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The 2-6-2-Rule. An Approach To Creating Tactics In FM 08.


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Just a quick info to all those who asked:

Part II of the 2-6-2 framework is out now, dealing with the flat 4-4-2.

If your are interested, have a look. But beware, it's loooong. icon_wink.gif

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Hiya Zagallo,

I am using your theories on my Home United team and its working like a dream. Although I am scoring a lot now I am also conceding a lot but I will see if I can tinker with the team settings. Just wanted to say your theories were good since it made my team finish the season at 2nd place. Usually I end the season at abou6th or 5th. Anyway, good work.

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Can I ask how you posted your pictures in this forum?

I want to do something similar from paint. I have a screen shot in paint that i have edited and want to post it on the forums.

Can you please advise on how to do this as pasting or ctnrl V is not an option.



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Hi lam. No, copy-paste doesn't work. You have to upload the file on a hosting-site in the net and get a link to it. Then you can copy this link to your post. I use http://imageshack.us. Just load the file and they give you preset links. Good luck.

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Originally posted by mushr0om:

Hey there zagallo.Great theories,hope it works in the game.

Is it possible that the last version works well in 8.01?

Hi mushr0om. Didn't check that, but they should. The settings in the last versions are tighter and improved with many small tweaks. Some of them were implemented before the patch and did work well. Others afterwords. But I guess you can give it a go.

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I've just been given this link by isuckatfm and I have to say,that this post combined with all the help both isuckatfm and amaroq have provided I think I am finally understanding how to set this up.

Thank you for your brilliant insight, I can't wait to try to set this up myself

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Hi Zagallo... Nice Post...

You're that kind of manager who never quits until find all the tricks of the game...

I also try that, but have allways 1 or 2 points that misses...

Tell me one thing...Have you ever tryed this tactic online ?? If so, does it have the same behaviour as offline ??

Keep up the good job..

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Right, where to start. Fantastic tactic, I have never seen a tactic that had it's defenders positioned so well.

However, after a few games, I decided to try to tweak the attacking part of the tactic a little bit, and it's working out for me quite well.

I moved the wingers to AMR/AML in stead of MR/ML, and gave them one or two clicks more creative freedom.

Then I pulled the AMC back to the MC position, and made him the playmaker. Obviously you need someone with very good passing for this position, but if you have that, there's ALWAYS someone available.

Finally, I decided to play without a targetman, but put through balls on often for both strikers.

This should give a little bit more "schwung" to the tactic.

But again, thanks for the tactic, it really got my team fired up.

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I created a formation with Flat back four - Flat mid - ss/amc and a lone striker (target man).

On paper it looks like this:





But in attack it should be something like






Oh I'm City and Elano got injured in pre-season four months...

Anyway, will be back to report the results (already played 5 games winning 1, drawing 1 and loosing 3 with another tactic).

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Originally posted by knullaenget:

I created a formation with Flat back four - Flat mid - ss/amc and a lone striker (target man).

On paper it looks like this:





But in attack it should be something like






Oh I'm City and Elano got injured in pre-season four months...

Anyway, will be back to report the results (already played 5 games winning 1, drawing 1 and loosing 3 with another tactic).

Interesting, knullaenget. One question: Why do you put the MCd back to DMC when attacking? ShouldnÄ't it be the other way around???

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Originally posted by zekaka:


Which of the following tactics of you now is the best?

Hi zekaka. There is no "the best". Every tactic depends on the team, the players, the opponent, the match situation. So all have their strengths and weaknesses. Just like every other tactic. Sorry, not to have a better answer. icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by zagallo:

Interesting, knullaenget. One question: Why do you put the MCd back to DMC when attacking? ShouldnÄ't it be the other way around???

Good question. I do it for two reasons:

1) Because the fullbacks are offensive I want the DMC to stay back so he can cover for one of the DCS if they launch a Counter-attack (and my FB's are not in position) for example my DCR moves out to close down their left winger and the DMC falls back and takes his place. Hmm, I'm not very good explaning things so I'll do a picture.


2) It just looks better on the overview screen icon_biggrin.gif

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We were discussing about this mentality and if it works in the other thread (zagallos flat262).

I am currently playing in Swedish 2nd div. (4th tier) where all players are crappy. I have had good success with this approach which proves that this approach can work for lower quality teams. Especially this diamond formation!

