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2009 or 5 days and 20 hours and a lager tops plz


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Using FM2005 5.0.2

<STRIKE>September 9th 2009</STRIKE>

After 4 years at Spurs The FM stories crew have finally got me to do a season long diary for them.

I must admit i need the cash, the nights spent in strip bars and casinos are catching up with me.

Oh and while i remember i'm Hugo Bozz manager of Spurs.

I became manager of Spurs after winning a hand of poker against Daniel Levy. Lucky me.

Anyway i'm now 4 years down the line and for some reason i'm still hanging around so soime boy at this lovely website offered me a handsome sum of kudos to do a wee diary for you fans and let it be said that the fact he played on my liking of the ladies made the contract talks go very smoothly.

Firstly i'll introduce my backroom team, lovely bunch of people.

Asst Manager: Gausten Taument - top bloke apparently quite a good player in his day.


Tony Whelan - Tight wad when it comes to spending the kudos, good coach though.

Lucas Radebe - A lot of god loving from this fella but i trust him anyway.

Rudi Vollborn - I found him kipping in a banged up Vauxhall Nova outside my caravan(temporary while i sort out the finances) He told me he was a coach, i had a hangover and the rest is history.

Fred Grim - Old Gauston recomended this old boy to teach the gk's how to save a ball, doesn't look all that hard but i'm told goalkeeping is a specialized position and you have to be a bit mad. Who knows eh?

Rui Faria - I hired this guy/burd because he/she looks like the burd that old svenny had a bit of ahem with. He/she goes to the guys bog but i'm sure he/she is a laydee boy on his holibobs.

Scouts, well this lot get paid for watching footie and in my eyes way to much but some old boy arnesen tells me i must have 2 or 3 i don't pay much attention to them so sorry boys but there's no name dropping for you lot.


Dr Charlotte Cowie - She was here when i arrived 4 years ago and i've still no seen her knickers and i've no had any massages yet, a few of the boys tell me she is good. I must find out.

Rui Costa - Top chap, pulls burds with ease. The nights out are good when he's about.

Geoff Scott - Old boy, talks about when he was a lad a pint was only £1.20. Lucky old git. I've yet to find a bar in London where i can get a bevvy for less than £5.50.

I'd chat about the team but i'd be here all week so i'll just give you there names and maybe 1 or 2 comments about the lazy, overpaid good for nothings. Kiddin boys your all wonderful.

S.Westerveld - He showed me round the dam icon_wink.gif





Alex - Brazilian chap, good cocktail maker



P.Stalteri - Canadian bloke

Kleber - He's just arrived

T. Huddlestone - Young fella, easily amused

D.Prutton - another who has just arrived

F.Guarin - Colombian, i don't trust them


A. D'Alessandro - wee man


D.Bierkofa - I just call him beer


Geremi - or germany as he's known

M.Kallon - funny lad


D.Landzaat - a bit mental

K.Richardson - Funny hair

S.Ono - his bed is made of nails(strange lad)

R.Keane - Irish


Ewerthon - Speedy

J.Stead - Cloudy

V.Love - Mr lover man, shabba.

T.Buffel - Buffy

F.Adu - Aga Adu

so that's the boys that are aroound at the moment. I believe we have a reserve team but who knows, ask Franky Arney if you want to know about that lot.

At the mo we are in 1st place, top stuff(extra bonuses n all that).

Anyway this is the end of my first Dear diary as i've got a important poker game on tonight and we play some team the fans call Man ure on Sat the 13th of September so i suppose i better pick people to play that lot.

See you soon and if anyone wants to buy me a pint i'll be in the pub nearest that car park where my caravan is.



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Using FM2005 5.0.2

<STRIKE>September 9th 2009</STRIKE>

After 4 years at Spurs The FM stories crew have finally got me to do a season long diary for them.

I must admit i need the cash, the nights spent in strip bars and casinos are catching up with me.

Oh and while i remember i'm Hugo Bozz manager of Spurs.

I became manager of Spurs after winning a hand of poker against Daniel Levy. Lucky me.

Anyway i'm now 4 years down the line and for some reason i'm still hanging around so soime boy at this lovely website offered me a handsome sum of kudos to do a wee diary for you fans and let it be said that the fact he played on my liking of the ladies made the contract talks go very smoothly.

Firstly i'll introduce my backroom team, lovely bunch of people.

Asst Manager: Gausten Taument - top bloke apparently quite a good player in his day.


Tony Whelan - Tight wad when it comes to spending the kudos, good coach though.

Lucas Radebe - A lot of god loving from this fella but i trust him anyway.

Rudi Vollborn - I found him kipping in a banged up Vauxhall Nova outside my caravan(temporary while i sort out the finances) He told me he was a coach, i had a hangover and the rest is history.

Fred Grim - Old Gauston recomended this old boy to teach the gk's how to save a ball, doesn't look all that hard but i'm told goalkeeping is a specialized position and you have to be a bit mad. Who knows eh?

Rui Faria - I hired this guy/burd because he/she looks like the burd that old svenny had a bit of ahem with. He/she goes to the guys bog but i'm sure he/she is a laydee boy on his holibobs.

Scouts, well this lot get paid for watching footie and in my eyes way to much but some old boy arnesen tells me i must have 2 or 3 i don't pay much attention to them so sorry boys but there's no name dropping for you lot.


Dr Charlotte Cowie - She was here when i arrived 4 years ago and i've still no seen her knickers and i've no had any massages yet, a few of the boys tell me she is good. I must find out.

Rui Costa - Top chap, pulls burds with ease. The nights out are good when he's about.

Geoff Scott - Old boy, talks about when he was a lad a pint was only £1.20. Lucky old git. I've yet to find a bar in London where i can get a bevvy for less than £5.50.

I'd chat about the team but i'd be here all week so i'll just give you there names and maybe 1 or 2 comments about the lazy, overpaid good for nothings. Kiddin boys your all wonderful.

S.Westerveld - He showed me round the dam icon_wink.gif





Alex - Brazilian chap, good cocktail maker



P.Stalteri - Canadian bloke

Kleber - He's just arrived

T. Huddlestone - Young fella, easily amused

D.Prutton - another who has just arrived

F.Guarin - Colombian, i don't trust them


A. D'Alessandro - wee man


D.Bierkofa - I just call him beer


Geremi - or germany as he's known

M.Kallon - funny lad


D.Landzaat - a bit mental

K.Richardson - Funny hair

S.Ono - his bed is made of nails(strange lad)

R.Keane - Irish


Ewerthon - Speedy

J.Stead - Cloudy

V.Love - Mr lover man, shabba.

T.Buffel - Buffy

F.Adu - Aga Adu

so that's the boys that are aroound at the moment. I believe we have a reserve team but who knows, ask Franky Arney if you want to know about that lot.

At the mo we are in 1st place, top stuff(extra bonuses n all that).

Anyway this is the end of my first Dear diary as i've got a important poker game on tonight and we play some team the fans call Man ure on Sat the 13th of September so i suppose i better pick people to play that lot.

See you soon and if anyone wants to buy me a pint i'll be in the pub nearest that car park where my caravan is.



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Hugo Bozz here again.

Well it's Sunday the 13th at 6pm and i'm half way through a case of lager and a bottle of vodka.

I thought the day had started of well when the burd at the front desk of the stadium told me my new heated seat had been fitted in the dugout. Top notch gear, got it off some boy in a bar. It has all the gadgets n that. Heating, massage and doon't tell Levy but a wee beer fridge. WOOOO HOOO.

Anyway as you all probably know we were playing Man Ure today. We lost 2-0.

The info thing on the tele said:

Man Utd beat Spurs with ease

Goals from Jenas(2mins) and Alan Smith(26mins) took Man Utd to a 2-0 victory over Spurs.

