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2009 or 5 days and 20 hours and a lager tops plz


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23rd Jan 10

Evening all,

Hmmm, where to start.

Well today and the last few days have been very interesting to say the least.

On thursday i met with Ewerthon for lunch after training to discuss what he wanted me to do about the offers from Man Utd and Chelsea. The outcome being that he'd rather go abroad but because i'm leaving at the ed of the season he would go to either Man Utd or Chelsea if nothing else came up. I phoned the club and asked them to send faxes to the likes of Milan etc offereing Ewerthon for 25million. We will se what happens with that over the next few days.

Yesterday, we received a unexpected offer of 7.5mil for Kevin Nolan from Aston Villa. I've spoken with Kevin and he has also indicated his desire to leave because he wants more games. I can't argue with that so it looks like he'll be off by Monday.

Lee Dennis has gone out on loan to Reading for 3 months just to get him some more competitive games.

Arsenal and Liverpool both made offers for Wright-Phillips but i haven't even looked at them. I just tore the fax up. Shaun is happy here and i'm happy to have him.

Todays game: Newcsatle away.

Well i should have known it was going to be a bad day as i woke up feeling really drowsy and a bit sick. I phoned Charlotte Cowie and she came round and has said i've got some sort of virus and that i've to stay at home for 4 or 5 days as i could risk giving it to the players. This means my reports are going to be results only and what i see on tv etc.

The team Gauston started with was:






Ewerthon had told me he wanted to play every game until he moves so i'm assuming he told Gauston the same.

Unfortunately we lost 3-2

goals for newcastle from 3 of our ex players.

Baros- 2mins

Buffel- 89mins

Davis- 91mins

our goals came from:


Stead- 82mins

I've not seen the game yet but "Champagne" Charlie said that we were murder in the 1st half and brilliant for 40mins in the 2nd half and then were hit with 2 goals that he reckons could be in contention for goal of the season.

I'll watch the highlights in the morning as i'm to tired to watch them tonight. I think i'll just get myself a hot chocolate and drag my butt to bed.

I'll post again asap.

Have a good weekend folks


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30th Jan 10

Hi folks,

I'm still at home in my kip. This virus has been a absolute killer. I've lost 10 pounds in weight, which could be described as a good thing as the old beer belly was kickin in.

I can only really tell you what i've been told over the phone from Old Gauston and Rudi Vollborn.

Nolan's deal has been done with Villa. Nolan phoned me to tell me himself and we wished each other all the best. I hope he doess well up there.

Ewerthon is looking like he is off to Chelsea. Milan offered 17mil and Frank Arnesen apparently knocked it back. I would have let him go if he wanted to. He has been a great player for the club and he arrived on a free. Chelsea have offered 21mil plus 4mil based on goals etc.

Anyway todays game: Sheffield Utd away

Again i haven't seen it but Rudi phoned to say they won 1-0 with a goal from Kallon after 82mins.

He told me the team played well but Paul Gallacher pulled off a string of saves to keep the score at 0-0 for so long.

The only down side was big John Stead picked up a knock and will be out for 2/3 weeks.

I'm not sure what the team was but i trust Gauston to use his ability to judge who should play.

Anyway i'm just lying about and taking it easy. My mum has phoned a few times to check how i'm doing and Charlotte Cowie is round every day to check me over. That is probably the only enjoyable part of being ill.

Anyway have fun folks and if your in the pub this weekend have a pint for me.


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7th Feb 10

Blughhhhhh, that's how i feel. I've been told that i can go back to work on the 12th of Feb. It seems like so far away and it also means i miss the Chelsea game on the 10th at the bridge.

Updates on team news.

Ewerthon has joined Chelsea for 21mil plus a possible 4mil on top. He gave me a phone yesterday morning to say the deal was done. Like Nolan i wished him all the best. He told me to get well soon and that he has left me a gift at the club. He has left me the last shirt he wore and signed it for me and he's also going to come down at the end of the season for my leaving night. He's always been a nice lad.

Anyway this is what i know about todays game vs QPR at home.

There manager Dennis Smith is a gimp. He started having a go at my management style while i ain't at the club so i promptly gave skysports news a bell to say i would bet Smith 2k that QPR would get relegated. The winnings going to charity. Lets see what he says to that.

Anyway i've received a few texts from Rudi Vollborn. They said:

Msg 1


Westy - Mabs - King - Ups - Kleb - Prutt - SWP - D'Al - Bier - Keane - Love

Msg 2

Get in there Keano

Msg 3

Humpin them, just need 2 goal

Msg 4

D'Ales scored 2-0

Msg 5

The crowd r givin Smith dogs abuse

Msg 6

Aga Adu 3-0


Final Score 3-0. Team were bling

What the hell "BLING" who is rudi turning into Snoop Doggy or what ever that guy is called.

So we won 3-0, good prep for Chelsea i suppose.

Anyway i must go, Charlotte is here to drop off more pills for me to take. Wonder if she can cook?

See ya


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10th Feb 10

Chelsea away folks. It was always going to be tough and by the sounds of things it was.

Rudi was at the textin gig again. Although the dumb bunny forgot to tell me the line up. Thank god for skysports news.

It was:






Keane had picked up an injury so i'm assuming that's why Gauston and Rudi went with 1 upfront.

Anyway Rudi's txts

Msg 1

Nightmare, Yobo header 1 down

Msg 2

Arghhhhhh Tuncay 15mins gone 2nil to chels

Msg 3

I'm gonna kill the boys at ht.

Msg 4

Hitz 2-1 20mins 2 go

Msg 5

Yahoooooooooooo, Kallon 2-2.

Msg 6

Oh for f*** sake C.Cole 3-2 to the scum.

Then i got a very strangfe text. It was Del Bosque saying to get well soon. He might be the manger of one of our biggest rivals but he is a good guy. The first time he came to the lane with Chelsea he took me out for dinner. He isn't a big drinker and i think he found it weird when i was trying to get the sing song on after 14 pints.

A 3-2 defeat. That's twice we have got back into contention in games and lost in the last minute. I'm gutted but Chelsea are very good at home and our form of late has been patchy. I'm sure we'll pick up again but i'm not really sure if there is even a glimmer of the title at the moment. I think Man Utd can only lose it now.

