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I'm on FM10 - 10.3 – First Story In a few years….

I have edited the database to give QPR a brand new 50,000 capacity stadium and a bit more cash….

Chapter One – The Italian Job

As I paced the technical area of the Stadio Olmpico, the giant clock showed 90 minutes were up. My team Lazio were wining 1-0 and if it stayed like that it would be enough to secure the first league championship for these fans for eleven years. It would mean we won the league on goal difference but we would win the league all the same. The Goal difference, which was 40 goals more than Inter in 2nd showed the quality of the attacking football we had played this season which had won the team fans all over the world and me much credit.

And there it was – The best sound in the world the full time whistle. Until you have won a league championship you will never know the wave of emotion that fills your body. For a split second I thought I may cry before I felt someone jump on my back. It was my number 2 Andy Robinson. He had joined my 18 months ago when I had taken the reigns from my predecessor who had a heart attack. Andy was managing at Dagenham when I asked him to join me and he didn’t think twice about swapping Dagenham for Lazio. The Sound of 70,000 Italians celebrating was beautiful. Back in the Champions League and about to collect only there third ever League Title.

As the evening progressed a carnival atmosphere developed as the players climbed the podium and celebrated with the trophy. Claudio Lotito the Lazio chairman said something to me in Italian and I laughed without having a clue what he said but he laughed so It must have been funny. This man had been good to me. He had taken a gamble on me when I moved up from assistant manager – He had backed me when I wanted to bring Andy over from East London and he had backed me in the Transfer market. He had also given me and my Girlfriend use of one of his properties for nothing and a very generous gift when our daughter was born 3 months ago. He had also released me only 1 and half years into a 5 year contract.

Yes today I was to announce to the 70,000 fans who, some say idolise me that I was leaving Lazio to return to London for the sake of my family. I had adored my time in Italy but my other half couldn’t settle, missed her mum and wanted our baby to be around her family back home. As I looked up at the directors box I could see my parents and my in-laws and my partner who blew me a kiss. She knew If I had my way I would love to stay and lead Lazio into the Champions League but family come first and she was so happy when I said I would come home with her.

Claudio got on stage with a translator – This was my moment. Claudio asked me that I tell no one of my plans to leave Lazio during the season as he feared the team would loose there way on there march to the title but now, as we celebrate it was my queue to get up and speak…

“Signore e signori, lo abbiamo fatto che siamo campioni della lega! Grazie tutto così tanto per il vostro supporto questa stagione che ogni singolo di voi è stato stupefacente. Ma ora li vorrei mostrare il vostro ringraziamento per l'uomo che li conduce là“

I knew some Italian and this was basically Claudio hailing the fans and thanking me, the man who made the dream come true and asking me to come and speak. I felt a lump in my throat as the stadium erupted and Union flags were waved. It was all to much for my Girlfriend as I saw her leave the balcony.

“Thank you very much….CHAMPIONS” The crowd roared. They did not need a translator. The noise was deafening and I remained quite for several minutes before the noise died down enough for me to speak with my broken Italian.

“This has been the most amazing season and Lazio are back where you fans deserve to be” Another massive cheer. “ I have loved every minute of my time in Italy, The Players, The Chairman and you have all made this Englishman feel very welcome” Again another massive cheer. “Next Season Lazio return to the Champions League where they belong”. The Stadium again erupted. Drums being banged and singing. “However When Lazio march into Europe next year it won’t be with me as Manager”… The Crowd died down to almost a silence… “I’ve had the best time here in Italy but its time for me to go home, for my family.” There was a handclap which I had never heard before in this kind of environment “As I said I believe you are the best fans in Italy and you deserve success and my boys here wont let you down next Season and I will be at the Champions League final cheering you on.” The Ground cheered “One day I would like to come back here and Manage Lazio again but until that day I wish you all the very best of luck and must thank you for the support you have shown me. Thank you all- and Goodbye”. The Stadium erupted again and I felt a lump In my throat. I’m glad I didn’t have anymore to say as I knew my voice would go. A tear fell from my eye as the Stadium gave me a standing ovation as I left the pitch.

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Chapter Two – Oh to be in England

You don’t know the relief of finally touching down from a 3 hour flight with a six week old baby until them plane wheels hit the terrafirma. It had been 10 days since our League triumph and I had spent it with family and tying up loose ends. The Article in today’s Daily Mail had kept me entertained on the flight home detailing a chance meeting I had had over a Chinese meal at a racecourse in Italy with Randy Learner which had resulted in me being offered the Aston Villa Job which was empty now following Martin O’Neil’s departure to Liverpool. I was tempted to sue as I had never met Randy Learner I had never been to a racecourse and I don’t like Chinese. But then when did the Tabloids need facts.

As we drove at speed through the Essex countryside I realised how much I had missed England, although the other half had visited several times I hadn’t been back in 18 months. Crikey! Had it really been that long?? I found myself wondering about the logistics of a move to Villa. Could I commute? What kind of transfer budget do they have? What kind of squad will they have left by the time Manchester City have been through the squad like a bargain bin. I was woken from my day dream as we pulled into my house in rural Essex. My Haven. I realised how much I missed his place and was excited to be home.

The following day I received a text from Andy Robinson and was delighted to discover that Claudio had appointed him as Manager. I guessed he would. One of my last conversations was with Claudio urging him to give Andy a chance. I think he could make a great manager.

So what now? The Football Season was over. Sky didn’t need any Pundits and I was bored. I had a game of golf with Jamie Redknapp and after telling him his adverts for First Choice holidays was rubbish was told that he had heard I was on the shortlist for Villa and I would be getting a call in the next few days. The Call did come, however it was not Villa that came knocking. My Agent Anthony told me he had had a call from a ‘Super Agent’ who wanted to arrange a meeting with me and a mystery man that evening. After a couple of false starts I was asked if I could fly to Dublin on this guys Jet for some discussions.

