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A Berlin Spring!


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“Football madness take over Berlin slowly. I’ve won everything a boy could dream about but haven’t seen this strange madness. Once I started here at Hertha BSC, the club was in trouble, freshly regulated and without any confidence. Now three years later we were in for the first bundesliga-title over, on the run for the champions league. And the town? It is all red and white. I can not believe this. The complete town is in the ban of the smallest club from the city, Union Berlin. The public could not find the way to our stadium this season, unless our succes. Attendances are 10.000 lower as last year. The trauma of last years second spot is still not healed.

What worries me much is that that 10.000 don’t go to Union, they are simply not visiting football. Even the fans are dissatisfied on me? I can not stand it longer. We played attacking football in a very attacking 4-3-3 setting, unseen in the bundesliga till now. The public is still wrecking me for that one mistake in the last game of previous season. I know, I told them to win and bring the title immediately in the first year of our come back in the Bundesliga. The second title in row. But I made a tactical mistake and it all went so wrong their in Brunswick. What have I done wrong? I brought a second spot, the best finish since 1976 .

Good, I can not help my nickname Mr succes.

What a succes was? I remained 35 games in row unbeaten with Germany, brought the world cup and only lost my first game. 35 out of 36. I am proud of that. Just as I collected the titles in The Netherlands, Belgium (2x) and Germany; and the champions league to Werder Bremen, Club Brugge and HSV. That is past. It is already 18 years ago since my first title.. Long ago indeed. Who can remember the way I brought ADO Den Haag to a surprising title in 2005. Who knows how much tense was on the last game where we seem to lost the title and as ever a ‘top three club’ would grab it. Who knows here , I put in 6 attackers in the last 15 minutes to break a 0-1 to the needed 2-1 victory? Who is talking about the semi final of the cup with Leizpig? This feels more like the way I left in Bremen 10 years ago now. Sight on the treble and public and board moaning.. Is attacking football not enough. Is it only about collecting silverware? I collected enough and never started at a club on a top spot. I build new team, let them play attacks, and collected silverware, a lot !

Who forget the way I helped Union Berlin this season with loaning out some talented youth players? Just to get some experience., even in the regional league. Can’t help it that that regional league team is now in the cup final, after beating only second and first bundesliga club. Yup the town is in fever of that succes? Attacking football? They never heard of that! And the people are still moaning.. Now the board too? When will they come. I will let them suffer as the moaners in Bremen, Hamburg. I will have the title, I will win the bundesliga. And then? I quit! I will retire, I am sick of it! 20 years of top football and only some people see what I meant to say with all the teams. Be unfeared, attack, score goals , enjoy the public… Well what joy? They do not come now. And we are in the best season ever… Now it is Union, Union and coming year? Well they will be forgotten and anonymous in the regional league again…. If public just want to see silverware.. I will quit. Retire.. My days are over now.. Soon it will be forgotten how I worked and everybody talks about all the silverware I collected..

I am sure now, but nobody knows.. Lets go for my last farewell games.. And then after the season I will tell them, I will retire.. It is now time for younger ones.. Like that rookie at union.â€.

Werner Wasserlich, His diaries of late March 2023

Manager Hertha BSC and coach of Ireland

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“As newbe in profesional football I decide to do what I can and gave my best; feeling capable to manage a team but if you asked me this summer that we would be in the finals, I would declare you crazy and without any football brains.. But now it is reality, and it feels better as a dream“

Arnold von Spree, after another stunning win in the semi finals of the German Cup with a regional liga team

Manager Union Berlin

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1 april 2023

Ireland- Belarus 0-1

Attendance 47.966

‘1. 0-1. Klimenko

Here I am at Lansdown road. It is Saturday. Match #4 awaiting in the group stages world cup. My first official match with the Irish team. After regretting almost every national team from Germany (again after my supervisor role last summer at the euro), argentina., brazils, USA, Japan and so on, I entered the hopeless ship Ireland. 1 point out of 3. Here the people like attacking football and were so glad I would give it a try. For that lads I could not refused.

Tonight is Belarus awaiting and I will start with a very attacking 3-3-4 stance. We have to win, so we have to make goals. Why not this way, be sure Belarus don't expect such an attacking stance. I will take the risk of 3 defenders. The guys are so enthusiastic, like young dogs.. So lets attack, let them play!

What a pity! 52 seconds played and Lansdown is down.. Damn.. The first attack of Belarus was a hit, 0-1. It will be a tough one tonight! We have not much selfconfidence I hope it will not sink to zero? Only 2 minutes later smith an daly set up a briliant attack.. Only that goalkeeper with that briliant reflex.. This give hope.. Landsdown awakend, only 3 minutes too late.. Tense minutes did follow.. The side attackers did not function well, I set them on a free role after half an hour.. But despite hard working, hard tackling, Belarus turned to a wall and we were not able to break in the first half. I have to change to ‘plan B’, 15 minutes halfways the time to do so!