Jenas hit a 25 yard shot into Westerveld bottom left hand corner after some good play by Fletcher. Smith had a easy tap in after more good play from Fletcher who was on top form in the middle of the Man Utd midfield.

Spurs best efforts both came through Robbie Keane who went close on two occasions. Spurs looked very poor after a good start to the season.


Man Utd: Howard, Brown(Capdevlia 73), Silvestre, O'Shea, Ferdinand, Malbranque, Fletcher, Ronaldo(Luque 11), Jenas, Blasi, Smith(Bojinov 45).

Spurs: Westerveld, Mabizela, King, Upson, Kleber, Hitzelsperger, Guarin(Nolan 45), Kallon, D'Alessandro, Keane(Aruna 76), Ewerthon.

Now normally i'm a bit biased and blame it on the ref or god but fairs fair i'd actually give the linesman the blame this week. He was rubbish.

Anyway i think that since we lost i'll take they boys out to the seaside for a few beers on Tuesday to discuss the Crimbo night out to cheer them up. Old Gauston reckons that Man Ure or whatever they are called will be close to winning the title this year and he is good with betting form n all that so that's a tip for any punters out there.

Anyway i'm off to mi kip, these easy tinternet places give me the creeps. Oh and just in case your wondering the caravan is great burnt the thing down and got the insurance, nice eh. Clubs paying for my b&b while the lawyer sorts out my new apartment.

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WED 16TH SEP 2009 8am

Today folks we are playing the Toon Army, i like this lot because they enjoy a good session after the match.

After that beating from Man Ure and a good day out at the seaside with the lads yesterday i'm confident that we'll get a good victory. I'm that confident that i've placed a £200 bet with my bookie and old Gauston reckons the team have looked in good shape. Here's hoping.

Now excuse me cos i'm off to get the brekkie from mrs....... well whoever she is, the old dear that runs the b&b. I highly recommend the wee b&b near white heart lane, crackin fry up and a bottle of irn bru for the hangover and my money is running out on my tinternet cafe thing.

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Spurs vs Newcastle

Well folks if you had a wee flutter then i'm sorry.

It ended up 0-0.

The fans thingy on our website basically said it was a tight affair with neither team creating much.

Newcastle going close through Dagoberto and Spurs through Freddy Adu.

The Spurs team lacked the creative flare that D'Alessandro brings to the team and the partnership of Stead and Adu needs time to florish.

Not a lot else to be said really.


Westerveld, Stalteri, King(Mabizela 45) Upson, Gardener, Bierkofa, Gurain, Geremi, Wright-Phillips(Trochowski 72), Adu, Stead(Aruna 72).

MOTM: Bierkofa - only spurs player who really tried a leg.

If you have anything to say about this article please email me at Spursbloke@spursnet.co.uk

Now i know the fans are entitled to have there say but i thought the lads did okay and at least we've sorted our crimbo night out and we got a draw.

Anyway i'm off to meet a few Geordies for a game of poker and a few JD's.


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Fri 18th Sep 2009

Just a quick hi di ho to say that some bloke in the pub has told me i'm at home to Ipswich in the League Cup.

Sat 19th Sep 2009

Well i got up late this morning so i couldn't write my diary until after the game against Sheff Utd. I probably would have just written rubbish anyway.

Sheffield, i don't think i've been there before but to the point. Thankfully we won 2-0 cos that Arnesen bloke was ggiving me a bit of jip about the 0-0 draw during the week. He needs to chill out or i'm going to set my meercat on him and it carries a chib as well so he better watch his back.

Anyway since i've used tv text and tinternet reports on my previous games i thought i'd try to find other sources as well but i couldn't so back to texty thing again.

Spurs Leave Blades Blunt

Spurs gave Sheffield Utd a hard time of it today with goals from Ewerthon(17) and D'Alessandro(35) in a 2-0 victory. Spurs were pretty much camped in and around Uniteds penalty box with Sheffields goalkeeper Craig Gallacher probably feeling like he was under fire. Sheffields defence and goalkeeper deserve a lot of credit because there midfield and strikers being posted as missing for much of the match and with only two attempts at goal they will have to become a bit more attack minded to survive this season.

Spurs: Westerveld, Kleber, Alex, Hofland, Mabizela, Hitzelsperger(Richardson 71), Landzaat, Kallon, D'Alessandro(Buffel75), Ewerthon, Keane(Love 75)

MOTM: D'Alessandro

I have to agree with that chap on texty, we did play well and i ddon't know a great deal about footie but if it was poker i'd have a royal flush and sheffield would probably have had a pair of 2's at best. There manager Nigel, Neil or somebody errrr Warnock, Nigel or Neil Warnock is a top chap because he brought me a few beers to put in my chair in the dugout. I tell you somethin that chair is great and i gave old Warnock the boys number so he can get himself one.

Anyway have a good weekend folks and remember it's 2 for 1 dances at Big Mamma's

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Wed 23rd Sep 09

Hi chaps and chapettes, it's me Hugo. Just nipped on to give you my take on tonights game against Juventus in the Champions League.

I know i normally use texty thing or the tinternet but for a change i made some notes at the game so i can say what i think.

Now then, we lost 1-0 but we was robbed, some boy called pingu no sorry, pinga scored a goal after 5 or 6 mins with that bunch of pizza lovin numptys only shot that was near our boy westerveld. He shouldn't be paid for only having one thing to do and messing up but apparently it's not the done thing to fine him for it. We had more than ten shots and we didn't score at all so i suppose the strikers need glasses. My boy Ewerthon was probably the player who came closest but close isn't good enough. We gave them a good hammering but thems the breaks.

I would point out though that old Ono chap saying the day before the game that if he doesn't play he's off. Miserable we so and so. He gets paid for sitting on the bench what else does he want, life is a breeze. I'd love to get piad what he does although he has to sit on the crappy plastic seats where as i've got my nice heated number.

Anyway i'm off to my kip cos none of the lads have any cash so poker is off for tonight.


Team vs Juve

Westerveld, Kleber, Upson, King, Mabizela, Hitzelsperger, Nolan (Geremi 68), Kallon, D'Alessandro, Ewerthon, Keane(Stead 72)

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Sun 27th Sep 09

Hey lads and Ladettes,

We had a tough game today against the newly promoted QPR at Lofty Rd, crackin place for a few beers and a bit of gambling.

Anyway me and old gauston had a chat and decided that the majority of the boys who played Juve deserved a wee rest so we changed the team around a bit.

The line up was:

Robinson, Gardener, Hofland, King, Stalteri, Bierkofa, Ono, Wright-Phillips, Guarin, Stead, Aruna

Subbies: Westerveld, Mabizela, Richardson, Geremi, Adu

The game was an early one for me 12.30. I don't normally get oot ma kip until 11am but needs must and all that.

I'm again going to use my own wee notes from the game because the tinternet place costs me a fortune.

The game was a fairly end to end wee battle with QPR doing most of the attacking for the first 10 minutes but not really putting anything near big Paul in goals.

After 26 mins we broke the deadlock when a swift break up the park ended with Aruna playing a good pass through to big staedy boy and he battered the baw into the onion bag. The game then got a tad scrappy and old canadian stalteri gave away a pen which thankfully big Paul got a hand on to. The game then pretty much went back n forth until the 86th min when Aruna again played a nice wee dinked pass through to Aga Adu and he rounded the goalie and tapped it home. Then in the final moments when QPR were trying to get a goal we again hit them witha sucker punch. Freddy Guarin played took a long throw which landed on the noogin of Aruna who put it into the corner of the net. 3-0 and everyone was happy even me cos my mum phoned to say she coming to stay for a week so that means i'll get a half decent tea for a change.

