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A strange lord of the rings/football request


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Could somebody with time on their hands and understands how to use the editor create or just edit a country to be middle erath with teams and cities from the lord of the rings?

the list of nations:



The Shire



Rohan (inc. Dunland and Enedwaith)



Haradwaith and Khand

Numenor Island



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If we get a list of teams we would like to see added. And a proposed league structure, I wouldn't mind working on this.

I guess we would need:

-Places to include in Middle Earth.


-Teams (including nicknames, city, stadium name, colours etc).

-People who we can actually include as players (or managers, or whatever)

and anything else that people come up with. I don't mind putting this together, as I said, if others are willing to aid in the ideas =}

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I did have the idea of replacing most of oceania with teams from here (small continent, shouldn't kill too many things, has a tie in with the films also :D).

there is a tonne of information here too on cities. It would all depend on just how far we want to go into this i guess. Creating a whole alternate reality continent might be a first! A tonne of work though. But I am playing a game with an enormous number of leagues and players atm, and loading time is a bitch, so I actually have plenty of time when playing. As soon as I have finished the Croatian league update I am doing i will be able to put my editing time towards this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would definitely give this, a go, just joined, but I've created a Celtic Nations League, and a Brandenburg-Prussian Empire League.

So I would definitely give this a go, if no one has any objections...?

And sporadicsmiles, if you have already started this, would you want any help?

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Well, I would be able to do the research quite easily. If we was gonna do this it wouldn't have to be superly detailed to start with. For example I have quite an extensive list of cities (both from the various books and from various role-play games), which could be used. We would just need a plan of what to include, and how to set it up i guess.

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I guess if we create two leagues (just a start up, structure/idea), using 18/20 teams in each, one for each of some major cities. Then we could either have the most important characters involved, as either managers, or the star players of each team, linked to their character?

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Wow i'd given up checking this due to v.little intrest!

im a bit (ok a lot) of a geek when it comes to lord of the rings so i can tell you a lot but what due you need to know first?

I was thinking a whole continent with different countries e.g. the shire, gondor each with there own nationalities and speach. also if it could be done (ive no idea :p) hobbits and dwarves hights set lower, im only guessing here but is'nt that done to the chineese?

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It would be possible to do a whole continent, but it will be a heck of a lot of work. For starters we would need to replace the nations with the ones we want, add languages, remove all players with that nationality, add a large number of players of our own (for good regen names).

Then add teams, league systems, continental and international cups, etcetc.

The adding competitions bit is fine, I could do that with relative ease on with the advanced panel, since you can add more than one nation in a file.

So we would need to make a plan of what to add. So, for a nation we would need:




National colours:

Then for each nation we would need players:


City of birth:

Date of birth:


Other nationalty:


and teams:






So, if we can start getting a decent list together I can start trying to put it together in the editor. =}

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We could...if we get that information together, but it would be pretty simple, you just make a starting 16/18 and then we can add a load of random players, with some different names, and so on, so on, and randomizing their stats? What you think?

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Well i assume that even if you created players who are retired but of the correct nationality it would sort out the newgens okay. Not something I have tried before. Getting the information together shouldn't be too hard (for the most part).

And I was thinking along the same lines, with the advanced panel we can make it so there is continental competitons for clubs, and a middle earth cup for countries.

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Well, if we were going the simple way round, we could just change the Champions League (of whatever continent) to the Middle Earth Champions League, and the continental one to the Middle Earth Cup.

If I was honest with you the easiest one to create this with would be Oceania, is has the least countries (apart from antartica of course), and some of the names could even sound Orcish, if we wanted them to :D

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yeah i think Oceania would be about right.

I think for the humans it should be:


Capital:Minas Tirath

Language:not sure

National colours:I think some kind of white and black (thinking of the tower guard)

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It isnt that difficult to create stuff with the advanced panel. The main body of work on this is reworking an entire continent.

If I were to think of nations of the top of my head, I would get:

The Shire









Which is an irritating number, so perhaps split the elves into High elves and wood elves. Or add someone else.

If people are serious bout this, I would suggest people take a nation, and put together the research for the things that need to go in it. So for example, we would need a list of cities, languages spoken, rivalries/good relations, a fair sized list of names (generic ones we can just add to the database so newgens/regens are named well), characters that could actually be put into teams.

You could either add it all to the editor, and then at the end we can combine files. Or stick it all in a document (word or excel or whatever) and send it to whoever is going to compile everything.

How does that sound to everyone?

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ok heres a list of city naames for the shire:














Little Delving


Long Cleeve

Michel Delving (Capital)



















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Or you could use larger regions:

Arnor (Rivendell, Bree, Weathertop, Angmar...)

Eriador (The Shire, Lindon, Grey Havens...)

Rohan (Isengard, Edoras, Helms Deep, Fangorn...)

Rhovanion (Lothlorien, Moria, Dead Marshes...)

Mirkwood (Dol Guldor, Carrock...)

Rhun (Erebor...)

Gondor (Minas Tirith, Osgiliath...)

Mordor (Minas Morgul, Dol Guldor...)

Haradwaith (Harad...)

Then Valinor, Beleriand, Numenor etc if you want to expand it further.

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the problem with Harad is getting city names as its not mentioned all that much

Yeah we would probably have to just put any places we know from the less detailed regions into nearby countries instead, and just think of it like Cardiff playing in the English leagues :D

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Yeah we would probably have to just put any places we know from the less detailed regions into nearby countries instead, and just think of it like Cardiff playing in the English leagues :D

lol good thinking

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Plus there is a tonne of role play games that, while not officially true, still have a lot of place names for places like Harad, and other such places. I did wonder whether we would include things from beyond the third age. A definite plan needs to be formulated, methinks.

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Plus there is a tonne of role play games that, while not officially true, still have a lot of place names for places like Harad, and other such places. I did wonder whether we would include things from beyond the third age. A definite plan needs to be formulated, methinks.

hmmm we could have things from before the third age like numenor and Beleriand

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I've read 'The Hobbit', and there isn't much information in that, i think it has Hobbiton, and Esgaroth (sp?), I'll check the map in the front of it later...

I think if we just used the larger regions would be the best idea, unless we used all the different races?

sporadicsmiles, the advanced panel? I don't have this on my editor, I don't think? Which is strange...

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The advanced panel isnt activated by default, as it isnt fully functional. There is a thread on this board if you want to explore it further. The reason I suggest it here is you could make evrything, including nation rules, in one file.

There is a great deal of information out there on the locations of various cities. It is then a matter of in which nation these cities shall go. I sugest the OP makes a list in the first post of what is decided on here, so things are easily seen and it is organised. Plus as this is his idea he prolly should get final say on what he thinks should go in.

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Well, if you dont mind putting stuff in the first post, for ease of location when we decide stuff.

So, collating what we have on nations:









The Shire






A map of middle earth is going to useful, with the regions marked on it. Any other ideas?

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Ok, I have split this map into broad regions, based around but larger than the actual regions on the map. I haven't drawn around the shire, I forgot, but i would suggest making them a nation, since they are one. Here is the list of places I think should be used, and a link to the map i drew on.



The Shire



Rohan (inc. Dunland and Enedwaith)



Haradwaith and Khand

Numenor Island



Does that sound like a plan?

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