Anyway i'm off to bed, it seems to be the only place i go these days but nevermind only 2 more days.

Have fun


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14th Feb 10

Oh how good is it to be back.

I never thought there would be a time when i missed doing work but my god, being stuck at home was boring. The only struggle i have now is not to drink for the next month. That won't be easy as we have a lot of big games coming up. Liverpool in the CL, Man Utd in the lge cup final and in the league. This will be a huge test of my boys and i have a feeling we'll do alright.

Club stuff:

Thommy Hitzelsperger is out for a bout 5 days with a bruised foot.

Todays game: FA Cup - Southampton(H)

I fancied our chances because Southampton have been on a bad run and are just sitting above the relegation zone. I also figured i'd give a few of the guys who have been on the fringes a chance to show me something.







I was looking for a positive start and i got it. After 5mins Kamara got the ball out on the left and cut past his marker before drilling home a wonderful strike from a very tight angle. 1-0.

Kamara seemed to be on a mission and after 14mins he doubled his tally when he nodded home from 4 yards after some good work from Ono.

Then the most disappointing bit of the match came along after 29mins Kamara thought he'd scored his hat-trick when he nodded home but the linesman had waved his flag for offside. I'm not sure if he was or not so i'm not going to comment at this moment in time.

The game then became like a training session for us with the player realising we have a big week ahead they pretty much slipped down the gears for the rest of the game. Vagner Love went close on a few occasions and Ono had a shot that clipped the outside of the post but it stayed 2-0 and we are theough to the next round.

I must admit i was pleased with todays game and plaesed to be in the next round. Anyway that's enough from me. I need to start thinking of ways to entertain myself tonight since i can't go for a pint.

Have a good un folks.


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17th Feb 10

Champions League, where the best teams in Europe get to fight for the No.1 spot. Do we have a chance, well you've gotta be in it to win it.


We couldn't have had it much harder than this. The game being a all English tie gives the game a added edge.

I figured i might as well throw caution to the wind and go for goals.







The press seemed to think that the game could be won by the team who had the best playmaker. A D'Alessandro vs Aimar the guys who have the ability to see a pass and make it.

They were right and the game started off badly for us. 4mins in Aimar whipped in a corner that caused a lot of confusion in our box before Kallstrom nipped in a toe to put the ball in the net. 1-0 Liverpool.

I must admit i was thinking the worst, giving away a goal 4mins in spells nightmares when you play teams like Liverpool.

My visions of a thrashing were turned on there head thankfully. A lovely flighted ball by Guarin found D'Alessandr making a well timed run beyond the strikers and when he calmly stroked the ball home. 1-1.

Then my visions were seeming like distant memories when Robbie "ever reliable" Keane hit a sweet shot on the turn to make it 2-1 to us after 39mins.

Half Time:

All i said was that 2-1 was good considering we were 1nil down but if the boys could get another it would leave us witha huge chance of making it to the quater finals.

The second half kicked off and Keane knocked the ball to D'Alessandro who hit one of the best passes he'll ever hit to send Kamara off on goal. Kamara showed great ability to round the goalkeeper at speed before walking the ball into the empty net. 3-1.

I shouted instructions for the boys to shut up shop and to play on the break. Liverpool chucked it all at us. They brought on Sneijder, Kewell and Kanoute but they just couldn't break us down.

3-1 final score.

They may have got an away goal but i'm confident we can go through. It was also great prep for the League Cup final vs Man Utd on Sunday.

I hope you've all got your tickets for the game and with a bit of luck hopefully we will be bringing the 1st trophy of the season back to the lane.


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21st Feb 10

The League Cup Final vs Man Utd

I was convinced that the cup was our when i woke up this morning. Unfortunately as you all probably know by now, i was wrong. I also have a complaint to make, not about the rseult but something else. I'll leave it until the end though.

The line up:






The game was good from a neutrals point of view, both teams going at it like mad.

I suppose the only way to describe how hard we worked and how good Tim Howard was for Man Utd is to say that we had 24 shots and they had 7 and only one of there shots hit the target.

Jeramine Jenas hit as sweet a shot as he can hit to put them 1-0 up after 24mins.

We pounded down on there goal for the rest of the game but Howard was getting a bit of his body to everything we hit. He made at least 3 great saves in the last 10mins and he showed that although he has been questioned in the past about whether he could hold his nerve when it mattered, he took those questions and shot them all down with every save he made.

Tim Howard, you deserved your MOTM award, well done lad.

As for us, i can't fault any of the guys, they were superb. They just didn't get that wee braek they required.

My complaint is that yet again i had to watch that ar** of a ref Rob Styles ruin a great game. There wasn't a dirty challenege in the whole game yet he booked 5 players. Rob Styles you are a disgrace, hang up your whistle son because you couldn't ref a kids school game. Oh and FA i'll just save you the hassle of fining me, my cheque for 2k will be in the post.

Well done Man Utd on your win.


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24th Feb 10

The Revenge mission

Man Utd(H)

We may have lost the cup and to have the slightest hope of catching Man Utd we needed to win today but again this infection i've had has gotta me back down again so Old Gauston took over. Charlotte Cowie thinks the pressure of the cup final has taken it's toll so i was told to take a break for a week so i'm at mum's for some peace and quiet, well as much peace and quiet as you can get in Edinurgh.







Again i've been kept up to date via text's from Rudi. I had already picked the team before i came up here.

Rudi's texts

Msg 1

Aruna Aruna Aruna 1-0

Msg 2

HT 1-0 up. Stead inj. Love on.

Msg 3

All us still 1-0 15mins 2 go

Msg 4


just kiddin 2-0

Love in inj time

Msg 5

FT 2-0 - boys delighted, said to get well soon ya old git.

2-0 a great result. It gives us the slightest bit of hope of catching Man Utd.

Next up for Gauston and Rudi is to see through the Liverpool CL game. I so hope they can pull it off.

Anyway,i'm off to the pics with the old dear.


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1st March

Just a general update folks.

I've got a fax with some good news from Gauston and the boys.

I won manager of the month for Feb.

Kallon won goal of the month.

