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Sink or Swim in the Premiership


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The M5 J1 has long delays and sit in my little KA staring at the red rays of brake lights all up until the jon of the M6.

I had called to the Hawthorns for a meeting witht he chairman Mr Peace. "Come in Lee, take a seat, hows things going with you, aint seen you up here for a while, everything ok".

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little bit puzzled why you've called me, you sounded a bit strange on the phone"

"Well.... Bryan has walked away from the ground after a battle with some of the players, we have given him some quality time at home as the stress of keeping us up last year has took its toll on all of us, and we need somebody to take over the relms, if only for a temporary measure, we don't know if he's coming back and Nigel Pearson didn't want to step up into the managers post. Nigel recommended you as Bryan's best buddy and we felt that you could deal with things. I will contact Bryan and ask if he would like to deal with things from home, but you run things at the club. He gives you the instructions and you follow them. We need to keep Bryan happy, he is a good asset to the club, and no big named manager would be interested in coming here for a temporary measure especially as we don't know when he's gonna come back"

I sit there staring at the pictures in the board room...Cyrill Regis, Ron Atkinson, Jeff Astle, Bob Taylor, Brendon Batson and Bryan himself just to name a few, I have just been offered a position with the Baggies my local team. "Well I would love to help out, but why me, I have no experience in football management, Bryan will tell you that himself, he'll laugh at the arrangements. He never mentioned anything about the problems he had been experiencing and I only saw him yesterday why have you chose me."

"Bryan mentioned you the other day, you always had an ambition to manage the club". The Chairman laughs "you were playing that computer game at Bryan's and you managed us and got us into Europe, so why not change it into reality, its gonna be a challenge and I'm sure Bryan will give you advice. Come on join the club"

I felt a bit strange I helped Bryan run the training, arrange the social events with the players, went on the players coach to matches and even invited them all the wedding, so they knew me, I got on with them all, and idolised them for their achievement last year. All I can think about is Bryan. What would he think, how would he feel, me taking over his job, would he want me to step on his toes. I paused and asked the chairman if I could consider it and would let him know a decision by tomorow morning.

"Look Lee, I need an answer quick if the press get hold of Bryan walking out then we will be on the back page of every paper, I need a contingency plan and somebody to hold the pieces together, are you gonna be a part of this club or what?"

"Ok, Ok, give me 10 minutes, let me phone the wife let her know whats going on and I'll getback to you"

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The M5 J1 has long delays and sit in my little KA staring at the red rays of brake lights all up until the jon of the M6.

I had called to the Hawthorns for a meeting witht he chairman Mr Peace. "Come in Lee, take a seat, hows things going with you, aint seen you up here for a while, everything ok".

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little bit puzzled why you've called me, you sounded a bit strange on the phone"

"Well.... Bryan has walked away from the ground after a battle with some of the players, we have given him some quality time at home as the stress of keeping us up last year has took its toll on all of us, and we need somebody to take over the relms, if only for a temporary measure, we don't know if he's coming back and Nigel Pearson didn't want to step up into the managers post. Nigel recommended you as Bryan's best buddy and we felt that you could deal with things. I will contact Bryan and ask if he would like to deal with things from home, but you run things at the club. He gives you the instructions and you follow them. We need to keep Bryan happy, he is a good asset to the club, and no big named manager would be interested in coming here for a temporary measure especially as we don't know when he's gonna come back"

I sit there staring at the pictures in the board room...Cyrill Regis, Ron Atkinson, Jeff Astle, Bob Taylor, Brendon Batson and Bryan himself just to name a few, I have just been offered a position with the Baggies my local team. "Well I would love to help out, but why me, I have no experience in football management, Bryan will tell you that himself, he'll laugh at the arrangements. He never mentioned anything about the problems he had been experiencing and I only saw him yesterday why have you chose me."

"Bryan mentioned you the other day, you always had an ambition to manage the club". The Chairman laughs "you were playing that computer game at Bryan's and you managed us and got us into Europe, so why not change it into reality, its gonna be a challenge and I'm sure Bryan will give you advice. Come on join the club"

I felt a bit strange I helped Bryan run the training, arrange the social events with the players, went on the players coach to matches and even invited them all the wedding, so they knew me, I got on with them all, and idolised them for their achievement last year. All I can think about is Bryan. What would he think, how would he feel, me taking over his job, would he want me to step on his toes. I paused and asked the chairman if I could consider it and would let him know a decision by tomorow morning.

"Look Lee, I need an answer quick if the press get hold of Bryan walking out then we will be on the back page of every paper, I need a contingency plan and somebody to hold the pieces together, are you gonna be a part of this club or what?"

"Ok, Ok, give me 10 minutes, let me phone the wife let her know whats going on and I'll getback to you"

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"Hi Honey, how are you?"

"Lee, where are you?"

"You won't beleive what has happened love, I got a call from that Mr Peace from the albion, asking me to see him urgently, so I go over and he offers me the management job"

"WHAT!!! He offers you a job, whats happened to Bryan, I'll ring Sandra to find out the gossip"

"Look dear, keep this to yourself if you can, as Bryan doesn't know, I'll phone him later, but you ok for me to leave Wilko's and fulfill my dream"

"Why ask me, just do it, but don't let it ruin yours or my life, does this mean I can buy a new outfit"

"Yeah if it makes you happy, we'll be rubbing shoulders with the elite in a few weeks, so drop the Levi's and get yourself a decent outfit"

Jess supported me with alot of things and always offer good guidance. I had only gotta convinced Bryan to help me, somehow I didn't think it was gonna be easy.

I return to the Board room, "Ok, I've run it past the missus and she's ok with it, I accept but don't expect things to happen fast"

The chairman shakes my hand and welcomes me on board, "right then Lee you can start tomorrow we'll introduce you to the players, staff and hold a press conference tomorrow, in the mean time I'll speak to Bryan, see you at 9 ok"

It hadn't sunk in the Hawthorns was my 2nd home and I'm managing international footballers. I phone the regional manager of Wilko's

"Hi John, its Lee look can't talk long but I ain't gonna make work tomorrow something's propped up but I'll phone you about lunchtime to tell you more, sorry to leave you in a bit of a mess but your understand why tomorrow" I didn't give him the chance to ask any questions one slip of the tongue and somebody would know before the rest of the team and Bryan!!

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"Bryan its Lee how are you"

"Oh wondered when you were going to call, so when was you going to tell me then"

Obviously Bryan was cheesed off.

"I've already had him on the phone, and before you try and explain anything, I just wanna say thanks, you accepted the vacany without consulting me, you don't even know the reasons why I walked away, some kind of mate you are."

"Bryan I didn't get chance to consult anybody" trying to come up with some excuses. "I knew you wouldn't be happy, but this is my dream, the chairman says that I only have the job temporary whilst you sort yourself out and that the door is open for you, they wouldn't hesitate to get rid of me and have you back"

"Look Lee, this is what you wanted, just do it, to be honest I want better things than West Brom they won't win anything for a long time, and now you have to deal with the stress every night"

"So take it you won't help me."

"I will offer advice but only as a friend, you can take it or leave it, one day we will be arch rivals and put our tactics to test on the pitch and not on the computerised game. I don't want nothing more to do with that bloke Peace and I have told him that. Your find out one day why I have left, just enjoy your 5 minutes of fame whilst it lasts, I'll enjou seeing you face in the papers tomorrow"

"Bryan, you alright about me doing this"

"Look Lee somebody has got to do it, you wanted to do it, just do it. It aint gonna be easy but do your best, see you soon mate"

I put the handset down and wonder if Bryan is really ok, I noticed a change in him after the last match of the season he seemed withdrawn like something was on his mind, thought he idolised the Baggies not leave them in the lurch. He seemed ok with me just hoped he knew what he was doing. Need an early night as my first big day in the office.

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0800 hours

I sit in the Mcdonalds opposite the Hawthorns staring at the Jeff Astle gates. Nobody recognisd me yet my picture will be in all the papers later. I chew on my McMuffin wondering what was going to happen, how would I get on with the chairman and what would he say about Bryan. I begin to feel sick and see BMW's, Mercedes, Rolls Royce's, drive into the car park. Should I go early and look keen or should I arrive dead on time and not look to eager.

This experience was going to be one I would never forget. An unknow leading the Baggies out at least I was a local lad who had the club close to my heart. I witnessed the bad times when we got relegated and relegated and that horrific cup loss against Woking, I just hoped that it didn't happen to me.