I flew from a small airfield about half an hour from my house and was in Dublin within the hour where I was driven to a Jury Doyle hotel just opposite Croak Park. I was shown into a room and waited for half an hour. I was getting very annoyed that I was being treated like this when a man walked in the room. The man was around 60 and his face familiar

“I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting – you must think I'm a right tosspot. Thanks so much for meeting with me” he said holding out his hand. This could be embarrassing I thought. I think he thought I knew who he was.

“Clive Andrews” he said obviously seeing the blank look on my face.

“Clive of course sorry – James” I said still shaking his hand a little confused. Clive Andrews was the hair of a major hotel chain and was rumoured to be worth several Billion pounds – This could be interesting.

“Coffee, Tea, Wine, Beer…Scotch…” Clive said. I hadn’t noticed the three people who had followed him into the room. His entourage I guessed.

“Ill have a beer please” I said as one of the ladies with him scuttled off.

“Please sit down” Clive said nodding over to the two settee’s which sat opposite each other. I moved over and sat down. If you had seen Clive on the street you would not have believed he was worth a couple of billion. He was wearing a pair of jeans my dad would not have been seen dead in and a white polo shirt and was carrying a plastic docket with several pieces of paper in it .

“Well done on your success in Italy – Fantastic achievement on all levels.” He said as the lady returned with two Budweiser’s. I thanked him for his kind words letting him do the talking. “So what’s next for James Powell?” he said. Talking like a tabloid reporter.

“Relax, Time out, regroup – spend time with the family. The last six games nearly killed me I can tell you. Mentally destroyed me”

“Worth it im sure. What about your next career move?” He said drinking his drink

“No plans. Cards on the table Clive, who are you representing? Randy Learner?” I asked bluntly. I had no idea who this guy was representing. Why would a multibillionaire be a bit part player in Villa? Maybe a Villa supporter I guess? Or in the process of taking the club over.

“Im nothing to do with Villa. With Respect Im not a small time investor James. Twenty minutes ago I brought Queens Park Rangers for £270m.” He said looking at me for a reaction. He got one.

“Two Hundred and Seventy Million for a Championship club” I said shocked

“Lock Stock and one brand new state of the art 50,000 capacity stadium. Ready for use next season”. Clive said smugly. When your in Italy certain things go under your radar and although I vaguely remember reading about QPR building a new ground.

“Oh I think I read about this stadium – wasn’t there planning problems with this?” I asked

“May I put you in the picture of what’s happened in the last couple of years of QPR?” he asked cautiously – I think worried I would think he though I was being a bit thick when in all honestly when you are chasing a Serie A championship your not too worried about a planning dispute in the second tier of a foreign league. I nodded already slightly offended that he thought he could entice me, the first ever Englishman to win a major league title to a mid table Championship club.

“As you may know QPR was brought a couple of years back by a few high profile businessmen. There aim – as mine will be is to make them a major force in European football. The business plan they produced although impressive failed to take into account the cost of a new state of the art stadium would have on the Transfer budgets. By now QPR should have qualified by Europe with there plan to pump in £150 million. However this got swallowed up by increased cost of the new stadium – which I hope to show you later as it really is beautiful. Where was I? Oh yes so the transfer Kitty reduced to next to nothing meaning that free transfers, loans and youth players pretty much made up the team”

“So why didn’t these guys pump some more money in. Flavio whatshisface is not short of a few bob?” I asked

“No he is not. They had the richest board of any football club in the world. However the Global recession happened. It hit hard. Although they had money – it was tied up around the world. Then he had a few problems in his other world – Motor Racing and he wanted out. That’s when they approached me?” Clive said.

“So I presume you are now going to ask me to come in and be Manager” I said confidently

“And you think I'm hitting above my weight trying to get a manager of your calibre who has just won Serie A to come and manage a club in the championship right?” He said taking a sip of his beer.

He was right. That’s what I did think. However I was always conscious that I didn’t come across arrogant or obnoxious when meeting new people. Especially people who’s path I might cross at some point in the future.

“Well Yes” I replied. Displaying both traits I so wanted to avoid. Clive laughed

“Let me lay it out to you if I may” Clive paused. “Ok lets clear something up first off all. Money. What was you on at Lazio?” He asked.

“£40k a week” I replied shocking myself. Not only because I was always a very private person when it came to money but also because I had blatantly lied. I was on £29k a week! I don’t know why I said 40.

“Ok well ill double that and also offer you a one million pound bonus to get us into the premiership”. Clive smiled as he saw the shocked look on my face. I picked up a £120k bonus for winning the league with Lazio!

“What about transfers...bringing in my own staff and that” I said. Again wishing I could shut my mouth. Now I looked like I was interested in the job. Which I wasn’t… Well I shouldn’t anyway…. I wanted to wait for the Man City job or Liverpool maybe…even Chelsea maybe?

“How much would you need to guarantee promotion” Clive asked

“No idea!” I shot back. “I’m not up to speed with the Championship Clive”.

“Ten, Twenty, Fifty Million?” He probed?

“I don’t know. Twenty..maybe Thirty million depending on the state of the current squad”. I said

“Ok a transfer budget of £35million this year. If you get into the premiership you can double that next year. You can bring in all the staff you want and you would be in sole charge of all first team, reserve and youth team operations”. He said sitting back looking for a reaction.

“ok….” Was all I could muster. This did sound like a interesting challenge.

“So we have a deal?” Clive asked confidently.

“No” was my reply. “I wont lie Clive it’s a tempting offer… however I’m putting my reputation on the line. One its taken me years to build up”.

“James. I wont beg you. I think you’re a fantastic manager. I have watched your achievement in Italy with great interest. I am offering you money comparable to a top 4 club in Premiership – Your financial package is fantastic and we will have one of the finest grounds in the country. I have a ridiculous amount of money to make QPR a force in Europe. I watched them as a kid and now I can make them something very special and I want you to lead the football side of this” Clive said

“There’s other people I need to take into account – The Girlfriend. I need to speak to my Agent and my family” I said looking at the wall clock. It was 3.30am “When do you want to know by?”