I also rejected a chance to manage Valencia yesterday. I want to go somewhere warm and to chill out. Valencia are in financial trouble and i can't be bothered dealing with the hassle of trying to wheel and deal. Since i've been here i've made a profit of around 90 million when it comes to buying and selling players and i now have the luxury of a 60mil transfer budget which has swelled to 85mil due to the sale of Ewerthon and Nolan.

The League Table

----------Played----- Points---

Man Utd-----27----------61



Aston Villa-28----------56

Must dash, enjoy your week folks.


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3rd March 10

Liverpool in the CL

We had a 3-1 lead from the 1st leg and we blew it. I can't believe we blew it.

I've had about 40mil texts from Rudi saying he can't believe it either.

Msg 1







Msg 2

Kamara has scored 1-0 up my old son

Aruna great ball

Msg 3

God damn. Luis Garcia. Aimar corner

Msg 4

Kallstrom 40mins Aimar corner. Aimar causing havoc.

Msg from me to him:

Get someone to kick him hard.

Msg 5

Cisse 3-1 Liverpool - King bad mistake.

Msg 6


Msg 7

Arghhhhh Kallstrom again 30 yarder

Msg 8

Back in it Geremi scored 4-2(5-5agg)

Msg 9

Guarin gave away penalty, very soft - ref is a ****.

Msg 10

Sneijder scoored pen 5-2

Msg 11

Game fini Liverpool 6-5 on aggregate.

Sorry Boss

I haven't replied yet. 3-1 up and we get beat 5-2. Sounds like the defence was AWOL.

I'm not sure what to say other than sorry fans.

Goodnight if that's possible.

Hugo icon_frown.gif

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14th March 10

Talk about going from one tough game to another.

Arsenal at home today.

I got back to London last night after my mate "Big Murphy" or "Jesus" as we call him, drove me down from Edinburgh. I got him tickets for the game today as a thankyou gift.

Anyway i met Charlotte Cowie and she hit me with some unexpected news. She had arranged for me to go and see some guy who deals with herbal products and some other mumbo jumbo to see if i could find something to help me get better as the antibiotics weren't doing much.

I had to ask Rudi and Gauston to step in again. It's flippin Arsenal at home, i couldn't believe she'd done it during this game.

Anyway i went to meet Mr Harry Wrong in some sort of hippy camp site. I didn't know Charlotte was into all this crap, when i got there i was asked to take off all my clothes except my boxers. I was tempted to leg it there and then but i figured that i better give it a go.

I don't remember anything after i walked into a room with someone sitting in a chair. All i know now is that i've got a plastic pouchy thing full of some sort of liquid and it has a bit of paper that says take twice a day and add warm water.

Who knows if this crap will work but i'll start taking it tonight before i go to bed.

It was 7pm when i left the camp site and i had 7 msgs on my phone.

3.09pm - Rudi

Aruna Aruna 1-0

3.43pm - Rudi

1-1 Henry - mile offside

3.46pm - Rudi

HT 1-1

4.35pm - Rudi

Kalla kalla KALLON 2-1

4.39pm - Rudi

Bang bang Robbie Keane 3-1 8mins left

4.47pm - Rudi

FT 3-1

Hope the appointment went well. Will phone you in the morning.


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20th March 10

Well folks, i've thrown up 9 times in 6 days. That stuff is horrible but apparently that is what is supposed to happen. Only 3 more days of this and i'll apparently be as right as rain.

That meant that yet again i had to miss another game.

Aston Villa(A)

I'm still having to use the good old method of Rudi's text msg's to find out what's going on but today i had some company. Charlotte Cowie was here for a few hours taking blood etc. She then sat and had a bite to eat with me. Scrabbled egg on toast is pretty much all i'm eating at the moment. Horrible stuff but a man has to eat.

Charlotte is a really nice woman and although i've never been a man for dating women with even half a brain i would like to get to know her better. She is so easy going, clever and pretty in her own wee way. I'm amazed she isn't married. I had her pegged as the family type.

Anyway enough of my non existent love life.

The game.

Rudi phoned me just before kick off to ask how i was doing and to tell me that he'd keep me updated as per usual.

The team:






Villa are one of our closest rivals at the moment so i was hoping for a result.

3.03pm Rudi - i was thinking the worst when this came through, i was wrong.

Kamara scores 1-0 up old chap

3.47pm Rudi

HT 1-0 tough game, Nolan nearly scored for them.

4.05pm Rudi

Kamara 2-0 things r good.

4.39pm Rudi

Keano 3-0. D'Alessandro setup all 3

4.48pm Rudi

3-1 Luke Moore for Villa.

4.49pm Rudi

FT 3-1

4.51 Charlotte - I thought this was weird she never texts me.

Man U 1 Charlton 1 - we are 3 points behind with a game in hand. See you later. C

Things are looking up, 3 points behind Man Utd. I'm starting to think we might be able to take this to the wire. The only other thing i now need is to get rid of this silly virus.

I suppose i should get some more rest and drink my glug in water stuff. It's horrible stuff but i do feel a bit better apart from the constant hueying. It's not as bad when you been drunk because you very rarely remember doin it.

Goodnight folks and thankyou for the letters and cards wishing me well, they are very much appreciated.


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by come_on_poolies:

Still utterly superb icon_biggrin.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cheers Poolies, it's been a laugh to write. Hopefully the battle for the title will go my way.

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27th March 10

Hiya Folks,

I'm feeling a little better and todays game should be the last one i miss.

Before i get to the game i'll give you some news.

Mr Luvvva man, Shabba. Vagner Love,who still doesn't know what i'm on about when i sing Mr Luvvva man, is leaving on july the 1st to join Perugia for 3.7mil + 40% sell on clause. He did have offers from Dortmund and Palermo but he's opted for Perugia because he see's them as a up and coming team in the Italian league. That's another leaving night on the calender then.

I phoned Rudi Vollborn this morning to say i wouldn't be in as i was still feeling a bit weak so he said he'd keep me up to date on the goings on at the game.

The team:






3.11pm Rudi

Kamara is on fire 1-0 brill goal.