Oh i forgot to say, i'm now in my own place, i kinda miss the old dear in the b and b. She done a great fry up.

Anyway onwards wee march and all that.

See ya.


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Wed 14th Oct 09

Howdy parteners,

I'm sorry i've been a bit lax on the old diary but with the international fixtures goiing on i've been having a short break. Old Gauston, Rudi Vollborn and a few buds went off to Spain for the weekend to relax.

Anyway i'm sure all you fans are dying to hear my take on todays result against Basle in the Champions League.

We were going into the game after the 1-0 defeat at home to Juve hoping for a positive outcome in this game. Kirky Whitelock gave old gauston a report saying that there defence was slow and not so good at dealing with whipped crosses and high balls. We decided that we would go with pace and power and with a attacking attitude.

The team line up was:


Stalteri ----- King - Hofland - Gardener


S.W-Phillips - Hitzelsperger - Bierkofa

-----------Keane --------- Stead

We started off well and scored after 3 mins with a good run and shot from Bierkofa. The pattern seemed to be set and we pretty much bombarded there penalty box with crosses and high balls in the hope old Steady would win the headers. After 19 mins Stead controlled a cross from Hitzelsperger and hit a low shot past Basle's goalkeeper to make it 2-0.

After that period of good footie we seemed to switch off and we conceded a crap goal to a boy called Schwegler or something like that. That left us 2-1 up at half time.

H/T i gave the boys a promise that i'd get the first round in if we won this game by 2 clear goals. I was rather disappointed to find out that old Steady had picked up a knock so Aga Adu was sent on to replace him.

2nd Half was a bit of a boring number until Pat knocked in a 16 yard strike for Basle to make it 2-2. The bleepin bleeep bleep bleep scored and it looked like a bad state of affairs until the ever willing Robbie Keane beat 2 men and slid the ball under the goalie to give us back the lead. I love that laddie. Then 3mins into injury time, Kallon who came on for Wright-Phillips got round the back to latch onto another well flighted pass from Hitzelsperger to nod home the 4th.

4-2 and yet another round of beers i owe the boys.

Gauston was a bit annoyed with the sloppyness of the defence at times bit hey ho a wins a win in my book.

On the other news of this week i've decided that it's time for those scout boys to earn some of there wages for a change and look at players that can come in to make my round at the bar more expensive in january they've come up with a list of 3 players who look worth some of the 57mil i've got to spend.

DaMarcus Beasley(Everton) good winger on either side.

Christian-Schultz Peterson(Aab) Scored 10 in 10 and is a bright prospect at 22yrs old according to Gauston.

David Foster(Middlesbrough) Central midfielder who has shown maturity beyond his years at the age of 21 and looks like a possible long term replacement for Hitzlesperger.

I'll chat with Gauston as he is good at picking guys who'll fit in to the setup and we'll see what happens.

Anyway goodnight from and from Bunny who i met a hot honeys bar in Malaga.


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15th 0ct 09

Just a quick addition to mi old diary boyz n girlsh....

I'm in a sports bar in Edinburgh having a few beershhh wi a few buds.

I've just beannn called by Charlotte Cowie, ha ha her name is COWie. I thought she wash phonin to tell me she's beenz in luv wi me for yearshhh.

She boned to say tha wright-phillllips is out for 4 weeks wi broken ribs. Ummm ribs barbeque ribs YUMMY, and D'Alessandro is out for a week so he mishes the game against arsenol.

Must go it's Chucks round.

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18th Oct 09


Hugo the hungover here. Oh my noggin hurts like hell. I spent a few days at home with some mates and oh i drunk some.

Anyway down to business. Today we played Arsenal at the Emirates stadium.

I chatted or shopuld i say listened to Old Gaustons views on how to approach the game because he watches Arsenal a lot. He felt that we should adopt a counter attacking approach like we have done in previous seasons with good affect. We decided that a 4-5-1 with fast wingers was the way to go.

The team lined up as





The game started well for us and we had a good control over the midfield and created numerous openings but we just couldn't find the onion bag. Arsenal didn't really get at us at all but Gauston always says if you don't take your chances while there coming you are in deep doo doo. The 1st half ended 0-0.

The 2nd half was a bit of a mare we seemed to struggle to gain the same control as we had in trhe 1st half and we eventually suffered. Thierry Henry done something he rarely does apparently, score with his noggin. It was a good whipped ball from the corner and Henry sliiped Upson and nodded home.

Then it got worse, Richardson who was playing well was tackled rather brutally by Lauth and had to be carried off.

That was it for us we fell apart, King gave away possesion on the half way line and Gilberto gave the ball to Viera who hit a belter from 30 yards which beat Robbo all ends up.

The only consolation was that Robbie Keane came on and got a consolation goal with 2mins to go.

The main worry after the game was that Richardson had been taken to hospital and i've since found out the lads got a broken leg and will be out for the best part of a year.

Hopefully me and the boys can nip to the hospital to see how many burdz he's chatted up on thursday after the League Cup game against Ipswich.

Til next time take care of yourselfs and each other.


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21st Oct 09

Hi Di Ho Folks.

Just a quick report from me today.

League cup game tonight was a toughie. Ipswich played well and we were lucky to take the game to extra time and then thankfully win.

Team was much changed and that showed.

Line Up:


Stalteri, Alex, Hofland, Gardener

Geremi, Landzaat, Trochowski


Love, Adu


Ips - J.Scotland(12mins)

Spurs - Landzaat(50mins pen), Bierkofa(94mins), Buffel(113mins)

I'm delighted to have went through as our record in the league cup has benn pretty poor over the last 5 years.

Nighty, night


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24th Oct 09


Hugo here again with another brief update. If you seen todays game you'll know why. It was crap.

Before i get to that i have news on teh cup draw and Kieron Richardson.

The cup draw gave us Blackburn away.

Kieron looks like he'll miss 8/9 months of footie but on the bright side he has scored about 8 dates with some young hotties at the Hospital. I taught that lad well.

The game today at home to Villa was a boring affair if i didn't have my heated chair and a few beers i would have fallen asleep.

We tried hard but just couldn't get the ball past Sorenson who seemed to be in the right place all the time and for that he got MOTM. I think Ewethon would have pulled his hair out if he had any after trying everything to get past Sorenson.

The team was again much changed from the cup game.






It just happen today at all, anyway must dash. I'm taking Dolly to the airprt and packing her back off to Spain. Clingy women is the last thing i need when there appears to be loads of hotties at the hospital.

Cheerio and bye di bye for just now


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27th Oct 09

Hey, how you doin?

That line never seems to work these day. The nurses just laughed and said it was so 9 years ago.

Any suggestions for new pick up lines, send them my way.

Anyway down to the point and yet again it's not good. I'm out here in Switzerland and it's freezin. Now you'll already have read that we were gubbed 3-0 by Basle and that we appear to be hitting a bit of a sticky patch of late but don't you worry i have a plan.

The game was a nightmare from start to finish. We were late in getting to the stadium because of the rain which was chuckin it down and our driver was doing his "driving ms daisy" impression.

Anyway into the game.

Line up:






The game was a nightmare and the pitch didn't help at all. Although in fairness we were absolutely hopeless and a poor excuse for a football team.

The first goal was from Weber who beat Hofland to a long ball over the top before slotting past Robbo.

The second was from Carignano who somehow got past Gardener and chipped Robbo who was left brutally exposed and the third was a free kick from the same man. The wall seemed to break and again Robbo was left helpless.

I think i'll be meeting with Gauston over the weekend to discuss what we can do to halt the slide and hold on to our league title hopes and the chance to go through to the next phase of the champions league.

Anyway i'm signing off for the evening and i'm off to see what the local talent is like.

PS. Mum phone me if you want anything from duty free.