“There is no Rush” Clive said opening up his folder and showing me some pictures of the new Stadium. I must admit it was pretty damn impressive at any level. “If you can just let me know by 4am that would be great”…

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Chapter Three – The Theatre of Dreams

As Clive Andrews Helicopter flew over Cardiff on the way back to London he filled me in on how he had come to acquire QPR and how he had followed them as a boy. How he had worshipped Les Ferdinand and how he nearly had a Gerry Francis tattoo on his back. In the distance I could see the Sun rising. Before we knew it we were over the Thames and started to feel this chopper go down slightly.

“So this is going to be your new home Mr Powell” Clive said grinning as he pointed to the stadium in the distance.

“If I say yes” I replied. In my heart I knew he had sold QPR to me.

“You will”. He said looking ahead. He tapped the pilot on the shoulder who picked up his radio and gave some instruction and suddenly in the dawn the whole Stadium lit up! To say it looked impressive was a major understatement. I felt Clive looking at me. He Knew I was impressed as the Helicopter navigated the wrap around stadium and gracefully landed in the centre circle of the pitch. The engines died and the door opened as Clive and I jumped out on to the pitch.

“What do you think?” He asked genuinely interested

“Its beautiful” I replied.

“Isn’t it” He said grinning like a Cheshire cat. There was still some piles of rubble and some seats missing but it was very nearly finished. I noticed one side of the stand a lot of chairs seem to have been removed. “Budweiser have got the naming rights to the stadium. They want there name on each side” he explained before I asked the question. “Come on”.

I followed him across the pitch, between the impressive looking technical area’s and down the tunnel. “I love it here” Clive said as he took us into a lift and up three floors. When the lift doors opened it was an even more impressive sight. “The Corporate suite” he said as I walked on the marble floor to the end of the corridor – “Ready for this?” Clive smiled. As we turned the corner there was a two sets of large double oak doors. On one set it said ‘Manager – James Powell’ and on the other ‘Managers Hospitality’. This man was impressing me but it annoyed me. I had just won the league! I should be impressing him! “Go on” Clive said ushering me to the door. I stepped forward and opened the door to the Managers office. It was amazing. A huge desk with the Stadium view behind through the glass wall. It was impressive. I walked through the adjoining door into the Managers Corporate area. The Size of half a penalty area with a bar one end this was beautiful. A door lead out onto the terrace and around 30 seats which were in front of the glass of this room and my office.

“It holds 30 people” Clive said. “You like?”

“Of course I like” I said stunned almost to silence.

“You should see my suite it has a Jacuzzi!” Clive boasted

“Really?” I said amazed

“No I made that bit up” Clive smiled before walking through the doors back into the office. “There is however a contract offer on your desk. I have your legal man on his way as we speak”

“John Lynch. How did you know?” I asked

“James – I do my research. Go and take a look at your contract” Clive said nodding at the desk. I sat down and looked what they had offered me. an annual salary of £4.42 million. “Its 85k a week” he said reading my mind – not for the first time. There was a £1m promotion bonus attached too. As I flicked through I saw I had a very healthy transfer budget and sole control of the team. “Do we have a deal James” Clive asked

“I want John to read through it…” I said spotting that it was a five year deal. “And I want that reduced.”


“I want a one year deal. If it doesn’t work for you or me – I walk away next year and we owe each other nothing” I said

“No. I want stability. Ill give you a one year deal which extends to a five year deal if we gain promotion” He said

“Fair enough” I said. Clive held out his hand.

“This could be a very special relationship James. We could achieve so much”. I looked at Clive’s hand and hesitated before taking it. Clive smiled like a cat who had got the cream…

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Four – Caught Out.

I put the key in my front door. It was 6.45am. I crept in and the TV was still playing to itself in the front room. I climbed the stairs and saw the girlfriend sound asleep. I snuck over and saw our little girl in her Moses basket sound asleep. I smiled to myself. My Girlfriend stirred and looked at me and smiled.

“Morning sexy” I said sitting on the bed

“Did you fall asleep on the settee again?” She asked stretching. I forgot she was asleep before I left last night.

“How did little one sleep last night” I asked changing the subject. I was kind of worried about telling her as she wanted me to take a few months out from the game to spend with her and our daughter.

“She woke up once….bless her”. She said sitting up. I leant over and kissed her.

“Yuk bed breath” she said pulling away

“na your ok” I said smiling

“I meant you! – anyway are you going to make me some breakfast” Karla asked

“Yh what do you want?” I asked

“Rice Krispies and Toast with Marmite” She said

“Vile” I said getting up to leave the room.

“I was thinking – I know we have just got back from Italy but how about we book a nice holiday – just the three of us”. I looked at her and smiled and left the room and headed down stairs to make her breakfast not sure how I was going to explain that I had gone back on my word and taken a management job.

As I waited for the bread to toast thinking how I would explain to Karla that I had signed a contract when I promised I would spend the next few months with her and the baby. As I made her breakfast and made my way back up with my rather appetising spread on the tray.

“Look what I have made you” I said proudly as I kicked the door open. Karla sat in the bed holding the baby. Sky Sports News was on and breaking news was that I had agreed to become the next Manager of QPR.

“Something you want to tell us?” she asked giving me a look only an angry woman can.

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Chapter Five – The Double unveiling.

As I arrived back at the new Budweiser Arena I saw a couple of TV Vans for BBC and Sky and various familiar faces from the Media. I was driven into the Stadium to keep my unveiling a secret even though many media outlets were already reporting it.

I walked up to Clive Andrews Suite and he was not lying – this was one damn impressive room with leather furniture and a 100” TV secured on one wall. “Wow” was all I could say.

“Right – We are going to do the business part – announcing the finer details of the purchase of the club and then at 11 we will confirm you”. He said confidently.

“No worries. When do the Squad report back from close season?” I asked

“I dunno – You’re the Manager!”. He said. Which was a fair point. “Look James I need to crack on with the Investment side of the business. I honestly believe we can become one of the biggest clubs in Europe. I’m not a chairman that is going to interfere in any of the football side of things. Get your back room team in place – get your transfer targets and tell me who you want out and we will sit down and sort it out.”