3.16pm Rudi

Defence missing Collins John 1-1

3.27pm Rudi

Defence Defo missing John again 2-1

3.46 Rudi

HT - 2-1 DOWN

4.49pm Rudi

FT 2-1 Fulham mate, dfence will get shot when i get them in.

5.05pm Rudi

If u don't know man u 0-0. 4 pts behind game in hand.

I'm absolutely gutted we got beat especially with Man Utd only getting a draw. The game in hand is a must win and when i get back on Monday morning i'll be having a ganders at the vid of my defence, sounds like they need a good kickin.

Sorry if that's ruined your weekend folks.


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29th March 10

A quick update folks i'm back at work on a p/t basis for the next 2 weeks just to give my body time to get back into the swing of things. I've haven't been totally lazing around though.

I've concluded a deal with Javier Mascherano to join at the end of the season. I'm just hoping that our appeal for a work permit will be succesful.

Anyway i'm off to watch that nasty vid from the weekend.

Enjoy your week folks.


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3rd April 10

Well folks it's my first game back and i'm sat up here in my hotel room in Liverpool a happy man.

Before i get to todays game i just want to say how sorry i am to the Hammers fans who watched there team lose today. The loss has left you with to much to do and you are now relegated to League 1 for next season. I remember the days when Old Harry Redknapp had a team that was sold on for millions and yet now the club is in financial difficulty. The likes of Rio Ferdinand, Carrick and Cole who are all top quality players. Anyway i hope you get straight back up next season.

Now to us.


I was looking forward to this game in a very nervous manner. We need to win these games to have a shot at catching Man Utd so i decided width and pace were going to be my weapons today.







The game was one which seemed to be causing a few players to be on tenter hooks.

Robbie Keane who is always in the thick of things missed at least 3 or 4 good chances in the first 30mins. Liverpool hadn't created a thing and that woried me. I felt it would be one of those games where we could shoot all day and not score and they'd have one shot and it would fly in.

Then Robbie Keane down me a good turn. 1min before half time he collected a through ball from Kamara and chipped the goalie from 18 yards. 1-0 and half time.

The 2nd half was one that could have wnt either way. Aimar was getting a lot more of the ball and was starting to find his passing range. He was also whipping in corners which were causing problems. Then we got a stroke of luck. Aimar whipped on a corner which Westerveld punched out to Aruna who was on for Keane, Aruna hit a chip pass to Kamara who went through on goal and stuck the ball through Harrisons legs and into the onion bag. 2-0 and the game looked safe.

I them brought on Stalteri for Wright-Phillips to give a little more defensive cover as we have conceded a lot of late goals before. The move payed off better than i expected. On 94mins Kamara and Kleber made there way down the left before Kamara hit a cross field pass to Stalteri who chipped the ball over his man and into the path of Aruna who blasted home the 3rd and final goal of the game.

3-0 and i'm as happy as Larry. I couldn't have asked for a better 1st game back.

Man Utd beat QPR 2-0 but we will keep up the chase until it's impossible to catch them.

Have a great weekend.

Hugo icon_smile.gif

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10th April 10

I have some exciting news folks for me and the club.

The club and you fans will have the pleasure of seeing Javier Mascherano at the club as of the 1st of Sept 2010. He received a work permit yesterday.

I think he will be a valuable asset for years to come.

The good news for me is........ I asked Dr Cowie if she'd like to catch a flick next Sat night after the Leeds game, to thank her for her help while i was ill. She has said yes and i've been told she is into old movies so i've booked us tickets to go and see Police Academy 1. She told me that she loved this films as a kid. I hope it goes well.

Then there was the small matter of todays game against Sunderland(H).

Team for today:






I had a chat with the squad yesterday and told them that i want to go flat out to try and catch Man Utd. We all agreed that sometimes we've been a bit slack and now was the time to show people who doubted our challenge that we are in this race and we will fight for everything.

That chat worked well i think. After all we did win 3-0.

It took 46mins to break the dead lock and it needed a touch of luck to get us in front. Bierkofa cut inside from the left wing and hit a strong cross which took a wicked deflection and ended up in the net.

Then Robbie Keane doubled our lead after 58mins and Diomansy Kamara made it 3-0 froma Bierkofa cross with 15mins left.

I am delighted with the teams efforts today, they done me a you the fans proud.


PS. We still have some tickets left for the Man City away game on wed the 14th. I promise they will be worth buying.

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14th April 10

Well folks for those of you who bought tickets for tonights game, WELL DONE! you were all fantastic tonight as always.

Your support has been terrific.

I hope you found the 2-0 win to your liking. I wish it was more and it could've been if Lastuvka hadn't been in goals for City.







The game didn't start as i'd have liked because Paul Stalteri got himself bookde twice within 28mins leaving us with 10 men.

Thankyou Paul!!!!

It seemed to make us lift the pace and we started performing to the best of our ability.

Kamara got us off the mark with a great run and shot after 38mins.

Then in the second half Hitzelsperger scored with a wonderful dipping shot after 62mins.

Lastuvka the City goalie was superb, i'm not kidding when i say we had at least 14 or 15 shots on target and probably another 10 off target comapred to Man City's 1 shot in 90mins.

Now considering we had 10 men i'd say that was excellent.

Anyway i'm off as i need to be up early in the morning to go and pick up my mumsy from the airport as she is coming down to see some show and then she is flying back home on sat morning, thankgod because i don't want her around when i'm getting ready to go out with Charlotte.


PS. Love you Mumsy

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17th April 10

Tonight is a big night folks. Rememeber to wish me luck. I'm just hoping Charlotte will appreciate the sentiment of the movie.

Anyway, before i could worry about tonight i had a game to play today.


They are always a 50/50 team in my book but i fancied us to turn them over.







My feelings were good ones and they were right.

After just 5 mins Bierkofa had put us in front. He scored in a way he has never scored before, a header. Geremi whipped in a great corner and there he was 4 yards out nodding the ball home.

Robbie Keane then done the rest of the damage for us, popping in 2 goals. One after 19mins after good work from Kleber down the left and the second goal came after 38mins from a Kamara pass.

Yet again we probably should have scored more but 3-0 is a great result and we are still keeping the pressure up on Man Utd who beat Viall 2-0 today.