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28th Oct 09

Just a quick bit of news:

The swiss burdz like the "how you doin?" chat up line. Wooooo Hoooo

Oh and we've just signed Gary Anderson a young central midfielder from Southampton for 1.7mil.

He is a talented lad according to old Gauston and should become a regular in the first xi next season with a bit of luck.

See ya

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1st Nov 09

Fulham away

Well folks how are we?

I'm fantastic.

Today was like a breathe of fresh air.

Okay, i'll cut to the chase.

We were down at Fulham this avo and we came away with a good performance and best of all a 3-0 victory.

Before the game we all had a chat about what we wanted from this season. I've explained to the boys that i'd like this season to be the best we've had because i've decided i'm going to go when my contract expires in the summer.

The players seemed a bit shocked but they understand my reasons.

Anyway we started the game brilliantly and were in fromt after 2mins. The goal was one of the best we've scored this season.

After some nice build up play from King, Guarin and Kleber they shifted the ball to Hitzelsperger who delivered a luuuvely cross and Ewerthon controlled the ball on his chest before smashing home a lovely volley from 11 yards. Beautiful stuff.

It then got even better because in the 6th minute Bierkofa collected a kick out from Robbo and beat his man and cut the ball back to Ewerthon who knocked home his second of the game.

The team then just played keep ball for the majority of the game but in the 39th min Robbie Keane was rather cruelly hacked down 22 yards from goal and had to be subbed for Love. The free kick on a happier note was blated home by Hitzelsperger to make it 3-0.

Fulham seemed happy just to keep the score down and the game was more like an exhibition match for us, with Ewerthon, Kallon and Bierkofa showing some delightful skills as the game went on.

3-0 against a Fulham team who were on a decent run of late was a good result and hopefully we are back on track.

The only downside is Robbie Keane is out for 2 weeks with a groin problem.

Anyway i'm off out on the lash to celebrate a victory with Gauston.

Be safe.


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4th Nov 09


Well folks, you may have heard on the radio today that i picked up a knock whilst watching the boys train today but don't worry i'm fine. I just tripped over the 8 cans of lager that i'd bought for the trip up to Blackburn.

I enjoy th away games, a nice trip on the bus witha few beers and taking some of the players kudos off them in the card games n that.

When we got up to Blackburn some nonce of a reporter tried to accuse me of not taking Blackburn seriously because i'd brought my reserve 11 as he called it. I told him to get to **** and to get a real job.

I take every game seriously, well as seriously as i take anything and it is the league cup if you know what i mean. It's not as if the sponsors give me anything and even the fans think it's a bit crap. Anyway blackburn are bottom of division 1 so i'd hope my under 19's would beat them, never mind my reserves.

Anywway to the game.

My line up was a bit weaker than the guys i put out for an EPL or CL game but that's up to me.






The 1st half was a bit of a sluggish affair with nothing really happening and i thanked go that i'd kept 2 cans in my pockets because it was a bit chilly. Just as i cracked open my 1st can about 25mins in and was eyeing up any totty that might be around i noticed that everyone started cheering. Nicolas Jensen had scored, i'm not sure how but he did, probably offside. Anyway i gave a wee shout to Ono and got him to switch positions with Anderson. It seemed to work a bit better with Ono starting to run the show as such. The 1st half ended 1-0 to Blackburn but i wasn't overly worried.

The 2nd half was a lot better for us with us managing to turn the game round and start beating these huddies like we should have been doing from the off. After 49 mins Jimenez played a one-two with Ono and then hit a inch perfect paas on to Adu who curled it round the goalie and into the onion bag. Time for another beer and o get the feet up i thought and i was right when in the 54th minute Love beat Jensen not once, not twice but three times and then pulled the ball back for Adu who cracked the ball in to the net. Luuuvelly stuff. I then went upstairs to watch the rest of the game because they bench was making my butt go numb. The game then died gracefully and we walked away 2-1 winners. Nice!

I don't remember the journey home because i had a kip but i just got a text to say Aruna is injured, ligament strain or something so he's out for 2/3 weeks but Kamara is due back within the next 10 days so it's not all bad.

Anyway i'm off to my kip.


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18th Nov 09

Good morning, It's 3am and i'm shattered. Just got in from tonights game and a trip to the pub and the late night bakers. They do crackin sausage rolls and cheese and onion pasties.

Before i cut to tonights game i'll bring you up to speed with other goings on at the club.

In the cup we got Raeding at home, a good draw i think as they are 16th in div 1 at the moment.

Secondly Diomansy Kamara and Wright-Phillips have both returned from long term injuries.

Righteo, tonights game or yesterdays game if you want to be picky.

Valencia in the Cl at home.

I fancied our chances before the game because there form has been patchy all season 2 points in the CL group stages and 10th in the Spanish league.

I put out a strong team with a attacking formation.

Line up:






The first half was pretty good with end to end stuff but thankfully we got the lead after just 5 mins through Keane. Bierkofa beat Angulo to the ball in midfield and put Robbie clean through and as Robbie normally does, he put it in the onion bag. Valencia then went close through a vicente shot that just went past Robbo's left hand post. Keane then replied instantly with a nice feint, fooling his marker before he battered a 20 yarder of the bar. It was proving to be a good game. The main talking point of the game will probably be the penalty we got on 27mins. Ewerthon was bearing down on goal and Radoiput out a leg and tripped him. The alencia staff were shouting at me but i ain't got a scooby what they were greetin about.

Thankfully Kallon stepped up and blasted it home. The first half didn't go totally our way, Upson made a poor clearance which fell staright to Jankulovski who blasted home from 20 yards.


I told the boys at half time just to keep it up and i also told Upson that if in doubt, punt it out.

The second half was pretty much the same as the first, end to end. Both teams had good chances and squandered them with the main numpty being Vicente of Valencia. He should have scored from 6 yards but screwed his shot wide, which was lucky for us. Then we got another bit of luck when Stead who had come on for Keane with 15mins to go, won a header which left Ewerthon one on one with the goalie and he just calmly rounded him before cheeckly back heeling the ball into the net.

Full Time 3-1

After the game i took the boys down the pub for a few jars to celebrate us being through to the next stage with a game to spare, hence the gettin in late.

Anyway i'm going to have another beer and my sausage roll and pastie.

Night all


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21st Nov 09

Hi di ho,

Hows everyone doing? That's dandy.

I'm cutting straight to the chasetonight folks as i'm in a stinking mood because my microwave is knackered, flippin piece of crap.

Todays Line Up against Sunderland(A):






This game was horrendous, absolute crap just like my microwave.

The 1st half was more like a rugby match with more shots going over the bar than a johnny wilkinson practise session. The only upside came after 42 mins when Guarin played a short free kick to Hofland who hit a low shot that took a deflection before nestling into the centre of the net.

The 2nd half produced more goals but they all came through sloppy play. Sunderland equalised through Hayward who basically walked through my crap excuse for a defence a sloteed past Robbo. Then to make matters worse Whitehead put Sunderland in front after 66 mins when he was given all the space in the world to nod home a cross from Hayward. Old Gauston looked like he was going to explode and i was still waiting for the repair folk to phone me back. The usless good for nothing ****. Then finally we got something right, Love who came on for Stead, won a free kick 22 yards out and then picked himself up to curl a beautiful shot into the top corner with just 4 mins left.

The game ended 2-2. Gauston who is normally very easy going went menatl when the players came back in while i was going mental at that numpty from Curry's who said i can't get my microwave repaired until Monday.

Anyway i need to go now because i need to get some take away.

Have a good weekend.

Hugo icon_mad.gif

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25th Nov 09


sorry but that numpty still hasn't been and fixed my microwave and to top that the local offy has been shut for 3 days because the guy who does the night shift has been sick, thje useless pillocks can't get any other staff. Arghhhhhhhhh.