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Guest El Payaso

Hello. I've been trying this aproach for my York side in Coca-Cola League 2. I'm playing with the newest patch and I've had problems with my midfield and defence. My midfield doesn't shut down the oppositions playmaking even though I've tried to tweak my 4-4-2 in many ways. The second problem is that my defence can't mark the opposition's strikers. When the ball is played infront of my defenders, they just can't shut down their shots. I've tried showing onto foot, but so far no success. The second problem in my defence is that the opposition midfield walks through centre and they play through balls and the strikers are always free! I'm winning all the statistics. I'm shooting more, I'm having lots of possession but I'm losing like 5-2 in every game. I just don't have any ideas how to tweak this. Tried to change the passing style, mentality, closing down, creativity...

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I've downloaded your latest tactic and used them for my new Manchester United game on 8.02.

Here's my results so far:


Using this set up:


For the Chelsea game (Community Shield) I began with the Control tactic. I noticed they were really pushing me so I lowered the mentality to low normal/defensive and managed to score before half-time. Knowing that they would come out even more determined and that they had already been pushing me I decided to use the Counter tactic, rather than try to hold on to the result. As you can see I managed to put in another two.

The Arsenal game I began with the Counter tactic even though I was at home. I scored twice before half-time, and then twice more before they scored their only goal. I seriously overwhelmed them and the only chance they had was their only goal. At no point did I feel like losing.

I used Control to begin with against Portsmouth but they scored very early. They were pushing me very hard so I switched to counter and as you can see, manged to pull out a win.

For all my other games I've used Control and at no point have I felt like I could have lost those games, in fact I feel like I should have scored by more.

Great tactic so far and well explained. I recommend people adapt this to suit their team a little, as this is more of a awesome template than a one-size fits all tactic. Tinker with it to find out what suits you best. I've found that with Man U, it helps to lower the mentality to normal/defensive for Control and build it up, rather than start off attacking like teams anticipate.

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Good to hear that. Thanks. icon14.gif

@El Payaso

Well, there are plenty of tweaks you can find in the posts of this thread. Are you using a flat 4-4-2 or the diamond version? For league 2 the diamond will definitely be the safer version... The basic defensive adjustments I am using there are:

- use tight man-marking for the whole backline

- rise closing down for FBs

- reduce through balls and maybe fwr and rwb for the FBs

- lower DCs mentality 1 notch

- put DMC on tight marking or(!) man-marking when playing tough opponent

- reduce creative freedom for DMC

- put DMC on same mentality as DCs (-> 3-5-2 frame)

- raise closing-down for AMC and DMC (watch out for fouls)

- raise closing down for strikers

- reduce width

- reduce tempo, but don't use more time wasting

- put passing for the backline more to short side

- work on the OIs and use them for more opponents

You have to test what works for your team and players, espacially look at your DMCs stats and preferres moves...


Thanks, got it. Then you will use a barrow for the MCd to DMC position and a farrow for MCa and AMC. How is it going with that?

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I've been playing 20 matches (W11 D1 L7) scoring 43 goals and conceading 25.

I'v been analyzing all goals conceaded:

Goal #1: AI goes 4-2-4, they overloaded my defense, left my DCL alone with 2 oppositions.

Goal #2: David Villa scores an offsidegoal...

Goal #3: AI goes 4-2-4, I try to counterattack but they intercept leaving me 4 opps against 2 defenders.

Goal #4: My DMC is on the wrong side of their MC, my DL close him down, he plays to the other MC, this leads to my DCR leaving his marking to close down the MC, his marking moves away down to the right and gets a through ball from the MC.

Goal #5: David Silva shoots a curling shot from the edge of the area, my DC close him down but unable to block the shot. Simply brilliant by Silva, can't do much more.

Goal #6: Zigic (202 cm) wins a header against Mosquera (183 cm) from a corner.

Goal #7: My DCR intercepts, launches a counter, plays the ball to the MR who loses the ball to their DL and the ball gets to their MC who is unmarked and shot a long distance goal.

Goal #8: Scored from PK, after my DCR obstructs one of their strikers.

Goal #9: My DC's are too far away from their strikers and then their FCR gets the ball my DCL close him down, he passes to their FCL and both my DC's try to close him down leaving FCR unmarked, the FCL passes back to him and he's alone with the GK.

