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Glory Days

El Capitano Del Mondo

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Game : FM2010 (PC). This is my second shot at this but the first one didn’t get very far so please be gentle with me.

Gonna try a different way of story-telling. The prologue and first couple of chapters might be a bit of a long read but its there to set the story up so bear with me, it should be worth it in the end. :)


May 31, 2015. Celtic Park, Glasgow.

2 years as a coach at the world famous Barcelona, 3 years at PSV Eindhoven (2 x Dutch title) and 2 years at Inter Milan (1 x Serie A, last 16 of Champions League. I’ve seen a lot, been involved with some fantastic players and made more than a few contacts. But now, I’m coming home.

I had 4 years at the club as their number 9. 131 appearances, 83 goals. When my career ended through injury, the Club gave me 2 years as a youth coach. It was then that Barca came calling. And as we all know, you don’t say no to an opportunity like that.

But I did keep an eye on Celtic over the 7 years I was away. After a lean spell of 2 years, the SPL title came back 5 times in a row. Add that to the Europa League last year and appearances in the last 16 of the Champions League, this is a Club that is coming back to the glory days.

The call came last week when I was saying my goodbyes to the Italian media. My agent asked me 5 simple words – “Would you come back home?”. No brainer, just like when Barca came in for me.

As I got to the Chairman’s office, I noticed something curious. There were two men there. The Chairman, Dr John Reid and also the majority shareholder, irish billionaire Dermot Desmond.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen”, I said as I strode in. Dr. Reid ushered me to sit down in front of the desk where the two gentlemen sat.

“David, you know what this club is about. You followed us as a boy, played in the first team, spent time on our coaching staff. And now you have the opportunity to take the team forward as Manager. Only the small matter of signing the contract…”. As the contract was placed in front of me, I made one of the easiest decisions I have ever made and signed.

Mr Desmond sat, with a very large smile on his face. “David, there is something we have to tell you. Your budget. As you know, we have won 5 straight SPL titles and the Europa League. We are half-way to where we want to be. I want 10 and the Champions League. I’ve retired, sold all of my businesses but not my stake the in Club. I’ve been able to commit previously £20m a year over the last 5 years. The result is the success we’ve had over the time”.

“We now enter phase two of the 10-year plan, which is to increase the spend on the team. Today I signed a contract of my own, handing over £500m to the club. Half of that is your transfer budget over the next 5 years. Over and above that, the other £250m is to be spent on wages, and non-playing coaching staff”.

“The future is secure David. We have recently signed a 5 year, £100m sponsorship with Coca-Cola. Sky TV have purchased the rights to the SPL for one reason only, that in 5 years time they aim to extend an invitation for Celtic to join the English Premier League, which will be rebranded to the UK Premier League. Exiting Scotland will give us untold millions and not be reliant on my financial input”.

“I want you to source the best players, be that spending it all at once on staff to run the course of 5 years; or an amount in each year. But the aim must always be 5 titles and the Champions League. We think you’re up to the challenge. We hope you do to”. And with that, Mr Desmond left the room.

I was speechless. The biggest funding in SPL history and I’m in charge of the chequebook? Thrown in at the half-way point where there is no room for failure? I better get to work….

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Chapter 1 – Press Conference

The Kerrydale suite was buzzing with the sound of journalists. These people can either make you or break you as a Manager and when they have a little bit of bias towards your nearest rivals you better watch your toes.

I strode in with purpose. Unsually, Mr Desmond was in attendance. My first chance to impress him and I wasn’t going to let it pass.

After being introduced as the new Manager of Celtic FC, it was time for the inevitable grilling from the attended press.

David Johnson (Me): “I’d like to thank Dr. Reid for my introduction and for the chance to manage this great Club. I’m sure you will all have some questions for me so let’s begin”

Journo 1: Welcome to the Club Mr Johnson. We see you have signed on for 5 years. That’s a long time in football. What are your aims?

Me: Good football, success in all areas, players that will be talked about in 40 years time and happy fans.

Journo 2: We hear that all of the previous staff except the kit man have been released. I take it you are going to bring your own staff in.

Me: Yes, I am. I have my own staff lined up and they will be joining the Club in the next 2-3 days. After that, I hope some players will be joining too.

Journo 3: How much money do you have to spend to bring these great players in?

