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Man U - the falling giant

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I took over Man Utd in a game, after Fergusson had retired. I'd been managing a Non-League team up to that point and got some reputation after winning the FA Cup with them. I was shocked when I took charge at just what had occurred to Utd in the first 3 seasons of the game. They'd blown what little money they get at the start for transfers on pathetic players like Santa Cruz, Gary Cahill, David James (Why when you have Van Der Sar, Foster and Pig?) some Brazillian Left Back. Only decent signing it appeared they made was Luka Modric. Plus two seasons in a row they failed to qualify for the Champions League, so I had to sort their league position out.

I had to spend the 1st Transfer window trying to offload the players and get some money back to actually add the strength the squad needs in the right areas.

2nd Window I was able to move some more layers on and bring a couple in.

Season Finished with wins in the Carling Cup and Premiership. Goal achieved as back in Champions League. Now need to keep the team going forward, remove some of the older players now and get some cash in for some younger talent. Not easy with the Debt, where are the Red Knights in the game when you need them.

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I got a game to 2043 once. ManUtd was a midtable Championship League team. Chelsea had been up and down between the EPL and the CL 3 times. Everton was in L2. And poor Derby had been relegated down so far they ceased to be in a playable league. MKDons and Watford were top 4 in the EPL.

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My game seems fine, in 2015 in top 4 after 24/25 games is:

1st: Spurs (me)

2nd: Man Utd 3pts behind me

3rd: Man City 3pts behind me played 1 more game

4th: Arsenal 6pts behind me

5th: Chelsea 11pts behind me played 1 more

6th: Liverpool 18 pts behind me

The gaps are larger for Chelsea and Liverpool but they are still tough to beat

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Utd are managed by Mancini in my game (started before the 10.3 patch, so he never went to city), and they have won the 20009/10; 11/12; and 13/14 premier league titles. In 2014/15 they're joint top with a game in hand after 26 games played.

No one's really fallen out of the big 4 in my game. Instead, it has opened up into a big 7 or so (+Tottenham, Man City and Villa, though Villa haven't been near a title win) who are always going to make up the top half of the table, combined with three teams that are having good seasons (usually West Brom - who have been as high as 5th -Everton, West Ham or Sunderland)

For a blind simulation, I think it's decently realistic actually (apart from Tottenham winning the league - that was silly).

All the English teams suck in Europe, though. 2 ECL semi-finalists in 5 years. Though Liverpool did win it in 2010.

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Manure and Liverfool are both jokes, the true great team of British Football is now Chelsea, and soon it will be the likes of Man Sh-itty and Villa.

Obviously one of these lifelong Chelsea fans. So I guess that would make you about ten then if so?!

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Clearly not a United fan the poster of this thread otherwise you wouldn't of refered to them as 'Man U'!

I always call them Man U and I am a United Fan, always have and always will. I think it comes from watching Match of the Day in the 80's when they were called that on all the graphics.

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I'm Everton in 2023, and the 'big four' are now Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal... City has been in top 4 every year since 2012... Chelsea or Arsenal have dropped out of CL the four times I've jumped in with Everton, and L'Pool dropped twice while Villa and Spurs got in... so for me, a pretty realistic setup... ManU gave way after Fergie left and are a consistant top 8 team.... which is fine.

Remember also that 20, 30, 40 years ago Nottingham Forrest, Leeds United and Newcastle were giants... they aren't even in EPL anymore. So for 13-20 years into the game to still have the present day big 4 still in the top half of the table in EPL is actually strange, if you look at the tables from 10-40 years ago.

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I always call them Man U and I am a United Fan, always have and always will. I think it comes from watching Match of the Day in the 80's when they were called that on all the graphics.

Man U is not a term United fans refer to themselves as. The term is only used by other supporters as a complete and utter insult to our club. The "u" is meant to be "you" by the rival fans.

An early example of its usage is this chant by West Brom fans:

"Duncan Edwards is manure, rotting in his grave,

man you are manure- rotting in your grave".

The origin of "Man u" is a song to insult the dead Duncan Edwards.

Liverpool and Leeds fans copied this with their own man you /u versions to insult all of the lads who died at munich.

"Man U Man U went on a plane Man U Man U never came back again"


"Man U Never Intended Coming Home" (if you combine the first letter of each word you get the word "munich").

I hope this makes it clearer that saying man u is an insult, particularly to the older supporters and to see United fans using it now is shameful.

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Most of the time, they end up finishing 7th even when Ferguson is still in the reigns. I find these developments in the game a tad unrealistic. It happens with other teams to. And another thing, Arsenal often become a super team immediately, which again is unrealistic

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And another thing, Arsenal often become a super team immediately, which again is unrealistic

And may i just ask, how is this unrealistic? With the excellent youth (maybe they're not doing to well ATM) but i think that is quite reallistic as Walcott, Fabregas, Song etc. are all going to turn very good in the next few years, so i agree with SI.