It was a kind of dream job really In respect that I had free reign. I walked back through to my office. Clive was right. I needed to start planning for the new season straight away. I sat and drew up a list of players that may be available, however it was pretty unsexy. I decided to head down and went into the corporate room which is next to the press room and watched Clive Andrews and his Vice Chairman David Croydon announce to the world that they had brought the club and there grand plans to make QPR a world force.

The Press officer told me it was nearly my queue to join them in the auditorium. I stood in the wings waiting for the moment to be officially announced. As I looked around I saw that Karla and my parents had arrived in the Corporate room and she blew me a kiss before I realised I better start listening to what Clive had to say.

“..so as you can imagine the last 72 hours have been mind blowing to say the least. To answer your other question the full list of friendly’s is yet to be agreed however I can confirm that the official opening of the ground will take place on August 8th and we will be welcoming a truly great European club to the Budweiser stadium in the mould of what we want to be. Further details will be available on the website in the coming weeks. Right before we go any further with this conference I want to introduce you to someone else. David, myself and our team will be leading the club off the field but on the field…where it really matters we needed a proven winner. I can assure fans that we looked all across Europe to find the right man – someone with a proven track record at the highest level and one that would be up for the challenge of securing Premiership football for the team and the fans. Im sure you will agree that we have achieved this. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome.. Iain Dowie”. There was a few gasps and one person clapped. “I’m kidding” Clive continued! “Ladies and Gentlemen – Serial A winner – James Powell”. There was a loud burst of laughter and clapping as I walked out onto the stage area and took a seat between David and Clive.

“Thank you very much”. I said taking a sip of water. The laughter and clapping died down…

“We would like to take the opportunity to welcome James to the Budweiser arena – From our point of view James has a fantastic pedigree and the man is a proven winner. Ill let James say a few words then we can take some questions” Clive said leaning back in his chair.

“Thanks Clive. Rum where do I start. Yesterday afternoon I was reading a report about me taking the job at Villa Park and here I am 18 hours later sitting here as the new manager of QPR. It’s a fantastic opportunity for me – as a manager to be working with a football man like Clive. He isn’t a foreign fell who knows nothing about the English game he is a QPR fan and a passionate fan at that. I met with him yesterday and made it clear I came back to the UK to manage in the Premiership. And that’s still my wish. Clive has promised backing to get us into the Premiership and I believe the club should be in the Premiership like its neighbours Chelsea and Fulham. Some of Clive’s plans blew me away and its fantastic to be sitting here at the dawn of a new era for QPR” I said wishing I had prepared something more passionate..

“Let me be clear here – I am not a nearly man. I have never been a nearly man. I do one thing. Achieve my goals. I back my beliefs and achieve my goals – That’s why within 4 years I firmly believe James can lead QPR into Europe.” Clive said – throwing me slightly off guard. Some hands in the audience shot up.

“Steven Howard – News of the World – You became the first English man to win a major league since Howard Wilkinson won the old first division with Leeds – you could have probably walked into any job in England, Spain or Italy – Why QPR?”

“Money” I said straight faced as the room all laughed “In all seriousness I wanted to join one of the big four in England. I was a bit late for Manchester United and wanted to manage in Europe next year. However I believe I will be able to do that with QPR in the next few years. Clive isn’t one of these owners that comes in and says we want to be champions league in four years – here’s five million go and get us there – he wants the best and if he is willing to back me like he says he is then I honestly believe we can be a mid table premiership team within 2 years and then push on for a European spot”. I replied

“What kind of money do you have to behind you?” Steven asked

“We wont be discussing what money is available” Clive said as the room all have knowing nods. “And that’s because it isn’t an issue – James will give me his transfer list and I will see what we can do. I can assure you, the fans and James that he will be backed all the way”

“How much money do you think it would cost to get you premiership football next year” Another Reporter asked

“We will see. We have a very solid basis of a team here. I need to evaluate what we have and then see what is available. I wont be spending silly money on mediocre players. I want to sign players that will do a job for us in the Premiership as that is where we aim to be”.

“Any news on back room staff? I take it Andy Robinson wont be joining you” A lady from the Express asked

“No Andy is going to be leading Lazio in the Champions League next year so I’m not sure he will fancy becoming my no.2”.

“And what about Mick Jones. Will he be staying as number two” The same lady asked

“There will be a role for Mick at the club, what that is we will sit down and discuss”. I said

“Hi Paul Shrubsole the Daily Mail. What happened about the Villa Job?”

“Nothing. I only heard the same speculation as everyone else. There was no offer”.

“Richard Darby – Sky Sports News – Can you give us a hint and any potential signings?”

“That’s the million dollar question. When Clive approached me the initial thought I had was attracting the right players to club would be hard. But we have one of the best stadiums in the world and if once we are in the Premiership I believe we will be attractive to all kinds of top players. However that does not answer your question I know. I want to build for the future, you look at what Sir Alex did at United he brought through 3 generations of players, I want to ensure we have a solid youth base and we bring in exciting players who want to play for us. In terms of names I have a few I would like to bring in however we will have to see”. I said

“Brian Stuart , BBC Sport – Last year the average attendance was around 14,000 – I may being a little bit kind there – its very unlikely that you are going to fill a 50,000 capacity stadium, will it make the job you are doing difficult raising morale for players in a stadium a quarter full?”

“Ill take that” Clive said leaning forward “We will fill this ground within a couple of years. This season we will be hoping for double what we have been seeing in previous years and we will also be giving away 5,000 tickets to local secondary schools and 2,000 to colleges so we can increase and develop the local fanbase”.

The questions went on for about half an hour more – it seemed quite a gentle press conference and as I drove away from the Stadium that evening with a heart of hope. Little did I know that this season would be the hardest of my career so far.

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Chapter Six – Sackings and Signings.

