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Victor Moses?????

ste manders

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if anything , im suprised the lad has taken so long to be picked up by a bigger side.. he's quality... and getting better by the day...

and im speaking as someone who's team was regularly been on the wrong side of his talent

Aye, though i think it was mainly due to him wanting to play first team footy as much as he could, and hes been a pretty central figure to palace for past season or two they had a nice young crop of players in Soares/watson and Moses till the poaching starts but thats inevitable i guess :(, he seems to play his best games just off the front man, i reckon him and rodallega could be pretty good together, its funny cause i had them for my forest team on championship manager 08 :thup: along with palacios and vilanueva who had a spell at blackburn, i was convinced people were spying on my game haha, on a side note i feel sorry for the lad as that pitch he has to play on is awful even though its being relayed this week/next? it wont suit his style if its like that too often and i imagine it will be with the rugby and football played on it constantly.

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