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Manager nationality

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When ever i start i new game i make myself the nationality of the country i wish to manage in. I also give myself a second nationality to give me that little advantage.

In older versions of FM i used to make myself a little brazillian in the hope of attracting those 17 year old gem. more recently though i find myself attempting to know as many languages as possible.

Currently managing in spain and think i hit the jackpot with the second nationality of swiss which, with my first nationality being spanish, has allowed me to start the game knowing:

spanish, german, english, french and Italian

which should be very useful in attracting all sorts of players and help them settle.

does anybody else do this sort of thing with their manager natinality

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Currently managing in spain and think i hit the jackpot with the second nationality of swiss which, with my first nationality being spanish, has allowed me to start the game knowing:

spanish, german, english, french and Italian

No I generally just choose my own nationallity.

Interesting to know that Swiss gives you 4 languages though. I thought there is a Swiss language too?

Unless of course this is a mediocre April Fools joke :)

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No I generally just choose my own nationallity.

Interesting to know that Swiss gives you 4 languages though. I thought there is a Swiss language too?

Unless of course this is a mediocre April Fools joke :)

Switzerland has four official languages (in order of numbers speaking) German, French Italian, Romansch (which are split 74/20/4/1 roughly). Romansch is close to French and is a descendant of Latin, but as so few people speak it it is not included in the game (a similar situation to Irish, which is officialy the main language in Ireland).

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Yes, I always like to add a second nationality for the country I am about to manage in. A wee additional language button at set-up would be nice. I mean some managers can speak more than one language.

PS Cheers for the Swiss tip, I'll use that next game :thup:

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English and Irish. I am also part Scottish. Question though. If you make yourself start with past experience as International, but come from a low profile country, like Reunion, shouldn't you start with a small reputation?

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I do this. I give myself the nationality of the club I'll be managing - Scottish or English, then Cambodian (where I live) as a personal touch. Just cosmetic though; no Cambodian would get a work permit or be good enough to buy.

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I always start with just my own nationality (scottish) in the game but tend to go for a few different international jobs to boost my language skills. So far in my current save I have English, French, Italian and Portuguese and since I just won the European Championship with France will probably move on to a different nation after the next World cup (if I win it, or get sacked for doing badly).

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I always start with my own nationality being Belgian (gives me Dutch, French and German).

Several years in my game I also know Czech, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and English :).

Yep, Belgian I've used as a second nationality, originally because I'm 1/4 Flemish but from then on because of the extra languages! I also picked up Portuguese from coaching Angola in one save. I tend to go with Canadian and Scottish (most of my heritage) now though, not necessarily in that order. Canadian gives you English and French, a nice bonus for a mostly unglamorous footballing nation

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