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2009 or 5 days and 20 hours and a lager tops plz


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Top effort. icon14.gif

I must admit that when you first posted this, I expected it to be a five-day wonder. However you have stuck at it and created a unique story with a refreshing approach to your writing.

Good luck for the new season. Now that I'm reading the FM Forum more regularly, I'll try and make the comments are bit more frequent.

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28th Sep 2010

Righteo boys n girls,

I've chilled out after my rant about that ref i really don't see eye to eye with.

I've been asked to attned a FA hearing but i told them just to fine me and i'll send a cheque. I don't think they like me much but screw em. I think they are a group of people who know as much about the game as i do about Lionel Richie.

Todays game was a biggy, the champions league is where everyone wants to be and after our good start against Fenerbahce i was looking at making it 6 points out of 6 against Reggina at the lane. We now have 6 points out of 6 it's all good.

Reggina(H) CL



Mabizela King Hofland Stalteri


Beasley Hitzlsperger Richardson

Eliakwu Kamara

Strange that we got drawn aginst Paul Robinson's new club, and a few of the boys were giving him a call to tell him that his back better be in good nick so he doesn't feel the strain of picking the ball out of the net.

Robbo ended up picking the ball out of the net on 3 occasions and he looked devasted after just 10mins when Richardson cut inside his marker to fire a shot past him at his near post. It wasn't a good start for Robbo but i was happy.

51mins later Kamara took it upon himself to show some of the skills that make people love football. He practically danced round the 2 fairy boy defenders and then hit a shot that went in off the right hand post. 2 nixie. SWEEEEEET BABY, YEAH! I'm not sure why i shouted that when he scored but it made our subs bench laugh.

Then with 15mins left we made a few changes and they brought about goal number 3. Raulin came on for Keane and made a immediate impact when he collected a long ball from Landreau and ran 10 yards before hitting a venomous strike that Robbo parried but the ball hit Mozart and rolled into the net. A rather funny goal but i did feel a very small amount of sympathy for Robbo. Achhhh who am i kidding i felt nothing. 3-0, great result.

After the game i nipped out with a few of the boys to celebrate our victory and a fan we bumped into called me a drunken bum who just got a stroke of luck in a casino and ended up managing his club.

My message to you now, since i never got a word in sideways, is. I've done well with this club and you know it. Yes i was lucky to get thje job the way i did but that's life buddy. If you don't like it then tough. I wasn't into footie before i came here but i love this place and my boys. I hope you realise that one day before you try giving me a lecture on what i am and what i do. Oh and as for being a drunken bum mate, i wasn't the one dribbling as i spoke. Enjoy yer hangover.

Anyway to all of you who do like me, even just a little, have a fun week.


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2nd Oct 2010

Oh what a beautiful evening and oh what a beautiful season, so far.




Mabizela King Hofland Stalteri


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Keane Kamara

I'm keepin it short tonight because i've got to fly home to see my mumsy as it's her bday. Oh and i need to get her a gift on my way. Ermmm does anyone think she'd like the latest Michael Jackson album: Moon walking in a prison cell or his b-sides album: Oooop's i dropped the soap big man. I'd buy her his album from last year that was about his bad days: "Here have some Jesus juice" but it wasn't very good.

Oh, i know i'll get her the book by Britney Spears: 10 husbands and a few STD's.

Oh yep todays game, ermmm well in a nutshell we won 1-0 and the goal came from Kamara after 7mins when he hit a shot unedr the goalie froma very narrow angle.

Geremi nearly made it 1-1 for Wolves with minutes left but nearly isn't a goal is it.

Anyway i'm off, flight to catchback on tues to prep for Liverpool gam on wed.

Bye di bye


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6th Oct 2010

Sorry folks for missing the Liverpool game but i left you in good hands and we probably would have lost if i'd been about because Gauston was clever with the tactics.

I got the usual texts from Rudi so i'll give you what i know so far.




Mabizela King Hofland Stalteri


Guarin D'Alessandro Hitzlsperger



He went 4-1-3-1-1 to try and counter the 3-5-2 with wing backs from Liverpool.

I never watch games on tv because it's annoying so i just read Rudi's msg's after i think the game is finished.

Txt 1: 7.30PM- the team news as above

Txt 2: 8.15PM - game is tight old chap.

Txt 3: 8.30PM - Diomansy just smacked the bar

Txt 4: 8.32PM - Diomansy just scored - GR8 chip. D'Al n Keane set him up. icon_smile.gif

Txt 5: 8.35PM - HT: 1-0

Txt 6: 9.22PM - Still 1-0 game tight

Txt 7: 8.37PM - FT 1-0 get right up them woooooo hooooooooooooo.