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My little KA eneters the car park at the Hawthorns and I get my case off the back seat, all seems quiet no press or photographers the car park is empty apart from a handful of posh cars.

I slowly walk to the main entrance staring at the East stand and already thinking about the fist match in charge and thinking about the 20,000 plus fans who I had gotta please every Saturday afternoon.

Jeromy greeted me at the front door, "Hows you?"

"To be honest it aint sunk in yet, feel a bit sick if I'm to be honest, but I agreed to do it and I'm going to give it my best shot"

"Lee, thats all the board will ask of you, they know that you haven't got a past record but they will stick by you as long as you don't do anything stupid, the main aim again is to stay up, it's not going to be easy. I suppose we are looking for a good cup run and generate a bit of cash rather than putting a title challenge together. I'm going to introduce you to the board, show you your office and meet you again at 10.30, get yourself settled in find your own way around the ground and meet me back in the Board Room. Press Conference at 10.30 meet the players over lunch at 12.30 and home for 3.00 not a bad days work.

I enter the board room, all eyes focusing on me as I walk towards the vacant chair. "Morning"

No response.....

"How's everybody" When I get nervous I just try and make conversaton, but this lot was not having any of it.

"Well everybody here is the new addition to the staff, I want you to welcome Lee Allen to the position of manager on a permanent basis"

"But...But... you said...."

"Hush, Bryan has severed his ties with the club and is happy to relinquish his responsibility I had decided to install you as manager and that is what we are going to do...."

One of the more mature blokes looked at me "You had much experience then?"

"Well to be honest, no not really I'm quite surprised about this opportunity but I'm going to give it my best shot"

Another bloke looks at me "So you got what it takes? Its not an easy job"

"I am ready for the challenge, I want to give good times the people of Sandwell, I want the Baggies to be the best team in the Midlands, I don't want us to be 3rd best to the Villa or Birmingham, we have overtook Wolves now lets prove the Brummies wrong"

They look at me astounded. Then one bloke claps and then another and then another. Oh my god they enjoyed that one.. "You have the club at heart, we all want whats best for the club lets go and improve on last year's performance"

I get introduced to all the board officially and talk about the good old times at the Baggies everybody forgetting about the Woking and relgation battles that the club faced.

Next stop Press Conference remain calm and look good, was the advice that Jess had given me before I left the house this morning, these words sticking in my mind as Jermony escorts me to the press room.

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Sky Sports News Flash

Bryan Robson has left the Hawthorns, nobody knows the reasons behind this and at a press conference today Lee Allen has been appointed as Robson's successor.

Jeromy Peace Albion Chairman reported "All involved with West Bromwich Albion would like to thank Bryan Robson for the work that he completed during his time with the club, however for circumstances that I am not going to divuldge he felt that the time was right to leave the club. We have acted quickly and have appointed Lee Allen into the managers position"

The cameras on me all I can hear is the sound of cameras and the flashing lights is making me bad. I still feel sick how I wished I could have had time in the office before coming straight to this press conference. The Board wanted to talk to me in alot of detail, I just wanted to sit in my office for the first time.

"Well Lee, whats it like to be a Premiership Manager"

Deep breath before responding "It hasn't posed to many difficulties yet" I joked. "I am going to enjoy it and do what's best for the Albion. I want to succeed and the players will want to suceed, we will get our heads together and aim to have a successful club. We will have to wait and see"

"What do you think about the current squad?"

Is this a trick question to cause unrest already. "The squad is small and I will be looking at individual players in more detail later, however the squad is good enough for me at the moment, everbody will be starting with a clean slate, whatever Bryan did is what he did, I want to do things my way nobody elses"

"What is your realistic goal"

"Thats an easy one, to succeed and be the best manager the Albion have had"

Jeromy answers a few questions giving as little information out as possible. We post for pictures with the Albion emblem in the foreground and me holding up a Baggies shirt with the number 1 and my name on the back.

My dream has started lets hope that it doesn't turn into a nightmare.

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I walk to my office and sit behind the desk, in the corner of the room is the filing cabinet with all the paperwork relating to each individual player. I browse through them looking at what I had got to deal with.

A lady called Joy came in and introduced herself as my PA, a pleasant woman who seemed a bit of a busy bee always rushing around. She asked me if I needed anything and seemed shocked that I had ventured into the filing system. "Joy can you get Nigel to come up and see me, need to go through some things with him" "Yes Mr Allen straight away" She rushes off. 5 minutes later a knock on the door "Mr Pearson to see you Mr Allen." "Look Joy you can call me Lee I don't mind" "Certainly Mr Allen ooppps Lee" as she laughs. Nigel walks in and sits in the chair opposite Joy brings a tray with some and 2 glasses in. "Thanks Joy that will be it for now" Nigel chuckles to himself "You've got a right un there, right nosy mare, hasn't got a bad bone in her body and means well, don't tell her your dark secrets as it won't be a secret with her". "Thanks for that bit of advice, how you doing? I honestly can't beleive I'm sitting behind this desk talking to you" "Me neither" he replied.

Taking into account that Nigel turned the opportunity down I am mindful what I say to him. "Nigel, what are the plans and what should I know about" "Ok well have you been told about the pre season friendlies" "Nope" "Ok here we go," he starts to shout team names at me. "Hang on Hang on a minute look Nigel I have that nice clean white board over there, looks too clean for my liking write them on there"

I pass him the pen and he starts to scrawl: -

Morecambe Away

Scarborough Away

Ross County Away

MK Dons Away

Brentford Away

Hull Away

I look him "Well all I can say hope we have fans like away games, whoever chose them fixtures"

Nigel again giggles "First one in 3 days you'd better get to meet the players tomorrow and assess the situation"

"Nigel you've been here a long time I'm gonna need all the help and backing I can ok"

"Yeah boss not a problem"

"Get Joy to arrange for me to meet the players one by one tomorrow, want you present with me and we'll discuss the future, plans for each one, ok"

"Got it"

Nigel leaves and I sit back in the chair staring at those awful fixtures. I'm in my own dream world and the phone goes "Its Mr Robson for you Lee"

"Hello Bryan how are you?"

"Ok mate settling in well, about yesterday I'm sorry if I upset you or sounded weird but everything has happened so quickly, I wish you all the best and there is no hard feelings, may even come and watch you when the season starts"

What a relief I had the backing from my mate.

"Thanks Bry that means alot to me, pop round the weekend I'm sure the missus would love to see you"

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Its endless visitors and well wishers all afternoon. Joy pops in "Lee I'm going now ok, and you'd better start to think about going as there's a bit of a crowd outside, sure they want to have a glimpse of the new boss, ok, see you tomorrow, Bye" She rushes out the door. I look through the tinted window she was right there was a crowd of about 50 people and the press were still hovering interviewing the crowd. I grab my suit jacket and make for the exit.

An hour later I finally get to the door, not commenting on anything to the press just signing autographs and having loads of pictures taken, I have never been so popular, or unpopular as I was about to find out.

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Friday 8th July 2005 (2nd day in the office)

I walk in bright and early the ground is so big especially when there is only a few people in it, I get to the office door and notice that it is already open. "Joy, what you doing your in early, you don't start for another hour"

"Oh Lee you have such a busy day and I wanted to organise everything I have placed the players personal files in the order that you will be seeing them so that you don't have to keep leaving the desk and go the filing cabinet. I have organised refreshments for you throughout the day as it's a really busy schedule and have made time at 3.00pm for you to meet the team as a whole. I want you to be organised and not to worry about anything, nearly finished and I'll be out your way"

I have never been so organised in all my life, Joy was obviously keen to make a good impression and was faultless. Constantly asking if I was ok, and taking numerous messages. I walk to her office and she's on the phone "I'm sorry Mr Allen is unavailable at the moment, can I take a message" She points at the message book theres about 25 messages within 10 minutes. She replaces the receivor "Gosh I have never been so busy you are a popular man, a couple of managers have phoned you to wish you well, a couple of fans want to speak to you and talk about the team and to give you some advice, just read them and let me know what action you want taking and I'll phone them back" "Thanks Joy do you want a drink I'm going to make a cup of tea" She looks at me horrified. "Joy, I can make tea you know, you get the phone I'll bring a pot in"

Joy is busy in the office dealing with endless tasks that I didn't know needed to be done. She looks at her watch and signals that Nigel should be here. I thank her give her the thumbs up and walk to my office. Nigel is already outside. "Joy has given me the programme for the day, I'm going to see all the players individually and let them know whats going to happen, if you want to chip in then please do so, you know them better than me". Joy the star had got me to see all players in position order and not alphabetical order. Right lets get the show on the road.