No strikers or attacking midfielders on the bench, I change my two sidewingers for 2 defensive midfielders. Those fits in a 3-1-4-2 suit. The left and right midfielders now have to make their kilometres at the side.

The defensive one must operate all over the pitch. Lets see if this brings Belarus in trouble..

What follows was 45 minutes of tense full cat and mice with not to many great chances.. Sadly we could pressure up the wall of Belarus but not break it. We have set a great way of football play but left Lansdown with nothing. What a pity.I've been out of national coaching for 8 months and this was really nothing. The worst way i coached a national team ever.

Even San Marino and Andorra are above us in the table; qualifing? well i would be the first team i failed to do that. As said i am getting old...

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8 april 2023

Hertha BSC - Schalke 04 6-0

Attendance: 59.962

Team (4-3-3):Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Teichmann, Koch (46. Van der Herik), Anelka, Hildebrand (46. Stein), Van der Ent, Renard, Dietterle

‘5. 1-0 Koch

11. 2-0 Van der Ent

13. 3-0 Anelka

16. 4-0 Renard

35. 5-0 Renard

83. 6-0 Renard

The number 13 is awaiting, the last game before we will face Inter Milan in the quarter finals champions league.

I have to decide if I have to give some players rest. Only left attacker Montero (20 yrs) will have. He is definitely the key player in my team, already called the new Johan Cruijff. Well how to describe a wonder boy that lead us to spot 2 last year, and the year before to the second bundesliga title. We are only 3 points in front of Leverkusen so I will not take to many risk. The system is unchanged and Dieterle is an adequate sub to Monteiro. This means that midfielder Koch will play, even if it is easy to figure out he can not play to many matches in row. Again 9 germans in the first 11; only Olesen and Anelka represent other countries…With unchanged tactics, so succesfull last months, we have to go for an easy three points.

We started with 4 corners in row, and in the 4th minute a good side run from Dietterle set Koch free for the keeper. A hard and dry strike.. And already 1-0. Thank god, I choiced Koch and Dietterle tonight, this is early payback!/ And that was not all.. 6 minutes later again Dietterle and set a heading change for non-header Van der Ent, I could not believe this.. Entie scores from a header.. This game is in the pocket. Till rest I let my man play, and enjoyed the show. 3 Dietterle assists and 5 goals halfways. Time to take it easy and bring in some fresh legs for the second half. ‘Old’ Midfielders Hildebrandt (32) and Koch (31) will get their rest. It is just a matter of playing out. One more goal and any easy one in the pocket. Inter is awaiting

After the match, I found out that Renard is out for 2 weeks with a facial injury. A pity, since he already scored 27 goals this season. Better was the that the board was more as happy with this easy win. Monteiro is not my first option as striker against Inter ; it is him or Dietterle at the left wing. in Matthias Milde there is another pure striker. No worries for coming Wednesday.

The best news came the next day, as Leverkusen could not win its difficult away game at Rostock, 2-0. That means we are now in lead with 6 points, a far better goal-difference and only 6 games to go. Quit similar to last season. Well you know that result now.. We could collapse no reason to be too sure.

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9 april 2023

Union Berlin - Fulda 3-1

Attendance: 6.065

Team (4-2-2) : Bley, Hummel, Reck, Dorner, Kreutzer, Hofmann (77 Schmitz) , Kroll, Meyer (77 Kopp), Heller (64 Schultz), Franke, Tanghe

10.1-0 Franke

12. 2-0 Reck

67. 2-1 Schultz

69. 3-1 Kroll

This season has a goal to promote to the second bundesliga, after last years regulation. However this game is of the 6 finals left in the regional south division. Ranked 4th, the desired 2th spot is 7 points away from us and this game in the pocket. Due to a good February and March series there is still hope to reach that spot. It would be the real crown to the season, despite reaching the cup-final to the surprise of any one. So tonight is the ‘first’ final and the team will play in the same succes formation as last 2 months..No Surprises from us here.. Three ‘facts’:

1. We do not score easily goals, despite having Tanghe , a 25 year old Belgium striker winning the champions league with Club Brugge and HSV.

2. Heller is not able to play 90 minutes; as usual he will be replaced by young talent Schultz, which also change the midfield from a passing one to a more working one with the long distance strikers from Schultz as eventually ultimate breaking weapon.

3. Youngster Hofmann (17) is also not able to make the 90 minutes full, so that is usual replacement no 2.

Fulda is not to be afraid of , ranked 10, but as always we have to work hard. Lets see what the games bring

A trademark Header from Francke and a long distance shot from left back Reck opened the game quick, 2-0 after 15 minutes. A positive surprise to be in such an early advantage. That luxury seemed to be to much as Kreutzer made a foul in the box after 28 minutes. However Bley saw another penalty against missed this season; still 2-0; this ‘final’ is on the way..

