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Preferred Striking Combinations

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What roles do you usually give you strikers and why?

I very rarely play with more than one up front up until recently. Now that I'm experimenting with two up front I'm encountering problems not usually faced. I've been using one in the deep lying position on attack duty and the other as poacher. Their stats at the end of the season would give the impression of a productive season but on closer inspection only one striker was firing at any given time. As you would expect I'd prefer them both functioning at the same time but due to my inexperience with playing two strikers I turn to you guys and ask what set up works for you?

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If you want a poacher I tend to always play someone in a support role with them, rather than an attacking one.

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I use a ST trequartista - preferrably with "runs with ball through centre" as a PPM - to play the so-called 9 1/2 position (not just a creator, like a traditional No.10, but not just a finisher like a traditional No.9). So long as he has decent passing, and a free role, he will create a ridiculous number of goals: he stays far up enough that the DMs can't really pick him up, as he's coming back toward the ball, from behind them; but he drops deep enough that the CB can't follow him without leaving acres of space for either my other ST or the inside forward to run into.

I partner him with a "poacher" though I usually up his Runs from deep - when they're set to "rarely" you can't create v. well on the counter. He just needs the pace and finishing to deal with the chances he's given, though it's nice if he brings either aerial power, or more creative finesse to the line-up.

I like to think of it a bit like Bergkamp and Henry, though my trequartista is a little more physically gifted than Bergkamp.

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I've recently been playing the following, with a good deal of success

Target Man - Attack

Deep-lying Forward - Support

The idea is that the Target Man opens up space for the DLF to play in. It works well when you're playing teams that are defensive.

I've used a strong, good in the air player as the target man, the DLF having good dribbling and finishing skills. I daresay other combinations could work as well.

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