Me: Good question. I have a budget to work to which I will not reveal. We may have to wheel and deal a little to get the players we want but we have an extensive list of targets and have begun pursuing them.

Journo 4: 5 SPL titles in a row and the Europa League is a tough act to follow, do you believe you’re the man to keep the success going?

Me: I wouldn’t have signed on the dotted line if I didn’t. Hopefully my previous achievements abroad will be out-classed by my achievements in this job. Thank you for your questions.

After signing autographs outside and having photos taken inside the ground, I retired to my office to start planning my non-playing staff…

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Chapter 2 – Behind The Scenes

June 3, 2015. Celtic Park, Glasgow

It had been a long 3 days. Plenty of phone calls, faxes, emails. All that was left was the folks to sign the contracts. I had my kit-man in place from the beginning, and now the sports scientist side of things. But I was really pleased with my coaching staff.

Assistant Manager – Willie McStay. The former Coach returns home. A Celtic man through and through, this is the highest rank he has held with the Club. Knowledgeable and a born winner.

Head Scout – Lubomir Moravcik. Former Celtic midfielder who has been coaching in Eastern Europe and has a number of contacts. Scouting should improve on previous efforts.

Goalkeeping Coach – Edwin Van Der Sar. The former Man Utd keeper has a wealth of experience and should be able to teach our ‘keepers a thing or two.

Defensive Coach – Johann Mjallby. The swede was a rock for Celtic and now retired this is his big break in coaching.

Midfield Coach – Neil Lennon. The former Celtic captain should instill the will to win into our players.

Forward Coach – Henrik Larsson. A return to Paradise for the legendary number 7. No more shot-shy strikers.

They should all arrive for training in the next few days. In the meantime, I have called all of the players in for a meeting.

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Chapter 3 – Meet The Players

June 4, 2015. Celtic Park, Glasgow

As the players shuffled in, I came across possibly the best idea ever. Take groups of players and speak to them separately from each other. Made sense, as in future they would be coached separately for most of the week before the last part of the week being tactical and game-specific coaching together. I also had a large squad and didn’t want to shout over everyone…

Goalies first.

1. Artur Boruc / 34 / POL. Strengths – Shot Stopping, Reflexes, Agility

2. Sergio Asenjo / 26 / SPA. Strengths – Reflexes, Technique, One-on-ones

3. Lukas Zaluska / 30 / POL. Strengths – Shot Stopping, Agility, Technique

Artur had been the number 1 for the last 7 years but time was no longer on his side. With an up-and-coming goalie in Asenjo and a good backup in Zaluska, this was one area I felt didn’t need strengthening (unless someone wanted to leave). I sat down and spoke with them and confirmed that I saw no need to strengthen and that Artur and Sergio were vying for the first team place with Lukas as an able backup.

Defenders next.


1. Andreas Hinkel / 32 / GER. Strengths – Crossing, Pace, Strength

2. Paul Caddis / 26 / SCO. Strengths – Pace, Positioning, Aggression


1. Leighton Baines / 28 / ENG. Strengths – Tackling, Pace, Aggression

2. Paul Dixon / 26 / SCO. Strengths – Crossing, Pace, Tackling


1. Jos Hooiveld / 29 / HOL. Strengths – Teckling, Pace, Positioning

2. Stephen McManus / 29 / SCO. Strengths – Heading, Tackling, Aggression

3. Darren O’Dea / 26 / IRL. Strengths – Tackling, Heading, Pace

4. Thomas Rogne / 24/ NOR. Strengths – Strength, Positioning, Heading

5. Josh Thompson / 24 / ENG. Strengths – Tackling, Heading, Positioning

Good enough for SPL, but not so good against European sides, so all would be backups in my new look side. That means that there are 5 of these guys up for sale. Caddis, Dixon, McManus, Hooiveld and Thompson. I informed them they were no longer in my plans. I now need to go out and buy a first choice RB, LB, and 2 x CB. Oh dear…