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Big Russell Holt is the first to be seen. "Right matey, we have 3 goalies at this club with Kirkland and Kuszczak the friendlies will determine who starts the season, at a quick glane I put you 2nd in the pecking order, but I am aware that you had vast premiership experience last year," Russell nods his head "Ok thats quick to the point, at least I know where I stand"

"Look Russell I like your style alot and you still have a big future at this club"

We shake hands and he leaves. Nigel looks in amazement "Let me get this right you are going to see all the players and tell them what you think about them" "Look Nigel they need to know from the beginning what I feel, it might give some of them a kick up the backside so we won't have to fight another relegation battle"

"Ok your the boss"

Chris Kirkland is next. "Morning Chris, just want to say how pleased I am that you have joined us on loan, you should add vast experience to the club and also give the other 2 some competition. I have already seen Russ and explained that the friendlies will determine who starts the season, quickly I would suggest you, however poor displays in friendlies will obviously leave the door open for the others"

"Thanks, I'm just glad to be given the opportunity of trying to relaunch my career after my niggling injury problems, I'm sure I can repay you"

Only Kuszczak left and he is eager to see me. "Morning Boss" I look at him and he sees anxious I open his file and notice that he has made only a handful of first team appearances in a 2 year period. "Look we have 3 goalies at the club fighting for 1 position, you may have to spend some time in the reserves for a while or even consider going out on loan as you haven't had much first team experience, however I have not completely decided who my no 1 goalie is and you will have the opportunity of proving yourself during the friendlies. I will relook at the options following these"

"Ok boss, I just want to play football ideally with West Brom but understand"

Well he certainly took that well and I felt kind of sorry for him.

Next up the defenders

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"Curtis is here Lee" Curtis Davies a recent signing from Luton walks in. "Hi, I haven't seen alot of you so will be looking for some good performances in the build up to the season, its up to you to prove yourself to me,, good performances and your in the team, bad ones and well we'll decide on that if it happens" Curtis doesn't say anything he arrived at the club a couple of days before me from Luton so its all change for him. Nigel admires Curtis' marking techniques and feels he should be in the team. "Look Nigel we are starting with a clean slate, everybody and I mean everybody will be given a chance, if they don't perform then they will be dropped or not considered its as simple as that"

I enjoy watching Albrechsten play but was alarmed to hear that he felt my appointment might disgruntle the team. I don't question him about his feelings but lay down that if he wants to be in the team then he has to play well enough. I keep it short and sweet and lay down he needs to perform well to even be considered.

Riccardo Sciemca enters the room he was one of the players I could not relate to he was versatile and never let you down but did nothing spectacular. "Look Riccardo if you want to be in the first 11 you are going to have to perform well, get fit and motivated and give me something to shout about"

Neil Clement strolls in looking laid back smiling "Well Neil, I know Bryan liked you alot but that doesn't guarantee you being in my team, use the friendlies to your advantage and play well and your in, its as simple as that"

"Will I remain Captain?" "Look I have said nobody knows who's in the starting 11 so how can I decide who's the bloomy captain" He walks out less enthusastic than when he walked in.

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Paul Robinson strolls in, he's a big strapping lad who I can recall was told to get fit before the start of the season. He was a consistent player in Bryan's team. "Hi Paul, I'm being honest and upfront with everybody today and sussing out team selection we have a few defenders to choose from and feel that you and Clement will be fighting for the left side position. I haven't made any decisions just waiting to get a closer look at everybody?" Paul looks at me shrugs his shoulders and replies "Well I knew that, its been like that for ages" I feel a touch of sarcism in his voice that instantly gives me negative thoughts, but I should not let this interfere with team selection.

Thomas Gaarsoe is next in a danish international who joined in 2003 from Ipswich. "Thomas I'm going to keep this very quick, there are too many defenders for me to choose from, to suit you all we would have a 6 man defence but that's not going to happen. Its tough and people including you will have to fight for their place"

Darren Moore Big Dave and he is Big Dave towers in the office, a Jamaican International who has been loyal to the albion. "Look Dave I know who were injured most of last year so you really need to get some match practice, the friendlies will show how far you;ve progressed, the fans love you so that's your incentive" "Yeah boss, I know its going to be hard for me and I appreciate that I may spend some time with the reserves but I'm going to give performances that make you pick me" "I hope so" I reply and shake his hand, a player who knows what he wants and knows he has to prove himself.

Steve Watson I didn't know alot about Steve all I know from the file is that he was a signing from Everton, the fans thought he was an excellent signing and can't wait for his debut. Morning Steve, I can't comment on team selection as i aint seen you play much so all I can say is prove your value, its going to be hard as you come thinking you were playing for Bryan, well you aint you've got me now, and things are going to be different. Make me aware of why Bryan signed you"

Steve nods and looks to have understood everything, Nigel looks "you were a bit hard on him there weren't you". "Look Nigel, he probably thought he could waltze into the team following his move but that may have been the case with Bryan but not me, he has to prove himself like everybody else."

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We pause for a coffee "Nigel, how you think its going, you think that players appreciate this little meeting?" "Well you don't have them in here long, but you are straight to the point and its better that you tell them straight from the start, those on the fringes of the first team might think about pulling their socks up more and give you something to think about." "Exactly the idea, everybody starts with a clean slate, do me a favour go and get Joy for a second I want her to do something".

Joy comes scurring into the office "Yes Lee, you look shattered, its hard work aint it." "Joy phone Jason Koumas his mobile number is here, and put him through." Nigel looks at me "What you doing. what you want him for" "Nigel everybody is getting a fresh start and I know he didn't get on well with Bryan, I'm going to recall him, give him something to think about, if his loyal to the club he will come good if not then he goes, as simple as that"

Little Japanese International Innamoto knocks the door and waits for me to ask him to take a seat. A polite little bloke. "Well Ju, Juch, erm what can I call you" "Call me Inny boss" "Ok Inny, you haven't had many opportunities in the team having being loaned out last term, show me what you can do" "I love this club boss and the fan base in Japan is huge I want to deliver the goods and show you that Japanese men can play football" "Well I hope you can..." The phone goes and Joy tells me that Koumas is on the other end. "Hang on Joy Inny just's going" Inny jumps in and rushes out, hope he didn't hear Joy telling me who it was, that annoucment is later.

"Hi Jason, Lee Allen here, you heard about me?" "Yes I've heard what you want?" "Well considering you didn't get on with Bryan I thought about recalling you and giving you a fresh start, you interested or you want to stay at Cardiff." He didn't give me the chance to say any more. "I want to come back, I love the Hawthorns and the premiership, when?" "I will phone Cardiff later and let them know you are on your way back, and look Jason theres two more things I need to say, 1 you won't walk straight into the team, and 2 keep this to yourself the lads don't know yet." "Ok, Lee talk soon"

Darren Carter the new signing from Birmingham arrives. "Hi Darren thanks for coming, you looking forward to settling in, I know you were planning on working with Bryan, but this is football, and now you've got me, you have youth on your side so show me that your capable of achieving things with the Baggies, oh and when we play the Blues score a couple of goals to silence the fans" He laughs and appreciates the comments "I'll do my best Lee" Thats all I ask anything less than the best is just not acceptable.

Andy Johnson is next on "Hi Andy hows you and the missus" I have a soft spot for Andy who is a loyal player and has already spent 4 years at the Hawthorns. "We are fine, and Jess is she ok" "Yeah you will have to pop round with the kids be nice to meet up". This is going to be hard I am friendly with Andy and so is Jess and his wife and I've never managed a friend before. "I'm just seeing everybody today to talk about the new season and my plans, I can't really comment at the moment about the midfield situation but just wish you well, obviously things may be difficult and you may not be in the team straight away, but theres only room for 11 players on the pitch, I just wish you well." "Thanks Leo, I appreciate your in a difficult situation, but I support any decision you make, its tough at the top and their will be enough people trying to shoot you down than for me to join in, if I aint happy then you will know I will come and tell you, but its to me to get in the team and show you what I could do 2 years ago." "Thanks Andy I knew I could count on you" We shake hands, "Get Jess to phone Abby arrange something soon and celebrate your new job" "Deal" How I wish I could consider Andy for a regular start but its going to be difficult with so many good players around me made worse by my decision to recall Koumas.