Txt 8: what will we say to the tv folks as to why u ain't here?

Txt 9: The truth, if you want m8. Cya 2moz.

I figured i might as well tell the truth to save the hassle of having to feint illness when i arrive back in London.

Great result and all credit to Gauston and Rudi for shutting out Liverpool who have improved since they hired Hiddink as there manager.

As for Mumsy, she is good and liked my gifts. I got her a keg of Bud and a subscription to the viz - she's always loved it especially Roger Mellie the man on the telly. She seemed to be a bit confused as to why i'd buy her the latest book by Bill Clinton: How to use power to get laid. I thought it might be a interesting read since he's allowed to put stuff in that he couldn't 6 years ago.

Righteo folks i'm off to my bed. I promise i'll be back before the 16th for the Middlesbrough game. Enjoy the international games over the next week and good luck to whoever you support.


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11th Oct 2010

Splosh di splosh oooooooo a lla pooppppppp.

I'm wavin a a weight nihte. I'z beenn allthru edinburger wi thi bois drinkin beeersh.

I thinks it late but who carshhhjoi.

Howwwwwwwwww rf u folkys, thatsh louuuvellllllly.

Nighteeeeeeee nihttttttttttt.


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12th Oct 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOO my head is bangin this avo.

I must have drunk my body weight last night. This happens when i come home for a few days.

I apologise for the rubbish i posted yesterday and i will be back in London on the 14th.

I need to go back to bed.


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16th Oct 2010

I'm back and i feel better.

I got some good news when i arrived back here. Kleber and Kallon have both returbed to training after injuries.

Then i had a good day today with a win over Middlesbrough.



Mabizela King Hofland Stalteri


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Newman Kamara

Todays game was decided by one man and that man was D'Alessandro. That boy is and has been a major player for us since he arrived. You just can't doubt his ability and his willingness to fight for a win.

His fisrt goal today was a bit fortunate but they all count. He hit a shot from 30 yards which was going into the left hand corner. The goalie might have saved it but it took a deflection which sent the ball into the right corner and that put us 1-0 up.

D'Alessandro used great control to take a cross from Kamara. He controlled the ball with his knee and as the ball hit the ground he hit a bending shot with his left foot that went just inside the goalies left hand post. Sweet as you like.

A good 2-0 victory and another 3 points in the bag.

Notice for bar and restaurant owners:

I think it's nearly that time in the season where i start organising our crimbo night outso if any bars or restaurants want to offer me any deals just give he receptionist at the club a bell and she'll take your phone number and i'll get back to you. Cheers.

PS: Bring your own bottle restaurants need not apply.

Have a great weeknd folks.


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19th Oct 2010

Firstly, cheers to the bars and restaurants who applied to me. I have now sorted our night out so no more calls please.

Any of you boys looking for clues as to where we are going, you won't find any on here.

Tonights game. Champions League and we are in Holland and have just played PSV.

We have won 2-0 and are in pole position to top the group after collecting 9 points out of 9.



Mabizela King Hofland Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson

Keane Kamara

We cracked open PSV after 32mins. Hitzlsperger done his usual and hit a thunderous shot home from 18 yards that nearly ripped the net off the hooks.

I must admit i felt we could go on and score 3 or 4 after that goal but we only got 1 more.

It came from Kamara He showed some great pace and skill to beat his man not once but twice before he rounded the goaie and ran the ball into the net. He then done some stupid celebration which he'll be gettin ripped for later.

2-0 and it was a comfortable showing from us. I'm just hoping the run continues.

Must dash as me and the boys are going to take in the sights as our flight home is in the morning so we can have some time to see the place.

Have a good week.


PS: Mum phone me if you want anything brought home.

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23rd Oct 2010

I know i shouldn't post messages to my mum on here but she never answers the phone but i know she reads this diary of mine so Mum if you want me to come down for a week or 2 feel free just phone me and let me know when. I could do with a good meal.

I suppose i miss my old dear a bit, especailly after being home recently. She isn't getting any younger and she won't be around forever so i like to spend a little time with her every now and then. Treat her to a night out n all that.

I suppose the reason i'm babblin about my mumsy is because i don't want to talk about todays game but that's what they pay me to do so i will.


I said a few todays ago i wanted to continue our good run. Todays draw sort of put a dampener on what has been a good season so far.