Next, Midfield


1 . Shaun Maloney / 29 / SCO. Strengths – Passing, Shooting, Crossing

2. Scott Brown / 29 / SCO. Strengths – Passing, Strength, Pace


1. Joe Ledley / 28 / WAL. Strengths – Pace, Passing, Shooting

2. Niall McGinn / 28 / NI. Strengths – Passing, Cossing, Technique


1. Aiden McGeady / 29 / IRE. Strengths – Pace, Passing, Crossing

2. Marc Crosas / 27 / SPA. Strengths – Tackling, Positioning, Strength

3. Ki Sung-Yong / 26 / KOR. Strengths – Pace, Shooting, Technique

Quite lightweight bunch. Needs a midfield enforcer type with Crosas a backup for DMC. Need a better LM with Ledley a backup. Could be doing with another fluid passing CM to allow McGeady to do what he does best at AMC. He is currently the jewel in Celtic’s crown. He has improved a lot in the last 2-3 seasons. McGinn and Sung-Yong to be sold off.

Finally, time for the forwards…

1. Robbie Keane / 32 / IRE. Strengths – Finishing, Positioning, Technique

2. Giorgios Samaras / 28 / GRE. Strengths – Pace, Finishing, Technique

Ok, big problems here. On the plus side I have 2 backups, on the downside I have no recognised front pair worthy of inclusion. No-one to be sold but I now have to buy 2 strikers.

Shopping list – RB, LB, 2 x CB, DMC, MC, 2 x SC

Sales list – Caddis, Dixon, Hooiveld, McManus, Thompson, Sung-Yong, McGinn. Hoping to raise approx £10-£13M for this bunch.

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Chapter 4 - Gone but not forgotten

Celtic today sold a number of first team regulars including Paul Caddis.

The cuts signal trouble in Paradise as it seems Celtic are in financial meltdown. It is estimated they made just £7 million from the sales of these players.

It remains to be seen whether the Club now recruit from this amount or suppliment their weakend squad with bosman signings.

Willie just laughed at it. I was raging and about to phone the editor of that stupid rag and give him a mouthful, but Neil suggested that I chill out and use it to our advantage. If people thought we were skint, could we blag a bargain or two?

I agreed, reluctantly. £12m in on top of our original £100m. Hardly beggars are we?....

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Chapter 5 - Keeping Schtum

June 8, 2015. Celtic Park, Glasgow

As I made my way to the boardroom, I had butterflies. I did try to keep a wry smile on my face. The board were concerned, and rightly so, that they had not heard anything of targets or signings. They were concerned we were not progressing so summoned me up for an explanation.

I made my way in, sat down in front of the board. The Chairman, Dr Reid, opened the questioning...

Dr Reid: David, pleasure to see you. The reason we asked you here is for a progress report on the transfer front. We've noticed sales of £12m for some regular first team players with no incomings yet. No confirmation of any signing targets. Explain please.

Me: Dr Reid, Gentlemen. There is a reason you haven't heard anything, and it is not the reason you are thinking of. I am testing my coaching staff. We are working on signings and only they know who we are after. Any leaks to press must only come from them. The press are making some wild guesses as they have no info to go on.

Dr Reid: So do tell, who are the targets?

Me: Well, here is a folder of 6 players we are in negotiation with. These are direct and better replacments for the players we have let go. They will all be direct into the first team, including a new Captain and Vice Captain. The players are.....

Author's Note: To be revealed in due course

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Chapter 6 - Surprise!

June 12, 2015. Celtic Park, Glasgow

As the waiting press gathered nervously (which is a first), I knew they had no idea who Celtic's first signing was. We were looking at 2 major signings to announce.

Two empty chairs at the table when the press conference began. I knew the lads were waiting behind the wall. I was going for maximum exposure, so announced them one at a time.

Me: First up ladies and gentlemen we have a young Englishman with the world at his feet. Having developed his career at Arsenal, where he won the Champions League only 2 seasons ago, this is a major coup for our Club. With a price tag of £15 million pounds, the most expensive transfer in SPL history, it is my pleasure to announce our first signing of the summer as none other than 25-year old midfield dynamo - Aaron Ramsey.

Rapturous applause and blank faces as the press really didn't see this coming. Aaron made his way in and sat down.

Me: Now, any questions for young Aaron here?

Journo 1: Why have you signed for this club, what drew you here?

Aaron: Well, it is really simple. I want to win things. Celtic FC will give me a wonderful platform to do just that. I also hope to cement my place as an England regular.

Journo 2: Mr Johnson, congratulations for pulling off a stunning signing. Can we assume this hefty signing is the end of your transfer splurge?