Ronnie Wallwork enters and sits straight down, "I admire your style, your confidence Ronnie and I can see from your file that your determined and your references are good. All I can say at this moment in time, is like what I have said to the others who play in the middle of the park, show me what you can do, I need somebody who can play all over the shop and contribute to a good team performance, I think you can do it, but show me" Ronnie acknowledges it and appreicates me telling hin that I have confidence in him. "Good luck boss, lets show em" He's a bit of a nutter and a joker, when we get on the pitch I hope that he can take it seriously or we are in trouble.

Hungarian International Zoltan Gera is next he can play on the right or in the middle. "Hi Zoltan so glad you could make it, I've been looking at the team and think that you will be suited more for a position on the right rather than the middle, we may have to relook at the situation but thats my initital thoughts, what you think?" "Well, I don't care as long as I am in the team, I do as I am told and you are the boss" "Ok, lets try it and let me know how you think things are going"

"Nigel before we see anybody else ask them to give me 5 minutes need to have a rest, I haven't worked this hard for years, I'd have my feet up on the desk if I was still at Wilko's," Oh my god, I jus thought, the Wilko's bosses would be picking up the papers and my mugshot would be all over it, I'd better phone them"

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I pick up the phone, and start to dial John Bell, the area manager of Wilko's. "Hi John, its Lee Allen" "Well you kept that quiet, why didn't you tell me football management was really your cup of tea, don't tell me your going to resign from that position in the Wolverhampton store and get West Brom relegated" I laugh I know John is a secret Aston Villa fan. "Sorry to leave you in the mess John but as you can appreicate this things don't happen everyday and.." "No need to justify it Lee anybody would have jumped at the chance.....if it was another team" "Ha Ha, you won't be laughing when we stuff the Villa, keep in touch and I might get you some VIP tickets" "You'd better, oh and by the way, on a more serious note I need your resignation in writing" "Thanks John you have been really supportive, catch up soon for a drink and you can fill me in on my replacement"

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Nigel walks back in with Johnathan Greening Hi Johnathan, just a quick one, I like your style of play and you can play on either side of the midfield, there is one thing that I want from you and that is more goals. You have the experience and the skill thats obvious as you have played for Boro and Man Utd, lets see you set the Hawthorns on fire." "Thats a tough order Lee, but I will do my best as always, is that all you wanted? "Well no actually, do something with your hair, we have team photograph in 2 days and I want you looking smart get your hair cut, and thats an order"

Lloyd Dyer looks nervous and withdrawn when he walks in "Look Lloyd I know you are going to be worried, especially now a new bloke has taken over, but lets see what we can do for each other, you have only played a few games for the club, and I feel it maybe benefial for you to consider going out on loan to get more experience, your certainly down the pecking order so far, but you will be given the opportunity should you suceed" Lloyd looks a bit tearful "I love it here, and thought you might give me a chance" "Lloyd I wish I could, but I don't want to rush you straight into the team, each game is different and I will pick my strongest team, its up to you to prove to me you can handle it, if you can, your in, consider the loan move and hey chin up, your career is not over with the albion just because somebody knew has taken over"

Senegal International Diomansy Kamara awaits to be called into the room. "Hi Diomansy bet you can't wait to play on that lovely pitch", as we stare right across to the Halfords Lane end. "No boss, its 10 times better than a Modena and better than Portsmouth" Kamara had spent a loan period at Portsmouth before joining up with the Baggies. "Well its tough selection upfront but I know that you can produce the goods, prove to me you can be top scorer with us" "Easy" I like his confidence as he walks out the door.

I hope he can give me at least a dozen goals we needed a good goal scorer.

Richard Chaplow a shy young lad edges in, "Come on in mate, don't be shy, I don't bite, don't know about Nigel though, relax theres nothing to worry about, I know that you were limited in Bryan's team now you have to prove to me you should be in the team, to be in the team and push for more U21 honours, I expect you to fight for a place" "Ok boss" I was a bit alarmed at how withdrawn Chaplow was and hoped I could get him out of his shell quickly.

Kanu enters a star player who stands out from the majority of the rest of the team following his free signing capture from the mighty Gunners. "Well mate all I can say is its tough now with you, Kamara, Ellington and Earnshaw, I want goals and I mean goals more than the 2 you got last season, I want at least 10, prove to me why the fans love you, thats it, now you can go."

Nigel again questions my attitude "Just because he is the top player, or so he thinks doesn't mean you have to pussy foot around him, you know, he is easily replaced"

Earnshaw comes in "Hi Boss" he has such a strong Welsh accent which is so different from mine, "HI matey, I want you to use your pace and repeat or beat last year's goal tally of 11, we have a few good strikers and you are going to have to produce some goals to keep you place in the top 11, understood?" "Yeah boss, I need to be in the team to kep my Welsh spot, so I'll deliver"

Nathan Ellington has to be called in he's late and I hate lateness. "Look Nathan, I want you to put that ball in the back of net more than the 24 times you did for Wigan, if you can do it for them, then there is no reason why you can't do it for us, I will be disapointed if you don't. I consider you to be one of the top strikers at this club and if you hit top form the others will as well,everybody will be fighting for a place and they could be after yours, so take my advice" "Wow thats some objective you've given me, but this is the premiership" "Yeah and we've paid Wigan 3 million, you scared or something, now go and get some shooting practice"

The last player to be seen was the Horse Geoff Horsfield. Geoff had fallen down the pecking order but had still played nearly 30 games last year with 3 goals, he was on the transfer marker and waiting to leave. "Look Geoff, I know you are finding it tough here at the moment, but you still have a career at the Albion, but if an offer comes in then we will consider it, its got to be right for both of us, you and the club. I want you to play football as you give endless effort, and want to achieve something, and you won't want to spend your time with the reserves, so lets see what the future holds. "Thanks Lee, I appreciate your comments and hopefully will be able to deliver something in the friendlies to get me straight into the team and maybe for you to consider taking me off the list if I have a future here?" "We'll see but I aint promising anything""

God that was hard, the players know where they stand and Nigel is aware of what I want them from them all, I assign Nigel to set the training plan, as I need to get ready to deliver a talk to the team as a whole.

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Its 1500 hours and I walk into the conference suit and all the players and coaching staff etc are in the room waiting, I ask Joy to come with me, she is as much of the team as anybody and she is going to have to keep me organised to make sure things happen.

The players start to clap as I walk in and it brings a tear to my eye I have never been given a reception like that before. I stand at the front of the room and look around, their eyes focused on me and nobody else. They wait with anticipation in what I am going to say.

"Afternoon everybody, Nice to see you all as a team, as you are aware I have met with you all individually to talk about the forthcoming season, and I thought it would be a good idea if we got together as a team, discuss any issues that you may have had under the previous management, things that you aren't happy with and any suggestions how we can be a successful club, but first my turn."

"As some of you are aware I am a Baggies fan, I like yourselves want whats best for this club, if you suceed I suceed if I fail you fail. I do not want this club to have to fight another relegation battle, although you survived last year, I don't know whether my nerves would hold out. Bryan has left me with you lot and I want you lot to help make my job easier, realistically we have the target of a mid table finish, it will take time to match the likes of Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal but we can be the top club in the Midlands, we can finish above Villa and Birmingham. The new teams who have got promoted this year will find it difficult and as always they like us are favourites for relegation. But we are better than them, we have excellent facilities, staff and potential. We have money to spend but I want to spend it wisely and not jump into the transfer market for the sake of it, we may need players to help out, youngsters to gel and aid our growth and bring the youth team to one of the best in the country. Thats what I want to happen to this club, and hope that you will back me, right anybody got any questions?"

The room is silent, they look around at everybody who is going to ask the first question. Greening shouts out so whats your tactics going to be? I reply "Like any manager each game is different I prefer the 4-4-2 but am happy to discuss it with Nigel if he feels that this needs amending" The questions start to flow the barriers have been broken and its free for all.

"Who's going to be captain"

"Is the training going to change"

"Bryan did ......"

"We never did that before"

It was a good 45 minute meeting and nearly everybody had a say. I felt that it was a good team building exercise and everybody was given the opportunity of asking a question from the beginning. They know I want to suceed and have the club close to heart.

Lets hope we can pull it off.

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Monday soon comes round and we start our Friendly fixtures. First up a trip to Morecambe. A conference side who I predicted would finish about mid table. This is was my first taste of football management and I could not lose to a team 4 divisions lower, that would be the worse start anybody could have hoped for. I decide to pick the strongest team available and went for:-

Kirkland, Watson (Captain), Robison, Clement, Davies, Gera, Greening, Chaplow, Carter, Ellington and Kamara. Subs Hoult, albrechsten, Campbell, Moore, Dyer, Kanu, Scimeca, Johnson, Earnshaw, Gaardsoe and Inamoto.