1-1 isn't a brutal result but it's not going to win us titles either.



Mabizela King Hofland Stalteri


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Keane Kamara

We started off pretty brightly and were showing the kind of stuff that was helping us win games 2 and 3 nixie.

We went ahead after 36mins through Robbie Keane. He was all alone at the far post when Kamra's cross came over and he nodded the ball home to put us 1-0 up.

The rest of the game was a bit boring in all honesty and i thought we'd see the game out and take all 3 points. I was wrong.

Francis Jeffers popped up with 4 mins to go and slipped the ball under Landreau.

As i said earlier 1-1 ain't bad but........ oh i don't know i'm just a little down. I think a few beers are required.

Have a good week


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League Table

** Spurs 11 games 28 points

Newcastle 11 games 26 points

Man Utd 12 games 25 points

Arsenal 12 games 23 points

Chelsea 11 games 21 points

Birmingham 12 games 21 points

Champions League Table:

**Spurs 3 games 9 points

Fenerbahce 3 games 4 points

PSV 3 games 2 points

Reggina 3 games 1 point

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27th Oct 2010

It won't get much worse than this and i take the blame for it.

I should have shown more respect but i didn't and so i apologise.

Bolton(A) Lge Cup 3rd Rd



Stalteri Huddlestone Hofland Kleber


Grosbahs Kallon Bierkofa

Eliakwu Farnerud

** Eliakwu was replaced by Raulin after 2mins of the game due to injury. He is out for 5 or 6 days with a nasty bruise on his jaw froma clash of heads.

That happening was a omen from the start that things weren't going to go my way. I was more interested in giving guys games than winning i suppose.

We had our chances and we blew them and Bolton won 1-0.

Mascherano gave away a penalty after 52mins and James Collins converted from the spot.

We also had a penalty but Kallon hit the post and the goalie saved the rebound. We also hit the woodwork on another 3 occasions. Sometimes your luck just isn't in.

Again i apologise to the fans, especially those who travelled up for the game.

I promise to never be that stupid again.


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29th Oct 2010

Folks just a quick message:

I've gotta date, don't get to excited though because i don't know this girl at all. It all happened yesterday purely by chance.

Her name is Julie and she is the manageress of a clothes store in town.

She had dropped a load of shopping on the road and i helped her pick it up. Only problem was the bottle of coke she'd bought exploded all over the pair of us and because we were near my place i told her to come to mine to get dried off. She was a little unsure at first and in this day and age i'm not surprised but i told her that even if she just wanted to come to the door and i'd get her a towel. She done the latter but then she seemed to realise that i'm a sound bloke so she came in dried off and i phoned her a cab.

As she left she gave me her number and said that i was one of the very few gentlemen she'd met in a long time and to call her today to meet up for a drink.

I don't think she knows who i am or what i do so that's a good thing in my book.

Clothes - hmmmmmm t-shirt and jeans approach. Subtle and stylee.

Wish me luck, AGAIN. icon_biggrin.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by fergusdacat7:

She had dropped a load of shopping on the road and i helped her pick it up. Only problem was the bottle of coke she'd bought exploded all over the pair of us and because we were near my place i told her to come to mine to get dried off. She was a little unsure at first and in this day and age i'm not surprised but i told her that even if she just wanted to come to the door and i'd get her a towel. She done the latter but then she seemed to realise that i'm a sound bloke so she came in dried off and i phoned her a cab.


Sounds like the movie "Notting Hill" and how the two main characters met. I hope for your sake that she's like Julia Roberts, but I don't know if you're like Hugh Grant. icon_smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Spav:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by fergusdacat7:

She had dropped a load of shopping on the road and i helped her pick it up. Only problem was the bottle of coke she'd bought exploded all over the pair of us and because we were near my place i told her to come to mine to get dried off. She was a little unsure at first and in this day and age i'm not surprised but i told her that even if she just wanted to come to the door and i'd get her a towel. She done the latter but then she seemed to realise that i'm a sound bloke so she came in dried off and i phoned her a cab.


Sounds like the movie "Notting Hill" and how the two main characters met. I hope for your sake that she's like Julia Roberts, but I don't know if you're like Hugh Grant. icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm probably a bit more like Billy Connolly but not as funny.

I didn't realise the notting hill thing but you are right.

Cheers again Ryno, i should probably put you on the payroll for being a loyal supporter as such.

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30th Oct 2010

Cutting straight to it today, got my date tonight.