Me: No, you cannot. Aaron is one of two signings today, and we aren't stopping here. Aaron has signed on for four years with the option of a 5th. And speaking of our next signing, this former Juventus defender will add experience to our back line as well as a certain Italian flair. Signing for £5 million as a result of having 12 months left on his contract, its my great pleasure to announce the bargain of the season, 29-year old Giorgio Chiellini!

Giorgio swept in with that Italian swagger and sat down. Complete silence.

Me: Any questions for Giorgio?

Journo 1: Why move from Italian champions to Scottish Champions?

Giorgio: Celtic needed a new left-back. I am available. The gaffer flew out to Turin and laid out what he intends to do. This is why I was happy to sign on for 3 years. I want to help Celtic become a major force and follow in the footsteps of former greats Enrico Annoni and Paolo Di Canio representing Italy for this great Club.

Me: Now ladies and gentlemen, photo opportunities on the pitch in 5 minutes. Let me just say that I expect more signings of this calibre in the next few days. Be assured that we intend to dominate the SPL and become a major European force.

Applause and smiles from the Chairman. Good, thats what I'm aiming for.

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Picking up the pace a wee bit....

Chapter 7 - The job is only half-done

June 19th, 2015. The home of David Johnson, Celtic Manager

As I sat back with a large smile and an even larger Jack Daniels on ice, my sense of glee and satisfaction could show no signs of dissipating. I had just witnessed a press conference of gargantuan proportions.

My team had sent out a message to the opposition: we're gunning for you!. Phone-ins and internet fansites were berserk with happy fans. The Chairman was so excited he announced plans for a full squad day out, on him!. This truly was a Carlsberg Friday.

We announced SEVEN new signings today. 3 of them £10 million plus players....

RB Davide Santon - ITA / 26 - Inter Milan - £10M

CB Eziquiel Garay - ARG / 29 - Real Madrid - FREE (Bosman)

CB Domenico Criscito - ITA / 29 - Juventus – FREE (Bosman)

DMC Ignacio Camacho - SPA / 25 - Atletico – FREE (Bosman)

LM Angel Di Maria - ARG / 29 - Real Madrid - £12.5M

ST Mario Balotelli - ITA / 25 - Inter Milan - £20M

ST Robert Lewandowski - POL / 27 - Lech Poznan – FREE (Bosman)

Quite a few bosman signings, but quality ones. This team were going to rock!....

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Chapter 8 - Team Report

I asked my assistant to compile a team report for me. The results proved to be astounding. My assistant advised we were strong in all areas, and barring an injury crisis of epic proportions, we were set to take the League and Europe by storm.


1. Artur Boruc ©

13. Sergio Asenjo

22. Lukas Zaluska


2. Davide Santon

12. Andreas Hinkel


3. Giorgio Chiellini (VC)

14. Leighton Baines


4. Domenico Criscito

5. Ezequiel Garay

14. Darren O'Dea

15. Thomas Rogne


11. Scott Brown

23. Shaun Maloney


7. Angel Di Maria

24. Joe Ledley


6. Ignacio Camacho

8. Aaron Ramsey

10. Aiden McGeady

26. Marc Crosas


9. Mario Balotelli

99. Lionel Messi

12. Robbie Keane

16. Robert Lewandowski


Preferred - 4/4/2 (Normal / Diamond)

Tough Opponents - 4/5/1

Special - 4/3/3

Balanced, Mixed Passing, Pressing, Forward Runs, Free Role for AMC, Commited tackling.

*All players drilled on each tactic for ease of interchanging


Transfer Fund - £100M

Sales - £18.5M

Spend - £77.5M

Remaining - £41M

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Chapter 9 - One In, One Out

I was at my desk working on friendly fixtures when an email flashed up. It was from the Chairman:


We have just had a bid come in from Bayern Munich for Giorgios. £6.5 million for his services. With a year left on his contract and seemingly 4th choice, we suggest the bid is accepted. However, the choice is yours as to whether we accept the bid and allow him to talk to Bayern.



I called Willie, my assistant who agreed with the Chairman. Good, we're all on the same hymn sheet. I asked Willie to draw up a list of strikers whose star has been on the wane for whatever reason and would have a point to prove. £15-£20 million maximum. I also emailed the Chairman and requested he accept the offer for Giorgios.