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And may i just ask, how is this unrealistic? With the excellent youth (maybe they're not doing to well ATM) but i think that is quite reallistic as Walcott, Fabregas, Song etc. are all going to turn very good in the next few years, so i agree with SI.

What I'm saying is that even in the fm edition of 3 years ago, Arsenal become an awesome force immediately, which is unrealistic - proof in real life. I'll never question the quality of Fabregas and Van persie etc, but some of their players (eg.Clichy) are terribly over-rated.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not slating arsenal or anything, I'm just saying what I feel is unrealistic in the game. I mean I hate liverpool for example, but I still find it unrealistic that in most of my games they end up as relegation canditates within a few years.........

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Man U is not a term United fans refer to themselves as.

THis is clearly untrue as he stated he was a united fan and was happy to call them man u.

Anyway to get back on point - I am in 2028 and the winners of the EPL have been -

Man U - 7

Arsenal - 5

Man City - 4

Villa - 2

3 out of the "big 4" are there or thereabouts every season and Chelsea fight relegation after the russion guy left around 2015

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Cikku, i agree, i've always said the same about newcastle in previous games, always challenging for the title and being a force despite being a shambles in real life. (not this year ofcourse but we shall see where they finish next year)

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THis is clearly untrue as he stated he was a united fan and was happy to call them man u.

Anyway to get back on point - I am in 2028 and the winners of the EPL have been -

Man U - 7

Arsenal - 5

Man City - 4

Villa - 2

3 out of the "big 4" are there or thereabouts every season and Chelsea fight relegation after the russion guy left around 2015

Try to read my other post that explains why REAL fans who know the history about this would never refer to themselves as that!

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Try to read my other post that explains why REAL fans who know the history about this would never refer to themselves as that!

You're getting far too worked up about it. It really doesn't matter. :)

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You're getting far too worked up about it. It really doesn't matter. :)

Ok so next time someone insults your football club remind me to tell you that. Especially when the insult is aimed at those that lost their lives! It's called RESPECT!

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Ok so next time someone insults your football club remind me to tell you that. Especially when the insult is aimed at those that lost their lives! It's called RESPECT!

A Man Utd fan calling the team "Man U" is not an insult aimed at people who lost their lives.

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Ok so next time someone insults your football club remind me to tell you that. Especially when the insult is aimed at those that lost their lives! It's called RESPECT!

Slight over reaction?

The OP is not and has not made any comments about the sad events all those years ago, he was just saying how Manchester United FC were struggling on his game. Just because you and others don;t agree or like that term doesn't mean it can't be used by others without the connotation?

To answer the OP they are still one of the top 6 in my save whihc is 6 seasons old, along with Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City and Sunderland.

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A Man Utd fan calling the team "Man U" is not an insult aimed at people who lost their lives.

The fact the term is frowned upon by all United fans that know it's real meaning. Those that have then been informed of it's meaning would stop using it out of respect of their club wouldn't they. So I have merely told him of it's meaning that he would then hopefully understand and stop reffering to the club by that name!

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Back on topic... I am only a few years into my game, but they were taken over by current Atletico Madrid manager Javier Aguirre after Ferguson's retirement and they haven't done brilliantly.

2009/10: 5th in Premier League

2010/11: 5th in Premier League

2011/12: 3rd in Premier League

2012/13: 7th in Premier League

Not sure how they will fare in the future, they haven't won anything since the start of the game. Chelsea have won it three times in the four years, with Aston Villa picking up a surprise title in 2011 before dropping back to mid-table.

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It's not realistic, but then the game isn't absolutely realistic.

These AI results show how far in general the game is from reality. Huge swathes of real life football issues are completely missing from the game, and intelligent adaption like Ferguson has shown in the past 5 seasons is most certainly one of those key issues.

Manchester United fail because the game is not capable of replicating the clubs strength, which is the ability of the manager. The game is absolutely incapable of intelligent and evolutionary adaption. Teams adapt their tendency towards attack or defence based on reputation and that is it. No tactical adaption, no tactical evolution, no nothing.

The games biggest failure in my opinion is the fact it cannot even remotely replicate what actually goes on in tactics, which is constant evolutionary adaption in detail. The other side of the coin is that if this did exist, the game would suddenly become orders of magnitude harder for the average player.

It is very difficult for SI to create a game that is completely realistic in real life. I would say that this might be even impossible.

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I have just entered the 2022/23 season on my game. Man Utd have been relegated once (after 6 seasons), returned to the Prem after two seasons, and then flirted with relegation for the next 5 seasons and have now just been relegated again with Brede Hangeland as their manager.

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The fact the term is frowned upon by all United fans that know it's real meaning. Those that have then been informed of it's meaning would stop using it out of respect of their club wouldn't they. So I have merely told him of it's meaning that he would then hopefully understand and stop reffering to the club by that name!

no over reaction, whats been said is right and is just informing a fellow manutd fan of the meaning, no accusations were made of people being disrespectful of the busby babes.