Mabizela King Upson Stalteri


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Keane Kamara

This game was a must win to stop the recent lapse in form. My boys showed some metal and walked away 2nil winners.

D'Alessandro as per usual was the man to show the skill and vision to open the scoring when things were a bit tight. He collected a poor clearance on his chest and then hit a sublime chip that caught the goalie just off his line.

The second of the game came from Wright-Phillips who latched on to a short pass back and rounded the goalie before tapping home.

I must admit i was a bit worried about our recent blips against Charlton and Bolton but this has convinced me that we will give everything to win the title.

Have a great weekend.


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2nd November 2010

Hi folks just a wuick mention about my date and a update for tomorrows game against PSV in the champions league.

I won't be meeting Julie again. We were sat having a light snack anfd a few drinks and she started picking her nose and i'm not 100% positive but she might have had a wee munch on it as well. Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is all i can say. She asked to meet up again but i told her that i was gay and didn't realise she liked me in that way.

The PSV game:

We have a few guys out with minor knocks. The main ones being D'Alessandro and Richrdson. I'd imagine that Beasley and Hitzlsperger will come in.

Anyway i'm off to have lunch with the boys so enjoy your day.


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3rd Nov 2010

Howdy folks,

It's happy Hugo here.

Tonight we had the chance to secure our path into the second phase of the CL. We done it and i'm delighted because we can go into the last 2 group games and try one or two things and give a few boys that are on the fringes of the squad a chance to get some games under there belts.

PSV(H) CL Group stages



Mabizela King Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Beasley

Keane Kamara

7mins gone and that man Robbie Keane had put us 1 up. He collected a 35 yard pass from Hitzlsperger and hit a low drive past the goalie.

1-0 at half time was a good score for PSV as we should have scored more. At half time we subbed Ledley King for Stalteroi because King had picked up a knock.

Stalteri done something he doesn't do very often, he scored to put us 2-0 up. He ran on to a cross field pass from Beasley and hit a shot that the goalie got a hand to but couldn't keep out. Stalteri almost done a lap of honour to celebrate.

Then with 71mins gone we made it 3-0. DaMarcus Beasley cut inside his marker and found ghimself with a clear path to goal. He noticed the goalie was coming out fast so he just bent a lovelly wee shot into the onion bag.

Final Score: 3-0

The only down side to the game is that King is out for 5 days after picking up a neck injury but i'm sure we have enough cover to survive.

Have a good week


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6th Nov 2010

Evening all,

Now i know i thought i could manage without King for a game or two, well i was probably wrong when it came to todays game against Birmingham.

Ledley is such a strong charcater and when you are 1-0 up with 15mins to go he makes sure the team is organised and solid. We missed that today and that's why we ended up only coming away from St.Andrews with 1 point.




Mabizela Huddlestone Hofland Stalteri


Kallon Mascherano Kleber

Raulin Farnerud

I know that the team i put out hadn't played together often but after the midweek game i had a few injuries and tired players so i felt i had to give guys like Kamara and Hitzlsperger a rest.

Birmingham started the game brightly and they got a few corners and had a few long range efforts but nothing overly worrying. Then after the 5min storm we started to play a bit and show some sort of play. It was after 8mins that we put together our first good chance. Hofland played a neat pass to Prutton who ran straight towards the Birmingham goal. He then tapp4ed the ball to Raulin who took one touch before dinking the ball over the goalie and into the net. 1-0 up and things were looking good.

Birmingham then spent the next 38 mins trying to find a way through our defence but Huddlestone and Hofland were like to giant walls and nothing was getting past them.

The second half was pretty much the same but after 74mins Birmingham got down the left wing and Karyaka whipped over a good ball which was heading for Luckett but Mabizela apparently fouled him. I'm not so sure but the ref gave it so that's that. Karyaka took the pen and sent Landreau the wrong way.

Final score 1-1.

I can't grumble about the result because Birmingham did play the better footie but the penalty decision was a bit dodgy. Mabs told me he didn't touch Luckett but there ain't much point in worrying about it now.

That's me for today folks but i'll be back on as per usual after the next game. I just hope i can talk about a win next time.

Have a good un.


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10th Nov 2010


just a quickie from me today as it's late and i'm knacked. I had to drive myself home from Sunderland tonight because i had a meeting with a agent who looks after a few of my players. I'm trying to sort out new deals etc.




Mabizela Huddlestone Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Bierkofa

Keane Kamara

As you probably already know the game ended up 1-1 again.

We started off so well with Hitzlsperger putting us 1 up after 1min and 17secs.