The following day I arrived at the executive suite at the Budweiser stadium to find the place a hole lot more busier. I got introduced to Sofia my PA which would make contacting the people I wanted to a lot easier. The Clubs PR official asked if I wanted to be a studio guest on ITV for a charity match between England and The Rest of the World which would feature ex footballers and celebrities which I agreed to do. I asked Sofia to get together all the back room staff in the afternoon so I could let them know my plans. I had decided I wanted to speak to Les Ferdinand an Ex QPR legend about coming in as my number two. Les was now at spurs but I asked Sofia to get me his agent just so I could sound him out. Little did I know that this was the beginning of major falling out between little QPR and Tottenham Hotspurs.

I couldn’t get hold of Clive so I asked Sofia to prepare a £4.2m bid for Steven Taylor at Newcastle and £2m for David Wheater of Middlesboro – both who had been star players in relegated teams. I asked Sofia to get ATP (Authority to Proceed) from Clive or David and get the offers out ASAP. The idea was to get the defence secure. Another Player I was interested in was Joe Matlock but I wanted to confirm with Clive that we can proceed before cracking on with these.

Sofia told me that Les would like to speak to me and I arranged dinner for the following evening. Shortly after this the phone rang and it was Clive “Listen – Im at the Gaucho Grill in the city – get a car and get down here. Some people I want you to meet” He said.

“I have a backroom meeting” I said

“Cancel it – Trust me this is big. Literally”

The phone went dead. Rude.

I was tempted to leave him hanging and I did for 2 minutes before asking Sofia to arrange me a car to the Gaucho and im glad I did. As I walked in my eyes were drawn to the back of a rather tall chaps head. Surly it couldn’t be… IT was. Clive was sitting with Peter Crouch. Clive introduced me to Barry Taylor who was Peter’s agent and Peter who I had met on two occasions. What Clive said next shocked me

“How do you fancy having the big man here in the team?” Clive said putting me on the spot. Of course I would jump at the chance he is a England International but so much for having a Chairman who doesn’t interfere. I knew Peter was an ex QPR man but a drop into the championship…surly not.

“Things not going good at Spurs?” I asked

“I need first team football. Should I say I want first team football actually. Its world cup year. Spurs have a few strikers and im not going to get a game as much as I need” Peter said as the waitress came and brought over four sirloin steaks.

“But you could move to most premiership clubs?” I asked

“Alright James – what are you trying to do put the lad off?” Clive snapped

“No im asking why a England International wants to move to a Championship team which finished nearer the bottom than top last year?” I replied sharply

“Mr Andrews would like to make a statement of intent. And what better way to do that than sign an England International” Barry said. Making me realise that Clive had offered Peter a ridiculous Salary.

“So what about Tottenham?” I asked

“I have an agreement with Mr Levy that Peter can leave for seven million pounds”

“Ok… well I would love to have you there Peter, but I cant guarantee Fabio Capello will be at our Ground every week” I smiled

“I don’t expect him too be. To be honest James I want to work under you as well, I really admired what you did at Lazio” Peter said

“Cheers” I said taking a sip of my drink.

“So What you reckon?” Clive said looking at me intently. I have never been put on the spot and concluded a Transfer so shortly after meeting a player.

“If you wanna come and play for me Pete, I would love to have you there”. I said

“Quality” Clive said jumping up from the table and immediately getting on his blackberry. “Ill sort it”. And that was that – We spent the rest of the afternoon drinking red wine before remembering I had to be a pundit for the Charity Match that evening.

I arrived at Wembley where the event was being played at around 6.30pm. The Show was being hosted by Dermott O’Leary and I was joined in the Studio by Harry Redknapp and Sir Alex Fergusson. I knew Sir Alex quite well as I had taken his young Left back ‘Fabio’ on loan last season and we had met up socially a couple of times. Harry I had met once and he made a beeline for me.

“Come here you toss pot” he said smiling “I’m gonna report you to the FA for tapping up my staff” he laughed

“I knew nothing about it until this afternoon” I said shaking his hand

“Nah he will do well for you” he said smiling “I have a lot of time for Les”.

Les? I presumed he was talking about Peter Crouch.

“Well we will see – we haven’t even had a chance to sit down and chat yet”.

Harry and I stood and chatted right up until Kick off chatting about plans for the new season. Harry was full of the joys of summer telling me how he had nearly secured Charlton’s wonder kid Harry Pell on a free. Harry was being billed as the new Bryan Robson by the media and although I had only seen him once – he was someone I had written on my list of transfer targets. I was slightly annoyed that Harry had beaten me to the punch but I was presuming that he wasn’t aware of the Crouch deal so I thought it best I kept quite.

England lost the game 4-2 and it also signalled the end of mine and Harry’s very short friendship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Seven

The following morning I was in the Stadium early working on a list of Transfer Targets and asked Sofia to get me details of Harry Pell. I also had a email from an agent in Italy offering me a very talented player called Edin Dzeko – a striker who plays for Wolfsburg in Germany. They knocked us out of the UEFA cup the previous season when I was at Lazio when he scored 4 goals over the two legs. He wanted a move away from Germany but I presumed this email had gone to most European clubs but I asked Sofia to follow up with an enquiry.

I was shocked when Middlesboro accepted my bid for David Wheatear and I asked if he could make him self available for personal talks that evening. Newcastle had rejected my bid for Steven Taylor but I went back with another £1m on top plus the option of a friendly which I hoped would swing it. I asked Sofia to contact Martin O’Neil at Manchester United and asked about the availability of Fabio for another season but didn’t fancy my chances there.

Sofia put me in touch with Harry Pell’s agent who was a man called Quentin Darby who looked after quite a lot of lower league footballers and he told me that Harry was in Ibiza and could not contact him but on his return a Tottenham representative was picking him and his mates up from the airport in a stretched hummer and being taken to White Hart lane to sign a contract. Harry’s phone had ended up in the sea after a Pedalo incident apparently so was now uncontactable. That deal looked pretty much dead in the water if you ask me. Pardon the pun. The Conversation was not a total waste of time as he also acted for David Wheater and I would be meeting him later. The re-arranged meeting for the backroom staff was arranged and I was going to offer them all one year deals except Mick Jones. I took him to lunch and explained I wanted to get my own number two in and he fully understood. I offered him a one year deal on reduced terms but reading between the lines he was likely to move to Reading as number two there.