Goal #10: Corner. On of my two "Mark tall" does not mark their best header and leaves him to my DL who doesn't stand a chance

Goal #11: Straight after kick-off, my DC passes to my marked MC who loses the ball, their ML gets the ball (my DR was on his way forward), although both my MC's close him down my DCR tries to close him down also, leaving their FCL free. ML tries a through ball and the FCL is 1 one 1 with the keeper.

Goal #12: Their MCL passes to an unmarked ML, my DR is 15 feet inside of him and tries to close him down but he has a lot of time and crosses the ball to their FCR who heads it in (my DCL, who marked him misjudged the ball).

Goal #13: Corner. All my players marks an opponent. My DL marks the OP standing on far post, but does not follow him, forcing my "Mark Nearest Post"-player up to challange him, but he loses the challange and the ball gets in the by the Near Post.

Goal #14: Their MC tries a through ball behind my DL, my DCL close him down but brings him down, penelty! and goal.

Goal# 15: My DCL interceps, plays the ball to my DR who loses the ball to their FCL, my DCR close him down, he plays a through ball to the FCR and my DCL is to slow to intercept and he's 1 one 1 with the keeper.

Goal #16: After a free kick, their ML gets the ball on the right wing just outside the PK-area. My DL close him down, so does my DCR, Drogba is unmarked but my DMC tries to mark him but get beaten in the air.

Goal #17: Thrown in on my right side. My DR and MR marks their SC and ML. But my MC is not marking their MC. Thrown in goes to MC, both DR and MR close him down, he plays the ball back to the TI-taker, who crosses the ball to the far right to Drogba, he moves away from my DCL and my DL picks him up but loses the aerial-challange, the ball hits the post, my DCR have been follwing Shevchenko all the time but when the ball hits to post he doesn't try to prevent Shevchenko from tapping in the rebound.

Goal #18: Their DR has none near him, he crosses the ball, aiming for Drogba, but my DCR intercepts and scores an Own Goal.

Goal #19: Starting a counter. My DMC tries a longrange pass to my ML, their DR interceps and hammer the ball away, my DCL gets the ball but their SC steals it, my DCR is on his tail but he scores a long range shot.

Goal #20: Their MCA gets the ball 15 yards outside our area. Their SC stands between my my DR and DCR, he gets the ball spins around and scores from just outside the box.

Goal #21: They play 4-2-4. My DL has the ball, he decides to try to pass to my DCR but the ball ends upp 5 yeard behind him, leaving their FCL 1 one 1 with the GK.

Goal #22: I try to counter, my DR loses the ball to their ML, he passes to their MCA in the center of the pitch. My DCR, who marked their SC, try to close him down, he plays a through ball to the unmarked SC who is completly alone. (My DCL stood there alone, 10 yards away from the SC, with no Opp in the surrounding area).

Goal #23: They launch a counter attack, their AML switches flanks to their AMR who moves inside and scores in the far corner. (Ronaldinho and Messi...)

Goal #24: My DCR marks their FCL who gets the ball, he's gives upp som space and the FCL can shot in the far corner.

Goal #25: The whole team was on the attacking area, my DCR is last man, standing 10 yards inside their half, the ball gets to him but he misses, their FCR gets the ball and is free and has more than half the pitch alone and rounds the keeper.

With this statistics you can se that I only conceaded 3 goals from corners - One due to "bugged" settings (Mark Tall means MARK TALL) and one to poor player performance and the third I got Zigicized!

The passing on the D-line maby should be changed, although I got pretty good defenders they make some misstakes when passing/holding on to the ball.

Most goals is from my DC's leaving their markings to close down. This is presumable due to my OI "Close down: Allway" on every AI-player.

I will try some more and change to a more direct-passing for the D-line, reducing CD on both the FBs and DCs. In reality, if I would play these matches again with the changes, it would reduce the goals by at least 50% and I hope this will be the fact in the game to.

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I have played two seasons with Celtic with these tacitcs and they have worked well.

2 Leagues

2 Scottish Cups

1 CIS Cup

Got out of the CL league's Twice

Just wish it was a bit better against bigger teams, IE Chelsea, Manchester United's etc. But i am hoping in time and with better players i will beat those types of teams.

The training to go with these tactics is also doing well for me. Some of my youngsters have made it into the first team in season two, Distel Zola being one of them. Diego Buonanotte is another who is doing well in my team.