Then after 12mins it all went a bit urghhh when Chris Riggott popped in a 20 yard free kick to make it 1-1.

The game wasn't the best in all honesty with the only other thing worth noting was the ref slipping and landin on his arse when he was running backwards. icon_biggrin.gif

That's enough for me tonight, need my kip.

Have a good week.


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20th Nov 2010

How are we all today?

It seems like ages since i've been on. I suppose it's a strange time when Internationals are on.

I took advantage of the time off by driving down to France with Rudi Vollborn and his family. We stayed in a hotel on the outskirts of Nice. We done all the usual lark, sightseeing etc. We also had a good few laughs with his sprogs when we went go-karting and had a wee tournament which Rudi won since he drives like a maniac.

I enjoyed the time in a family atmosphere, i just hope i can have that one day.

Anyway to todays big match.




Mabizela King Hofland Stalteri


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Raulin Kamara

First off, the stuff in the paper saying that i had a argument with Giorgio Pellizro is true. He might be the manger of Chelsea and have a very wealthy boss but he is still a muppet in my book. He made a comment about my private life that i didn't like so i said that he was a miserable old fart who should spend more time worrying about his own life.

Then there was the game. Lets just say that the argument was more interesting than the game and if you want proof just ask me what happend in Neighbours this week because i sat and watched the omnibus on my plasma screen while the game was happening. I think the crowd started knitting there jumpers for crimbo and the ref just sat reading his rule book.

The game ended up 0-0. Enough said.

Hope your weekend gets better, in saying that it can't get any worse if you were at the game. Have fun if you can. I'm off to get lashed.


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23rd November 2010


Tonight was a bit more like football, flippin needed a good game after that Chelsea game.

Fenerbahce(H) CL game



Stalteri Stewart Upson Kleber


Farnerud Anderson Bierkofa

Newman Leandro

I wasn't sure what to expect from tonights game because of the team i put out but since we were already into the next stage of the CL i wasn't overly concerned if we got beat.

1 minute had gone and any thoughts of getting beaten were gone. Michael Newman had put us in front when he nodded home a Kleber cross.

Then 4 mins later it got even better. Farnerud Ran through on goal after a pass from Anderson sent him clear. He cooly went round the goalie before smashing the ball into the empty goal. 2-0 and it was a case of how many.

Farnerud then had another few chances to put us 3 up and he finally took one after 38mins. Newman beat his man and sent Farnerud flying down the right hand side. He cut in slightly and then hit a curling shot inside the opposite post. 3-0, time o sit back and enjoy the show.

The second half was all about getting more goals and we did.

Newman got his second of the game by latching on to a bad pass from a defender and then smashing a low drive past the goalie from the edge of the box.

He went on to complete his hat-trick after 76mins when he strolled past the goalie and tapped the ball home after collecting a knock down from Farnerud.

Final Score: 5-0

I can't praise the team enough for tonights performance and i'm really delighted for young Michael Newman getting his fisrt match ball. Well done son. I'll need to take him for a pint next time we've got a day off.

Happy days folks, hope your night was as good as mine.


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28th Nov 2010


OOOOOOOO i'm feeling a bit ROUGH. The problam wi comin up to geordie land is the after match drinky poos tend to get a bit oot o hand.

What can ye do aboot it in the end, it's a bit rude to leave before the partyee ends. Especially since i'm the one celebratin more than anyone else.

It was 1st against 3rd and i've no had thee greatest results against the geordie lads over recent seasons so i set up the team to striffle errr no stiffle the geordie attack.




Mabizela King Hofland Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson



I'd describey the game but i don't have the wordsh to sasy stuff with so i'll just tell you that accordingy to mi booky thing Hitz scored on 33mins assist: Richardson i think.

Then Kama scored 85mins wi assister: Eliakwu who came on for Keane.

A 2 nils victory makes me happy and tehse geordie boysh are good fun. Hope it's there round next as i need to go to the boys room.

Nightee night my ffrieindy wendy's.


does anyone know hows i gets home from here>??

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29th Nov 2010

Sorry about the post last night folks. Got a bit merry with the boys at Newcsatle.

I just thought i'd pop on to say that Hofland picked up a knock yesterday and is out for a week and that i was delighted with the win as you have seen.

Have a good week


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4th Dec 2010

Hows it hangin folks?

Today was a big day for us, not because of our own game but the Man Utd vs Arsenal game. That game could prove to be very important to the way the season goes for both those teams.