In the rest I heard that #3 Hoffenheim was still 0-0 in their home game against the number last Wuppertal. What a surprise. I did not calculate Hoffenheim to miss their points here. But if it will be the case after 90 minutes, the gap with Hoffenheim to 1 point and with Dresdner SC (no 2) to 4 points. Hopefully the pressure is up to Hoffenheim. Unchanged my mans came in for the next 45 minutes.

Things seems to go very well as after 1 hour Fink setts Wuppertal in the lead. However this news shocked the boys a bit to much; only a minute after the public starts singing, the 2-1 was in our net.. 25 tense minutes to come now? 2 minutes later captain Kroll created his space at the left and finished properly 3-1.. . With ten minutes left I had to improve as midfielder Kopp gets injuried, only one minute after he entered the pitch. With all subs left, I decide to take striker Tanghe to the midfield and play the game out this way. We are on 2 goals advantage; so 10-12 minutes with 10 man is nothing to get in serious stress. Nothing happened; just as nothing happened to Hoffenheim. This mean, we raised to spot 3 today. Yet 5 other finals to come

1 club record broken: 12 games in row with a defeat. The Kopp injury was for only a day; the third time it happened to him. So a doubt if I will have him on the bench next week.

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12 april 2023

Inter Milan - Hertha BSC 1-3

Attendance: 64.707

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Teichmann, Koch, Anelka, Hildebrand (77. Stein), Van der Ent, Milde, Monteiro

41. 1-0 Pesce

46. 1-1 Monteiro

47. 1-2 Milde

75. 1-3 Horn

Red card: 51. Martinelli

The team is fit, only 2 injuries of import striker Renard and the long last case of Leftback Gruter, who’s season is over since December. . I doubt for no second to grip back at last 2 years succesformation; a sort combination of 4-2-4 and 4-4-2. Where Monteiro scored his goals accompanied by Heeren, another Younger. In that set up we play with4 attackers without any striker. This season it brought not much; I will start in the usual 4-3-3 if that wont succeed’ that formula is an option.

Of minor importance is that last winters transfer Djokovic is not allowed to play; he already made his minutes at HSV. It is an experience defender and midfielder; here youngster Opitz will take his place at the bench

Inter is topclass, and the winner of 5 years ago. However we are not to ignore. Never change a winning team?

Oke, unless his succesfull performance last saterday, Dietterle is on the bench. The brilliant Monteiro is a class better. I must do so, because my best striker is already out.

For Inter the classy striker Gallart is not allowed to play; due to some augustus minutes for champions league holder Ajax.

A tigh combat in the first 45 minutes with an inter header from Pesce as first danger. Long times nothing seems to happen. But a warned man, counted for 2? Well we were not warned.. The second header of Pesce was deadly and sets Guizeppa Meazza on fire.. 1-0 . Halfways I decide not to change tactics.. That will happen during the second half; but now it is to early to gamble. Quiet sure we will score our goals against Inter. And it is to early to show them every tactical move we have in the pocket.. 18 seconds after the kick off by Inter, I knew my words were right.. Milde assists to Monteiro, left undefended in the box after a short run; his strike was deadly and calm: 1-1. Up to Inter now to take risks for a second goal and left space for my quick attackers. Inter however was shocked and the kick off was again an error. This time Van der Ent took the ball rushed quickly to the box and passed to Milde, free as a bird on the penalty spot.. Not to miss for a stiker.. Within a minute the game turned 180 degrees. 1-2 and the stadium became silent.

A desperate Inter was doing all they can, but as Martinelli made a faul; it became very critical: a red card and a new input of unrest to Inter. All what was left for them was to create a wall and hope for a counter. A corner a quarter before the end signal made clear what we were trying to do: A fine header by heading specialist centre defender Markus Horn made the difference. Of course we were not ready.. But could not score more goals, a fine long distance attempt from Stein could not end in the net.

A brilliant Result, with no injuries , the semi finals are in reach; for the first time in the history of Hertha.

And talking about history: 16 games without a lost in row now; a new club record!

Lucky enough it is not new to all my players. From my periods by Club brugge and HSV, I had some champions league winners in the team. Goalkeeper Olesen, Defenders Horn and Vogel, Midfielders Anelka and Djokovic, Attacker Dietterle Enough to say we are experienced enough to go for the cup

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15 april 2023

Ansbach -Union Berlin 2-1

Attendance: 2.805

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Dorner, Kreutzer, Hofmann , Kroll, Meyer (66. Schmitz), Heller (66 Schultz), Scholz (66. Klein), Tanghe

‘2. Reck 0-1

52. Hagele 1-1

69. Hagele 2-1

Another final and the most difficult of all. Proud table leader Ansbach is the host. With 69 points they are 10 points in the lead and 14 in front of us. Easy to see this game is not about the title for us. For Ansbach it is different. If Dresdner SC will lose, they will pick up the title against us. In that case nothing is over for us; but we will go for the so needed 3 points. Hopefully we could do our real job then in the last game against Dresdner SC in a real combat for spot 2. Another point is that if we will be in the second Bundesliga, we’ll have to prove it here against the coming champs. A great defeat will mean we have nothing to do there. Of course we will improve the new club record of 12 games with one more. So in lots of views this is a game of truth and prove.

