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Scots League

richard thomson

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i have finnaly got the teams and lower leagues working but the problem i now have is i cant change the amount of teams relegated from the 3rd i have tried a few things duplicating third division and changing rules and then deketing other division 3 next i tried duplicating it changing name slightly and made sure rep on 3rd was lower and comp level lower on new one but can only move league up to the top created league and cant lower division 3

ive also tried to remove the third division after doing above but when u go to test national rules it says relgation from 3rd does not match the same as what i called the remade 3rd so i could relgate team from 3rd also shows a blank between scottish 2nd and what i called 3rd any help would be great cheers

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You might have over-complicated things here. If you try to add leagues to the Scottish structure without first changing the league rules, there will be no relegation. So you need to start by creating a new league, then just port over the SPL and SFL in their current formats. But then you make the SFL division 3 have relegation and the division below promotion. You must make sure the same number of teams go down as come up. If you have regional divisions (eg 3 feeders with the champions in each being promoted) it gets more complicated, but for now I suggest you start again and follow my points.

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right that seems to work and im getting there 1 thing im not sure about the lower league im going to split in to north south do i need to edit teams competitions settings in the regional tabs to north or south or is setting the league boundaries enough to do that ???

ps i take it you only need one place in like north boundaries ie dundee would mean everything north of dundee would be in north and leave the south empty as everything south of dundee would be in south ?

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