I met up with Clive and let him know what was happening with my signings and he suggested flying to Ibiza if I wanted to sign Harry Pell. “Find out what he is on – and if this kid is that good go and get him” was his opinion. He told me that the deal with Peter was 50/50 at the moment but we had to keep it 100% under wraps. Another young player I was interested was Aaron Placey who had an amazing scoring record for the Under 18 team at Millwall. In 20 games last season he scored 23 goals and was someone who looked fearless when I had seen him play. I liked that. I asked a couple of the scouts to check out his availability and pass the details on to Sofia.

Later that evening Quentin and I met with David Wheater in the City that evening in a restaurant called the Bertarelli’s. David seemed a very nice guy and talked about his life in Middlesboro and how he wanted to play for England. I laid down a contract of £18,000 per week with a signing on fee of £200k. I made it clear this was my only offer as I knew players would pump up there wages as they think we have a bottomless pit. David left just after 10pm and I was very hopeful of a deal. I chatted to Quentin about Harry and my desire to sign him. After a few bottles of wine he told me spurs had trebled his wages and offered him £5k a week. I said we would pay him £10k. Quentin looked very excited by the prospect of earning himself some more money and said he had an idea….

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Chapter Eight

Come Fly with me

San Antonia Bay, Ibiza.

As Quentin and I sat in a Taxi nearing the hotel that Harry was staying in I continued to get a bucket of abuse from Karla on the Blackberry for leaving her to fly to Ibiza. I was concerned that I was a bad fiancé or father – Once I had the squad In place I would take a week off and take them both to somewhere lovely. We pulled up at a three star hotel called “The Bay Sunset”. My initial thought was what a dump – Quentin could obviously read the look on my face and explained that although he was a footballer – his holiday budget had to match that of his friend who were not so well paid.

We walked into reception but it was deserted and walked out to the Pool area where a few people had an early morning swim. Realising that it was 11am I realised that maybe that was just the Ibiza way. We sat by the pool bar and a couple of girls recognised me and came and said hello and I signed autographs. We ordered some breakfast which was vile and by mid day I was on my second beer and had had a swim in my pants. Just before 1pm Quentin who had been trying to trace Harry spotted him walking back into the Hotel with a couple of girls.

“Harry – Over hear!” Quentin called. Harry came swaggering over looking worse for ware and I wondered what I was signing here, but reminded myself he was 17 and on his first lads holiday.

“What you doing here Q?” Harry asked spotting me. “Jesus – Alright James how are you?”

“Alright Son – Good Holiday” I asked

“Yh Pucker ta! – What’s going on?” He asked

“We want to talk to you about a Transfer” Quentin Said

“I’ve agreed a deal with Spurs you said?” Harry said pulling up a seat. The Girls still standing behind.

“Ladies can you give us an hour – bit of business” I said as they smiled and walked off still dressed from the night before

“James wants to offer you a much better deal at QPR”. Quentin said.

“Oh right…” Harry said taking a swig of my beer.

“Yh Right – Urm – So how do you fancy coming to QPR. I know its not Premiership but I think I can offer you more football than Redknapp can and really help develop you”. I said

“ I just got relegated from the Championship – I want to play in the Premiership. I said that to you Quentin”. Harry said like a school boy

“And you will son – But with QPR your gonna fit right straight into the first team – and the money is better” Quentin said

“How much better” Harry asked

“It doesn’t matter how much better – if you come I want you to come because you want to play for the club – not for the cash” I said getting a bit annoyed.

“Oh yea I know – but I think I want a crack at the big time” Harry said

“Listen Harry – Have I ever let you down?” Quentin asked

“Yea loads” Harry replied downing my beer. I was going right of signing this cocky idiot.

“Well this will be the exception” Quentin said snatching the glass of Harry. “Look James has some pretty exciting signings – David Wheater from Middlesboro!”.

“Wow – right up there with Ronaldo” He said laughing

“Great talent” Quentin said angry

“He was relegated” Harry said

“Steven Taylor from Newcastle is another possibility so James is really strengthening from the back” Quentin continued


“Look I think I have wasted my time coming here” I said getting up from the table.

“I’m sorry but my agent knew I had my heart set on playing in the premiership” Harry said

“Good to meet you!” I said shaking Harris hand, followed by Quentin’s.

“Ill be in touch about Placey ” Quentin said as I picked up my case

“Aaron Placey?” Harry asked

“Yes. See you later” I said

“Hang on James – Sit down. Aaron Placey eh?” Harry looked delighted. He looked over at the waiter clicked his fingers “San Miguel – three beers sil vous plait”

“That’s French” Quentin said

“Nah he’s English we played together at School boy level – you must have heard about our partnership?” Harry said

“I don’t think so” I said

“Ohhh man it was legendary – I was the midfield ‘Machine’ and he fired the bullets – we were quality. In the Schoolboy world cup we scored 16 goals between us”! Harry said as the waiter brought three bottles of beers. “ And you wanna sign us both? – Oh you are winding me up of course you knew about us for England School boys” He laughed

“Yea course I did” I said laughing as Quentin gave me a knowing look.

“I tell ya – we could do it – especially in the championship – We could be in the premiership in a season! Do you think he will come?”

“Well if you have a word with him I don’t see why not” I said

“Will you be able to match the money Tottenham were going to pay me?” Harry asked

“If you want to sign for me Harry we can sort out a deal. But I want you to want to play for the club” I said seriously.

“I do – I just want to make sure I’m earning the money I deserve and if you can beat the £3k a week that’s even better” Harry said

“Oi mouth! I do the negotiating – James has already put an offer on the plate” Quentin said. Harry wasn’t the brightest button and had probably just saved the club £5k a week.

“And the offer we have for you Harry is £5k a week…” Harry ‘Whopped’ before I finished “ £5k a week and a signing on fee of eighty thousand pounds”. Harry put his hands over his mouth in excitement. He reminded me of myself on Christmas eve when I was a kid.