The home game was tight, a late 86 minute goal brought Ansbach the 3 points. So tense is to expect!. Good news is that star player Muller of Ansbach started to moan about the financial situation over there. It could mean there is some friction in their dressing room… On the other hand our striker heading specialist Franke gets injuried on the last training before the match. We have no targeting replacers in the team; two young teenage strikers left.

17 years old Scholz has to do the job.

Before the game, other football news was of impact. Bayern did win the second bundesliga (!!) and Champions league title holder Ajax found a new manager.

The game started full of that tense. After 40 seconds Tanghe found him self on the grass in the box… Penalty. Reck took the responsibility and sets us in the lead.. 0-1 An amazing start in this game full of impact.

3 minutes later Scholz shows his heading qualities at a corner, only a world reflex could stop it. Ansbach was now warned.. We were no easy victims on their title run!

A tense first half could be expected, but this were the highlights..

After the break Hagele equalized out of the blue. A poor free kick from Hummel let to possesion for Ansbach, a keen long distance pass on this strike, left freely in front of the box, made this game alive again.

After 66 minutes of combating I came with my 3 subs. The excellent Heller was tired , just as young striker Scholz. A fresh striker (Kleine), Schultz and a more combating midfielder for Meyer. Meyer already picked up yellow and was close to red. Tackling specialist Schmitz would appear now.. So with a new centre midfield more keen on working and less on passing, I hope to turn the tide. This also with a more pressure-play on the pitch. It was a close combat, but remember I will win.

3 minutes later we made the same mistake as earlier this half. Another poor free kick and again Hagele; 2-1.

Minutes of combat and kamikaze followed, but as so many times this season the strikers could not break iron with hands. To make it worser, Hoffenheim did win their game in the last 10 minutes. I gambled on three points and lose.

Dresdner Will play tomorrow; I can only hope they will lose… Otherwise this season will be difficult


1. 30-72 Ansbach

2. 29-59 Dresdner SC

3. 31-58 Hoffenheim

4. 30-55 Union Berlin

5. 29-50 Aalen

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16 april 2023

Braunsweig - Hertha BSC 0-1

Attendance: 23.500

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Djokovic, Koch, Anelka, Stein, Van der Ent, Milde, Monteiro

40. 0-1 Koch

Braunschweig awaiting! We have to correct something from last season. What happened? At the final match day we were 2 point in front of Dortmund and 4 on Braunsweig Till early February Braunswiegg seems to be on the way to the title, as we smashed them in a stunning 7-0 . We took over spot 1 but it was the last good game of our side. We became tired and started to lose games. The competitors did too and so by the start of april we were still 5 points in the lead. As long as Braunsweig and others will lose too, we could hold it. We really believed in the title. However I forgot to count on Dortmund, winning match after match and climbing from spot 10. As round 34 came, we were still in the lead. A draw was enough. Due to suspension and injuries I had no centre attacking midfielder left unless a hard moaning Luxemburger (forget his name) . I decided not to refresh the very attacking system and go for a win. Unless the important role of that attacking midfielder. After half an hour it was clear I made a mistake. The team seems too tired to do all duties well and the midfield was too weak; with 2 goals in our net, our dream was over. Of course I tried to substitute and set for a more defensive balance. Before I could do so, that Luxemburg made another mistake and leads to the 3-0. Mission impossible, mission over.

Dortmund struggled not and was already on a safe 3-0 score. After 33 minutes I made my substitutions and the team came alive, and how. In the rest of the game we scored twice; but for what? After 90 minute the scoreboard showed 3-2 lost and 4-0 for Dortmund; we lost the title here. As we had adapted that tactic from scratch we would be the champions. However I choice tactical safety and lost the title. Nothing more nothing less.. In Dortmund the folks are still laughing about it.

For reasons of freshness ; 2 changes. Djokovic will replace Teichmann in the Defense; Stein will do so with oldie Hildebrandt at the midfield. Stein is more the invincible worker were Hildebrandt is the quick midfielder with action radius. But I have to take care the oldie and the form of Teichmann seems to incline a bit. Renard is stil injuried. But we are sharp, sharp enough to face Brausnweig far better as last year!

In the first half Braunsweig was tough and sets Olesen to some fine saves but in the end a trademark long distance shot from Koch sets us in the lead. Unchanged we get in to the second half. The first 45 minutes were a bit dull but the public wont care. It is still our attacking stance what makes the diffence in the score.

The second half was a bit better with a kamikaze Braunsweig, but I could trust on a good keeper; some said the best of the world. Exactly the reason why I paid 16 million Euro for him 2 years ago. For this kind of games.

The best chances were for Milde. However he proved once again why he is a reserve and not the goal getter I hoped for. He missed 3 easy ones from less as 10 meter for the goal. After all we took revenge here in not the most exciting game. We missed Teichmann, Hildebrandt and Renard a bit too much to play attractive; however still experienced and hard working enough to do our duty. Winning. The title is another step closer by.