Anyway, i'm off to get ready and don't worry i'm not going for the green suit. I'm toning it down a bit. I'm for my beautiful purple shirt and a nice pair of flaired trousers. I'll look like the donkeys testies. Wish me luck.

Hugo icon_cool.gif

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24th April 10

Hi again,

I suppose your all wondering how the night out went.

Well for starters when i picked her up she looked beautiful in her chinese style dress and little red slip on shoes.

She then asked me where we were going and i started to panic, there she was all dressed up and i was taking her to the cinema to see Police Academy. Aghhhhhhhhhhh, then i figured i had to go with it because i couldn't come up with one other idea.

We arrived at the cinema at around 9.45pm and my god was i happy when she burst out into laughter and screamed "you remembered our conversation about Police Academy". She seemed really pleased and amused at the gesture and she even gave me a little kiss on the cheek.

The film was Superb, you just can't beat an old classic like Police Academy. PROCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Afterwards we went for a stroll and chatted about all the things we want to do in life and other stuff like that. Then we ordered a cab and went back to her apartment, we had hot chocolate with whipped cream. It was great to just be able to sit and chat about anything and feel comfortable about it. Then it hit 2am. I got up and called a cab to take me home. As i went to leave she grabbed my arm turned me round and....... well the next bit is private but i did end up getting my cab home and we've said that we will see how things go. I think it's more likely that if anything is to happen then it will happen after the season is over. In the end i think the evening was a success.

Oh and she loved the kit. I knew it was still worth keeping.

Anyway todays game.

Leicester (A)







My god this game was tough. Leicester played with 10 men behind the ball for the whole match but we still won 2-0.

The first half was a total write off because we just coudn't break Leicester down so we took off Geremi and put D'Alessandro on and that's where the game picked up for us. 61mins in we got a corner, D'Alessandro stepped up and put in a good ball which Upson nodded home. 1-0 at last.

Then 6mins later we had the game in our hands completely. Kamara beat his man on the left hand side and hit a driven pass along the box to D'Alessandro who used the outside of his foot to knock the ball home. 2-0 game over.

It was a hard game because we just didn't find enough space in the 1st half but thankfully i can call on a guy like D'Alessandro to help make things better.

After the game i received a text to tell me Man Utd had won 5-0 against Fulham. They are on a roll and i'm just praying someone will snatch a draw or win from them before the season is out.

As it stands just now we are 4 pts behind with a game in hand.


Man Utd ----36------------81


wish us luck or them bad luck which ever you prefer.


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30th April 10


I met Charlotte for lunch yetsreday and we've agreed that keeping things cool for the moment is the best thing for both of us as we have a ahrd few weeks ahead.

Shaun Wright-Phillips has won player of the month. Well done Shaun.

Daniel Bierkofa came 2nd, so well done Danny.

Proud of you both.

The remaining fixture for this season are:

Man Utd: Liverpool(H)-Sunderland(A)

Spurs: Ipswich(H)-Coventry(A)-Southampton(A)

Have a good weekend folks


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1st May 10


The last 3 games are must wins for us and thankfully we done what was needed today.

The team:






I asked the boys for a bright start and they gave it to me. Within the first 10 mins we had 4 shots on target. Then after 17mins we were 1-0 up. Robbie Keane, he has been outstanding for me since i got here and he showed a great deal of bravery to score this goal. Bierkofa beat his man all ends up on the left and hit a curling cross into the box which Robbie through himself at and got his head onto the ball to get it home. In the process he was caught by someones boot and had a rather nasty nose bleed for a few minutes after. Robbie being Robbie soldiered on and that's what i love about him.

It took another 13mins to get that all important second. Wright-Phillips showed exactly why he won player of the month, he ran a full 35 yards down the right before cutting inside and sliding the ball to Diomansy Kamara who battered the ball in.

The half time team talk is easy when you are winning and playing well. It's just a case of saying "more of the same boys".

The 2nd half was the same. 2 more goals came and some top class skills thrown into the bargain.

Kamara sliiped the ball through his markers legs and then hit a great chipped pass to Kallon who calmly knocked the ball past the despairing goalie.

The last goal was probably the best of the lot. It came from D'Alessandro. He showed some skills taht i can't even describe to get through on goal and then score. All i know is that even the Ipswich crowd applauded him.

4-0 and 2 games to go.

Man Utd don't play until Monday the 3rd so i'm hoping this will put more pressure on them.

Lets all get behind Liverpool on Monday night.

Good Luck Liverpool


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8th May 10

The last day of the season for most teams today. We still have Southampton to play on Monday before we are finished.

It doesn't really matter though.







We went 1-0 up after 48mins when Kamara latched onto a cross from the outstanding Prutton and smashed the ball home. A t this point it was 0-0 at the stadium of light.

65mins gone i noticed our crowd had become a bit quiet, then i got a text from my mate saying:

Man Ure 1-0 up - Fletcher.

I felt a bit down but thought to myself. Ach there is 25mins left, Sunderland will get a goal.

79mins gone, Bierkofa put us 2 up after some good work by Aruna who came on for Keane.

The next thing i heard was from Charlie Nicholas running up to me at the end of the game to ask for me how i felt about not winning the title in my final year at Spurs. I didn't answer him. I gave my boys a pat on the back and told them i was proud of them.

Man Utd had won 1-0 and that was that.

I'm feeling a bit down tonight folks and i'm sorry if you are as well. I tried my best and i failed. Sorry

Hugo out

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10th May 10


I honestly don't think i was that bothered about todays game folks. I appreciated those of you who came up and said well done at coming second and wished me well, it showed me that i done something right in my time here.

Todays team was changed a bit as i wanted to give a few guys a well deserved rest.







We won 2-1 with goals from Aruna and Kallon and Southamptons goal came from Avalos.

I had a quick word with Dave Jones after the game to wish him and his boys all the best in the FA Cup final against Chelsea.

Anyway i'm only here for a few more weeks folks to sort out some paperwork and other bits and bobs so i'll pop a few messages up before i go.

Thanyou all for supporting us, it's been a toatl pleasure to manage this club and i hav to thank the folks at FM for giving me the chance to vent a few frustrations and to be able to put my thoughts down sommewhere.

