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That Grand Old 3-4-3: Come all ye faithful (FMs Greatest Thinkers)

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Many contibutants have opened threads boldly claiming to have commandered the 3-4-3 through unchartered waters...However, few have pertained to its original description. Historically, the 3-4-3 utillised wide strikers/inside forwards, with a targetman playing a central role. In effect, the attacking line-up was: FR FC FL. Credit given to those who managed to master a FC FC FC frontline, and perhaps your expertise could play a role in this project here.

The aim is to recreate the Grand Old 3-4-3, in all its glory, wide strikers, wingbacks. Have toiled with various passing styles, tempos, team and indvidual mentalities with mixed success. Back to back promotions with Notts County, a decent half season thus far with Heerenveen, but haven't really nailed it. And so the baton is handed over to you guys. The base system has to stay the same (as pictured) 3DCs - ML MC MC MR - FL FC FR. I think that, as a collective, the wide striker conundrum can be cracked. Guys, looking forward to your ideas and advice.



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