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Any suggestions for defending corner?

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If you have a very tall team, then put all your tall players back man-marking, with the CBs marking tall players and put the FBs on the posts. Then leave the smaller players forward. The more players you put forward the less the opposition will leave in the box unless they are chasing a goal when they will put most of their players in the box regardless of how many you leave forward.

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This is my setup now:

Best Header/Marking on "mark tall player".

3 players Forward (2 wingers and 1 striker) for quick counter and forcing the opposition to leave 4 players back defending.

Remaining 6 players "Back" outnumbering opposition 5.

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Yeah, don't.

What I really mean is don't overcomplicate things, what I do is set eight of my outfield players to Stay Back, thereby delegating responsibilty for who they pick up and what they do to the players. It seems to work fine for me. The other two outfield players are set to Stay Forward.

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Put two reasonably decent jumping players on either post, and have your main jumping defenders simply "Go Back".

Unless you have watched how your opponent takes corners, specifying marking is a complete lottery and likely to backfire.

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