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Just want a little advice...

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ok so i have created a tactic that has good defensive record so far. i play a slow tempo and would like to know what settings i would use so that my defense could pass the ball around a little more to keep possesion longer and try to give my attack more time to find space? would changing one of my defenders to ball playing centre back do the trick or would i have to tinker with those settings aswell?


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If you want to keep possession you could advise some players to hold up ball. But it's not very charitable to instruct your defenders to do that imo. It's a simple rule that always at least four man should stay behind the ball if your in possession. That's not the case if one of your defenders holds up play, which is a bit risky if he looses possession. So it might be better to keep possession in your midfield (DMs, MCs hold up ball) instead. You can also increase the timewasting setting which also does slow down the tempo of your build up process and helps keeping possession

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ah thanks thtats exactly what i needed to know, i had thought about the hold up ball option but as you said i didnt think that would be wise, i dont have my deffensive line pushed up so that gives my midfield space to find gaps, but yeah ill try the timewasting setting, which could help :)

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