all cylinders.

I hope this is unique, and useful to some fm gamers, its a big part of my game now i don't believe you can be a successful premier league manager unless all the players are on your side.

Please if you have an extra information about praising in lower leagues i will be willing to add it to the thread.

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Interesting, this helps, when in Backroom advice your assistant tells you to boost the "xxx" player morale by praise him in the media, not always the player reacts positively...and with this tutorial maybe he will be motivated...

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Interesting, this helps, when in Backroom advice your assistant tells you to boost the "xxx" player morale by praise him in the media, not always the player reacts positively...and with this tutorial maybe he will be motivated...

Yeah man the coaches give you advice now, but its not always right, its got more factors like coach skills ect. :)

I was already using this in FM09 before coaches give me advice :)

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When i played fm09 i once did my whole team, just to test, Ive never got a bad report from the media for praising to many, altho i haven't praised more then 3-4 in Fm10

But in FM10 i would say 3 is a decent number.

I don't normally praise players after they have fitted into my system, so if a player has been at the club 2-3 season under my guidance, there such a strong bond between the player and myself i would only praise really high performance's or when his moral dips below what i see as under par.

Also doing about 3 players at a time, you can keep a track on there performance because lets say a player is playing 6.40 and you says your disappointed, next 3 games is gets up to 7.20 you really need to let him know hes playing better and so on until hes maxed out if he gets that far. If you did 11 players on your team you wont have a clue who got what etc :p

I also make a note on a some paper or notepad which players like "X" style of praise

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So do you have a method for deciding who gets the praise/roasting?

Got to say I like this advice and have been impressed by the results... already I've got myself listed as a favourite personnel in about three or four of my players personal pages since I started following this advice.

But since I've gone through the bulk of my team once... when should I start praising players again?

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Keadude, glad to see its working for you :)

You can use these praises after the first 5 games, or every 3 games here on in if you like, its a case of "use at your peril", Get it right he likes you more get it wrong he likes you less, its as simple as that :)

Even when your on his list as a favoured person, keep doing it for moral boosting and form extending!.

I've added a few screenshots with examples showing diffrent types of praise for diffrent personalitys, even tho there playing level was similer.

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How many players will you praise at one time? If you overdo it you get a news item implying that you've made yourself a laughing stock!

In FM09 I regularly praise my entire starting 11 before a key match, and do not get any criticism for it.

Would be interested to know if it is more effective to keep it to small number though.

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This I didn't realise - thanks for the hint. All I need to do now is crack press conferences and manager interactions :-S

Yeah and those damn new signings iz a bitch to master, thankfully i think i figured it out, but i need more testing! but this comes at a price (bad joke i know!)

So far small hint when talking to a new signing, stay on topic don't start wondering off about what your gonna do, spending more, more transfers to come, this seems to upset players, i think if you stay on the topic of talking about your new signing u got more chance of him be happy with your comments.

By the way these interactions you make with your new player, is the first step towards him becoming your favorite manager, get this right your on your way, get it wrong you will need to make up for it with media praises.

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The only thing I've picked up from press conferences is that they seem to be fairly forgiving. It's the overall outcome of your 5-6 questions that determines whether the reaction is positive or negative. Answer 3 of 5 questions well and it doesn't matter about the others the reaction will be positive. That's not based on specific testing just an observation!

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