The local Express and Star wrote the following article First hundle successfully passed. Manager Lee Allen started his Albion management with a win over Conference National Side Morecambe, although posession was fairly even it was the strike force of Nathan Ellington that proved to be the difference in the two teams. A crowd of 6281 witnessed the £3 million signing score 2 glorious goals on a way to a convinving 3-0 win with Gera finishing the scoring. Allen made 5 substitutes at half time in a bid to get to know his players quickly and ready for the start of a tough premiership campaign. New signings Kamara and Carter played a part in the match and it was pleasing to see that the Albion side look a team with some pace in it.

Final score Morecambe 0 Baggies 3

Man of the Match Gera

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Tuesday 12th July 2005

Cardiff manager Dave Jones phones up "Hey, what you think your playing at? You should have spoken to me first about having Koumas back, we are now short in that position."

"Look Mr Jones, I need to look at all my lads and give them an equal chance we both know Bryan and Jason didn't see eye to eye, I hope Jason has learnt alot from you, but I need him at this club in order to view what he is like, how can I personally view him when he is playing in Wales, look if it doesn't work out for him here, I'll let you know, but we are paying all his wages and he's playing for you, doesn't seem fair to me, when he ain't doing wrong to me why ship him miles away"

"Fair point, just wished you would have had the decency to let me know what was going on instead me overhearing it on the training field"

"Yeah I know but Jason should have had more decency and let me tell you face to face, sorry bout that"

"Its ok, we knew we wouldn't hold onto him long to be honest especially with a new manager being appointed. Was quite surprised when I heard you had been appointed especially as your not known in these quarters."

"Well, to be honest I am unheard of and nobody has got any clues about the style of play etc I am going to play,"

"Well I wish you every success and see you on the circuit"

Wow I had got my first coup Jason Koumas returns to the Baggies I'm not going to tell the players I want to see their faces when he walks into the building tomorrow.

My next plan is to try and bring some youth into the team or some long term loan signings, I knew that Bryan was keen to bring Kieran Richardson back to the Hawthorns but had been unsuccessful, I thought why not give it a go, they might listen to a new manager. Richardson had since earned himself 2 caps for England so it was going to be another coup if we could pull this one off. "Joy can you phone Old Trafford and get Sir Alex on the phone"

"Hi, its Lee Allen, Baggies manager just wondering if your interested in letting us have Kieran Richardson for a few months" Theres a huge pause "Well you lot down there don't give up do you, I'll consider the idea talk to him and phone you back, there just warming up so I'll call him in, give me an hour or two and I'll phone you back, oh by the way good luck,"

Sir Alex was a gentleman remaining calm and not annoyed at my cheek for making a 3rd Baggies bid to bring one of the heros back for another stink.

"Sir Alex Ferguson is on the phone Lee" I let it ring a couple of times, fingers crossed.

"Well matey, your luck must be in, following discussions with Kieran we both felt it was in his interest to play regular Premiership football, as we cannot guarantee it here, it would be ideal for him to come back to you guys, he knows the area, the players know him and I'm sure he'll be an asset. He appreciates that he needs first team games and that is the major reason why he jumped at the chance, he'll be joining you soon, oh by the way we have another player you might be interested in a German kid 18/19 ish midfielder going for a bargain, he's starting to get itchy feet and looking for a new club, interested."

"Fax me his details I'll run it past the board if hes worth persuing they've got to release the funds, I'll contact you with an answer"

Joy brings in the fax from Old Trafford. Markus Neumayr Midfielder been at Old Trafford for 2 years with no first team experience. I look and consider and thought how much we lacked youth I phone the Chairman. "Hi Jeromy, Lee here, great news Richardson returns to the club tomorrow for 6 months, and Ferguson has offered us another player a young lad for a knock down price, what do you reckon." "Lee, do you think he's worth it, remember you have a budget to stick to, and don't throw money away at the first opportunity" "Yeah I know, but we need to build for the future and this lad is only 19 with bags of potential" "Well go for it, lets take a look"

I phone Sir Alex we'll table a bid of £375,000 for him, that sounds reasonable considering he aint got much first team experience and that will make you have a nice profit considering you paid £50,000 for him. "You won't be dissappointed Lee who is enthuastic and with bags of potential. He'll get on with Richardson as well."

3 deals done today the team is starting to take shape and we now have depth.

I better prepare for Thursday's game against Scarborough.

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Thursday 14th July 2005

We meet on the Hawthorns car park at 0900 not having to leave for 4 hours to the trip to Scarborough, but as I was a boy scout I was always told to be prepared.

Jason Koumas and Neumary arrive at the club, Keiron Richardson had some housing problem so I felt he's mind wouldn't be fully on the game. Anyway we had enough cover so it wasn't that imprortant.

The coach arrives and we get on. About 1/2 hour from the ground I tell them what the starting line up is. "Right lads I told you everybody would be given a chance hence why I have altered the starting 11, I need to see you all perform and there is not favourites, if you are given a chance go and prove yourself, this lot will be tougher than Morecambe and they have more experience in their side, however they are still a non league club and I don't want to have to travel all the way back as part of a losing team, right.. I reel off the following team with a few surprised looks in between. Kuszczak, Watson (Captain), Robinson, Davies, Clement, Koumas, Dyer, Neumayr, Wallwork, Kamara, Kanu. Subs from Hoult, Moore, Carter, Cambell, Albrechsten, Johnson, Earnshaw, Scimeca, Greening, Ellington, Gaardsoe, Inamoto.

Nigel leans across to me "Do you know what your doing, putting them lads straight in?" "Well its a good start rather them play in a game like this rather than a Premier game, these games give me the chance to watch them all, who knows they may be quality players and hold down a starting 11 place"

Neumayr and Koumas both struggle in the first half and I decide to bring them off, obviously they aren't fit enough to play 90 minutes but it gave them a taste of what it's going to be like playing for me. Kamara nets a 34 minute goal to make the score 1-0 at half time.

I decide again to make 6 changes to the team ready for the second half, inluding giving Inamoto the chance to impress me.

A poor 2nd half performance in which we failed to convert 13 shots into a goal, although we did limit the opposition to only 4 shots all game.

We travel home a winning side but I'm not impressed with the score line and thats what the fans are interested in, playing teams like this we should be winning 3, 4 or even 5 nil, not struggling to win 1-0. I let my feelings known on the way home.

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19th July 2005

Joy rushes in "Lee, Lee have you seen this article?"

I take the paper from her. Its a little gossip coloumn and it states Southampton boss Harry Redknapp is interested in securing the services of Albion Player Kanu. However Redknapp would have to convice Kanu to take a drop in salary.

I call Nigel in "Have you seen this?, What you reckon the local press will want a response to this"

"I think you should listen to see what they come up with, we aint short up front and he is a big earner, you may be able to get somebody better for cheaper, play it by ear, and don't rush in"

I ask Joy make sure that Kanu sees the article, "Lee says he not responding to this, its only a rumour" she tells him. We await further developments.

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19th July 2005

We are on our way to the friendly with Ross County when my mobile rings its Joy.

"Can you talk?" she asked

"Yeah why whats up?

"You know that article this morning its sparked some interest in Kanu, this foreign bloke from Sochaux is interested in him, they've already told me they are willing to bid over 3 million for him, what shall I say"

"Don't say nothing and make sure nobody else finds out, I'm not going to tell him till after the match and then we will consider it"

I keep the news to myself and prepare for the game, its another one where I leave the team selection to the last minute.

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Ross County Away 19th July 2005

The team selection is announced on the coach as we pull up outside Victoria Park.

The starting 11 is: Kirkland, Watson (capt), Robinson, Albrechsten, Moore, Koumas, Richardson, Neumayr, Wallwork, Horsfield, Kanu

Subs from: Hoult, Clement, Carter, Campbell, Davies, Johnson, Earnshaw, Scimeca, Greening, Ellington, Gaardsoe, Inamoto

A Kanu goal on 63 minutes is the only difference that seperates these two teams, a dismal performance from the Baggies resulted in me blowing a short fuse.

"Well not impressive to say the least you all have a couple of games under your belt and I'm still not sure the balance is right, you look lively going forward and then short up front yet we have 11 players to deliver. There needs to be improvement we haven't really played anybody to test us yet, and it was a long journey to watch a game like that just hope that there wasn't too many Albion fans in the crowd, coz there wasn't much to shout about."

