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European 4-2-3-1 (Dominate and Control) Discussion

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I read Jonathan Wilson's article in the Guardian "The Question: why has 4-4-2 been superseded by 4-2-3-1?" and i began thinking of how to incorporate it into FM. In this thread, i will attempt to document my thought process in developing a Dominate tactic and Control tactic for my squad. I dont claim to be a tactical guru, in fact i believe i'm a novice. My goal is to spark a discussion on how to incorporate certain concepts and systems into the game, of course dependent on the current game ME and Tactics creator.

Disclaimer: "Please Pardon my English"

My interpretation of the formation is that it stems from the "Double Pivot" deep lying midfielders and the 4 Forwards infront of them. Quote from the article "The great advantage of using the two holders is that it provides a platform on which more creative players can express themselves, effectively allowing dribblers back into the game"

In the article, Coach Arrigo Sacchi, preached about a system of footballers being PROACTIVE in situations rather than footballers playing in a system which he viewed as being REACTIVE. Quote "Sacchi was a devotee of universality, believing that if players were capable of operating in multiple positions, they could create an interactive "energy-system" whose effectiveness was greater than the sum of the effectiveness of the individuals within in."

However, it would really take a team of top worldclass players, ie. Barcelona who would be able to have every player being able to play the ball effectively. Gerald Pique and Carlos Puyol are great real life examples of this.

Sacchi drew an example from his brief spell with Real Madrid, when he worked with Worldclass creative attackers like Zidane, Figo and Raul, "So, for example, we knew that Zidane, Raul and Figo didn't track back, so we had to put a guy in front of the back four who would defend. But that's reactionary football. It doesn't multiply the players' qualities exponentially. Which actually is the point of tactics: to achieve this mulitplier effect on the players' abilities. In my football, the regista - the playmaker - is whoever had the ball. But if you have [Claude] Makelele, he can't do that. He doesn't have the ideas to do it, though of course, he's great at winning the ball. It's all about specialists."

With these concepts and theories in mind, i have looked at my current save and 1'm determined to formulate a winning tactic/tactics to dominate/control games.

(A) Dominate Games

My initial thoughts is that for a Home Tactic which can be used when i'm the favourite even in away matches should be a Control type tactic. Forcing the opponent to play my game, stretching their defence and keeping the play in their half, smothering any attack and re-cycling possession.

(B) Control Games

More of a sucker punch tactic used in away games where the opponent wants to attack. Like a coiled snake ready to strike, baiting my opponent to commit players forward ala Mourinho's tactic against Barcelona, winning 3-1. Letting the opponent have the ball, passing it without clear foward passing options. Keeping their defenders occupied with 4 Forwards kept high up the pitch, ready to run past them at the right opportunity.

I'll get back to my idea of how to set up these tactics later. I'll begin my squad analysis and share the types of players i feel are ideal to play in such a setup. Obviously, u would need to be a relatively large club to have such players. This is by no means a lower league tactic.

I'm playing At Madrid in 3rd Season.


GK Asenjo

GK Ricardo (Former Portugese No. 1)

DC Gerald Pique (triggered his release clause, biggest buy ever for me)

DC Ivan Marcano

DC Phil Jagelika

DC Jelle Van Damme

DC Jack Rodwell

DL Juan Manual Vargas

DL Antonio Lopez

DL Dodo

DR Rafinha

DR Cesar Azpilicueta

DR Juan Valera

DMC Miguel Veloso

DMC Joao Mountinho

DMC Felipe Melo

DMC Ignacio Camacho

DMC Raul Garcia

AML/R Diego Buonanotte

AML/R Jose Reyes

AML/R Eded Hazard

AML/R Diego Forlan

AMC Sergio Aguero

CF Adriano

CF Edin Dzenko

CF Edinson Cavani

CF Adrian (From Deportivo)

From the look of the squad, its clear i have too many strikers and too few AMCs. Thats because for most of my save previously, i was playing with the Chelsea Diamond or the Brazilian Box formation. Sergio Aguero and his backup Diego Buonanotte have been iron men so far, never injured and super consistent. But i have my sights next season on 1 player which i believe and enhance this squad and system to new heights - David Silva from Valencia. I should be using the bulk of my transfer funds to get him next.


- Key Player Analysis

- Personnel selection for tactic (A) and (B)

- Tactic (A) and (B) design and development

- Tactic (A) and (B) discussion and implementation

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  • 5 months later...

The largest problems I've had when trying to implement the 4-2-3-1 is the problems you face in FM10 when not playing a DMC. Defenders seem to allow far to much space for an attacker dropping deep - even with tight man marking. I'm intrigued to see how you intend to deal with this problem, as all my attemps have been futile. The only workable solution I've found is playing a very high D-line, which requires world class defenders (such as those you have available in your current squad, of course).

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