OP - although manutds debt is huge, it is managable, if at somepoint the debt became un managable then the owners would sell for £1 to a billionaire who would wipe the debt. I can see manutd still being the force they are today for a long time to come...

God Bless The Busby Babes

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I guess my current save is the exception to this "rule" then. 6 seasons in they have finished 2nd, 1st, 1st, 2nd, 5th and 4th respectively. SAF retired after winning the EPL in 10/11 and was replaced by Aguirre who is still there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

in one of my games, about 2018 it was, chelsea finished 17th on goal difference(was devastated they didnt go down!!!) and man u finished 15th. the man u thing happens on pretty much all my saves, soon as SAF retires it goes up the swanny for them. chelsea hwoever, first time it'd happened to me

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Had a quick peek at Man utd in my 2015 afc liverpool save. They came second in the fa cup 3 times, other then that, nothing. Worst place on the leage is 6th, so no fallen giant here at least. Just doing an Arsenal, good team, no titles.

Liverpool is dominating the premiership on this save, I like it :)

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it could be that but i also think its something to do with when fergie leaves united the united part goes with him and they just become manchester, i mean realistically who will fill fergie's shoes at old trafford and have the impact, i think when he leaves a lot of players will not know what to do being so used to him.


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It could be that but I also think its something to do with when Fergie leaves United the United part goes with him and they just become Manchester, I mean realistically who will fill Fergie's shoes at Old Trafford and have the impact, I think when he leaves a lot of players will not know what to do being so used to him.
This seems realistic to me. Man Utd are in massive debt and are in serious danger. I can see them being relegated within the next ten years.

we are not liverpool!

as if the most appealing global brand in sports can get relegated LMFAO~~~~~ hahahahahahaha................. thats a new one.

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Remember also that 20, 30, 40 years ago Nottingham Forrest, Leeds United and Newcastle were giants... they aren't even in EPL anymore. So for 13-20 years into the game to still have the present day big 4 still in the top half of the table in EPL is actually strange, if you look at the tables from 10-40 years ago.

I wouldn't say either of those 3 were giants in a true sense, more flashes in the pan (big flashes I'll grant you). Us (Newcastle) definitely not, 1 Fairs Cup win in '69, 2 cup finals in the 70s, just over a decade later we were a division 2 side. We were big in the 1900s. And before Revie came in at Leeds and Clough at Forest, neither were big teams. Those two managers built those teams. Proof of this being Forest have done literally nowt since Clough left (possibly a League cup win if memory serves). Fair enough Leeds stayed big, but after the 70s it was just the odd cup win and 1 title I think (sorry, really can't be arsed to research these facts). I would say its unlikely that Man U and Liverpool will fall very far in the next two decades, also Arsenal should stay there or thereabouts, they're built on a solid foundation, so maybe that's a bit unrealistic on FM However I think its more likely that Chelsea would implode if the Russian goes, as seems to be happening on a few people's saves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always see Liverpool struggling on my games. I can't really speak for Man utd struggling, as I've only had a few games on this years edition, two of which are long term Man Utd games (2017 and 2010, still working on the latter :p ). Liverpool often miss out on CL first season, and that damages them financially, so they can buy less players and have to sell etc. Its a viscious cycle, so its natural that they become an average team.

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This is what will happen to them in real life if they're not careful. They can't buy decent players because they have no money, they'll need to sell their best ones to keep stable financially. There is only one way they are going at that's down. The future in Manchester is well and truly blue.

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what do you mean????

it only goes up to 2022/3

sp SAF is still there mate;)

just one more season!!!!

ll before SAF took control, they weren't the cream of the crop ad were fairly ordinary, ad since he took over they have become one of, if not the best, team in the world.

And on the game, it seems to suggest that they go back to what it was like before SAF took over.

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Man U is not a term United fans refer to themselves as. The term is only used by other supporters as a complete and utter insult to our club. The "u" is meant to be "you" by the rival fans.

An early example of its usage is this chant by West Brom fans:

"Duncan Edwards is manure, rotting in his grave,

man you are manure- rotting in your grave".

The origin of "Man u" is a song to insult the dead Duncan Edwards.

Liverpool and Leeds fans copied this with their own man you /u versions to insult all of the lads who died at munich.

"Man U Man U went on a plane Man U Man U never came back again"


"Man U Never Intended Coming Home" (if you combine the first letter of each word you get the word "munich").

I hope this makes it clearer that saying man u is an insult, particularly to the older supporters and to see United fans using it now is shameful.

Get your facts straight

Albion have NEVER sang that about Duncan Edwards... he was an Albion Fan...

Don't try and comment on something you obviously haven't got a CLUE about.....

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