“It’s a good offer James and we certainly think we can do something with that” Quentin Said

“Ill sign it. Right now” Harry said

“What?” Quentin and I both said at the same time

“Where is the Contract ill sign it right now – you don’t want Tottenham gazumping you do you” Harry said – making a fair point

“Well I think we need to negotiate the weekly fee and a small increase in the signing on fee we may be in a pos….” Quentin was pushed back in his chair by Harry

“Ill sign it now – you get a contract sent over now and I will sign it for you”. Harry said holding out his hand.

“Harry hang on mate – I’m the agent here – we need to discuss appearance fees and goal bonus’s” Quentin said getting annoyed

“Ok 5k a week - £80k Signing on fee – 1k appearance fee and 1k goal bonus. If we get promoted you get a 25% pay rise” I said

“Deal” Harry Said shaking my hand

“No Deal” Quentin said

“Shut it Noel Edmonds” Harry said laughing. “ Can you sort the Contract - I need to make a phone call”. With that Harry ran off inside the hotel

Quentin looked at me in shock.

“Quite the agent Mr Darby” I said laughing.

I made a phone call to Sofia and asked her to get a ATP and contract for Harry drawn up and faxed over with in the hour, and returned to the pool area. Where Quentin was following Harry around the pool while he was on the phone. Quentin looked rather angry with his client.

Harry ended his call and threw the phone across to a friend.

“Harry listen we need to keep this deal quite at the moment – there is a few bits going on with Tottenham and I don’t want to rock the boat just yet ok?” I said

“Yh no worries Boss”. Harry said “Listen I just spoke to Aaron and he is well up for signing for you”

“What?” I said in horror

“I just called Aaron – He was well excited” Harry said taking a sip of beer

“You idiot we could get done for tapping up!” I said

“Nah he’s sweet he wants out of Millwall anyway – we are gonna be dynamite mate” Harry said laughing

“Look Harry – in future I deal with the transfers and you… don’t speak to people!” I said.

Within 25 minutes the receptionist had brought out the copy of the contract and I scrawled “Subject to Medical” across the top.

“When will I get my signing on fee” Harry asked

“When the paperwork goes through” I said

“Harry I think I should read the contract first” Quentin Said trying to take the contract off him.

“Can you get the money through – the signing on fee I mean this week?” he asked

“It shouldn’t be a problem – although your contract will start on the 1st July” I said

“Yh sweet” Harry said signing for the club. Quentin slumped in his chair. He was hoping to open up a bidding war between us and QPR.

I was delighted – ok he wasn’t the smartest kid I had signed but he was defiantly a very exciting prospect and one I would bet my life on would play for England one day.

“Harry you need to promise me this deal is between us three at the moment” I said shaking his hand again

“Yh boss no worries” Harry said. “This is the best day of my life!” He jumped up and jumped in the swimming pool fully clothed. Even Quentin raised a smile. We sank back in our chairs and I raised my bottle to him. He reluctantly toasted the deal. From a 12th floor balcony a male voice could be heard bellowing “Oi Pelly where you been?”. Harry, still in the pool looked up. Shielding his eyes from the sun recognised one of his mates he was on holiday with “Took a couple of birds down the beach” he bellowed back “Oh guess what!..” he continued “..I’ve just signed for QPR”.

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  • 9 months later...

I flew home that evening excited to have a deal concluded with Harry Pell. My flight landed at 11.50pm and I headed straight home but Karla was asleep. I put the charge in my blackberry which had died in Ibiza I had confirmation from Newcastle that my bid for Steven Taylor had been accepted. I dropped Sofia an email and asked for her to arrange for him to come to London ASAP for medical and talks. The teams I wanted to walk out for the first game of the season, in my head was coming together however I had only one signature on the paper and that was an unproven kid. I fell asleep worrying that I would not get my team in place before start of the season..

I was at the Stadium early the next day and Clive told me the new training ground would not be ready for another month it was likely that we would have to start pre-season training at the stadium. Not ideal but a good opportunity to become familiar with the new surroundings.

As the country woke up, Steven Taylor confirmed he would be in London for 3pm and also that David Wheatear had accepted the offer on the table. I asked Clive if he could arrange the final dealings with David while I met with Steven and continued my pursuit for young talent with a £100k offer for Aaron Placey at Millwall. Within 5 minutes of submitting the bid the offer was rejected. I wanted my team in place and asked Sofia to prepare a £150k + add on deal for Aaron which was submitted before lunch.

Clive called me to confirm that Les Ferdinand wanted to come in as my number 2 and it would cost us £100k to buy him out of his contract and I asked that this happened ASAP as I needed some support. Another person I wanted to bring in was Brian Kidd who had worked wonders at United and City and was currently out of work. I knew Brian quite well and text him saying. “I need a 1st team coach. You in?”.

Steven arrived at the Stadium and like everyone who set foot in it was very impressed. He compared it to a modern “St James’s Park”. We sat and talked personal terms and agreed a deal of £30k which matched what he was on in Newcastle. He was very keen to join QPR as he was concerned he had become stale at Newcastle. He just needed to pass a medical which would be taking place the following day with David.

Les Ferdinand called me to confirm he had been released by Spurs and wanted to start the following day which pleased me as training was due to start the following week but nothing was in place.

I went home confident that the team was coming together and spent a nice evening with Karla and our little one. Dinner was interrupted when Clive called to tell me that Ruud van Nistelrooy had been available on a free transfer and he had put in an enquiry. Half of me was excited at the prospect of a legend playing at QPR while the other half of me was annoyed Clive had got involved in the football side AGAIN!

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I spent the morning with Karla and the Baby and told Clive I was going to take a week in Portugal before the season started as I owe it to her. Clive was not happy but I was confident that my absence would not be an issue. I headed to the Stadium at lunchtime and was pleased to see Les Ferdinand. I asked Sofia to get a press release out confirming Les was joining the team as my assistant manager. I was surprised to get a call from Sir Alex Ferguson just before lunch congratulating me on the job and also enquiring about my request to take Fabio again. Sir Alex said he had no objection to Fabio joining me again but wanted assurances he would feature on a regular basis which I was happy to give. Fabio would join up with the squad later in the week when the team report for first team action.