After a few hours, an email from Willie:

Hi David

Here's that list of strikers you were looking for. I've been in contact with their clubs and found thier values. Wages will be within our reach too.




1. Lionel Messi, Barca. 28 / ARG. Value - £22 million, wages 100k approx. We all know what happened here, drugs ban in 2013. Hasn't played for Barca since. They're keen to offload, think he might be interested in a new challenge with less pressure.

2. Cristiano Ronaldo, Sporting. 30 / POR. Value - £18 million, wages 120k approx. Burnt out after leading Portugal to the 2010 world cup. Released by Real and has been making his name back at Sporting. A bargain but age is not on his side. 3-year deal max.

I phoned the Chairman and asked him to put in two bids. £15 million to Barca for Messi and £16 million to Sporting for Ronaldo. Both bids were accepted and both agreed terms. I was left with who I wanted. Knowing that Ronaldo is more effective as a winger, I opted for shamed Messi. He has the biggest point to prove and this could be a masterstroke. Or a disaster....

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Chapter 10 - Season Preview

William Hills gives the following odds on the season ahead:

Celtic 2-1

Rangers 5-1

Dundee Utd 10-1

Hearts 25-1

Aberdeen 33-1

St Johnstone 33-1

St Mirren 66-1

The papers say the following:

The Sun - Celtic

Daily Record - Rangers

Evening Times - Celtic

That's the kiss of death right there, being favourites for the league. Then again, we have won it the last 5 years in a row so...lol.

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Chapter 11 - Summer Friendlies

Organised some home fixtures which we allowed kids in for free (looking after the future) with a paying adult. Meant we had some larger crowds for some meaningless fitness-boosting games.

Celtic 3-2 Porto

McGeady (2), Balotelli

MOTM - McGeady

McGeady show today. He rang rings round Porto, scoring 2 including a wonderful free kick, and setting up Balotelli for his first goal for the Hoops. Sent the fans home happy.

Celtic 3-1 Liverpool

Keane (2), Balotelli

MOTM - McGeady

It's that man again, McGeady. Set up all 3 goals in a really good attacking display. Shoddy defending for Liverpool's goal though...

Celtic 4-0 Manchester United

Keane (2), McGeady, Balotelli

Its a shame. Man Utd just aren't the team they used to be. The Glazers ripped the heart out of the club. 2BN in debt by 2012, its amazing they've been able to survive at all. Still, you can only beat what's in front of you which we did handsomely.

Author's note: I'm setting up a potential view of the future. Real-life events may or may not match my view of the future

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Chapter 12 - Flag Day

August 8, 2015. Celtic Park, Glasgow

This is the moment the summer has been building up to, the competitive start to the season. Training has been great, and the matches played so far have been very successful. But there is nothing like getting started properly.

Celtic Park sure has changed in the last few years. The 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow meant that there was a lot of redevelopment around the stadium. Improved transport links, bars and restaurants, a training complex across the road and a number of other things. This helped Celtic splash out and increase the capacity to 83,000. One of the largest in Europe. Certainly the biggest in the UK.

Winning the title 5 years running has also meant more season tickets sold. As a result, Celtic Park is rarely empty. And certainly not on Flag Day. The crowd erupted with pride when the Chairman raised the SPL Champs flag. This helped kick off the party atmosphere. Of course there was just the small matter of an opening match against Kilmarnock.

I had a full squad to choose from, Kilmarnock are no great shakes so went with our preferred 4/4/2:


Santon                     Garay                 Criscito                Chiellini     


Brown                                                                          Di Maria


                    Messi                                  Balotelli

Scottish Premier League:

Celtic 4-1 Kilmarnock

Messi (2), Santon, Keane - Messi miss pen

MOTM - Messi

The little Argentine stole the show with 2 goals and a cracking display. Missed a penalty for his hat-trick and also hit the bar in the 89th minute. A good start to the season and a 100% win ratio in competitive matches. Wasn't happy with losing the clean sheet but was no more than a consolation goal for Killie

As a celebration, I gave the guys the day off tomorrow. Meant I could have a few beers to celebrate with the backroom team too! Happy Days....

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Chapter 13: Unlucky for the other teams

It had been a hard month, August. But I had got through it with the lads and we could have a sense of satisfaction. Unbeaten so far in the league, and in the group stages of the Champions League. Oddly, we were 33-1 for this year's tourney which is a major improvement in our normal odds.....