Anyway to tonights game against Reading in the League Cup.

The stadium wasn't all that busy and a £45 a ticket i wonder why icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway i decided during the week after consultation with Old Gauston and Paul Conroy that i'd let some of the Younger boys have a go tonight to see if they were up to much.

The guys that we brought in were:

DC-Lee Dennis - England U21 regular and captain of the reserve team.

AML-Helvio - 21 year old Guinea international who joined on a free at the start of the season.

ST-Leandro - Brazilian U21 who has a cracking left peg and is faster than...... well just really fast.

ST-Raulin - French U21 who has a similar playing style to guys like Defoe and Gilardino.

AMR-Grosbahs - Latvian U21 who can also play in the AMC role, tricky little so and so and has a good eye for a pass.

The team line up:


Mabizela - Dennis - Upson - Stalteri


Wright-Phillips - Geremi - Helvio

Love - Leandro

Reading started off the better team in the 1st half, going close on 3 occasions and showing that they weren't going to be pushed about by the young guns. Then late in the first half Matt Murray fouled Zola in the box, thankfully he made up for it by saving the panalty from Gareth Lee.

The 2nd half was played at a better tempo by ourselves and the young guys started to show a bit more class. Especially Helvio ho was giving the Reading defence a torrid time by beating his man and whipping crosses in. It was fom one of those wicked crosses that we gained the corner that lead to our goal. Wright-Phillips took the corner and flighted it deep into the penalty box , Upson rose like a salmon and thundered a unstopable header past Ben Williams to make it 1-0.

I then brought on Raulin and Grosbahs for Love and Wright-Phillips. Leandro and Grosbahs both went close during the last 10mins and Geremoi hit a wonderful shot that clipped the bar and went over.

The game ended 1-0 with all the younger guys having good solid performances. Although i thin the main man out of them all was Helvio who stepped up in the 2nd half and showed that he can start pushing the guys like Bierkofa and Trochowski for a 1st team slot.

Anyway i'm off to phone yet another take away, that's if i can find a decent one taht also delivers beer as well.

Have a good un folks and my next diary will be up after the game against Watford(A) on the 28th Nov.



PS - If anyone has any tips on good take aways that deliver beer, levae me a msg on here, Cheers.

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28th Nov 09

Oh, my go what a belter of a hangover. I've always liked the odd pint but i got friendly with some bar staff and ended up in a lock in last night that wnet on til 6am this morning.

Anyway i just looked at my last diary and we weren't playing Watford today. We had Man City at home.

Now my report of the game will be short beacuse my head is bangin.

Oh and while i remember anything, we got Birmingham away in the semis of the league cup.

Todays game then:

Team Sheet:






The game started off well for us with us going close twice in the first 5mins through Keane and Kleber but close doesn't get you goals does it. The first half carried on along the same lines and by half time we should have been 3 or 4 up instead of 0-0. I checked with the gauston and we reckon that we had 9 decent efforts to Man City's one.

Anyway we got the boys in at half time and told them to carry on the same way but to work the goalie a lot more. We also told Ewerthon to try and drag his marker out into wide areas to leave more gaps.

The second half was a lot better and finally we got a goal. D'Alessandro, the guy is as skillful a player as i've ever seen. He controlled a long pass from Mabizela on his chest before turning, beating his man and unleashing a absolute belter of a shot from 25 yards which beat the goalie all ends up. Flippin beautiful stuff. He then made the game safe for us on 65mins after getting on the end of a nice cross from Bierkofa to just tap home from 8 yards.

The game ended 2-0 with D'Alessandro getting a well earned bottle of Champers for his MOTM performance.

Anyway that's enough from me, i'm off to my kip with a bucket and some sort of head ache crap.

Night all

Hungover Hugo

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1st Dec 09

Only 24 sleeps til Crimbo, yipppeeee.

I love crimbo, the food at ma's is good and the beers always on flow so lets get the next few weeks out the way and look forward to a nice day off.

I suppose i better buy some prezzies while i'm here in Turin.

Anyway enough babbling by me, you lot want footie news.

FA Cup draw for the 3rd ound so us drawn away to Fulham. Tough tie but it could have been worse.

Anyway tonights game against Juve, what can i say i'm delighted.

Winning 1-0 away, brilliant.

The Line Up:






I figured i'd rest a few players because we were through anyway and we have some important league games coming up.

The game as a whole was a scrappy affair that was played in midfield for 78mins of the game with both teams only having 2 efforts on goal.

Then with a absolute master stroke by me and old gauston we chucked on Ewerthon and Bierkofa in place of Wright-Phillips and Aruna. In 87mins Juve won a corner which Alex cleared and Bierkofa caught just before it rolled out on the left hand side. He then beat Fabian Ernst and played a lovely pass that sent Ewerthon bearing down on Buffon. Ewerthon should the skill which made me bring him here 3 years ago by rolling the ball past Buffon and running round the other side to tap the ball home. Sweet as a nut baby.

Juve's players didn't even mount a decnt fightback in the last 4 minsand we walked away with a 1-0 win. Flippin Superb.

I've sent the boys out for a quick beer before we head home because they deserve it.

I have to give a special mention to Alex and Kevin Nolan who haven't played to many games this season but they were both superb tonight.

Anyway i'm off to the bar to join my boys.

Cheers folks

Happy Hugo icon_smile.gif

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5th Dec 09

Howdy folks,

Firstly my micro has finally been fixed. Yahooooooo! food at long last and secondly i have a date tonight with a young hotty called Holly who was on our flight back from Turin. NICE!

I'll get my thoughts etc about todays game out of the way and then i'll go and press my lime green suit, it's the absolute damage. She'll be eating out of the palm of my hand when she see's this baby.

Anyway, Leeds away.

I've always found Leeds to be a nice trip but i've never got a clue what these yorkshire folk are saying. Ach well, they were probably abusing me anyway so who cares.

Starting 11 today were:






The scouts who had seen Leeds before had said that they struggled against pace and we have a fair bit of that in our front 3.

The game went as planned, 18mins in we were 1-0 up with Ewerthon latching on to a Robbie Keane pass and rounding the goalie to make it 1-0.

Now this is where my problem is at the moment, we don't kill teams off and sooner or later we'll get caught out whilst holding a 1-0 lead.

Anyway the game was all one way traffic and after 79min the 2 subbies linked together to score the second goal of the game. Love and Kamara played a neat one, two before love slotted the ball under the goalie and into the net.

2-0 at Full Time and another 3 points in the bag.

Anyway, I'm off out to meet Holly. I'll let you all know how i got on later in the week.

Cheers folks and wish me good luck.


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7th Dec 09

Hey chaps n chapettes just a quick update on things.

Man Utd could only manange a draw against Villa which means we are 2 pts behind.

Barcelona have sacked Michael Laudrup and i have decided to apply for the job. I'm not sure if i'd take it if i was offered it but who knows.

Finally my date. It didn't go well at all. Holly was horrible to me, she said that i need to get out of the darkages and update my bag a bit.

She reckons the suit is a honker.

She isn't into the "how you doin?" line

She reckons it's wrong that i drunk 10 pints and burped the alphabet.

She also reckons that i've not found my inner man yet, whatever that means.

The final insult was when she said that Old Spice had went out of fashion nearly 20 years ago.

I decide during our meal to then make the most of it and order a few bottles of moet to go and legged it while she went to the bog. That'll teach the miserable moooooo.

Hugo out

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9th Dec 09

How you all doin?

I'm good, they bottles of moet went down a treat i'll tell ya. Although when i woke up there was some weird crap on the walls, think i might have hueyed so i've hired a cleaner. I've not met her yet but she sounds nice enough.