Cheers Folks

Hugo icon_smile.gif

ps: a special thanks to those who left me feedback for this story. It makes thinsg a lot easier when you know that someone is getting 5mins of there life wasted every now and then icon_biggrin.gif . Hope it's also provided a few laughs as well.

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Season Over:

League Cup: Man Utd

FA Cup: Chelsea

Premier League: Man Utd

Uefa Cup: Sampdoria

Champions League: AC MIlan

Top 6 in the EPL

Man Utd


Aston Villa








Awards for my players:

Hitzelsperger came 3rd in the players nominated award and 3rd in the writers award.

Westerveld, Upson and Hitzelsperger all made it into team of the season.

Freddy Guarin came 3rd in the goal of the season with his 30 yard screamer against Ipswich.

Well done to all you boys.

This is my last note in this diary and i'd like to thank you all once more. The players, my staff, the fans from all over the country and in europe. You are all top folks and i wish you all the best in the future.


Hugo gone icon_cool.gif

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12th July 2010

Howdy dudy folks. I'm back

I'm not sure where to start here so i'll just babble a bit and you can work it out.

I was at my leaving do and was chatting away with Old Gauston and a few other folk and all of a sudden Franky boy Arnesen appears with Danny Levy.

I didn't get on with those 2 very much at all while i was at the club. I suppose the fron page expose in the Crap of the World newspaper in 2007 gave them all the ammo they needed to hate me. All though i have done better than they ever imagined.

Anyway, Franky and Levy got straight to the nitty gritty of why they came down. They told me and Gauston that Gauston wasn't getting the managers job because he was to inexperienced. They said that if the job was there in a years time and Gauston had done well with the reserve team then he would get the job. The only problem there was, who would take the mangers job for 1 year.

This was where it got interesting. They asked me if i'd reconsider going and take a new one year contract. I said no straight away. Then they hit the big button. They offered me double my old wage plus a new car and a clause that gave me the power to leave the club if any club that i stated before hand offered me a job. I said i'd think about it.

At that point i'd already turned down both Juventus and Liverpool as i would rather head home to Scotland or out to Spain.

After 3 days of mulling it over and talking to old Gauston i decided i'd stay. 1 more season won't kill me and the Luuuuvvvvvelllly folk here at FM have given me a new contract to carry on my diary. All of a sudden my bank balance looks like i'm worth something.

My contract for here at FM kicks in at the start of the season so i'm not allowed to mention anything other than results and stuff about me until the 14th of August. I'll pop up the info for our pre-season and some other stuff soon.

Have a good summer.

Hugo icon_cool.gif

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10th August 2010

Pre season info and a few other bits and bobs from your old pal Hugo.

Firtsly the Argies won the World Cup 1-0 against Spain.

Now to us:

Pre season friendly info

Amsterdam Tournie:

Ajax 0 Spurs 2 - King and Prutton scored.

Sparta Prague 1 Spurs 2 - Anderson and Trochowski scored.

Spurs win Amsterdam Tournament.

Dunfermline 1 Spurs 3

Scorers: Stead - Hitzelsperger - Kallon

Silkeborg 0 Spurs 2

Scorers: Kallon - Leandro

Austria Vienna 0 Spurs 0

Beveren 0 Spurs 1

Scorer: Keane

Other: Bierkofa broke his wrist and is out for 1 month.

Marseille 0 Spurs 4

Scorers Kamara x2 - Raulin - Leandro

The ins and outs during the summer.


Alexander Farnerud - Free

Mikael Landreau - Free

DaMarcus Beasley - Free

Jason Henderson from St Johnstone - 50k - Young left back who will go into the reserve team and hopefully deevelop.

Vierinha - Ecija - 500k - A guy who was full of potential when he was 19/20 and has gone off the rails a bit. Gauston thinks we can get the best out the guy and he will go on to challenge SWP for the right winger slot.

Tommy Simpson - Derby - A 19 year old DL Or ML. Another one for the future.

Alan McGuire - Free - A 18 year old DC that Kirk Whitelock spotted on his holibobs in Scotland. I've only seen him in action for our youth team but my god he'd tackle a bus if you asked him.

Joni Pursanen - Tmepere Utd - 200K. 19 year old right winger with pace to burn. Another who will start in the reserves.

Michael Newman - West Brom - 850K. A good attacking midfielder who also seems to be able to play upfront. He is only 19 so he will hopefully gain a bit of muscle as he is a tad on the light side.

Jason Jones - Haverfordwest - 50k. A talented young Welsh striker who i was watched by a few of our scouts. They seem to think he is player in the mould of Kevin Phillips the ex Sunderland and Southampton striker.

Issah Eliakwu - Verona - 3.9mil. A goal scorer if ever i saw one. An ex Inter youth player who knocked in 21 goals in 30 games for Verona last season.

Still to arrive:

Javier Mascherano is due to arrive on Sep 1st.

Most of the signing are players who we think have a potential to become 1st teamers in a year or so but i'm sure a few of them will blossom before this season is done.


Geremi - Wolves - 1.8mil

Vagner Love - Perugia - 3.7mil

Paul Robinson - Reggina - 3.9mil

Alex - Udinese - 2.8 mil

Freddy Adu - Villareal - 6mil + 50% of his next tranfer fee.

Aruna - Charlton - 5mil

Jonathon Stead - Everton - 3.4mil

+ a few reserve and youth team boys were sold or released.

The board gave me 80mil to spend on new players so i currently have around about 100mil to spend if i want to.

Injury news:

Kieron Richardson has fully recovered from his injury and is looking like he is ready to go.

He is also dating one of the wee honeys that he met at the Hospital, lucky sod.

My Love life:

Everything was looking good for me and Charlotte until her boyfriend from high school made a shock appearance. The ba****d proposed to her after being back for 5 days and she said yes. She still works here and i wish her all the best, NOT!.

I've had a few flings while we've been on our trips away during pre-season but nothing great.

The best part of pre-season for me was when in the casino at schipol airport in Amsterdam and won 15k at a game of Texas Hold Em against Daniel Levy and some muppet who said he use to be a pop star. Peter Andrar or something like that, said he dates some thing with boobs.

A tip son, quit the old bottled tan it makes you look like an arse.