Scott McDonald and JVH are banging them in for fun up front. With betetr strikers i think this could be a awesome set of tactics. Signed Gignac in Jan, He got 24 Goals in 18 Appearences.

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I have taken over a struggling Wolves team in the 08/09 season. I got them out of relegation trouble and am now trying to make the tacgtic suit my players.

I have signed a lot of new talent which may cause issues to start with but I am more concerned with the tactic. I have gotten rid of the free role that is ticked on and updated long shots to only players who can handle it.

My team list reads as follows (In preferance order)












M.Knightly/A.Van Der Mayde









Now, I do have room to shuffle a few players around but at the moment this is my team. My problem is soccer is not my first footballing language and sometimes I have trouble spotting what is required to be changed to be effective in-game.

Any help is much appreciated

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Though zagallo explained how to approach and create good tactic, I am very disappointed of him.

Whatever good tactic he creates.. if he use cheat corner setting that makes a player top goal getter, how can I believe his theory without mistrust??

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Originally posted by sannyasin:

Though zagallo explained how to approach and create good tactic, I am very disappointed of him.

Whatever good tactic he creates.. if he use cheat corner setting that makes a player top goal getter, how can I believe his theory without mistrust??

Easy! You try it without your so called cheat corners. icon_confused.gif

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Originally posted by sannyasin:

Though zagallo explained how to approach and create good tactic, I am very disappointed of him.

Whatever good tactic he creates.. if he use cheat corner setting that makes a player top goal getter, how can I believe his theory without mistrust??

Sorry, to disappoint you. Actually I am using the exact same settings for set pieces since 8.0.0 - even when they were not seen as a "cheat". On the other hand, there's no need to justify anything. The theory is not build on set pieces. I didn't present this framework as a way to produce highest scoring strikers. And whoever does not want to use these settings, is able to change them in his own manner. So why don't you try it with different ones? Then we can talk.

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Originally posted by knullaenget:


Now I tried some tweaking so it's ready for download if you want to try it:


Barrowed MC --> DMC

Farrowed MC --> AMC

Farrowed AMC --> Pacy ST

ST --> Strong Target

Hi knullaenget and thanks for the files. icon14.gif I've tried them. Defensively they work well for me, although I prefer not to use farrows for the FBs. The framework already puts them further up the field, so I don't see a need to use them.

The farrows for the midfielders create much of an overload. I've had problems to score against defensive-minded sides. How did this work for you?

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Originally posted by zagallo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sannyasin:

Though zagallo explained how to approach and create good tactic, I am very disappointed of him.

Whatever good tactic he creates.. if he use cheat corner setting that makes a player top goal getter, how can I believe his theory without mistrust??

Sorry, to disappoint you. Actually I am using the exact same settings for set pieces since 8.0.0 - even when they were not seen as a "cheat". On the other hand, there's no need to justify anything. The theory is not build on set pieces. I didn't present this framework as a way to produce highest scoring strikers. And whoever does not want to use these settings, is able to change them in his own manner. So why don't you try it with different ones? Then we can talk. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

well.. I'm sorry about what I said. I don't have any intention to blame you. Maybe I'm a little upset about 8.02 patch in which players(including AI) score from long shot,cornerkick and freekick easily. So I fall into dilemma about which version I'm gonna play 8.01 or 8.02.

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Originally posted by sannyasin:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by zagallo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by sannyasin:

Though zagallo explained how to approach and create good tactic, I am very disappointed of him.

Whatever good tactic he creates.. if he use cheat corner setting that makes a player top goal getter, how can I believe his theory without mistrust??

Sorry, to disappoint you. Actually I am using the exact same settings for set pieces since 8.0.0 - even when they were not seen as a "cheat". On the other hand, there's no need to justify anything. The theory is not build on set pieces. I didn't present this framework as a way to produce highest scoring strikers. And whoever does not want to use these settings, is able to change them in his own manner. So why don't you try it with different ones? Then we can talk. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

well.. I'm sorry about what I said. I don't have any intention to blame you. Maybe I'm a little upset about 8.02 patch in which players(including AI) score from long shot,cornerkick and freekick easily. So I fall into dilemma about which version I'm gonna play 8.01 or 8.02. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

@ sannyasin

I like the game to be realistic and look realistic. Corners are the only flaw in 8.0.2. I have noticed and can be easily worked around:

-Do not put corners into 6 yard box

-Do not put Barzagli (or such) to challenge goalkeepers

If you do this and try other settings instead you will find you scoring approx. same amount of goals from corners as other teams.

