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Created Player


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On FM go into prefrences/display & sound. Then tick 'show unique ID's', click on your 'created player' and there will be a number under or next to his name.

Type that number down on notepad or some thing, then create a Config.xml file and put this code inside, and put your unique id number that you got from the game, on the line where it says.


<!-- resource manager options -->

<!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->

<boolean id="preload" value="false"/>

<!-- turn off auto mapping -->

<boolean id="amap" value="false"/>

<!-- logo mappings -->

<!-- the following XML maps pictures inside this folder into other positions

in the resource system, which allows this folder to be dropped into any

place in the graphics folder and still have the game pick up the graphics

files from the correct places


<list id="maps">

<!-- Auto generated by fmXML -->

<record from="PUT THE UNIQUE ID NUMBER HERE" to="graphics/pictures/person/PUT THE UNIQUE ID NUMBER HERE/portrait"/>



Also rename the picture that you want to use, rename it with the unique id number. Then create a new folder, name it what ever you want 'my created player picture' or something. Put the picture of yourself and the Config.xml you created inside that folder.

Then put that folder in; MyDocuments/SI/FM2010/Graphics.

If the graphics folder is not there, just create a new folder and rename it 'graphics'.

Then on FM go into prefrences/display & sound and untick 'show unique ids' so you don't have them showing every where.

Whilst in Display & Sound, untick 'use skin cache' and tick 'always reload skin on confirm' then click confirm and your manager picture should be there. :thup:

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Here's a link to a basic xml file with one code line.

When downloaded right click the config file and click open with 'notepad' or 'wordpad' and change the unique id number '622' to your created players unique ID number, then click File at the top of Notepad and click save.

<!-- Auto generated by fmXML -->

<record from="622" to="graphics/pictures/person/622/portrait"/>

Then put the config file in a folder along with the picture you want to use for your created player, and place the it in your graphics folder.

XML File here: http://www.filefront.com/15534233/config.xml

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