I leave the dressing room whilst the lads start to get changed ready for the lenghty journey back to the Hawthorns. Nigel comes up to me "You look a bit worried Lee everything ok?" "Well looks like Kanu might be on his way out the club" "Why?"

"Joy phoned just before kick off Sochaux have tabled a bid for 3 million, this is bound to generate more interest, what you reckon? Take it or try and get more. We could do with a bit of cash and my initial thougths were that he earns too much. But he was man of match by far today, decisions, decisions, and at the back of my mind I think about the fans they love him, hes a big name and can we attract another big named striker to the club at the moment, or even do we need one?"

"Does Kanu know?" "Nope, didn't want him to distract him on the pitch, I'll call him into the office tomorrow, I'm going to sleep on this one"

The lads are enjoing the football at the moment, thats 3 games into my managerial career and it looks like this: P3 W3 L0. 100% things can only get worse.

We get off the coach at the Hawthorns and the players sperate and head for their cars, Kanu is last off the coach. "Can you come in at 12 tomorrow, half hour before everybody else, need to run something past you" "Ok boss, nothing wrong is there?" "Nope nothing to worry bout just be in early"

Bet he doesn't sleep tonight wondering whats in store, little do I realise before I see him in the morning that another bid arrives on the fax overnight.

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I arrive at the ground at 10.30 following a sleepless night, what and how do I talk to Kanu. Bryan had placed him on the transfer list surplus to requirements, and I hadn't taken him off as I wanted to see how committed he was to the club. Joy knocks on the door "Fax arrived last night Lee, happy reading" That woman has already sensed when I am stressed. Southampton Chairman tables a bid of 2.2 million for Kanu, with only £350,000 upfront the rest paid over 19 months. I look, read it and decline the offer, if he was to go I want the money up front and available straight away to improve the squad.

"Joy, send Southampton a response, sorry not interested in your offer, Kanu is part of the team until further notice, good luck in your search but are players are happy here"

Short to the point and a warning to stay away from our players none are going anywhere yet.

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"Come in"

"You wanted to see me boss"

"Yeah, just thought I'd let you know we have received a bid for you."

"What!, who from?"

"Can you speak French? Its from Sochaux, What you think?"

"Have you accepted the offer?"

"I haven't done anything yet, it needs to be in the best interests of everybody. I'm in two minds, if its what you want then so be it, but you played well last night and can I afford to lose a big named striker?"

"Well, I aint bothered boss, I have adapted here and your new in charge so I was going to wait and see what happened, haven't thought about moving clubs much"

"Ok, I'll tell you what I'll do I'll speak to their boss, tell them you are going to wait and see and then maybe reconsider in a couple of weeks, once the season is up and running, is that fair?"

"Yeah ok, don't think a move to France is in the best interest of my kids although it would be a change for me"

I decide to email the Sochaux manager:

RE: Kanu. Further to your bid, I would like to inform you that the player is not looking to move at the moment, due to a change in the managerial structure at West Brom. However he may reconsider his future at this club in a few weeks time. Many thanks for your interest in our players.

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I had been busy behind the scene looking at young players to add a bit of freshness to the team, one of the players that I had looked at right at the start of my short career (so far) was Dean Shiels a U21 Northern Irish International who was currently playing for HIbs, a couple of premiership clubs had already taken a look at him so I decided to join the queue. I equaled everybody's bid and waited with anticipation.

The phone goes "Just thought we'd like to congratulate Shiels is yours for £325,000. Hope he proves useful to you." Thats it the pieces will fit together we have an indepth squad with a bit of youngsters.

I announce the news to the other players, which doesn't go down to well. Kanu looks a bit puzzled and later pulls me to one side. "Look boss, I want to be in this team, you talk me into staying and then go and buy more competition, I have read that Southampton were interested in bidding for me, but you didn't want to listen, I just want this transfer speculation to end and not give the press anything to gossip about am I going or staying?"

Kanu walks away and has really got me thinking, and also questioning whether he really wants to be here. Time will tell, I leave him on the transfer market and wait. There is bound to be more interest if he continues the way he is playing, but is he the best forward we have?

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Friendly V Milton Keynes 22nd July 2005

Starting line up:

Kirlkand, Watson, Robinson, Davies, Gaardsoe, Gera, Greening, Chaplow, Inamoto, Shiels, Kamara

I decide to name the team before we set off, and give Shiels his first taste of Baggies football. He needs to get used to the way we play if he is even to be considered for the first team. Kanu is left out the team altogether as he's mind on other things at the moment, we are not seeing eye to eye.

When arriving at the Hockey Stadium I look in amazement, how different this set up is to the Hawthorns, The Dons are struggling in League 1 and have all kinds of difficulties off the pitch to contend with which I use in my pre match speech. "Look lads, we aint come here to watch the hockey, we have come to play football, decent football as well, lets rub it in, they were once where we are, now look at them, lets give them worries on the pitch as well as off it"

They seem up to it or so I thought. The game goes by and Wilbraham strike first blood for the dons right on the stroke of half time. I am not amused.

We walk into the dressing room. "What the bl**dy hell do you think you are playing out, you've given me something to think about never mind them lot. Pull your finger out, you all got hangovers all something"

I stare at the clock as the time goes by slowly its hurting to watch, you can't tell whos in the premiership or whos in league 1. What is going wrong.

The final whistle goes. MKD 1 WBA 0

My first taste of defeat and I don't like it.

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"Hi Honey, I'm home"

"Your back late love, everything ok, how was the game"

"Don't wanna talk about it Jess, its been a bad day in the office"

"Come on love, it can't be that bad"

"ERMMMMM...... We lost, we were crap, they outplayed us, what else can go wrong"

"Bryan's coming round tomorrow"

"Oh my God, thats all I need he'll want to talk about how I'm finding it and now I have to talk about tonights performance."

"Come on dear, it's not that bad, you'd better get used to this losing lark, you can't win every game, even though you want to"

"Thats true, but we shouldn't lose games like this, I know it is only a friendly but I really studied this selection and pondered over a few players, I should have picked the names out of hat we might have been better"

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23rd July

EMAIL from Club Physio

Bad news Lee, I'm afraid that horrible tackle last night has left Paul Robinson with fractured ribs, looks like he could be out for upto 2 months. I'll keep you updated.


Great thats all I need looks like Clement is my first choice on the left.

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26th July - Friendly Away V Bentford

Starting Line up:

Hoult, Watson, Clement, Albrechsten, Moore, Koumas, Richardson, Carter, Shiels, Kanu, Ellington.

After a dismal display against the MKD I thought that I woul dhave to make whole sale changes to the starting line up, theres 2 friendlies left and we hadn't made the progress that I was anticipating.

At the interval the score was 0-0, to be honest Brentford were the better side and were unlucky to go in at half time 1-0 up. I could not face defeat again to another lower league team, that would ruin the confidence and the premier league started soon with a home match against Sunderland.

I decided to make a few changes at half time Earnshaw, Gera, Sciemeca and Davies coming on, we looked better and responded quickly with goals from Gera and Earnshaw my two subs had scored. What tactics. As soon as that first goal went in I knew it was ok. The clock was ticking away nicely until 83 minutes when Brentford produced 2 goals out of the blue, the last 5 minutes felt like 5 hours, hold on for a draw at least...... The final whistle sounds a disappointing performance yet some players played better than others. We need to improve and I still have not decided who is in the starting 11. Next the trip to Hull who I thought would be our toughest friendly, not MKD or Brentford. This is the joy of football management.

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30th July 2005

Friendly Away V Hull

Our toughest match todate. Hull a strong all round team with Peter Taylor at the healm was never going to be an easy match. A disappointing attendance of 1303 people turned up as I selected the following team based on who would start our first premier match.

Kirkland, Albrechsten, Clement, Davies, Scimeca, Greening, Carter, Gera, Richardson, Kanu, Ellington.

Hull completed the first half the more stronger and we were lucky Ellington had got his scoring boots on as he slotted home a low strike on 39 minutes. A relief to be going in 1-0 up the team needed no motivation for the second half those players given the chance to play today knew they had to play well to be in with a chance to play against Sunderland.

A dodgy penalty decision was given to us as Ellington falls in the box, he steps up only to blast it over the bar. Ellington looks like our goalscorer this year.

Hull seem to fade towards the end and I breath a sigh of relief when the final whistle goes our first win in 3 games, against lower opposition. At least we go into the premier league on the back of a win.