@ zagallo

I played three seasons in Swedish low divisions with Motala AIF. (I also commented this in my last post but back then I had only played 1 season.) Some people complained that this approach doesn't work in lower divisions. All my players are crappy but I still made some REALLY good results and totally enjoyed the save. It seems that some people are just downloading the tactics and forget to tweak it according to their material. Tweaking is really needed.

Keep up the good work!


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Thanks yugular! Good to hear that. Btw I also got feedback from others that did report success in lower leagues with the framework. But as you say, adaptation is inevitable. icon14.gif

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thats a decent request.. im having problems deciding if i should be closing down.. or not... everytime i do lcosing down... my players seem to get skilld off the ball or drawn away.. and when they stand off... its like theres no defence to prohibit the forward movement of the attackers...

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I had a hard time getting these tactics to work - they were defensively solid enough, but I felt they lacked punch going forward - until I tried a relatively minor tweak. Changing the AMC to a MC with a forward arrow and the MR/ML to ARM/AML with back arrows did the trick and now I'm quite pleased with it.

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Originally posted by Selim Munir:

thats a decent request.. im having problems deciding if i should be closing down.. or not... everytime i do lcosing down... my players seem to get skilld off the ball or drawn away.. and when they stand off... its like theres no defence to prohibit the forward movement of the attackers...

Hi Selim. Did you download the tactic-files? In there you will see how the closing down should be set: low for the DCs, low medium to medium for the FBs, medium (AMC) to high (DMC, wingers) in midfield, medium and high upfront. How many notches should be suited to your players and preferred playing style. In the OIs close-down always for strikers (except fast ones = never), wingers, attacking midfielders and dangermen. That should give you compactness at the back. Good luck.

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thanks !!

love this tactic

im playing as a newly promoted mk dons into the premier league and i am sitting around 10th spot which is excelent for my first year. I've even managed a great 2-4 win away against chelsea which was deffinatly my highlight so far.

Great tactic icon_smile.gif

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i've been having reasonable success using these ideas. the only variations i did were, playing with a 4-4-1-1 instead of a 4-4-2 and putting the defensive line at the highest point and playing the offside trap since i had very fast defenders.

with lazio the first season i used it i came 2nd in the league and won all my home games except for one and won the coppa italia with ease.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very good info, thank you.

First game i tried it on was with Italian side Modena at home and was 2-0 up at h/t against Lazio. The previous meeting, they beat me 4-0, so big improvement for me. icon_biggrin.gif

Is there any chance that you could give some advice on set piece instructions/settings to go with this?

Thanks again very much


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zagallo, I really enjoyed reading through your thread. I'm currently trying to apply your ideas to another tactic which I've found on these forums. The original tactic was made by kimz.

Here's the picture of the tactic shape:


The way I've sent up the mentalities is that it's not a 2-6-2 but a 2-7-1. Now I'm in the process of testing it. I've played a couple of games already but they were mostly against weak opposition.

I'd love to hear your own input and suggestions as to how I should approach modifying this tactic using your framework.

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Well, so far the results aren't all that encouraging. It seems my team started getting more and more yellow cards for some reason. I've received at least 4 yellow cards in each of the last 3 matches since switching to the new framework. I'm not using hard tackling or closing down much at all so I'm not sure why this is happening. Also it seems my team has lost their attacking prowess. This also puzzles me as to why this is happening. Even if I go more attacking in team mentality it still doesn't produce goals. I usually play on the lowest setting of normal tempo and the widest setting of normal width. I was averaging 3 goals a game with my own set up.

Would like to hear some of your thoughts on this zagallo.

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@ nots, Her9 and Riziger

Thanks guys. Glad it works well for you.


Thanks. If you load the tactics set, you will find all set piece instructions preset in there. It's a mixture of some infos found in this forum and the tactical bible as well as my own testing and experience. I don't believe them to be perfect, but they are ood for one or the other goal and that's fine for me. Good luck for Modena though...


Hi there. Well, I didn't look into the tactic setup from kimz. But if I just take a look at the picture, I believe that this won't suit the 2-6-2 very well. The amount of arrows, I guess, will prove to be counterproductive to the framework. Example: The FBs in 2-6-2 are already on a higher medium or attacking mentality and use fwr and/or rwb often. If you use super-long farrows, you will hardly find them around the backline...

