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KO Bumper Commentary Pack 2010


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KO Bumper Commentary Pack 2010


From the guys that brought you the KROL commentary file back in 2007

- We're back with a brand new bumper commentary pack 2010

Just to refresh your memory the KROL file was developed over several years and included the work of the legendary Taipan.

(Due to the pack's success in 2007 we were contacted by SI who asked if they could implement lines from the pack in fm 2007)

This year we have decided to bring back the team and work on a brand new commentary file.. an aspect of the game which we feel has been a bit too generic and repetitive over the last few years...

We want to add creativity to each game and at the same time give the fans a greater indication of what's going on in front of them without going over the top

We have been putting a lot of time and effort into this for quite some time now and have got to the stage where we'd like to take some of the community's lines into consideration...

Are there any goal celebrations you'd like to include ?

Any lines to emphasise the importance of winning the prem/ a cup final/ etc... ? instead of simply... "Team x have done it !"

Any famous phrases or quotes which you feel should be used from time to time but aren't ?

Or simply any other lines you'd like to see which don't flash up ?

We hope to have thousands of lines put in after all this. The more lines we can come up with the better as we want to avoid too much ingame repetition. And again we'd like to avoid anything too OTT and cheesy.

The patch will be thoroughly tested prior to release to minimise any in game problems .

We will confirm a release date soon and really value any input that the community may have for this.

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"He plays like a nat in the rain with no umbrella" when the player misses a sitter

Or when your playing abroad "GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!"

Or how about "ooo thats gotta hurt" when someone gets lamped

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Hi, everyone

Just a quick update ...

things have been going very well on this so far... We will in the next week or so be looking for a few testers to help us test out our patch prior to release. Ideally we want someone who has a fair bit of time to play fm and who can give us good input as to how they feel the lines fit into the match play. Please could you post here and PM me if interested.

Thanks guys

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"You want entertainment, go see clowns."

I like that one.:thup: Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm doing this pack with kserasera, we're aiming to have a beta ready to go next weekend but appreciate all the help we can get with ideas and testers.

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'Lord Nelson! Lord Beaverbrook! Sir Winston Churchill! Sir Anthony Eden! Clement Attlee! Henry Cooper! Lady Diana! Maggie Thatcher - can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!'

Could that be reserved for anytime Norway beat England. :)

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It's Coming along nicely - We should have our beta ready by this weekend and then will put it through plenty of vigorous testing to make sure it is as good as can be prior to official release...

Thanks for the input so far guys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yep guys the array access out of bounds seems to be a bit of an issue although we are trying our best to fix it. I understand that some other guys who recently released a commentary file were having similar issues. If any of you guys know what the cause of this error is please PM one of us or let us know.

thanks guys. We hope to have this ready very soon once the problem above is fixed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all just a quick update

- So good news - Thanks to a very helpful board member "Seafire" who has now become a part of our team we believe that a solution has been found to the all the problems we have been faced with. We will continue to test the file this week and providing there are no futher errors will look to release Version 1 in the next week or so guys .. so watch this space ....

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