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Italian League - anyone else experience this?

Crab Lungs

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Hi all

I've got the update for the Italian league which takes it down to the Excellenza level and have its entirety running so that at some point in my career, should I wish, I can manage in Italy.

However, I've just noticed (I'm in late August 2010 now) that none of the italian leagues have been revised and all the clubs are still in their 2009-10 finishing positions? on promotions, no relegations etc - 38 games played etc etc

Has anyone else experienced this? Is the italian league starting reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally late after the world cup or is this a bug?

I couldn't find it anywhere else on the forums myself, but someone must have encountered this...

...please help!

Thanks all

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I'd recommend you start a new game, and just run in holiday mode for a couple of seasons. Just run the Italian leagues, and start unemployed. See what happens.

Where did you download the file from? Did its author indicate that it had been properly tested? Was this with 10.2 or 10.3 - presumably the former?

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I'd recommend you start a new game, and just run in holiday mode for a couple of seasons. Just run the Italian leagues, and start unemployed. See what happens.

Where did you download the file from? Did its author indicate that it had been properly tested? Was this with 10.2 or 10.3 - presumably the former?


It was run with the former (10.2) and... for the life of me, I cannot recall the author of the file - it's someone on here and I must have downloaded it around November time? Since then I've been off FM10 because of the incessant memory leaks but decided to bite my tongue and manually resolve it as I play the game.

Anyway (!) - you might be correct in saying it might be a problem to do with the version I am now running, possibly? The italian league update was created pretty early days so it might only be compatible for 10.1...?

Cheers for writing back, appreciated :)

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