Our game against Man City was barely mentioned on tv even though we are top of the league.

Man City(H)



Mabizela King Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson

Keane Kamara

This in my opinion was gonna be one of two things.

1. A high scoring game or

2. A boring 0-0 draw

I was wrog with both.

I'm not bothered about being wrong because we won 2-0. It wasn't a classic but we were never in any danger of losing the game and at the moment that's all that counts.

Thomas Hitzlsperger put us into the lead after 33mins after Kieron Richardson had went down the left wing and cut the ball back to Thommy who hit a lovely shot with the outside of his left boot and into the bottom right hand corner.

Now although i say we were never in trouble it did take us until the 84min to get our second. Kamara was teed up by Eliakwu, who had come on for Keane. Kamara's finish was clinical and the game was in the bag.

The best part of today wasn't our result, although that was very pleasing. It was that Man U and Arsenal had played out a boring 0-0 draw. That was the best result from our point of view and it means we've gained a extra 2 points on them.

I hope our good run continues and that i'll get that ice cream maker that i asked my mum for as a crimbo pressie.

Hugo out

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8th December 2010

Just a quicky folks. Running late to catch the flight home.

Reggina(A) CL



Stalteri Dyer Gardener Kleber


Faarnerud Anderson Bierkofa

Newman Leandro

We were beaten 2-1 but it was the last game of the group phase and we were already through so it's no biggy.


Colluci 8mins - 30 yard screamer.

Newman 13 mins - good header from a Stalteri cross.

Calaio 89mins - Header from a corner

Also Fenerbahce beat PSV 2-0 to come 2nd in the group.

Lastly, i believe we've drawn Rotherham(H) in the FA Cup 3rd round.

Gotta blast


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12th Dec 2010

They don't get much bigger than today.

I'm jus glad that i've got a smile on my face and that we've shown ourselves to be worth of our current position.




Mabizela King Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson



It's always a gamble to drop a striker for a midfielder but whenn your away to Arsenal and you want to hold steady, you sometimes need to be brave.

That bravery paid off today and everyone can see that when they watch this game.

We got a great break after 12mins when Kamara skinned his man and sent Richardson bombing down on goal. He done his best to beat the keeper with a powerful shot, and his bet was good enough. 1-0.

34mins had gone and the game was effectively over. We hadn't scored, well not yet anyway. Wiese had raced off his line to try and leave Kamara with a smaller target to aim at after he had been put through on goal by Guarin. The only problem was that Wiese seemed to think Kamara would shoot early. He didn't and Wiese ended up hauling him down. Wiese was correctly red carded and we had a penalty.

35 mins, sheer ecstasy........Hitzlsperger converted from the spot.

Half Time hit and the Arsenal players weren't happy and they were shoving a few of my boys in the tunnel. I'm glad to see my lads kept there cool.

The extra man for us was very helpful when we got our 3rd goal. 63mins had gone and Arsenal won a corner so they sent a few bodies up to try and get a goal back. Problem was they'd left D'Alessandro and Richardson 2 for 2 upfield. The ball was cleared by Gardener to Richardson, he hit a beautiful chipped pass into the path of D'Alessandro who then hit a shot that was about as accurate as they get into the top left corner of the net. 3-0 GAME OVER!!!!!

Benjamin Lauth did pull one back after 72mins but who cares. Why do we not care, because we scored our 4th after 82mins. David Prutton had come on as a sub and after only 3 mins of being on he got the ball out wide and laid a pass into D'Alessandro's path. He hit another great shot that went past the goalie and in off the bar.

4-1, what can i say.

Get it right up yi Gooners

Happy Hugo is now going on the ****.

Have a wonderful week of slaggin off the Gooners you know and make sure you remind them of the fact that we are top of the league.

Hugo icon_smile.gif

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18th Dec 2010

Over the next few weeks it'll be result only folks as i've got a load on at the mo. Crimbo, a new years party to sort and as you may know i've been on the front page of a few papers recently. I'll go into the paper stuff once i've spoken to my lawyers etc.




Stalteri King Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson



I will make one note on this game. Rob "I'm the star" Styles was the ref. I still hate you Rob your a muppet. More needless bookings and stoppages. I do enjoy the fact that the crowd gives you stick.


I was delighted to win 3-0 and to keep the pressure on the chasing pack.

Kamara scored two today (21 and 66mins) both from Hitzlsperger crosses.

The other goal was from Richardson who hit a SWP cross on the volley.

3-0 and happy days. Have a good un!