We stay overnight as its to late to take the coach back, and I decide to let the lads have a few beers in the bar. We need the team to play together as a team for the next match. So a bit of team building didn't do no harm. We get to bed at 1am, the new season is near and I can't wait.

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The period between our friendly against Hull and our league opener against Sunderland seemed to be the longest period ever.

Soccer AM were keen to do an interview with me prior to our match against Sunderland and I agreed. Jeromy thought it would be ideal to raise my profile and get my face familar with amongst soccers elite.

Helen Chamberlain was wonderful and Tim Lovejoy was good with the football, he joked that he was capable of getting in our starting 11, I had to think about the quick response on National TV, he could not get away from slating the Baggies. "Well you might be good enough to get 1 starting line up but it certainly aint the first team" How weak a response I should have really laid into him but this was my first real interview on my own.

Helen questioned what I thought was a realistic target. "Well, I hope to improve on last years position that would be the minimum goal, I have brought in a couple of players to hopefully achieve that, who knows a good cup run and we'll be in Europe" You have to be positive I mean I wasn't going to say well we have no chance in staying up was I.

I leave the studio and turn on my mobile.

"Hi Lee, Paul Merson here, hope you don't mind but your secretary gave me your number, just thought you were great not easy being on TV for the first time, is it, they always try to catch you out, you did good mate, we'll have to meet up for a drink some time when we are both playing at home, ok"

Paul was currently managing Walsall who were a mid table in League 1. Such a nice bloke who gave me morale support, I would have to take him up on the offer of a drink, it's important to have friends around you and I had limited supply at the moment in Football, nobody knew me so I kept myself to myself.

The fans had shown no sign of remorse and were still baffled about my appointment. I'm not surprised, who can blame them they love the Baggies (but so do I) and my aim is to do well. If I don't then I expect my P45 in the post.

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Friday 12th August 2005

I lie in my be thinking about tomorrow. I dream of a winning start. Sunderland are a team who have recently been promoted and those kind of teams are always amongst the favourites to go straight back down. Team tactics rush around in my head who in goal, shall I play Kanu, who on the bench,so many decisions that could affect the result. One mistake and we leave with nothing.

I toss and turn all night. Jess ws getting fed up a nudge in the back a kick to the legs "Whats up, just try and get some sleep" "I can't I'm too excited and nervous, this is the biggest day of my live" She holds me "Everything will be ok, remember its only a game" "Yeah with 30,000 people every week watching it I have to please them as well"

I get out of bed at 6am and wonder down the stairs to make a cup of tea, Jess hasn't had much sleep either and she comes down. "You know I hate football Lee but I will come to the game with you later." A tear comes to my eye I'm quite an emotional bloke anyway "I know why I married you, your one in a million" I have some much support from my wife and what have I shown her lately. I wonder late in from work, I toss and turn in bed and talk football all night just what a woman wants to do.


Jess drives me to the ground at 10.00am as I had a couple of pieces of paperwork to sort out and needed to speak to Jeromy before todays game. I had arranged Joy to come in as well. Jess dops me off before "I'll be back about 1 ish just need to get some odds and ends from up the town, where shall I meet you?" "Phone Joy and she'll come down and let you in, we haven't sorted out your pass yet" "Love you" "Love you too, bring me something nice back for later"

She drives off and I walk up the stairs to the office.

I stare at the office door. A note attached to it. "Good luck from the lads" Another tear appears and I sneak into the office. They want to do well and so do I.

Joy comes in at 12. "Right boss what you want me to do?" "Well Joy, Jess is coming to the game today can you keep an eye on her, she aint been to a match before and to be honest its not her cup of tea, also can you sort out her visitors pass as shes going to have to call you to let her in, as the security guys don't know her. Oh, a cup of tea would be nice and I've got a couple of letters to write so you'll need pen and notebook, see you in 10 minutes"

I place the note left by the lads in the bottom drawer of my desk, and proceed to pick the team.

Pondering over selection. I love the 4-4-2 so that decision was easy, it was who are the best players at the club and which ones are performing?

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Saturday 13th August V Sunderland @ Home

Team Selection:

Kirkland, Albrechsten, Clement (Capt), Gaardsoe, Scimeca, Greening, Carter, Gera, Richardson, Kamara, Ellington.

Subs: Hoult, Inamoto, Earnshaw, Davies, Watson

I'd made some bold decisions giving Clement the captains armband. I like his motivational skills but sometimes question whether the other players really listen to him, hes an in your face kind of bloke and can be intimitating to the younger players. Scimeca is my shock inclusion he'd played well and consistent in the friendlies so deserved a chance. And I went for Kamara and Ellington up front no attacking options on the bench either which I know was a brave move. Ellington had been hitting the net and Kamara had been using his pace.

Joy and Jess walk into my office "You excited, not long yet" "I'm nervous, feel sick but excited we look across the East Stand Car Park and down the Birmingham Road a wray of blue and white shirts walk to the ground. This is going to be a big game my introduction to the home fans. What was the reception going to be.

I had spoken to Jeromy 10 minutes before and he was going to be in the crowd today "All the board are behind you Lee, we are all going to be there today, you'll be fine. Make a grand entrance and show the fans what you can do"

Some good advice but how can I make a grand entrance? The fans don't know me, they don't even like me I can't walk out onto the pitch and wave as I may get booed. My stomach is churning like a washing machine. Time is flying fast. Jess holds my hand as we walk along the corridor, she looks at me and gives me a wink. Shes my gem.

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13th August - KICK OFF

Th eplayers stroll onto the pitch and I walk out with Mick Mcarthy we shake each others hand and proceed to our respective dug outs. The fans are noisy and I stand on the tuch line and look around, Jess and Joy are siting behind me, Frank Skinner is in the crowd and gives me a thumbs up. The Board are sitting in the executive box, theres loads of people, I just hope I can please them. I turn around and joy points to a couple of rows behind Its Bryan. I wave, he waves back and mouths good luck a few of the fans wave back and I hear the shout "Oi Allen I hope you know what your doing!!" If the fans dont like you then they dont like you, you have to prove them wrong. Lets bring on the football.....

The crowd are wild as Sunderland kick off.

Gaardsoe gives aay a free kick right on the edge of the area after only 2 minutes. I look away if a goal goes in here it would be the worse possible start for me. I relook at the pitch when Kirkland restarts the game. I breath a sigh of relief.

Kirkland's kick find its way to Kamara whos in space he's only got to chip the goalie I jump in the air, thats in.... To my amazement it hits the bar and goes out of play. I really thought that was in, I sit down embaraased, dissapointed this is a lively start and my heart rate is pounding.

Chances continue to flow for both sets of teams in the first half but both seemed to lack the finishing touch. The whistle goes 0-0 and the fans clap the players as they go off the pitch, obviously they're not that too disappointed.

In the dressing room I try an motivate the players "just think what a win would do to us, it would be the perfect start, we have home advantage lets use it, your playing in front of your fans so give them something to shout about"

I decide aganist making our subs as I was pleased with the first half performance and didn't want to risk changing anythign just for the sake of it.

Richardson could have got off to a perfect start with a free kick 30 yards from goal but a fantastic save fromthe Sunderland goalie pushed it around the post.

The minutes tick by and the deadlock is not broken. Final Score Baggies 0 Sunderland 0

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Tuesday 16th August 2005

JJoy phones the office "fax Lee,is interesting reading, not the ususal junk you get"

I walk to her office and she hands me the piece of paper. Hibs are after Horsfield. £750,000 they have tabled, I give it her back, "send a response £900,000 and we will listen" Within 10 minutes the fax goes again, a higher bid is received is Horsfield going to be the first player to leave under my command. "Joy, get Nigel and Geoff Horsfield in my office straight away, I don't care what they are doing"

A knock on the door "Come in, morning lads take a seat, an enquiry has been received this morning from Hibernian who are interested in you Geoff, we are willing to listen to offers but how you feel?" "Well to be honest I can't see me featuring under you, you have loads of options, I'm up for it, not saying that I don't like it here, but they're in Europe aint they and I should be able to play regular first team football" "Ok Geoff honest and upfront with you here, they have tabled a bid, we negiotated it as it was ridculous they have submitted a more acceptable bid, not what we were originally asking for, but close in enough for us to look at it in more detail, Await a phone call from them, and take it from there, good luck"

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Sunday 21st August 2005

Away V Chelsea

The cameras are at Stamford Bridge for the match against the mighty Chelsea. The Bookies don't fancy our chances, I just hope we do ourselves proud. The lads are looking forward for the challenge I jsut hope we don't get humilated. Lets hopefully build on the last match.

