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A question (iphone)

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ok....so it seems lots of people want the option to allow search results to be filtered by skill catergories, rather than search through every player manually (very annoying). now ive noticed it said in a couple of threads that the option isnt in the iphone version because it locks up the iphone for a few seconds. well, FMH2010 on psp locks up for a few seconds when setting the filter so im wondering what is the real reason its not included.

is this going to be what is put into fmh2011 to give more appeal to people who already have fmh2010? to help with sales? sorry to even question this but im not a trusting person when it comes to money making.

superb job on fmh2010 on iphone though........for me its just about the right amount of detail without getting too bogged down in stats. gone are the days when i could sit through fm on pc. kids!!!! lol

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  • SI Staff

The search presently is designed so it doesn't lock a phone long enough to interrupt with the save handling when a call comes in.

(if you're wondering the search is split into 'time slices' to that if a call comes in it can be interrupted and allow the save to work)

This makes the search slightly longer timewise unfortunately on slow devices but does make it work in a friendly manner.

I'm planning on doing the same thing with attribute filtering HOWEVER when I looked at this before the phone came out it made the search on slower devices extremely slow which was why it was disabled.

Its not something I"m planning on 'holding back' at all (I want my games to be as good as possible for the user, simple as that) and if possible I'll squeeze it into an update at some point.

I've already started preliminary work upon update 3 which will be out at some point in the future (as yet not fixed, it'll vary somewhat according to the feedback we recieve from users and what ends up going into it tbh).

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