The long season will have its effects. Quick side striker Van der Ent (21 years) is a month out with shoulder problems. This is a real problem. His back up Constantini has made troubles in October, together with right back Rivas. This Italian and Spanish played it hard. They sued the board to drop me. I dropped both to the second team and could transfer Rivas , a public hero, to Everton for 3 million Euro. For Constantini it was more difficult; his contract will expire. Of course I have transferred a new right winger; young and tempramentfull Dutch winger Van der Herik (20); however that is a midfielder. Young brilliant Heeren, also 20 is another option. He is briliant in a 4-4-2 and scored many goals. This season however 4-3-3 is adapted and Heeren is not in superb form. Besides that he is a bit too slow. I will give him advantage next week against Nurnberg. But this position is something to worry about. At least a come back of Constantini is not planned; the group is now relaxed and I can not use new riots despite his qualities..


1. 29-62 Hertha BSC

2. 29-56 Leverkusen

3. 29-50 Dortmund

4. 29-49 Cottbus

5. 29-49 M’gladbach

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Meanwhile Dresdner SC did win easy from Schonberg. Union Berlin is really in heavy circumstances. The board already start moaning about the Ansbach defeat. Over the bright and Sunny Berlin spring came some dark clouds. Can Union rise to spot 2? Is Hertha able to continue their beautiful and winning football without Van der Ent ?

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21 april 2023

Union Berlin - Hof 3-0

Attendance: 6.110

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Dorner, Kreutzer, Schmitz , Kroll, Meyer (61. Keane) , Heller (66 Schultz), Franke (81 Scholtz) , Tanghe

40. 1-0 Franke

41. 2-0 Tanghe

52. 3-0 Kroll

Another final. Number 6 Hof will visit us and we suffer some injury problems. Youngster Hoffman is out for a week. So needed striker Franke is back in training for 2 days now, a bit too short possibly and supersub Schultz was out of training for 2 days. For leftfeeted rightwinger Hoffman is no logical and adequated replacement. It will be a choice for a tackling and working Schmitz or a young winger from the youth department. Franke will start, but the risk is lacking training hours this week. However we need the points but it will be difficult.

Youngster Defender Dorner will play too, despite it is not for sure how long he can perform on his toplevel..

Fitness and mental tireness begin to count. This game however is to important to gamble. A lose will mean end of the league season, with the advantage we could prepair a long time for the cup final..

Long the first half seems to breath all my predictions. Schmitz was hard working but not of any influence on the right wing. Franke missed a super chance. And Dorner made a huge mistake which lead to a Hof striker hitting the woodwork. It was tense but the mental power was still good. A hard and smart working captain Kroll tookk a leading role to the team. From the left wing he sets up all dangerous attacks, which leads in the end to a Franke strike for the 1-0 and one minute later another Franke strike, with Tanghe in the rebound 2-0. Thanks to captain Kroll, the break could be enjoyed with fine 2-0 lead.

Kroll sets the crown on his 2 open breaking actions 5 minutes after the break. By a corner, defender Dorner was smashed to the ground. Penalty. Kroll , the usual penalty taker, steps up and made his goal. After the hour mark I brought in a fresh midfield which lead to some good team-play and many corners; however it was not given to the team to make one or two more.

Due to the result we climbed to spot 3; 4 points after Dresdner SC, but they have a game in the pocket.

This mean they have to lose and to draw or draw twice in coming games; otherwise spot 2 is out of reach.

The hope is not at regulation struggling Wehen Tomorrow. Hope depends on Hoffenheim (no 3 with us) and strong performing Paderborn, the changeable Leverkussen U21 and us at the menu for the Dresdner, it is not said they will finish at spot 2.

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22 april 2023

Hertha BSC Nurnberg 1-1

Attendance : 60.289

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Teichman, Koch (66. Van den Herik) , Anelka, Hildebrandt, Heeren, Milde (66. Renard), Monteiro

11. 1-0 Monteiro

23. 1-1 Frank

Red card: 83. Hildebrandt

Renard is fit again, but not fit for a complete match. He will be on the bench. Teichmann and Hildebrand are back. So with Heeren choiced at the right wing, we will face Nurnberg. Normally a would win game.

With Dortmund facing Leverkusen, I will not rest core players here, except todays joker Renard.

If Dortmund will win this derby; it means we will be 9 points in the lead.

An excellent dribble of Monteiro gave us an early lead. And the number of chances seems to bring another easy game. However a midline free kick landed in our box und not properly defended a header equalized. We had to start again. Attempts enough but precision was not good enough, even a fine 30 meter distance shot from Koch ended at the woodwork. So we’ll have to take the break at 1-1; where as hoped Dortmund took a 1-0 lead against Leverkusen. A good reason to go for victory in the second half

Within a minute I tought the mans get the message. However a quick and direct attack lead to another Montiero shot in the net. The prelude of a difficult second half. After an hour it was clear we had not to worry about the Ruhr derby; 2-0 and Leverkussen with 10 man as Hildebrandt collects yellow. I decide to gamble on Renard and the more attacking attitude of Van den Herik instead of Koch, his distance shoting was not a weapon today.