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22nd Dec 2010

Crimbo is nearly here. Yipppppeeeeee.

I should be sorted to talk about the things in the paper at teh start of January.

Sheff Utd (H)



Stalteri King Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson



I'm glad i can't talk much at the mo, because there ain't one good thing to say about todays game. Total mince.

0-0 and a fart in a trance would have been more interesting.

Hugo - off to finsh my crimbo shopping.

Have a wonderful Crimbo folks. icon_smile.gif

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26th Dec 2010

Hope you all had a great crimbo folks. I had a good one, enjoy seeing the family and all that.




Stalteri King Upson Kleber


SWP D'Alessandro Kallon

Raulin Kamara

A good 4-0 victory down at Southampton was a great xmas gift.

Raulin scored after 1 min when he followed up a Kamara rebound.

Kamara popped in 2 goals (6 and 8mins) both came from bad kicks from Roy Carroll.

Kallon then scored the 4th, 3mins into injury time after some good play from Eliakwu who came on for Raulin

As i said above great result.


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28th Dec 2010

I'm sorry i can't talk much but i'm in and out of so many meetings with my lawyers and the club that i don't get much time to post up a proper diary.

Bristol City (H)



Bardsley Huddlestone Hofland Gardener


Beasley Hitzlsperger Trochowski

Newman Kamara

This game was a case of Bristol defending and us trying to break them down. We didn't and i'm really hacked off. It's just not acceptable to draw against the bottom team at home in my book.

Anyway gotta dash.

Have a great New Year when it comes.


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1st Jan 2011


A few updates to give you this morning. I'm not sure why clubs send faxes on new years day but they do.

Depor offered 6.5mil for Mabizela and were told where to go.

D'Alessandro has won player of the month.

David Bentley is considering an offer from us to join when his contract ends.

Have a great day.


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3rd Jan 2011

Howdy folks,

hope new year didn't leave you to wasted.Amazingly was sober through out the whole thing. I've decided to give up the drinking for a wee while.I have so much pressure on me with this story flying about that i can't be off guard for 1 second. I hope it gets resolved soon and i thank everyone who has sent me letters of support.

Aston Villa(H)



Stalteri King Upson Gardener


SWP Hitzlsperger Kleber

Raulin Eliakwu


I must say that i felt todays game would be a tough one and it was. Don't let the result fool you. Villa gave everything today and were just a bit unlucky that Landreau was on top form.

Eliakwu opened the scoring after some heavy pressure from Villa. Landreau hit a long kick which Raulin knocked on for Eliakwu. He then beat his man and slammed the ball past Sorenson from 12 yards. 13mins gone and 1-0 up.

Then after some good pressure from us we managed to finally make a gap in the Villa defence. Eliakwu was just about to pull the trigger when he was tripped by Connolly and the ref gave us a well deserved penalty Hitzlsperger stepped up and colly sent Sorenson the wrong way. 2-0.

We killed the game off after 53mins when Eliakwu got his second when he got a touch of luck. Sorenson made a good save from Kleber but the ball fell straight to Eliakwu and he tapped it past a despairing Sorenson.

The only bad part of the match for us came after 80mins when Gardener stupidly picked up a second yellow and was sent off.

This is a good start to the year. Hopefully this will be our year.


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6th Jan 2011

Bad news folks. I've been charged with running some sort of stolen vechiles cartel. I will not be able to run my diary and everything else for the forseable future.

I deny all of this nonsense and i'm hoping the truth will come out in court.

The club has told me they will support me through this time and i hope you will as well.

Gauston will post up the results of our games for me and will probably keep you updated on anything that is important.

I hope to speak to you all soon


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8th Jan 2011

Rotherham (H) FA Cup

3-1 Win


14mins - Newman - asst: Kallon

47mins - Kallon - asst: Anderson

88mins - D'Alessandro


19mins - Miller(pen)

FA Cup 4th Rd: Chesterfield(H)


Luis Jimenez has joined Lecce for 1.3mil

Hugo wishes to thank everyone who has voied there support for him.

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16th Jan 2011


3-0 win


32mins - Hitzlsperger - asst: Mabizela

51mins - Kamara

86mins - Kallon - asst: Keane

Hugo was delighted with todays result and is glad to see the stuff in the papers isn't affecting the way the boys play.

The bad news that we got today is that Javier Mascherano picked up a injury which will require surgery and he is now out for 5 months.

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19th Jan 2011


1-0 win


59mins - Pletikosa(og)

Hugo's court case is scheduled to last until Feb 13th. Hopefully he will be back and doing his diary for the home game against Sunderland on the 16th.