Taking all farrows together you will attack as a 2-2-1-5 formation, which will produce kind of an overload in the opponents area - that might be the reason why you loose attacking prowess. If you have too many players upfront, the area will be congested. If you use a more attacking mentality you will enforce this even more. And defensively you need fast players to get back into positions, when the opp launches a counter attack for example, or you will be exposed in the back.

The thinking behind 2-6-2 was to let the midfield plus FBs play pretty close together, to defend and attack together as a unit. The idea transfers real life theories into the game. Both points do not match this formation imho. To make it suit the 2-6-2, I'd switch to a "normal" 4-2-3-1 (either with 3 AMCs and wide arrows or 1 AMC plus 2 wingers), which has been used with the framework and works very well. There it depends on your players and setup if you use barrows for the MCs or only one MC into the DMC position. Both are possible.

To set up the instructions I'd recommend not to use a 2-7-1, but stick to the 2-6-2. The AMC and the striker should both get high mentalities. If you want to use a 2-7-1 or the striker is too attacking minded, I'd give the AMC the attacking mentality and let the striker drop down a little with being on team mentality. The other settings can be used as described and matched to the players, the MCs should be one DMC and one holding/passing midfielder. Hope that helps a little.

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Alright, I downloaded and am using the tactic set now.

I swapped a few positions to make it easier on the eye when looking at player ratings during the match and lowered CF. I also added HUB on the DM for all the tactics.

What I notice is that I'm being dominated in all the games. The opponent usually have a lot more shots compared to me although possesion and pass % remains close. However I've yet to lose although so far I think it's down to luck and a good keeper.

I see that they get these chances when my CB gets pulled out by their forward and he flicks the ball on for a running mid to dribble into the box. Other times is when he just turns my CB and is 1v1 with the keeper. Also they seem to be able to get alot of shots on target from outside the box.

Lastly, the players seem to dawdle on the ball a bit too much and get tackled in some dagerous positions, mainly the midfield.

Any insight into this? I've used the tactic for 3 matches so far so maybe it needs more time to settle in?

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Originally posted by zagallo:


Hi there. Well, I didn't look into the tactic setup from kimz. But if I just take a look at the picture, I believe that this won't suit the 2-6-2 very well. The amount of arrows, I guess, will prove to be counterproductive to the framework. Example: The FBs in 2-6-2 are already on a higher medium or attacking mentality and use fwr and/or rwb often. If you use super-long farrows, you will hardly find them around the backline...

Taking all farrows together you will attack as a 2-2-1-5 formation, which will produce kind of an overload in the opponents area - that might be the reason why you loose attacking prowess. If you have too many players upfront, the area will be congested. If you use a more attacking mentality you will enforce this even more. And defensively you need fast players to get back into positions, when the opp launches a counter attack for example, or you will be exposed in the back.

The thinking behind 2-6-2 was to let the midfield plus FBs play pretty close together, to defend and attack together as a unit. The idea transfers real life theories into the game. Both points do not match this formation imho. To make it suit the 2-6-2, I'd switch to a "normal" 4-2-3-1 (either with 3 AMCs and wide arrows or 1 AMC plus 2 wingers), which has been used with the framework and works very well. There it depends on your players and setup if you use barrows for the MCs or only one MC into the DMC position. Both are possible.

To set up the instructions I'd recommend not to use a 2-7-1, but stick to the 2-6-2. The AMC and the striker should both get high mentalities. If you want to use a 2-7-1 or the striker is too attacking minded, I'd give the AMC the attacking mentality and let the striker drop down a little with being on team mentality. The other settings can be used as described and matched to the players, the MCs should be one DMC and one holding/passing midfielder. Hope that helps a little.

Thanks zagallo. I should have picked up on this earlier. Not sure why I didn't think about the FBs with those long farrows and forward runs on. I actually ended up playing 10 games using the 2-7-1 but like you said, it made the play look very strange and erratic even though I won most of the matches. I've gone back to my own tweaks after that and the playing style looks good again.

In any case, I really enjoyed reading your ideas and I have feeling I'll be trying them out soon on a different game where I'll have a more regular 4-2-3-1 formation.

Keep up the good work icon_smile.gif

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