The lack of concentration brought real problems as Hildebrandt starts to moan at the ref. His second yellow card and 10 minutes left. Still 1-1 and at least something due to the other match. With Monteiro now on the midfield, the midfield was more an extra attacking line. However it brought no chances not for us, not for the guest. We have to live with a draw and the fact that Leverkusen lost. More worries about the lack of precision; which means a concentration problem.

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Union could send flowers to Jorg Groth. With 2 goals he sets the difference in the promotion-game Hoffenheim-Dresdner SC. This al leads to a very tight battle for the last promotion spot; rank 2:

1. 31-72 Ansbach

2. 31-62 Dresdner SC

3. 32-61 Hoffenheim

4. 31-58 Union Berlin

With 5 games to go against 4 low tablers (Sachsen Leipzig, Wuppertal, Verl, Schonberg) and the last game home against Dresdner SC it is still in our own hands. As long as Dresdener SC will lose one or more points before we will face them!

And Ansbach? It lost again 2-1 from Paderborn. Lets hope they will win next week, to set the title safe.

The season however begin to work on our fitness. Young key defender Dorner (18) is out for 3 weeks. It is not easy to replace this Hertha BSC loaner

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26 april 2023

Hertha BSC - Inter 3-0

Attendance : 48.183

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel (70. Becker), Horn (46. Gallego) , Teichman, Van den Herik , Anelka (60. Klein), Hildebrandt, Heeren, Renard, Monteiro

18. 1-0 Monteiro

23. 2-0 Renard

24. 3-0 Monteiro

With 2 light injuries to reserve keeper Rathmann and Dieterle , we have to face Inter.

Koch will have a rest in favor of Van den Herik and Hildebrandt will play 90 minutes, due to his coming suspension, it is better to use him here. Renard will start . But due to the Dieterle injury and the longer lasting Van der Ent injury, it means we have no side attackers on the bench. That could mean that due to this circumstances tactic will be changed.

The team started freshly and concentrated. Van den Herik sets Monteiro free for the opener. Some minutes later Heeren showed his class to give a perfect assist to Renard, heading hard for the 2-0. Two minutes later it was Hildebrandt with a 30 meters pass to Monteiro for his 20th goal of the season, 3-0! Just 25 minutes played and the semi finals in the pocket. The Berlin spring will turn more bright tonight.

Halfways I decide to go for some youngster replacement duties during the game. At first Defender Gallego (22, with already 1 cap!) will come in. Later in the game I will bring some teenagers. Giving them experience is important and this game is the one to do so. Klein and Becker gets these honours. Besides that the second half was attractive from both sides, without any score.

So the semi finals are awaiting! For the first time in club history. Which team will be the next? AS Roma, Dortmund or Club Brugge. I hope for the last, remember the amazing way I build up this team. The basement is still like my times. When I came there it was a lower midtabler; when I left 2 titles, 2 cups and the champions league were the silverware of a very attractive attacking team. People are still talking about Markus Horn and Timo Vogel, now playing here. And what about HSV’s Jorg Wegmann. When he came to Brugge, he was nobody from a regional German team. When he left he was the most wanted striker of Europe. It al means the scouting at Brugge was and is still perfect; so don’t expect an easy one . On the other hand; in cup matches I never had much luck against Dortmund. Wether it was with Leipzig, Club or HSV, I don’t like to face them. Too tricky in this sort of matches. And Roma? Well don’t know much about them. And we just faced Inter, another Italian squad. Coming days I will see were the Champions league will lead us. I will win that cup; the best way to say bye bye to football….

Anyhow I faced another small problem. Monteiro needs a rest according to the physic’s. 2 side wing spots and only 1 player fully fit.. I Really have to thing of changing tactics on occasion. The season is long and I can not take risks, especially with the so important Monteiro. Well some days to go till next match.. Some days to think about it. Including the suspension of Hildebrand; it is not easy to figure out how Bielefeld will be faced coming saterday. Anyway why do I worry? We just get into the semifinals of the Champions League

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26 april 2023

Hertha BSC - Inter 3-0

Attendance : 48.183

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel (70. Becker), Horn (46. Gallego) , Teichman, Van den Herik , Anelka (60. Klein), Hildebrandt, Heeren, Renard, Monteiro

18. 1-0 Monteiro

23. 2-0 Renard

24. 3-0 Monteiro

With 2 light injuries to reserve keeper Rathmann and Dieterle , we have to face Inter.

Koch will have a rest in favor of Van den Herik and Hildebrandt will play 90 minutes, due to his coming suspension, it is better to use him here. Renard will start . But due to the Dieterle injury and the longer lasting Van der Ent injury, it means we have no side attackers on the bench. That could mean that due to this circumstances tactic will be changed.