Danny Levy was gutted that i beat him, Nae Luck mate.

Anyway i'm off to my uncle ned for some kip.

I shall post my first proper report on the 14th August after the Sheff Utd away game.

Oh and just in case you are wondering Chelsea beat Man Utd 1-0 in the charity shield.

Hugo out.

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Oh and one last thing that i forgot to put in my diary.

I got an upgrade on my dugout chair. It now has a 8 inch plasma screen tv built in and a music system for when things get real bad and the club paid for it. I need to remember and take this baby home when i leave.

Hugo out, again.

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14th August 2010

Howdy folks,

just back from Sheffield. It's a crackin wee place, folk are a good laugh and there are some alright burds up there.

Anyway down to the stuff you wanna know.

Todays Team:


Mabizela King Upson Kleber


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Keane Kamara

Since we want to start the season strongly me and Gauston have decided that we will stick to our attacking ideals and just have that one last pop at winning the title. The bookies have made us 10/1 so i've stuck a grand of the money i won of Levy on us to win.

Todays game was a fairly dull affair with both teams trying to crank there way up the gears. We seemed to get through the first game blues better than United. That's probably the main reason we won 2-0.

The goals came from Upson, he nodded home a D'Alessnadro corner. The second goal came from the debutant Eliakwu who came on for Keane with 10mins to go. Kamara beat 2 players out on the left and then ran in on the goalie before cutting the ball back to Eliakwu who tapped the ball into the empty goal.

I'm delighted that we won and that Eliakwu scored on his debut. The defence looked pretty good and Kieron Richardson looked like his old self.

I really need to get Eliakwu a nickname or something because it's a nightmare to remember the spelling and i've not got a scooby how you would say it. Any ideas? Bueller, bueller, anyone?

Anyway must dash i'm off out to try and pull some chicks. Rui Costa is coming out so no doubt he'll get all the talent while me and Rudi Vollborn will be left with the skanks. Wish me luck folks.



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18th Aug 2010

Hows we doin folks.......

I'm alright and before i say anything else, i'd like to thank the staff at Triple x dance bar for finding my jacket for me the other night.

Well, today was a toughy, Southampton at home. This lot are never easy because they are fairly solid and have a great aerial threat from Beattie and co.

The good part is we tamed the threat and broke through there defence with success on 2 occasions. 2 goals to nil was the final score.



Mabizela King Upson Kleber


Beasley Hitzlsperger Richardson

Keane Kamara

Hitzlsperger broke the deadlock after just 7mins with a strike that could have taken the goalies hands off if he'd got them to the ball.

Then after 31mins Kamara used his pace to get onto a Richardson pass before he fired the ball past the goalie to make it 2-0.

The rest of the game was played in 2nd gear from us and Southampton looked happy to take the 2-0 defeat and move on.

I'm happy with the performance in the 1st half but the 2nd half was a bit crap in all honesty. I was glad i could watch the horse racing on my wee screen and enjoy a refreshing orange juice. The nice people at the FA made a rule to stop me from drinking in the dugout, as you can imagine i'm happy at that. Arghhhhhhhhhhhh. I also realised that since i've been at Spurs i've been fined 60k all totaled by that bunch of muppets. I'm just waiting for thm to ban my chiar all together.

Now i must say goodnight as i've not eaten yet and i need to phone a kebab.


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21st August 2010

Ok, i'm stuck in Bristol and i'm not happy, and this tinternet cafe is freezin and full of muppets.

I went to get on the team bus home and realised i'd left my bag of giant cola bottles in the dressing room, i went in to get them and when i came back out the bus was gone. Flippin nightmare because my mobile was on the bus so i couldn't phone to get them to turn round.

They are going to send a car to get me tomorrow and they've booked me into a hotel here. I think i'll blast the clubs account for a few beers and a good feed.

Now, back to todays game. Bristol City(A), i've never been here before and although you fancy your chances against newly promoted sides you still kinda wonder about how the game will go.

Yet again i was wrong to worry and we walked away, or the rest of the team walked away 2-0 winners. I'm still here being a 2-0 winner.



Stalteri King Upson Kleber


Beasley D'Alessandro Kallon

Eliakwu Kamara

The game was very similar to the Southampton game. Once we got in front Bristol seemed happy to put on the damage limitation button and hope for the best.

We got in front after 22mins when D'Alessandro smashed home from the edge of the area after a poor clearance freom the city defence. Then 5mins later he scored his and our second of the match. Beasley crossed over from the right and D'Alessandro controlled the ball before knocking it past the goalie.

The same scorline as our last game and pretty much the same performance.

Right, i'm off to get me a good dinner and a few jars back at the hotel.

Have a good weekend


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22nd August 2010

Ughhhhhh, i'm back and my god am i sufferin, i hueyed twice in the car on the way back. I suppose sitting with the bar staff until 5am drinkin tequila and vodka shots didn't help.

Anyway i'm just popping up this update to say that the stuff in this mornings papers about Mabizela going to Deportivo for 9mil aren't true. Yes, they did make a bid but i told them to screw the nut. If you want one of our top men you'll pay a minimum of 20mil.

Gotta go get me something to help me get over this hangover.


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25th August 2010

I'm still feeling awful after the weekend s session.

Leicester today, another tough cookie to break down. I didn't see them coming here to have a go so we setup to get goals and to try and keep our winning streak going and we did. 4-1 and that was easy going on Leicester as we could have easily scored 8 or 9.



Mabizela King Upson Kleber


Beasley D'Alessandro Richardson

Keane Kamara

This game had the perfect start when Robbie Keane scored after just 1min 27secs. Richardson crossed and Robbie volleyed home.

The perfect start became a even better when Prutton scored form 25 yards after just 3mins.

Then about 5mins before the break we wrapped it up and put a nice wee bow on it when Kamara latched onto yet another good Richardson cross and slid the ball into the onion bag.

Half Time 3-0 and cruising.

The only blip in our game came after 59mins when Kalou scored for Leicester when he got a bit of luck with a deflected shot landing at his feet for him to make it 3-1.

Finally with 4mins to go Kamara restored our 3 goal advantage when he headed in a cross from Beasley.