Anyway this avo's game against Liverpool(H) was biggy so i filled my chair up with a few lagers and a chicken tikka sandwich to make sure i was sound as a pound during the game.

The team for today was:






The press were saying that this game could be one of the biggest we'd play this season. Total crap they talk.

1st Half:

The game started in nearly the worst possible way. Our old striker Defoe cracked a shot off the post for Liverpool within 30secs, not so good me was thinkin. Then we settled in a bit and the game was ticking away nicely with both teams having good possesion but not a lot in the areas that count until, Hitzelsperger managed to get down the left wing and hit a hard cross towards the 6 yard box and forced Harrison to parry the ball out the the edge of the area. Luis Garcia then tried to passs the ballback to Harrison but he hadn't got up and the ball rolled into the net. Flukey as hell but thems the breaks.

The game then fell into place for us because for some odd reason Liverpool started humpin the ball up the park towards Defoe so Upson won every single ball in the air due to his physical advantage over Defoe. This gave us loads of posseion and just before H/T we made it count. Robbie Keane beat Riise on the left hand side and drove towards goal, drawing out Harrison before he clamly knocked it back to Ewerthon to make it 2-0. F***** brilliant.

H/T was a easy number, just told the players not to do anything daft and to try and hit Liverpool on the counter because they'd go for goals.

2nd Half:

Liverpool tried pounding us in the first 10mins of the half but with no joy because the back 4 were immense. Then on the 58min mark we broke up the left with Kallon and he came inside and hit a good shot that was going close but on it's way Ewerthon touched it ever so slightly and the touch took it past Harrison. 3 nixie. I couldn't ask for more. The only bad spot on the game for us was in the 86th minute when Liverpool got a corner which was whipped in and Marquez headed home to make it 3-1. Shame for Robbo but 3-1 is still a crackin result.

After the game i told the boys that they could have sun and mon off for there hard work. They seemed to like that.

Daniel Levy even gave me a wee call to say how delighted was that we had won. Strange man but nice of him. He even invited me out for dinner, i gracefully declined. It's all to posh for me. That and i was nice and comfortable sat in my heated chair in the empty stadium having a few beers and listening to the beach boys.

I've just had a look at the fa's website and i see that we are also top of the league.

***Spurs 16 games 37 points

Man Utd 15 games 36 points

Arsenal 17 games 32 points

Aston Villa 17 games 31 points.

Anyway i'm off out for a game of poker and a well deserved beer witha few buds that are down from Scotland for the weekend so i'll catch up with all you lovely readers on wed night after the Leicester game.

Hugo happy chappy

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12th Dec 09

The boys were all back in training yesterday and today before the Leicester game and they all seemed in high spirits so i was glad that i'd given them 2 days off just to chill and thankfully none of them are the type of chaps who get caught out and about in nightclubs at all hours. In fact over the years i think there have been more stories about me than any of my players.

Anyway Leicester at home. These games are the ones that have to be won to make sure you have a chance of the title.

The line up:






This game was never going to be the most glamour filled game due to Leicester current position. We figured they'd fight like mad and probably be happy with a point.

1st Half:

This was a game as expected, we had the majority of the ball and they tried to hit us on the break. Thankfully we have a strong defence so i wasn't overly concerned by being caught out in that manner.

We went ahead after 41mins and in rather odd fashion. Hitzelsperger done what he does best and whipped in a dangerous cross from deep and it the ball seemed to deflect of Matt Heath's shoulder and over his goalie and into the net. 2 og's in our favour in 2 games. It's not the best way to score but i'll take goals anyway i can get them.

Half Time 1-0 up.

The boys were told at H/T to play a up tempo passing game and to keep the ball as much as possible because Leicester wouldn't throw too many players forward but the would be looking for set pieces to make use of there height advantage.

2nd Half:

The boys were outstanding and done exactly what was asked of them. They played a good possesion game and made sure they didn't give away any silly free kicks in dangerous areas. They then got the rewards of there nice flowing pass and move game with goal in the 78th minute from Stead who followed up a shot from subbie Buffel to make it 2-0. A few of the Leicester boys were givin the goalie a bit of jip but i've seen a quick replay and the ball moved a lot so there goalie done well just to get a hand to Buffel's shot in my opinion.

Anyway 2-0 final score and we are keeping the pressure on Man Utd to win there game in hand.

I'm not sure if you interested but i'll post the top scorers and assists men at some point and who i think the players of the season so far have been.

Cheers and have a good night


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13th Dec 09

Just a wee bit of my diary that i said i'd do around this time of year.

The season so far as such.

Best players in the EPL so far in my opinion have been(not including spurs)


Kelvin Davis - Ipswich

Thomas Sorenson - Aston Villa


Daniel Leacock - Fulham

Alberto Lopo - Charlton


Sean Davis - Newcastle

Milidrag Maric - QPR


Angelos Chirasteas - Fulham

Filipe Oliveira - Leeds

Best in the Champions League so far: (again not including my own lads)

Top 3 are:

Xabi Alonso - Milan

Aslan Kemal - Fenerbache

Ryan Babel - Ajax

Now to my lot:

Top 3 scorers so far:

Ewerthon 11

Keane 8

D'Alessandro 5


Keane 6

Ewerthon 6

Bierkofa 4

My player of the season so far from my own boys is probably ................ ach in all honesty i don't know they've all been great. I'll let the fans decide that one at the end of the season.

Anyway i'm off for now so have a good day and i'll be on after our next match.


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good read

watch out for burdz fae scotland

they tend to bite londoners

give them some bicardy breezers

that tends to settle them down for good night

look forward to your next post

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16th Dec 09

Hi di ho folks,

It's flippin freezin.

I'll give you the latest news before i chat about tonights game.

Denny Landzaat is out for 2 weeks after pulling his groin in training. HA Ha Pulling his groin, the old ones are the best.

Tonights game - Ipswich (A)

Line Up:






It was a brilliant match even though we lost 3-2. It was a game for the neutrals as they say. The game was based on all out attack from both us and Ipswichand they were deadlier in front of goal.

1st Half:

They were 2-0 up after 19mins with a double from David Sanchez. I was spewin but the way the game was going i always fancied us to get at least 1 goal back. After 29 mins my faith in my team came through. Freddy Guarin got the ball 30 yards out after Davis punched clear and he let rip with a shot that was never going to be saved. 2-1 and things were looking up. Then after 39mins Ewerthon made things look even brighter when he got a toe to D'Alessandro's corner and the ball trickled over the line. 2-2 and the momentum seemed to be with us.


The team were pretty upbeat but we were still giving Ipswich chances and i asked King to stay tight on Sanchez because his movement seemed to be the main cause of problems for us.

2nd HALF:

The second half became more of a tactical game with both teams going for a goal but not in the same "throw the kitchen sink" way of the first half. Unfortunately for us Gary Duncan slipped his marker to head home from 4 yards. It was a good delivery into the box by Sanchez but i think Guarin probably should have been tighter on Duncan.


3-2 defeat but i'm still upbeat about our chances of winning the league. Although the next 4 or 5 games will decide if that belief is worth having.

Enjoy your evening


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19th Dec 09

Crimbo's getting nearer and i can't wait to head home to ma's to get a good dinner and a few beers. All the microwave meals i've been munching have given me a bit of a belly. Not good for pulling the young hotties.

Todays game - Coventry(H)







I was hoping we'd get back on the winning road again today and we did witha strong 3-0 win over a Coventry team who came to sit in and try to get a draw by the looks of things. We had total control of the game for 90mins and if it hadn't been for somme brave defending by there boys it could have been a cricket score.

It took us 38mins to get the goal and it had a touch of luck to it. Geremi collected a low driven corner on the edge of the box and hit a shot which seemed to hit 2 players befoer finding it's way into the net. It was the goal we needed to make coventry come out a bit more.

