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Problem: I've tried adding options to the Teamtalk screen, which basicly works like a charm... except the added bars are empty.

Issue: I've added the Personality and Determination behind the Teamtalk screen, therefor eassier to know what kind of person you're talking to.



<!-- Starting XI Styles -->

<flags id="stxi" value="table/row"/>

<!-- Subs Styles -->

<flags id="subs" value="table/custom/lineup/subs/row"/>

<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1, 24" alignment="fill" offset="0" />

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0" />

<string id="sinj" value="" />

<string id="sbkd" value="" />

<string id="soff" value="" />

<string id="scpt" value="Capt" />

<string id="sins" value="i" />

<colour id="cinj" red="255" green="240" blue="0" />

<colour id="cbkd" red="0" green="0" blue="0" />

<colour id="coff" red="255" green="240" blue="0" />

<colour id="ccpt" red="255" green="255" blue="255" />

<colour id="cins" red="255" green="255" blue="255" />

<!-- main titled box with table -->

<widget class="titled_box" id="squd" title="Team Talk[COMMENT - team talk panel title]" >

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>

<!-- group box in titled box to show team option -->

<container embed_in_frame="true">

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right" embed_in_frame="true" gap="5" offset="4"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" layout_children="true" embed_in_frame="true"/>

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<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" embed_in_frame="true"/>

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" embed_in_frame="true"/>

<widget class="embedded_action_button" id="catt" text="Clear All" embed_in_frame="true" click_event="catt"/>

<widget class="embedded_action_button" id="asas" text="Ask Assistant[team talk screen; button for asking assistant manager to give teamtalk]" embed_in_frame="true" click_event="asas"/>

<widget class="embedded_popup_button" id="tttw" fixed="true" text="Set Overall Team Talk[team talk screen; menu for setting the general team talk]" embed_in_frame="true">

<flags id="sele" value="cttt" />

<list id="items"/>



<widget class="table" id="sqtb" srtd="1" row_spacing="0" stretch_to_fit_rows="true"


mode="drag_rows, drop_on_rows, fill_columns, fill_custom_rows, keyboard, stripe_rows" >

<boolean id="scst" value="true"/>

<record id="defp">

<flags id="algn" value="centre_y,left" />

<flags id="spec" value="text,small" />


<list id="headings">


<string value="No." hint="Shirt Number" />

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="" />

<flags id="algn" value="left,centre_y" />



<string value="Player" hint="Player Name" />

<flags id="algn" value="left,centre_y" />



<string value="Cond[COMMENT - short for condition]" />

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="Morale" />

<string id="hint" value="Player Morale"/>

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="H/T Rat[COMMENT - half time rating column on team talk screen]" />

<string id="hint" value="Player rating at half-time[COMMENT - hint for player rating column]"/>

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="F/T Rat[COMMENT - full time rating column on team talk screen]" />

<string id="hint" value="Player rating at full-time[COMMENT - hint for player rating column]"/>

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="Team Talk[COMMENT - half time team talk column on team talk screen]" />

<string id="hint" value="Player team talk[COMMENT - hint for team talk column]"/>

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="Determination" />

<string id="hint" value="Determination"/>

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<string value="Personality" />

<string id="hint" value="Personality"/>

<flags id="algn" value="centre" />



<list id="column_properties">

<record indx="0" alignment="centre" spec="control,small"/>

<record indx="1" alignment="centre"/>

<record indx="2" alignment="left,centre_y" spec="text,small"/>

<record indx="3" alignment="centre" spec="text,small"/>

<record indx="4" alignment="centre"/>

<record indx="5" alignment="centre"/>

<record indx="6" alignment="centre"/>

<record indx="7" alignment="centre"/>

<record indx="8" alignment="centre" spec="text,small"/>

<record indx="9" alignment="left,centre_y" spec="text,small"/>


<list id="column_display_properties">

<!-- shirt column -->

<record indx="0">

<flags id="id" value="shir" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>

<flags id="column_alignment" value="centre"/>


<!-- card column -->

<record indx="1">

<flags id="id" value="card" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>

<flags id="column_alignment" value="centre_y,centre"/>


<!-- name column -->

<record indx="2">

<flags id="id" value="name" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- condition column -->

<record indx="3">

<flags id="id" value="extr" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- morale column -->

<record indx="4">

<flags id="id" value="mora" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- half time rating column -->

<record indx="5">

<flags id="id" value="htrt" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- full time rating column -->

<record indx="6">

<flags id="id" value="ftrt" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- full time team talk column -->

<record indx="7">

<flags id="id" value="fttt" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- determination column -->

<record indx="8">

<integer value="Pdet" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>


<!-- personality column -->

<record indx="9">

<integer value="Ppec" />

<boolean id="sort_disabled" value="false"/>




<!-- table -->


<!-- main titled box -->

<container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/plain">

<layout class="arrange_horizontal_platform_attachment" alignment="right" offset="0"/>

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="0" layout_children="true"/>

<layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0"/>

<widget kind="icon_button_blue" id="aptt" text="Confirm Changes[COMMENT: match screen; confirmation button for combined team talk and tactical changes]" auto_size="all" icon="icons/actions/confirm">

<record id="click_event">

<flags id="event_id" value="aptt" />



<widget kind="action_button_blue" id="uchc" text="Undo Last" auto_size="all">

<record id="click_event">

<flags id="event_id" value="uchc" />



<widget kind="action_button_blue" id="cntt" text="Cancel" auto_size="all">

<record id="click_event">

<flags id="event_id" value="cntt" />





So the bold parts are the added parts, which like I said, works just fine, but the added columns show up empty in the Teamtalk screens.

Anyone got any idea why?


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If they show up empty it's because the ids you have used aren't set up to work on that screen, it's annoying but certain information will only display on certain screens and there is nothing you can do about it unless you find a different id for the information you want that somehow works on that screen.

The only alternative you have is to create an extra panel on the team talk screen that already has the information you want to see visible like has been done in the links in this thread: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=205011

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If they show up empty it's because the ids you have used aren't set up to work on that screen, it's annoying but certain information will only display on certain screens and there is nothing you can do about it unless you find a different id for the information you want that somehow works on that screen.

The only alternative you have is to create an extra panel on the team talk screen that already has the information you want to see visible like has been done in the links in this thread: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php?t=205011

I dont see anything about Panels in that thread ... :( ...

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