In the afternoon we completed the deal of my new defensive unit Steven Taylor and David Wheatear. Clive told me he was flying to Italy to meet with Ruud and asked if I wanted to come but I declined as we had confirmation from Millwall that my offer for Placey, although not accepted – they believed a deal could be done and had given me permission to have preliminary discussions with Aaron so I had asked him to come in for a chat. I asked Les to spend the afternoon drawing up a pre season schedule with Sofia and see what we can get in place keeping in place the first weekend in August for the official opening of the new Stadium.

My meeting with Aaron and his agent lasted 13 minutes and personal terms were agreed which were parallel to Harry’s. It was almost as if they had discussed beforehand. I let Millwall know we had agreed personal terms and wanted to discuss a deal – they emailed across there requirements which was not a million miles away from what we expected and hoped to conclude a deal tomorrow. I spoke to Brian Kid who was in Florida on holiday and he conformed he was interested in the job and would join up with us next week. I told Sofia I wanted the squad to head out to Portugal for a pre-season warm up for a week and to make sure everything was in place. Later she confirmed a hotel by the cost which would come in at £12,500 which was very reasonable for a squad of players.

My final work related call was from the English representative of Edin Dzeko advising he was in London at the weekend and would welcome the opportunity to discuss personal terms with QPR as well as several other clubs. Although a long shot I agreed a meet with him as he had been prolific last Season and he could cause some real damage in the Championship.

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  • 11 months later...

Its been a while but i thought I would come back to it.

The following day the fixtures came out and it pitted us against Coventry away on the first game of the season. Our next game was a London Derby against recently relegated West Ham United. West Ham are my team and one day I hoped to manage them, and the thought of welcoming them to the Budweiser Stadium filled me with delight. Shortly after this I got the phone call I had been waiting for. Harry Redknapp. Now Harry is a real east Londoner, I have known him a few years, in fact my Brother used to go out with his niece so there is a personal relationship there. This however was not a personal call. “You effing … this and that” Although angry at first he calmed down, saying he was annoyed we had poached Les but when they found out about Harry, he was really peed off. I asked him if any of his boys were available for Loan and he told me to go and do something to myself which wasn’t physically possible. But hey ho – that’s football.

That afternoon we held a press conference to unveil, Steven Taylor, David Wheatear, Harry Pell and Aaron Placey. I was pleased with my first week at Q.P.R and soon enough the bookies made us and West Ham joint favorites to win the Championship. Sofia came in to see me just before 6pm and confirmed our pre-season schedule. We had four away games against Grays, Brentford, Leyton Orient & Brighton, followed by two away trips in Portugal against Udinese, who were on a tour out there and Sporting Lisbon. Finally we opened our fantastic new stadium a week before the season starts with my old club Lazio. I was excited to be able to catch up with several old faces. I also received a email from Harry telling me I could have David Bentley on loan for the season, and I asked Sofia to explore that option with Clive.

Three days later the players reported back for training, and Les, Bryan and I put the players through their paces at the Stadium, which was almost finished. The turf was kicking up a bit but it wasn’t a major problem. Ruud Van Nistelroy was flying in that evening for talks with us, Bolton and an unnamed Scottish Club. I was delighted with Harry and Aaron in training they had a real chemistry and read the game like a player ten years there senior. I was hopeful they could be our surprise package. Clive came down to the pitch and watched the players in training, and made me laugh as he still looked at Les Ferdinand in ore. He told me he had preliminary discussions with Dzeko, and financially a deal could be done, however it was a risk as he wants a £5m get out clause if we are not promoted and he was costing just over £10m. I said if we get him, and Ruud in it would take a massive disaster for us not to get automatic promotion. It gave Clive some food for thought and off he went.

The meeting with Ruud was surreal. He was with 6 advisors and I was with Les. Clive had flown to Italy to see Dzeko, and I was to see if there was a genuine chance of Ruud coming in. I don’t think Clive was keen on Ruud as he had previously said he wanted to avoid aging footballers looking for one last pay packet, but If he was willing to play in the Championship and fancied a challenge, maybe we can do a deal. The dinner went well and I think Ruud came across as a great guy, and had a couple of cracking story’s about his time at Old Trafford. He admitted that he initially would not have dropped down to the Championship but the vision of the club attracted him. His advisors said he would be in touch.

The following evening Clive and I caught up for dinner at the Gherkin in the city of London. He told me that Dzeko was unlikely to come off but would revisit the discussion again in January. He was not keen to come in if he was not guaranteed Premiership football, he had also turned down a move to Everton over personal terms but Clive said he was a good lad and would like him in here in the next year. While there we got an email from Ruud’s advisor saying he would be open to a discussion to join us on a 2 year deal. Clive still did not seem keen but I urged him to see what financial terms he wanted.

By the time we kicked off our pre-season again Grays, we were on the verge of signing Ruud. He had looked very sharp in his medical and had agreed a 2 year deal for £20k rising to £40k pw if we are promoted. I had to bend Clive’s arm but I think Ruud can be legendary. I took a relatively young squad to Grays as I wanted to see if there were any star’s there. New Midfielder Harry Pell had a blinder and scored both goals in a 0-2 Victory. That evening Ruud came to the Budweiser and signed his contract and Sofia arranged a press call the following day, the weather was nice and I asked if we could open it to the fans and have it on the pitch. The following day, Clive arrived and was furious that I had moved the conference on to the Pitch, during a stand up row with me in front of Ruud, his advisors and several members of the team he reminded me that “He would not interfere in team affairs and I was not welcome to get involved in corporate affairs”. Although what he said was probably right, I asked to continue the argument in his office where I told him in no uncertain terms that if he ever spoke to me like that in front of players or my staff, I would walk”. – His reply was “Keep your nose out of the business side” and stormed out. I was not the first manager to fall out with the chariman , and I would not be the last…

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