The half time talk was about keeping up the pressure and trying to get a 2nd goal to kill the game.

It was the 62nd minute when the "HAMMER" Hitzelsperger blastde home a shot from 20 yards that seemed to go through the goalies legs. 2-0 up and i was hoping that would lead to the opening of the flood gates but it didn't. We only got one more goal through subbie Trochowski who hit a sweet curling shot from the edge of the area to make it 3-0 and game, set and match.

It was a good win and 3 goals are always welcome but i honestly feel we should have got more. Nevermind eh.

Anyway i'm signing off until after crimbo when our next game is Charlton away. At least we don't have to travel far.

Have a great crimbo.


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26th Dec 09

Oh my belly hurts, eyes are bigger than belly. Mum xmas dinner was the absolute tops, Cheers.

Crimbo was great at home and i hoped that when i arrived back in London this morning to be with the lads we'd follow that up with a good win over my buddy Martin O'Neill's Charlton.

We didn't, we got beat 3-1 and a few of the boys looked a bit jaded and tired. Crimbo is a stressful time so i suppose i can excuse this defeat.

The team:






We started off well enough and got our only goal after 14 mins. Stead, D'Alessandro and Hitzelsperger played a nice little move down the left before Stead slid the ball through to Ewerthon who slotted home from 8 yards.

Then it all went wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

On 20mins Andy Reid whipped over a good cross and as Alex jostled with Rob Burton it came of his head and flew into the net. Very Unlucky but it was only 1-1. Then in the space following 8mins we were beat. Rob Bourton scored on 23mins and then to make sure they had us down and out Gary Fraser headed home on 26mins from another Andy Reid cross.

The 2nd half isn't even worth mentioning as we just couldn't get going. 3-1 Charlton and pretty damaging result to our hopes of the title.

The only bit of good news was that Man Utd only got a draw this avo.

After the game i had a few beers with Martin O'Neill and talked about the rest of the season and players we'd be looking at in the summer. While we were chatting i got a call to say Denny Landzaat had picked up a ankle injury that the doc thought would take a few weeks to heal. Another piece of crap news to add to a crap day.

Oh well.

I'm off for now. My next report will be on the 29th Dec - Birmingham(H). Here is hoping that we can get a good result before New Year.


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29th Dec 09

Hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go, with a shovel and spade and a hand grenade hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho........

I'm in a great mood today folks. New Year is coming and i get to head home for a few days to see the boyz and have a few beers. Flippin Super!

I'm also happy with todays game.








The game was gerat from the 1st minute. Hitzelsperger got the ball from kick off played a one two with Kamara and then hit a shot which deflected of Martin Taylor and into the net. Get In!!!!!!

Then to add to my happiness Hitzelsperger cracked home a great free kick from 25 yards to put us 2-0 up after 17mins. The final and killer touch was after 23mins from Aruna. Hesprinted away from the Birmingham defence after a long ball from Guarin and he slotted it under the goalie for 3-0.

I tell you, the beers were out of the cooler and Hugo boy here was just sitting back and enjoying the game.

The only failing or us in the game came after 65mins when Heskey sneaked through our defence and smashed the ball past Westerveld. It's not a huge concern but goal difference can come into play and the more clean sheets you keep the better.

3-1 and a happy Hugo i was.

After the game i had a few jars with the ladz and now i'm going to pack a bag and head home for New Year.

Have a cracking new year folks and i'll be on when i get back on the 1st of Jan 10.


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1st Jan 10

oooohhhhhhhhh my head. Drink is great when your drinking it but when you stop the pain, the pain is o so bad. I always feel like this on New Years day but i suppose that's what i get for going home to see the boyz.

A special mention to Davey Ross who done a few things he will never be able to forget. Top Bloke you are mate and J.R hope the 5mins spent watching big james singing won't haunt you for life bud.

Anyway, the things that happened while i was at home.

Good News:

Freddy Guarin won the goal of the month for his goal against Ipswich.

Great News:

D'Alessandro won a few awards while i was away.

They are:

World Footballer of the year

European player of the year

European midfielder of the year.

well done son. Top bloke winning top awards that were fully deserved.

Bad News:

I got back this morning to find that Denny Landzaat who is retiring at the end of the season, has done more damage to his ankle than first thought and he is getting an op today that will keep him out for at least 4 months. I'm hoping he'll be fit for the run in. I hopew you'll all join me in wishing him good luck today and a swift recovery.

Anyway i'm off to speak to Gauston about our FA Cup game against Fulham.



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2nd Jan 10

Before i cut to todays game - Fulham(A) in the FA Cup.

I have 2 pieces of exclusive news for you all.

1. We have signed Mikael Landreau(GK) from Nantes on a pre-contract agreement

2. We have also signed DaMarcus Beasley(AMRL) from Everton on a pre-contract agreement.

2 excellent signings for whoever takes over my role at the club at the end of the season. I'd also like to make it clear that i am firmly putting my support behind Old Gauston's application because he has served his time as my assistant and if i'm honest he's taught me 99% of what i know about management.

Anyway, to todays game aginst Fulham who were the FA Cup holders but not anymore. 5-0 was the result and i'm flippin delighted. 5-0 gainst any EPL team is a great result especially away from home in such a important cup game.

The game was a joy for me to watch and a nightmare for anyone connected with Fulham.

The Line up had 2 of the young lads who have benn doing weel for the reserves in it and they fully justified there inclusion.







My idea was to put Stewart and Raulin beside good experienced pros so they could be talked through the game.

The game started like a dream for us and especially oung Raulin. After just 2mins Nolan had a shot which came back off the bar and Raulin done what all good strikers should, and followed up to pop the ball home.

The game was then swinging towards Fulham until 25mins in Djimi Traore, who had already picked up a yellow for a foul on Wright-Phillips fouled him again. The ref rightly sent him off in my opinion because he was incredibly late and luckily Shaun is a nimble wee fella and can take it.

That gave us a huge advantage with Fulham having to switch to a 441 formation.

It took us 9mins to add to our 1-0 lead and it was Kevin Nolan who scored. It was a simple finish after some good work and a nice cross from the left by Ewerthon. 2-0 and things were LOOOOKIN GOOOOOOOD.

2mins before half time we made the game certain. Ewerthon got some space in the box and Bierkofa picked him out with a good low cross. Ewerthon then took a touch and slotted it into the money bag. 3-0 at half time, we were on easy street and everyone knew it.

The 2nd half came was a case of damage limitation for Fulham and they manged to restrict us to 2 goals.

The 1st came in 64mins when Bierkofa raced through on goal and hit a shot that came back off the goalie and into his path so he could fire off a second shot that made its home the bottom corner of the net.

The 2nd goal of the 2nd half and the 5th of the game came after 66mins and it was a sublime move that involved 5 players.

Love who had come on for Raulin, played a nice pass to Bierkofa who then knocked it to Hofland, Hofland then hit a 30 yard pass to Nolan who beat 2 men before playing a one two with Bierkofa and crossing to the back post where Love who knocked the ball straight into the path of Ewerthon for him to prod home his 2nd of the game. 5-0 and a wonderful demonstration on how to dismantle 10 men.

I'm also well chuffed at the performances i got from Raulin and Chris Stewart who were both immense.

Luvvvvvvelly and a great excuse to go out and celebrate tonight. icon_cool.gif

Our next game is in the League Cup semi 1st leg:


See you soon


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6th Jan 10


Hows we all doing today, fantastic, shiney, nice.

Past few days news:

Well we've been drawn against Newcastle away in the FA Cup but to make it a little more interesting, when the draw was made i was on the phone with Freddy Shep. He was on the phone asking about Thomas Buffel or "buffy" as i like to call him. Buffel's contract is up at the end of the season and i don't intend on renewing it so i thought what the hell lets strike a deal.