4-1 and i am delighted. We have come away from games like todays with a point here and there when we should have won but today we put that right.

I'm off to celebrate with Old Gauston and Rudi.

I'll pop up a post tomorrow with our Champions League draw and my take on the teams we get.

See ya

Hugo out

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26th August 2010

I shouldn't have added to my hangover from the weekend with a boozin session last night but i did and my god am i suffering. The cleanin woman woke me up at 8.20am this mornin with her hoover. My god do women not know when a man has a hangover he needs his peace.

Anyway the Champions League Draw:

We got:

PSV - Good young dutch side

Reggina - Upcoming force in Italy

Fenerbahce - They have a good record in the CL especially at home.

I have to say i'm delighted with that draw, it's by no means a easy one but we have a great chance of getting through it.

The bad news from today is Paul Stalteri has picked up a minor ankle knock which will rule him out for 2 weeks.

Right that's enough from me, i'm off to my bed.


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28th August 2010

Today was going to be our toughest test so far this season. Aston Villa away is never easy and they have had there fair share of wins against us over the years but today wasn't one of them.



Mabizela King Upson Kleber


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson

Keane Kamara

The first of our 3 goals came after 24mins through Diomansy Kamara when he collected a pass from Wright-Phillips and rammed the ball home to papa.

The the fun began in the 2nd half when Tim Borowski levelled things up after 55mins. Villa could smell blood but i could see it so i made a change that worked a treat. I brought on Farnerud for Kamara and he changed the game. After 73mins Farnerud collected the ball out on the left and he cut inside and hit a shot into the opposite corner of the net. 2-1.

Then 10mins later he got his second. Kallon who had come on for SWP collected a clearance from Upson and hit a long ball over the top and Farnerud collected it and took it round the goalie before tappin his baby home. 3-1 get in.

I'm a bit surprised we managed to kill off Villa in the end because they are a strong side but i'm happy as larry because it keeps us on top of the league and unbeaten. Long may it continue.

Hugo icon_smile.gif

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11th Sep 2010

Arite, arite calm down, calm down.

Not sure why i'm thinking of Harry Enfields scouser sketch but i am.

I have some good and bad news concerning players today. The bad news is Kallon has torn his groin muscle and is out for a month. The good news is Javier Mascherano has arrived safely from Argentina and a wee bit of good news came my way as well. I won manager of the month, yipppppeee.

I also found out from my local bookie that we are 18/1 to win the Champions League. I think i'll hold off on that bet.

Todays game:

Fulham at home. It's a derby and derby games are always hard to call. I fancied our chances purely because of the form we are in and i was right to be confident. We won 3-1.



Bardsley King Upson Kleber


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Eliakwu Farnerud

D'Alessandro just keeps me so smiley, it took him 3mins to keep make me more smiley. He curled home a free kick from the edge of the area to put us 1-0 up.

After 34mins Prutton made my day when he ran on to a pass from Farnerud and hit a thunderous drive past the goalie from 12 yards to make it 2-0.

Then Farnerud made it game over when he got through on goal from a D'Alessnadro pass and tapped the ball home.

Half Time 3-0. In the dressing room i told the boys to enjoy the game and give the fans some entertainment.

They did the usual stuff, lots of keep ball and the odd flick n trick. The only spot on the game for us was when we gave Charisteas a chance to fire a shot in which took a deflection off Upson and past Landreau to make it 3-1.

Fianl Score: 3-1. I was happy. 3-1 in a derby is a good result and it keeps us on our roll.

Have a good weekend folks.


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15th Sep 2010

God, i'm glad to be alive.

The flight home from Turkey was a hairy one. The flight seemed to be on a bouncy, bouncy path and my god i was crappin myself. I had this feeling that the boy would say get your head down, so you can kiss your arse goodbye. Thankfully it's over now.

Fenerbahce(A) was never going to be easy because we had players on international duty and a few injured but we came out with a great result. 3-0 away is just what you need to start your campaign in the champions league.



Mabizela King Upson Kleber


SWP Hitzlsperger Richardson

Raulin Farnerud

The game started badly because Kleber picked up a sprain inhis ankle and had to come off after 3mins.

I had a horrible feeling that it was a sign that things were going to go ass up.

It took 20mins for that feeling to go away. Raulin played a 1-2 with Farnerud before hitting a sweet shot into the bottom corner of the net. 1-0.

Raulin Then made me jump out of my seat as he flung his body at a Wright-Phillips cross and somehow got the ball past the goalie. It showed great determination from the young lad and he got his reward for it.

Farnerud wrapped up the points on 72mins when he rose like a salmon to head home SWP's cross. 3-0 and 3 points.

When the game ended we weren't hanging about as the fans seemed a bit upset. I'm ecstatic and feeling sick it's a strange combo. I'll let you know how i get on with it next week.

Have fun folks and don't do anything i wouldn't.


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25th Sep 2010

Cup news first folks. We got Bolton away in the Lge Cup

Injury update:

Kleber is out for 4 weeks

Now before i go onto todays game. Man United at home. I'll jsut sign a cheque to the FA for 4k.

Rob Styles i hate you, you are a ******* ****** and i can't believe they'd let you pick a winner of a drawing comp for 2 year olds never mind ref a big game. I swear that if i see you out and about i'm going to drag your arse to Speccy Savers and by you some glasses and then to the fish market so i can beat you with a giant kipper. Do you get where i'm going with this you stupid ******* muppet.



Mabizela King Upson Stalteri


SWP D'Alessandro Richardson

Keane Kamara

Now, all you need to know about this game was that Styles is a w*****. Luque scored for Man Utd after 7mins when he fouled Upson but that prat Styles waved play on, so Luque was clean through and scored.

Then Robbie Keane equalised after 41mins when he got onto a rebound froma Kamara shot but amzingly Styles said Kamara had fouled the defender he went past before having his shot. Styles is the only person in the stadium who seen it and Man Utd hadn't claimed for it but he gave the free kick all the same.

Then he went on to book 5 of my boys for nothing challenges. He thinks he is the star of the show, well i'm sorry ya clown but your not so get to ****.

I'm incredibly cheesed off so i'll say no more.

Hugo angryfire.gif

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