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Possibly a new addition/innovation needed for training..?

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So as i'm typing this i'm watching the Arsenal vs Barcelona match and besides enjoying the match immensely and as i watch such games i'm always stirred up for a play on FM and trying to replicate what i'm seeing. The thing is instead of thinking just in terms in tactics my mind wondered over to training.

It's all well and good having training that improve attributes but how about training that helps your players adapt to your system? In order for Barcelona to play as they do they need to train in small sided games, develop relationships relative to their positions, no the typical runs of their teammates etc...I'm pretty sure that training doesnt do this in it's current form, it only comes from actual matches.

Does anyone else see something like this as a good addition to the current training system? I dont claim to have an idea of how this could be implimented but i think if done properly it could have some great benefits.

What do you all think?

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I think that is a very good point which SI could perhaps look at including in their next rendition of the FM Series. I remember vaguely on the old CM series where you could have 5-a-side training sessions and the like.

I definitely think that the training side of things in FM although currently a little tedious, could be improved to be more in-depth. For instance, instead of having simply the sliders that cover general categories and attributes, you should be able to have individual drills and exercises. I've been slightly Judas to the FM series and while out in Australia played Championship Manager 2010. The training setup, while rather basic was innovative and a fantastic insight into your players abilities. It was great to see your personally created set-pieces culminate into a goal. The idea of having the use of the match engine in the training system was a stroke of genius in my opinion.

I think that if CM have not patented this usage of the training and set-pieces within their game, then FM should definitely look at implementing in FM11.

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Training players to become more adept at your system is something people have wanted to see for a while, but the problem is that there is no real game mechanics to enable this. It would likely require an whole new aspect to the game in order to incorporate this.

It is a good idea. It is currently impossible I think, and to produce it would require a whole new set of features and game mechanics.

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Remember that it's a football manager simulation and not a football coach and physio simulation. If you want to schedule drills and exercise, play at WII Fit.......;)

All things you propose are included in the training part of FM2010 but you don't see or have access....The only things you can do, it's to choose your coaches according to have hard or soft training exercise, simply choose your coach....and schedule training area you want players increase.

It's the only choice that have a manager about training. He trust his coach for training exercise, it's their job not manager job.

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Yeah, i know that in terms of how everything is set up that introducing something like that would be ridiculously hard and like i said, i dont really have an answer...Maybe have the AI simulate small games according to your tactics within training..? You dont have to watch or even be aware of what is happening but hopefully it would have some kind of impact on your players getting used to the system you want to play - thing is something like that could slow everything done (i'm just thinking aloud here^^)

The thing is i do think it's the managers job to define how his team is to play and then the training, rightly, is taken up by the coaches. As far as i'm aware - and i'm totally willing to be torn apart for this assumption - is that training doesnt work on things like shape, like closing down as a group, work on attacking and defensive moves etc but is predominantly about boosting attributes. I dont know if things like work rate and team work sufficiantly cover that.

As for turning it into Football Coach i dont think being able to include something where your team can get used to your style of play and etc without only having that happen in a match isnt that big a leap or really has to take a big effort from what we're asked to do with training already (from a game point of view not a programming one). Some managers are still coaches, even if they do deligate ;)

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