I would just like to take this chance to say Hugo isn't guilty and the reason i know why is because he hasn't got a clue about cars. He owns a flippin 1985 mini metro. If it was a illegal booze movement then fine but cars, not a chance.

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22nd Jan 2011

Chesterfield FA Cup(H)

2-1 win


48mins - Jones - asst: Bierkofa

62mins - Eliakwu - asst: Leandro


26mins - Evans

Hugo wasn't able to be at todays game because he had to attend meetings with his lawyers. He did phone after the game to congratulate Jason Jones who scored on his debut for the club and to tell me and Rudi that we were lucky ****** after going 1-0 down.

He is still in good spirits and he seems hopeful that he can prove his innocence.

Other news:

David Bentley has signed a pre-contract agreement with us and will join the club in the summer.

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27th Jan 2011


Hugo's court case appears to be going well. His lawyers have produced a good bit of evidence that seems to give enough proof to show that Hugo wasn't involved. Here's hoping the jury is clever enough to realise this and that none of them are Arsenal fans.

We are up against Arsenal at the Emirates stadium in the 5th round of the FA Cup.

Bad news over the last day or so is that Vierinha is out with a hip injury that could take anything up to 5 months to heal.

It looks like Thomas Hitzlsperger could be off to Bayern Munich for around 8.5mil because his contract isn't protected and he has been a big Bayern fan all his life.

To counter the expected loss of Hitzlsperger we have made a bid of 3.4 mil for Stoke's Ben Watson. The deal depends on what happens tith Thomas but i expect he will leave and Ben will arrive by the end of the month.

Enjoy the international break and i'll kepp Hugo's diary updated as much as possible.


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2nd Feb 2011

Updates first:

Hitzlsperger joined Bayern for 8.5mil.

Watson has signed from Stoke for 3.4mil

Hugo has been told he has to give evidence on Monday and possibly Tuesday but that things are looking good as his co accused have all given very different stories about how Hugo was apparently involved in there scam.

Man Utd(A)

1-0 win


15mins - Kamara - asst: D'Alessandro

Hugo was delighted with todays performance and he gave a lot of praise to the rear guard of Landreau, Mabizela, King, Upson and Gardener. He felt there hard work in keeping Man Utd's forwards so quiet was a huge factor in us winning.

Only downside to today was Shaun Wright-Phillips picking up a twisted knee. Charlotte Cowie reckons he'll be out for a week or two.

Hugo told me to remeber to tell you all to have a good weekend.

So, Have a good weekend.


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5th Feb 2011


1-1 draw


87mins - Olifanjana


38mins - Farnerud - asst: Keane

33mins - Upson sent off for 2 yellows.

This wasn't the greatest result but picking up a point after playing most of the game with 10 men can't be grummbled at. Hugo was a bit annoyed at Matty Upson but he knows that Matt isn't normally like that so i'm sure he'll get over it.

The last few witnesses are being called next week so the trial is expected to end on time.

I'd also like to again use this oppurtunity to have a pop at the journo's or w****rs that have covered this story. I hope you are going to have a nice big apology ready for Hugo when this trial is over. You all wanted to shoot him down when this story came out but now you are all making him out to be the innocent victim. You a**holes made him the victim and now all we read is people who down crappy kiss and tell storis coming out of the woodwork to talk more crap about the big fella. I hope you muppets get what's coming to you and don't expect any interviews with anyone at this club from now on.


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12th Feb 2011

Liverpool (H)

0-0 draw

This game today folks wasn't one for the purist adn Hugo was a bit disappointed at how defensive the team played but we are still top of the league so we will just have to forget this rather dull game and move on.

Hugo is hoping to have a verdict within the next few days and everything is pointing towards a good ending for Hugo.

He has again told me to thank all of you fans who have sttod by him through all this and he also left me a note to pass on to the press.

Dear Scumbags,

I'm glad to see you all think i'm innocent now after the majority of you had me hung drawn and quatered before any facts came to light. I'm instructing my lawyers to have a look at all the stories printed about me and my family and to sue anyone who has caused stress or hurt to my family.

I feel over the years i had been good when it came to talking to many of you guys but apparently that doesn't entitle me to common courtesy. With that in mind i will never give a interview to any of you muppets again if any of you even approach me after a game or when i'm out i will shout every little piece of crap you've said about people from the tannoy down at the lane. Enjoy the rest of your careers.


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