I was most happy with the attacking form, but not so much defensively. Some stupid goals lost so I ordered Johann to work with the defenders on concentration. They need to play for 90 mins, they can work out what they want for dinner later!! 4 matches and not a clean sheet. Not good.

August 15, 2015

Scottish Premier League

Aberdeen 2-5 Celtic

Celtic - Keane (2), Messi (2), Balotelli

Aberdeen - Diamond, Paton

MOTM - Messi

2 cheap goals let in within 10 minutes and we looked doomed. Up stepped Messi to score 2 and set up 2. Changed the game completely. Balotelli added a 5th to make the final score flatter us. A poor performance leaving us with almost too much to do.

August 22, 2015

Scottish Premier League

Celtic 7-1 St Mirren

Celtic - Keane (3), Messi (2), Balotelli (2)

St Mirren - Mehmet

MOTM - Keane

A wonderful attacking display saw us 5-0 up inside 40 minutes. A goal from Mehmet when we were 6 up served only as a consolation before Keane took home the match ball with a free-kick from 20 yards Cracking stuff.

August 29, 2015

Scottish Premier League

St Johnstone 1-3 Celtic

Celtic - Keane (2), Messi

St Johnstone - Wilson

MOTM - Keane

Keane turns in a man of the match performance once again, setting up Messi for the opener before grabbing a double of his own. A Wilson goal 5 minutes before time served up a nervy end to the match.

Scottish Premier League Standings, 30 April 2015

[b][color=red]1. Celtic...............4.......4..0..0..+14..12[/color][/b]
2. Dundee Utd...........4.......2..1..1..+6...7
3. Rangers..............3.......2..0..1..+5...6

Have to say I'm even happier that Rangers aren't second in the table. They would have been if thier match against Dundee Utd at home hadn't been called off due to power failures at the stadium. No-one could get into the turnstyles. Can just imagine 50,000 grumpy punters!!!

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Chapter 14 - The Captain

August 30, 2015. Celtic Park.

The time has come to appoint a Captain and Vice Captain. I've had a month to watch the players and see who has taken up the mantle. It came as a surprise too but the two outstanding candidates are Artur Boruc and Giorgio Chiellini.

I decided to make Artur Captain and Giorgio Vice Captain. This is because Artur is getting on a bit and won't be number 1 forever. I called both in and broke the news. Both seemed thrilled with the decision. I then let the rest of the team know. They seem relieved that its all over and they can focus on just playing.


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Chapter 15: Troubling times ahead

September 1, 2015. My House, Glasgow

I watched the TV report on Rangers' woes half dumstruck, half delighted. It seems that the lights out last week was completely lights-out. Rangers FC were dead and buried. Liquidated by the bank and the massive HMRC tax bill they got hit with. A few years ago they got hit with a massive tax bill which has gone through the courts and now came to the final conclusion. A £51 million tax bill with immediate payment or liquidation required.

Even the name has been liquidated. The club has been reborn though as Glasgow Rangers FC, but now in the lowly third division starting next season. The main rivals for the title sunk without a trace? Delighted :)

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Chapter 16: Champions League

We sat nervously at Uefa HQ for the draw of this season's Champions League. We were seeded in Pot 1 as a result of winning the Europa last season. That means we are one of the big 8 teams so guaranteed to miss the other top seeds for now. Just had to see who else we had been drawn with.

The balls rolled for group A and the first name out......Celtic! This just meant that we had to wait an age to get round to the second seeds. As the balls rolled again the second seeds for group A.....Fiorentina. Not bad, could have had worse like a draw away to Moscow.

Turn 3 and the third seeds drawn......Liverpool!. Not bad again, missed the big 3 of the EPL. Just need one last one and hope its not a stinker.

Roll 4.......Shakhtar Donetsk! Bollocks, a trip to that neck of the woods is the last thing I wanted :(

So I expect us to qualify easily as one of the top 2 in the group. From there its anyone's guess what will happen. Had to laugh at the odds. We'd now been slashed to 10-1 :)

1. Barcelona 3-1

2. AC Milan 5-1

3. Chelsea 6-1

4. Inter Milan 10-1

5. Celtic 10-1

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