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In game next goal scorer prediction game


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I should only be on 110. I'd said Iaquinta before kick-off, but was wrongly awarded the points for his penalty as New Zealand had scored beforehand.

When I win this thing I want you ALL to know that I did it fair and square :p

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Name                    Points
dafuge                  330
Gooner32                240
Rhino                   210
football master         200
MrDiCanio               200
Klimowicz               160
drobbo12                130
gunner4eva              120
PMLF                    120
Venn                    120
Dudge7                  100
Standard liege           70
Charlesbeams             60
solsagooner              40
Phillip Rolfe            30
Hershie                  20
tcoleman1                20
Ruud Van Nistelrooy      10
Micado                   10
mallen102000             10
GavinLP1987              10
ssestig                  10
PaulHartman71             0
nattai                    0
Brett.spurs               0
bomma132                  0
robbert o154              0
Baptista_8                0

I think that is right.....

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Name                    Points
dafuge                  330
Gooner32                240
Rhino                   210
football master         200
Dudge7                  200
MrDiCanio               200
Klimowicz               170
drobbo12                130
gunner4eva              130
PMLF                    120
Venn                    120
Standard liege           80
Charlesbeams             60
solsagooner              50
Phillip Rolfe            30
Hershie                  20
Micado                   20
tcoleman1                20
Ruud Van Nistelrooy      10
mallen102000             10
GavinLP1987              10
ssestig                  10
Meitheisman              10
PaulHartman71             0
nattai                    0
Brett.spurs               0
bomma132                  0
robbert o154              0
Baptista_8                0

Up to post 273.

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Name                    Points
dafuge                  330
Gooner32                240
Rhino                   210
Dudge7                  210
football master         200
MrDiCanio               200
Klimowicz               190
gunner4eva              140
drobbo12                130
PMLF                    120
Venn                    120
Standard liege           80
Charlesbeams             60
solsagooner              60
Phillip Rolfe            30
ssestig                  20
Meitheisman              20
Hershie                  20
Micado                   20
tcoleman1                20
Ruud Van Nistelrooy      20
mallen102000             10
GavinLP1987              10
readingfanman            10
PaulHartman71             0
nattai                    0
Brett.spurs               0
bomma132                  0
robbert o154              0
Baptista_8                0

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