The team started freshly and concentrated. Van den Herik sets Monteiro free for the opener. Some minutes later Heeren showed his class to give a perfect assist to Renard, heading hard for the 2-0. Two minutes later it was Hildebrandt with a 30 meters pass to Monteiro for his 20th goal of the season, 3-0! Just 25 minutes played and the semi finals in the pocket. The Berlin spring will turn more bright tonight.

Halfways I decide to go for some youngster replacement duties during the game. At first Defender Gallego (22, with already 1 cap!) will come in. Later in the game I will bring some teenagers. Giving them experience is important and this game is the one to do so. Klein and Becker gets these honours. Besides that the second half was attractive from both sides, without any score.

So the semi finals are awaiting! For the first time in club history. Which team will be the next? AS Roma, Dortmund or Club Brugge. I hope for the last, remember the amazing way I build up this team. The basement is still like my times. When I came there it was a lower midtabler; when I left 2 titles, 2 cups and the champions league were the silverware of a very attractive attacking team. People are still talking about Markus Horn and Timo Vogel, now playing here. And what about HSV’s Jorg Wegmann. When he came to Brugge, he was nobody from a regional German team. When he left he was the most wanted striker of Europe. It al means the scouting at Brugge was and is still perfect; so don’t expect an easy one . On the other hand; in cup matches I never had much luck against Dortmund. Wether it was with Leipzig, Club or HSV, I don’t like to face them. Too tricky in this sort of matches. And Roma? Well don’t know much about them. And we just faced Inter, another Italian squad. Coming days I will see were the Champions league will lead us. I will win that cup; the best way to say bye bye to football….

Anyhow I faced another small problem. Monteiro needs a rest according to the physic’s. 2 side wing spots and only 1 player fully fit.. I Really have to thing of changing tactics on occasion. The season is long and I can not take risks, especially with the so important Monteiro. Well some days to go till next match.. Some days to think about it. Including the suspension of Hildebrand; it is not easy to figure out how Bielefeld will be faced coming saterday. Anyway why do I worry? We just get into the semifinals of the Champions League

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The drawing was easy.. Dortmund vs. Club Brugge. A match with history! In my Brugge days I faced Dortmund twice ; one very rare one in my first year… were we lost 4-1 due to a keeper injury, a 5-2 home victory was not enough and .. The 2017 final of the champions league. The revenge of Brugge, with an amazing 5-0 victory. That pain is still felt in Dortmund. Be sure that will be a great match..

And we ? We go to Rome; all ways lead to Rome?

Again Italy and a real dark horse as opponent. My feeling said the easiest way to achieve the final. So lets wait and see; another fact is that I am still afraid that the team will collapse. The fitness of the frontline is now in question , just as the precision.. It is not said this will be easy. Be sure any survivor at this stage is a strong one!

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29 april 2023

Bielefeld - Hertha BSC 0-0

Attendance :24.452

Team (4-4-2) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Teichman, Van den Herik , Anelka , Koch (70. Djokovic), Stein (70. Heeren), Renard, Milde

With Dietterle , Van der Ent still injuried, Monteiro on rest, Hildebrandt suspended, I faced real troubles on the tactics. The 4-3-3 Works so well, but in the frontline I simply lack a left attacker. And no one who could play so. On the midfield I have enough fit players only the 4 who could play on the left midfield in a 4-4-2 are not aviable.

This means I have to improvise. 4-4-2 seems to be the best option. Stein could give it a try as left midfielder and otherwise I could bring a youngster. Not the first choices here, lets say 5th , because all aviable are defensive midfielders. In the 4-4-2 I can place 1 attacker on the bench. In earlier days the couple Renard Milde functioned as back up for Monteiro Heeren already together. Now it is this way because I could not see other options. I will not discuss about 1 striker , because the problem at the left will contain…. So I grab back to the tactics which failed early this season and almost costed my head…This is an emergency..

Till halfways we survived. Bielefeld took the game and we could only struggle. For some kind of reasons this 4-4-2 does not fit anymore. Besides that Stein was of course anonymous.. But bringing in another defensive midfielder, in this case youth player Mertens? No.. at least we struggle but did not sunck.. I will set my cards on 1 goal or eventually kamikaze play in the last 20 minutes with Heeren as extra attacker.

It all did go a bit better in the second half, we wasted some chances, the first 45 minutes did not bring any. However after 70 minutes it was still 0-0 and midfield anchor man Koch was tired, time for a double substitution and some change. Heeren was brought in as upcoming attacking midfielder. The midfield wil now play with 3 man. This means that for the first time since I came at Hertha the team will not play with side attackers. It is an improvised choice but I think I have no other, unless the figure that Heeren never played that role as shadow attackter. This is gambling…It did work out, the field play was great and Heeren Excellent . However no goals

I was irritated by the radio comment.. Talking about Hertha again collapsing at the end of the season. Will the miss the title again, just as last year. Later they asked me the usual interview. I did not refused., I only said this is a result above expectations and good work of the team. If you will see it otherwise, then do it, and you don’t need me for that crap.. When I walked away and a new riot was born. The media was moaning about my behaviour. Well another riot this season.

