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The Jabulani


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I was genuinely confused that you didn't want the ball to be predictable, so I wondered if you had misunderstood what they were talking about

I'm still a bit confused, as you seemed to be saying that the old ball was fine (I agree) and that there is no need for the new ball because predictability is dull, but then players seem to think the new ball is less predictable than the old one

This is making my brain hurt now. With this new ball there are too many variables - the lack of practice, the altitude, the different design. It's too early to make a judgement imo, and i didn't intend to get into that part of the discussion.

My only opinion is that sometimes people need to know when to leave things alone. The game was fine, nobody was dissatisfied with the old ball, accept that what we had was great despite it's very minor imperfections, and maybe even slightly better because of them.

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Its the surface I'm sure. Its got little dimples on it, sort of like a golf ball, which means it reacts oddly when going through the air. If anyone is watching the Nigeria game for the second Greek goal it shifted about loads. I think one of the main things I have noticd about it, is that it doesn't seem to slow down after a bounce, if you see a few cross field passes that you would expect a player to catch in this WC, the ball seems to skip away. It seems to bounce up quite violently aswell, a couple of players have been caught underneath it after a bounce, when usually they would take it on their chest.

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Yep, the pitches appear to be very hard with absolutely no "give" in the surface. Extra-high bounce of the ball, players slipping all over the place when it's raining/wet, and the number of players pulling up with hamstring and groin problems seem to be a feature and would tend to indicate they are indeed rock-hard.

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