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Looking for a certain touchline instructions file

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I downloaded a file awhile ago that gave me details on all the touchline instructions but ive accidently deleted it and now i cannot find it.

I think it was a Microsoft Excel file and it had good points in green and bad points in red

It also mentioned about checking the assistant managers feedback every 15mins and changing instructions accordingly.

Any help would be very grateful.Thanks

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Since I wrote my first version i improved things that needs to be done. This is second version, in the file there will be only TI explained. I will make further comments directly into the topic.

In order for one or two things to work, most people don't understand that you have to have the same basis as the one that claims he found the Holly Grale.

So in order for TI to work at their best, let's try to setup the same basis as i do.

I. Before game

A. Prematch screen

- here i take a note about Odds;

This will further tell me 2 things: what i'll use for Team Talks & whether i have to use my best team or i can test with 1-2 youngsters.

- obviously if odds > 5.0, for you, use some young developing player, if >8.0 at least 2, if >= 11.0 you can go with at least half of your team under 21.

B. Choose proper team

- in Team Selection screen i have the following important columns: Condition, followed by Morale, followed by Morale. First select descending by Fitness column, choose for you 1st team those who have: 1. In superb condition, 2. Fully Fit, 3. Match fit, 4. (preferably not) those who suffer for lack of fitness (you'd better go for some reserve who has 1. or 2.). If most of your team is match fit, then sort descending by Condition and go from 100% down, don't go below 90% (use reserves instead). Finally Morale Column... i tend not to use those with Poor or below, and rarely Okay (when i don't have much of a choice).

C. Team instructions:

- i use: Passing style = More direct; Creative Freedom = More Expressive ... it's important

- then: I use target man (my ST = advanced forward, almost never my FC = deep lying forward); I use play maker (my DMC, i go with my MC when my MC is better then DMC on that particular game), I use To Feet as targetman supply.

II. AFTER SUBMIT TEAM (still before game)


- if he plays dominant through midfield (>= 3 Midflielders (MC, DMC, AMC, any number)), i will adjust my Touchline instructions wright at kick off, as follow: Standard+ Play narrower + Exploit Flanks or if AI's is really below you: Standard+Play narrower + Look for overlap (i use this second combo, more often in second half, when my AMRL's tend to get tired much faster then any other players)

- if he plays dominant on flanks (very very rare, AMR&AML + (MR/L or WBR/L) ), i will adjust my Touchline instructions wright at kick off, as follow: Standard+ Play wider + Exploit Midfield ( i use this combo as well when AI play 4 (DC) 1 (DMC) 4 (MR/L&MC) 1 ST, but it turned out to be not that effective)

B. OPPOSITE INSTRUCTIONS ( the holly grale :D, you all wanted it :cool:)

Ignore DR/L ( i mean don't give OI. Not to worry your player still use things form your tactic or individual set up)

Give DC's - weaker leg + hard tackle (it doesn't matter how many DC AI's has, use for all)

Give DMC - same (idem)

Give (A)MR/L - weaker leg + always closing down

Give AMC - weaker leg, hard tackle + always closing down

Give ST - weaker leg, tight marking always

If ST or any other player, who is not yet on hard tackle, is below 80% condition give him hard tackle as well.

IMPORTANT: Look out for AI's change in formation, or subbing ... you have to have always OI as above ... adjust them constantly don't be lazy ... that is how you get late minutes goals

2. Team talk - this is very simple to me, coz' i play with Man Utd most of the times, so my players understand what i need them to do, if anybody doesn't like it, i terminate contract. I go for: players for manager, not manager for players. I would rather pay 100 mil euros, then terminate for free, against, me "pampering" the little misunderstood star.

If you are favorite (odds > 2.50) give individual Expect a performance! ( switch where possible with Pick up where you left of, but only if the player played the one or two previous matches and had a rating above 7.5; don't use Pick up, if you player had good rating but his last match was a month ago!!!, give Expect a performance )

If favorite < 2.50 or underdog give individual You have faith!

Variations: I use You have faith for Morale < Okay.

III. KICK OFF (First half)

1. TI wright from the beginning

Standard = get ball forward+hassle opponents+pass into space. IF it rains + stay on feet.

IMPORTANT!!! Keep AI's FORMATION window always open, look out for any subbing or any changing in his positioning, adjust OI every single time as i said above. Adjust TI as I mentioned above (wide vs narrow)

2. During match

Here is where you can use my file. This is up for testing, it will depend on every team, tactic, inspiration. I will only tell you that i tend to rarely use any other TI besides Standard (that is through at least 15 seasons of testing). I will use once in a while : Shoot on sight (first half, when condition is best, never on second half, my belief is that condition will temper with physical attributes), Look for overlap (especially when i have FBR/L on Playing with confidence). Be careful when you switch to attacking mentality, look up immediately for any player in your team, that goes to: Playing nervously ... keep an eye on him (them), look at rating all time, if it goes down, you'd better go for a more conservative mentality

3. Half time

Team Talks:

If ahead General: Don't let your performance drop (or variations of this); All players above 7.1 and all players who scored go for individual: You have faith; All players below 6.7 go for individual: disappointing and consider him for subbing if he still performs badly in the first 10 minutes of second half.

If draw General: Disappointing (with same observations as above)

IF behind: Same as draw.

Consider for sub at half time: all players below 6.0 (at half time), complacent mentality (often when you lead).

Consider for sub during second half: same + any player below 74% condition.

4. End of game

Team Talks:

If ahead General: Well done. Individual Delighted to all > 8.0, Disappointing to all <6.3. NONE to all 6.4- 7.1; Well done to all 7.1-7.9

If draw or loose: General: Disappointing. Individual Delighted >8.0, None 6.7-7.9, Disappointing 6.3-6.7; Angry <6.3. any player below 6.0 will receive one week fine after match.

Any red card will have to get Dismissal/ Official warning. If you don't do that other players will complain.

That's it, await you comments :thup:

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it's a lot i know :). But it's complete this way, i may have missed a thing or two, but at least i touched all basis.

For those interested, i play with Piranha v5. An old corner theory (nothing based on any bug), I use SFraser;s training ideas, mainly his training regimes, with few of my own. When I choose my players (buy them), I look that they have good physical attributes (preferably >=15: Stamina, strength, (pace+natural fitness at least 10)), Workrate, Teamwork, Concentration > 15 (if possible), and then i look at specific attributes for roles used by Piranha tactic (like limited defender, deep lying forward).


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