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Which roles fit together?

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Hi, im trying to understand the game but im not having much luck right now. I should also mention that i only use the wizard, as im no tactical genious.. Im constantly wondering what roles fit together in the team. I mostly like to play 4-4-2, with wingers and two men upfront, but i have also been thinking of playing 4-5-1 with a dmc when playing away against stronger sides.

What roles would play well together in midfield i.ex? And for strikers? Here is what i try to play:

Full backs (defend)

Central defender (defend/defend)

Wingers (attack/attack)

Central midfield (deep laying playmaker support/box-to-box midfielder)(dlp/ball winning midfielder)

Strikers (target man/poacher) (complete forward/trequarista) (complete forward/target man)

Does any of these positions make sense playing together? Also what i often experience during matches is that some of the players tend to either hang on to the ball to often so they get robbed, or they make alot of passes to the opposition. My deep laying playmaker "usually" plays well. But his partner seldom plays well. Im not sure if any of this made any sense, but any advise is deeply appriciated :)

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They make sense but effectively produce a 4-2-4 and your stated problem is players hanging onto the ball or passing to the opposition, which is going to happen regularly when your team is spaced out and linear from flank to flank with only two midfielders linking defence to attack.

Think how differently the key central area of the pitch would be for your team if you pushed your fullbacks forward and dropped your wingers back. You would now have everyone barring your Centrebacks and Strikers playing in midfield. Less outright defence or attacking options, but far more midfield play which is the crucial area linking the two parts of the team together.

The question is less about what roles fit together, but about how you construct a well organised team over the entire pitch.

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Thanks! In my next match, the passing overall improved dramaticly. I set my wingers to defensive wingers on support, eventho they have no defensive skills and my fullbacks on support. Only setback was the attackers, which played abysmal but they were fed alot of high balls, which wont benefit them at all. Think i forgot to work ball into box, so trying more matches to see if they can continue the good work. :thup:

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