The coach pulls up outside the Bridge and I stare blinded by the huge ground, what an experience who would have thought this was happening to me, if you would have said I would be managing a Premiership football club in May then I would have laughed.

Walking out at the Hawthorns was a hug experience for me, but not half as much as an experience as walking out in front of 43,000 people and also with the match being screened live on TV.

Sky have asked if I can spare them 5 minutes before the match and of course I agree, I need to raise the profile of the football club and let everybody know I mean business.

"Everybody touts this as a match to remember, what do you honestly think about your teams chances today"

"We have 11 men the same as them, there are obviously a couple of disadvantages they have a more experienced manager and are also at home, that's the only difference. We will try our best and thats all we can do, who knows we might cause an upset, I hope"

"Any team news?"

"Nope, sticking to same side as last week, there are no fresh injury worries, need the table to stay stable and remain focused, the longer they can play together the better, I won't make changes unless it is absolutely neccessary, anyway thanks for the time, and I hope you enjoy the match as much as I do, thanks"

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Starting Line up:

Kirklan, Albrechsten, Clement (captain), Gaardsoe, Scimeca, Greening, Carter, Gera, Richardson, Kamara, Ellington

Subs from: Hoult, Inamoto, Earnshaw, Davies, Watson

Th eatmosphere is electric as the whistle goes, we are instantly on the back foot and rely on Kirkland to produce a fantastic save in teh first 40 seconds of the match. Their main focus seems to be on Carlton Cole and his quickness is causing our defence major problems, he cuts inside Albrechsten, pulls the ball back and its blasted home by Lampard after 8 minutes, not the best possible start at Stamford Bridge a manager could ask for.

Essien heads the ball past Kirkland on 18 minutes to make it 2-0. A long 72 minutes plus injury time to watch this, I think how many is it going to be. Just hope we can keep it respectable. The game slows right down and Chelsea seem content with the 2-0 score line, until Kamara scores a goal from out of the blue, his first goal for the club and we are back in with a chance. 2-1 to Chelsea. The half time whistle goes.

We turn on the TV in the dressing room, Gary Linekar is there with his guest the one and only Bryan Robson (my mate). "What do you think of the performance Bryan?"

"You can't take anything away from the Baggies, they are fighting for every ball, if you would have said your still in the game at half time, then you would have taken it at the beginning of the match, they were a bit slow out of the starting blocks and you can't do that against a team like Chelsea"

"It's been a relatively easy game for Chelsea though so far, do you think"

"I'd have to disagree there, the goal just before half time will have given the lads a big boost, who knows what will happen"

The lads jeer, Bryan supporting the club he walked out on. "Come on lets make a name for ourselves"

65 minutes gone and the Stamford Bridge goes quiet. Makelele puts the ball past his own goalie, 2-2 game on. We only have to hold on for 25 minutes, thats a life time in football management. Mourinho is hopping around the dug out shouting instructions. I relay a message to Clement "Slow, Concentrate, Hold on, Come on Lads".

Moruinho changes to a 4-2-3-1 and we have to withstand heavy pressure for the final 15 minutes, he throws Crespo on and the game changes, a beautiful lob over Kirkland to land firmly in the middle of the net.

Final Score Chelsea 3 Baggies 2

A wonderful performance although its a defeat we prove that we are not any pushover. Scoring 2 goals at Stamford Bridge is a good acheivement although we still leave with nil points.

Kamara is nominated Player of the Match.

"A good match, but Chelsea never felt threatened" was the summing up after the match

Huh, bet Mr Mouniho never thought he'd have a tough match against us.

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"Mr Peace to see you Lee, I'm sending him down"

"Hi Lee, hows it going, exciting times, bad luck against Chelsea, good game."

"Yeah, bad luck, we were in with a shout, lads done us proud, anyway lets not talk about the loss too much, what can I do for"

"Just wanted to remind you really about transfer deadline next week, got anything in mind?"

"Well have sent the scouts out and I'm looking through the transfer list, there is one or two that may be worth looking out, possibly to stengthen the team, but its not a real necessity we bring anybody in, unless somebody goes".

"Ok, leave it up to you, you know you have the money if you need it, just let me know it I can do anything for you, Oh and I can't make Saturdays game at the JJB as its an early kick off, I'll watch it on the box though, see you Monday after the game"

"Thanks Jeromy, see you soon mate"

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Saturday 27th August 2005

Away V Wigan Premiership Match 3

The game shown live on TV (our 2nd one and this is only our 3rd game). I concentrate on the team selection and although felt we were unlucky and played well against Chelsea thought that a change might be worth while. Although Carter had been consistent I thought that somebody else might be able to give that little bit of added extra. So Richarson moves to the left of midfield, Carter drops to the bench making way for little Japanese international Inamoto. Inamoto is huge in Japan and all our games are screened over there. Apparently I am well known over there already.

24,986 turn up to watch the game which was one that we were going to have to win. Wigan just promoted were like us favourites for the drop, this there first year of the premiership was going to be a tough one but they had Paul Jewell at the helm, who was going to do his best to save them. Facing us was one time Baggies player Jason Roberts.

A goal from Kamara as early as the 6th minute was the only goal to seperate the teams all afternoon. A goal that resulted in Jeromy Peace contacting me on the way home "Well Lee, good result that was, that will give the fans something to cheer about, lets hope its the start of a run"

"Wow, praise, I had never been so popular"

Scimeca had given a faultless performance and from a player who originally I didn't feel would figure in the top 11. He seems like he has found his feet.

We listen to the radio on the way home to find out we have been handed a home tie in the 2nd round of the League Cup. Our opposition East Midlands Leicester from the Championship. Leicester had defeated Lincoln City 3-1 in the first round to earn the tie. Not an easy one for us but there could have been worse.

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"I'm going to be late home tonight love, its the day where loads of clubs try and get last minute bargains, and I've heard there may be a couple of bids today, do you want me to bring any tea in?"

"Nope dear, just make sure you get yourself something, you are losing to much weight as your not eating properly"

"Ok, I'll bring a pizza in you can have some if your still up, see you later then"

It was to be a busy day in the office, the end of the transfer window and tomorrow's home match against Liverpool to contend with.

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Crystal Palace had table quite a lucrative bid for Ronnie Wallwork a player who had failed to impress me so far during my short reign at the Albion. It involved a player Marco Reich.

I also prowl through the transfer list to see if anybody cathces my eye, a young 23 year old from Lazio Gaby Midingay was of interest, a utility player who had earned himself 1 cap for Belgium. He could play wb rl, dm, mrlc. A player who could be used anywhere if we were short. I table a bid of £850,000 and wait in anticipation.


Joy walks into my office "Gosh, its a busy day already, you have a couple of messages" She hands me the message book.

FROM: Mr D Rossi

Organisation: Lazio

RE: Mudingay Transfer Offer

Offer received, they want you to raise bid to £1.1 million to consider the deal, phone back if interested.

FROM: Iain Dowie

Organisation: Crystal Palace

RE: Player Swop deal

Agreed for you to discuss contract with Marco Reich contact the agent Smithson direct to discuss. Feedback with any problems


I instruct Joy to phone Lazio as her Italian is a considerably better than mine, even the English managers sometimes struggle with my broad Black Country tones. The bid is increased to £1.1 million and the contract is accepted. Gaby immediately slams the Lazio team and board and welcomes the move to the Hawthorns with open arms.

I phone Smithson to discuss contract I decide to offer a few thousand a week less than what he had hoped for in a bid that Premiership football would attract him to the club. Smithson laughs as I reel of the figures "You must be joking mate, that bid is laughable" "Yeah but it is more than treble what he is on now and its the Premiership" "No chance why even consider it, hes only just arrived at Palace, no mate I'm pulling the plug on this one, its not in his best interest"

So bad news Wallwork is to stay at the Albion as the deal falls through and we end up with Mudingay. All I had to do was to report to the Board why I was now £20,000 a week over the wage budget. Not an easy job to do.

"Iain its Lee Allen, discussed contract with the agent, he's not interested we're going to have to pull out the deal unless you raise the cash offer"

"Sorry mate got tight purse strings here, the Board won't allow it"

"Ok, sorry couldn't do business with you"

This commotion had made me forget about the preparation for tomorrows home game with Liverpool. There was to be a forced change as Kirkland was not available to play against them.

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