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Isle of Hattrick - new game error


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Hello guys !!

I've started to do a new country (isle of hattrick) lol !! I've changed the wallis and futuna for this new isle. I've created so this:

Premier Hattrick League : 4 teams, 32 rounds, 3 points for victory, no relegation

Bjéca Cup: 4 teams, semi-finals 2 legs, final 1 game

Pereira Cup: only 2 teams, a 2 leg trophy

Arnette Cup: other 2 teams, an 2 leg also

Each team have their own stadium. ALso the Isle have is own National Team , with their home ground.

After done this, i made the Test Nation Rules. answer: Everything is ok !!!

So, lets try it !! - New Game !! Shows an error !! Wtf ?!?! LOLOL

When FM is processing the new game and arrives at (....Finding managers target....) appears in the screen the error in c:\......blablabla..\ crash dumps

Anyone knows what the hell hapened?? What i have to do??

I've some versions of this isle of hattrick (one with only competetions; one with teams full staff; and other with teams full staffs and some staffs unemployed)

For any of this versions, the error is always the same.

My idea is to make also the teams squads, but with problems like this, i really dont know what else to do. I need some solution or advices!!

Help me guys !!


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Hello again !!

One more question. Everything is working very well at 2025...LOL

Now, the issue is about the players db and their nationality. Isle of Hattrick have two primary languages (english and portuguese). But, the wallis and futuna island have french as their native language, and France 2nd nationality as well.

I've created all teams squad. But, the U-19 have their language /2nd nationality problem.

So to get rid of this "minor" issue, what i've to do:

1- future players, plus U-19 squads dont appear with "french" (not an urgent problem) names

2- future players, plus U-19 apears with Isle of Hattrick as their only nationality and english/portuguese language also


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Hello again !!

One more question. Everything is working very well at 2025...LOL

Now, the issue is about the players db and their nationality. Isle of Hattrick have two primary languages (english and portuguese). But, the wallis and futuna island have french as their native language, and France 2nd nationality as well.

I've created all teams squad. But, the U-19 have their language /2nd nationality problem.

So to get rid of this "minor" issue, what i've to do:

1- future players, plus U-19 squads dont appear with "french" (not an urgent problem) names

2- future players, plus U-19 apears with Isle of Hattrick as their only nationality and english/portuguese language also


I'm afraid that this is hardcoded into the game (don't know for sure), I had just the same problem with my game as I wanted to manage the international team of Fifa(aka Wallis and futuna) just to find out that all players that are good enough were playing for France instead or wanted to wait for a call-up from France. I tried to move everything away from wallis but i struggle to find a good alternitive. Maybe there is a way of editing away the second nationality???

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I'm afraid that this is hardcoded into the game (don't know for sure), I had just the same problem with my game as I wanted to manage the international team of Fifa(aka Wallis and futuna) just to find out that all players that are good enough were playing for France instead or wanted to wait for a call-up from France. I tried to move everything away from wallis but i struggle to find a good alternitive. Maybe there is a way of editing away the second nationality???

Can anyone say if what i said is true and perhaps somebody knows how to fix this

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