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Editing OTHER Country rules in xml fille


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Would it be possible to edit the rules of a other country(competitions, money,...) in a created xml file. For example, after I create a superleague with clubs from around Europe it becomes impossible to select other countries, this might be fun for a while untill the league you created becomes to dominant and there is no more competition (Champions League,lack of good newgens/regens,...). So i was thinking of putting the remaining clubs in another country and edit the pricemoney etc so that I have another country with similar "development" of teams.


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If you created a similar league structure in another country, that is compatable with the other league, i.e. different country, different clubs etc, then yes this is possible. You can also edit the competitions in the original xml file to restore leagues. For example, if you make sure the correct number of playable teams are in all the playable leagues in england, you will be able to select england again.

EDIT: I forgot to say you would have to set up a completely new league system in a new file.

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