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Update-Makers Recruitment/Recrutamento Update-Makers


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Reino Manager

Reino Manager is a team of Update-Makers and Kit Maker, that was founded in October 2009, and we main objective is recreate a more realist Portugal as football nation, and recreate the Lowest Leagues. Also the team do others Updates about others things(out of Portugal).

Update-Makers Recruitment

Recently the Reino Manager Team has been struggling with its countless difficulties for us to maintain our level of labor, demand and professionalism. Not only derived from the short time we have had but also the small number of Update-Makers. So we decided to open an Open Recruitment Update-makers for those who are interested in joining our team. We waiting for you.

Form (Click Here)

Concurso Recrutamento de Update-Makers

Ultimamente a equipa Reino Manager tem se deparado com enumeras dificuldades para conseguirmos manter o nosso nível de trabalho, exigência e profissionalismo. Não só derivado do pouco tempo que temos tido mas também ao número reduzido de Update-Makers. Por isso decidimos abrir um Concurso de Recrutamento de Update-Makers para quem estiver interessado em entrar na nossa equipa.

Tudo o que tem de fazer é responder a este Questionário e esperarem ser um dos seleccionados, contamos contigo.

Questionário (Clica aqui)

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