We've sorted a deal out for Buffy to go up north and for 600k and Chris Dyer to come down to London.

Chris Dyer is a central defender and has 4 caps for the England u21's. I'd had my eye on him before Newcastle picked him up so it has actually worked out really well for me. He will start of training with the reserve lads but like Raulin, Grosbahs and a few others i'd be surprised if he isn't making a impact under whoever is here next season.

Anyway the 1st leg of the League Cup.


I decided to adopt a more defensive outlook because i figured we could do the damage when we got them down to white hart lane.







Well i suppose my tactics might have played a part in the game being thee most boring i've ever, and i mean EVER seen. It was murder and i didn't even have a beer to sooth the pain.

The only thing of note in the first 80mins was that Damien Johnson got sent off for tackling Keane at knee height. It was a wreckless challenge and he should have been red carded 3 times and done for assault in my book.

Then the only thing to make the game worth it for us was Kallon scoring after 85mins. He latched on to a good cross from Bierkofa and hit it on the volley into the corner of the net.

A 1-0 win, not bad but i've no intentions of watching the video of that game.

Anyway i'm shooting off now cos i'm having a wee poker night at mines and the boys are due round in about an hour so i better start bending a few of the cards although knowing those cheeky sods, they'll probably bring a deck just to make sure i don't knobble them.

Have a good week


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10th Jan 10

Ohhhh, people. I lost 10k the other night. I tried to bluff Rui Costa and he done me up like a kipper.

It was a sore one i can tell you.

Down to business eh....

Team against Everton(H)






The game is one i felt we needed to win as we are starting to drift away from Man Utd.

The game started brightly enough and after 11mins Robbie Keane slammed home the ball from 8 yards after some good work on the right flank from Stalteri and Geremi.

Later in the half we had chances to close the game out but we just didn't take them. Guarin being the main culprit with a header that flew over from 4 yards out.

The 2nd half became more of a struggle. We were trying for a second goal and Everton were trying to hold out and hit on the break. I felt we had enough momentum to eventually get another goal but i was wrong. Everton cleared there lines and the ball fell on the halfway line to Andy Johnson who shifted his butt into or box pronto before slotting the ball through Robbo's legs and into the net.

The goal really took it out of us and we were lucky that Everton missed a good chance with 4mins to go.

1-1 final score.

I can't have to much of a go at the boys because it was me who told them to go for a second and credit where it's due, Gary Megson set his team up well in the second half and i suppose they deserved a point.

If i'm honest i think the title is out of reach for us now. Man Utd are 8 points clear and on a strong run of form. We will try to catch them but it will be tough and i believe some bookies are already paying out on them so that says a lot.

Have a good week


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16th Jan 10

Evenin All.

Hope you've all ahd a more enjoyable day after a horrible afternoon.

As per usual i'll give you the news befoer i talk about todays FA Cup match.

First off, we have rejected a 2.2mil offer for young Lee Dennis from Leverkusen. The young lad will be a future captain of this club if he carries on performing like he has been.

Then another exclusive to you folks, i'm hoping this will cheer up your day a wee bit.

Alexander Farnerud will be joining in the summer. I left the final decision to old Gauston and he feels Farnerud is a top notch so he has been given a deal.

Now the bit i'd rather not talk about.

Newcastle(A) FACup 4th Rd.







I was going for width more than anything in this game.

It was brutal. I can't even describe how brutal other than to say that being 3-0 down by half time is horrendous. Baros a player i'd sold to Newcastle a year ago had banged in a hat-trick.

I couldn't speak at half time i was just so disappointed. Although i felt the ref was being extremely harsh on my boys for nothing tackles i couldn't complain about the 3-0 bit.

The 2nd half we perked up a bit and got a goal after 61mins. A free kick from Hitzelsperger zipped past the goalie. I figured i'd take 3-1 because we were so bad. Then something seemed to happen, we actually started to make a mark in the game and after some brilliant passing and moveent from Love and Kamara my 2 2nd half subbies, Love hammered home from just inside the area. Things were looking up. Then bang, that idiot Rob Styles sent Hofland off with 4mins to go for a nothing challenge on Ameobi. Styles if ou read this, you are a f****** idiot. You are thee most card happy son of a b**** i've ever seen. You seem more happy about being on tele than refin the game. PLONKER!

To add to my misery Ameobi went through on goal with a minute to go and made it 4-2.

The result is a blow because we were so close to pulling back a 3 goal margin that i could smeel it. Then that idiot Styles sends off Hofland, he also booked 7 of my players and i can only think of 2 or 3 that even came close to justifying yellow cards.

Anyway it's gonna hurt but i'll get over it.

I'll no doubt get sanctioned by those numpties at the FA for my rant but screw them.

Hugo out.

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20th Jan 10

Lots of news today folks plus the 2nd leg of the League Cup semi vs Birmingham.

News first:

Both Man Utd and Chelsea have made offers for Ewerthon.

Man Utd 21mil

Chelsea started at 17mil but are now at 25mil

both offers are good and i'll be having a chat with Ewerthon in the next few days to see what he thinks. I'm hoping he'll stay but i'm always honest with my boys and i hope they'll be honest with me.

Calum Davenport has left us to join Sunderland for 1.1mil with 30% of his next fee also thrown in. I took Cal for a few beers to wish him all the best. He was a good lad, he's just unlucky that our central defence is so strong.

Todays game then folks:







1-0 up on aggregate

First thing i'm going to say before i talk about the game is, how could the FA possibly give us Rob Styles again he's a flippin muppet. If they are fussed about paying this plonker off i'll pay whatever it takes. He even banned me from having a few beers in my chair. STYLES, STYLES get to f*** was the chant through most of the game so FA take a hint.

1st HALF:

It started off in a tence manner as Birmingham needed a goal but didn't want to go gung-ho and we wanted a goal to make it hard on them but didn't want to throw to much forward and leave ourselves open.

The game then sprung into life after 20mins Karyaka sped forward and hit a great shot which Westerveld done well to get a hand to. They then tested him from the corner which followed but his punch out was good.

The game was starting to go from end to end and it was only a matter of time before one of us scored. Thankfully it was Robbie Keane who opened the scoring, he latched on to a long throw, turned and slid the ball home. 1-0 34mins gone.

Then 2mins later Upson rose to smash a header off the post from a D'Alessandro corner. Close but no cigar and all that.

Half time 1-0.

I told the boys at half time to try and kill the tempo of the game and play tidy football.

2nd Half:

We pretty much controlled the game and were putting together some nice passing moves to keep Birmingham on the defensive.

After 66mins we broke them down. We were given a corner which D'Alessandro whipped in low towards the near post, Ewerthon just popped out a toe and directed it home. 2-0 and a goal for the man who might have playing in his last game for the club.

Birmingham then got a flukey goal throygh Stephen Luckett. He flighted a long ball forward which took a nasty bounce and ended up in the net. 2-1.

We got back into our stride again and finished Birmingham off with 2mins to go. Kamara was the benifactor of some wonderful play from Ewrthon and Robbie Keane who left him one on one with the goalie. He then faked a shot and nipped round the goalie to make int 3-1 on the night and 4-1 on aggregate.

I'm extremely happy with the character the guys showed tonight and they can look forward to there first League Cup Final.

The game is against Man Utd who beat Sheffield Utd 4-0 on aggregate.

It'll be a tough game but it's a one of game so we might as well have a pop at it.

The only downside to tonight is that Alex is out for 2 weeks after picking up a knock to his knee in tonights game.

Hope you all enjoyed tonights game and i'll be back on the 23rd after our game away to Newcastle, we will do better this time.


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