Besides that, Leverkussen drawed also. This means the title is not far away. 7 points in front 3 games to go. One win is enough for the title..

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29 april 2023

Sachsen Leipzig -Union Berlin 0-1

Attendance: 7.425

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Orlando, Kreutzer, Schmitz , Kroll, Meyer , Heller (46. Schultz), Franke , Tanghe

90. 0-1 Orlando

Hoffman fit, and on the bench, injuried Dorner replaced by Orlando who played this position more this season. We have to go for a new final. Not much changed in the team, only Orlando compared with next week. Let’s see what we can do here.

A fine run by back Hummel with a beautifull assist to Kroll who shots over the goal. That was it from our side in the first half. Sachsen Leipzig did miss a chance for open goal. This is the prototype of a game with two struggling teams. I decide to bring in Schultz earlier as normal.

Schultz brought more balance and finally we started to play football. A handfull 100% chances wasted and lots of half chances but the ball would pass the line.. The field play was fantastic but that scoring. I decide to life with a 0-0, a poor result for a livingly game as in injuriy time, Tanghe was pushed to the ground… Penalty1 seconds to go and the way to grab 3 points. Orlando did not fail and so this story has an happy end. We are facing now spot 4 on only 1 point from no 2 Dresdner SC. They have tomorrows game in the pocket. Let’s see if they can handle the pressure..

24 hours letter it was clear that no 19 Wehen did its best but could not break Dresdner SC at their home grounds, a heavy fought 2-0 and they are back 4 points in the lead of us. Hoffenheim is 1 point away. The pressure upon to us is enormous. Union as the title favorite in a hard struggle for spot 2...


1. 32-73 Ansbach

2. 32-65 Dresdner SC

3. 32-62 Hoffenheim

4. 32-61 Union Berlin

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6 may 2023

Hertha BSC - Cottbus 6-0

Attendance : 60.322

Team (4-4-2) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Teichman, Gallego, Mertens , Djokovic , Opitz (72. Klein) , Heeren, Renard, Dietterle

15. 1-0 Dietterle

25. 2-0 Heeren

43. 3-0 Opitz

44. 4-0 Dietterle

56. 5-0 Mertens

74. 6-0 Kuhn

At first fine news. Andreas Koch is player of the month April; just as he was in February. This awards remarks people of something Hertha BSC. Monteiro colleted it in augustus and October, Renard in November.; from the nine awards, fife gone to my team…

It is fine to see we could pcik the title at home. What concerns a bit is that 4 days after Roma is awaiting for the champions league. If we waste tom much time on celebrations the game at Rome will come in danger. Also I will rest some players. Near the necessary Monteiro, also Horn and the complete midfield. Djokovic, Stein and youngster Mertens will give it a try. It Is now 2 games a week and the champions League is of major importance.

Rest is the keyword. The tactic will be 4-3-3 again, however with again no side attackers on the bench. Cottbus is awaiting.

The game turned easy. Lots of high balls on Renard who heads through to Dietterle and Heeren. 2 of such occasions created the openings goals. Some others ended in beautiness. Deep in the first half left back Kuhn made a rush to line, his assist ended by young midfielder Opitz, to score his first Bundesligagoal ever. From kick off we took the ball and a quick direct attack ended in the net by Dietterle. Don’t think Cottbus played weak; they perform on average and try to set up attacks; however our fresh team was superb…

The second half will be played the same way. And another Youngster sets the crown on this title game. Mertens give it a try with a 40m shot from the left. 5-0 So party time; everybody tried to do it his way. Kuhn tried it with it the same way as Mertens. A left back does not score much, but it is partytime… 6-0. His first goal ever…

We are the champions we are the champions! Oh great after titles with ADO den Haag, Club Brugge (2x), HSV, this is the fifth in my career. The last one, but nobody knows now. Goal 1 is reached, now the champions league.

The rank after this game.


1.32-67 (75-24) Hertha BSC

2.32-57 (47-26) Dortmund

3.32-57 (50-35) Leverkusen

4.32-52 (43-27) Cottbus

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7 may 2023

Union Berlin - Wuppertal 3-0

Attendance: 6.014

‘6. 1-0 Franke

54. 2-0 Franke

55. 3-0 Schultz

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Orlando (46. Weiss), Kreutzer, Schmitz , Kroll, Meyer (70. Keane) , Heller (46. Schultz), Franke , Tanghe

Sadly we took notice of yesterdays Dresdner SC game. Aalen took the lead with 2-1 but 2 late goals in the last ten minutes set the wrong squad in the lead; 2-3. What we hoped for so long dismissed; hopefully it will not dissociate my man. Wuppertal is no concern itself; especially in a home game! Anyway never change a winning team.

Frank shots in early after 5 minutes. But the game was not as easy as this predicts. Lots of tackling for both sides. Wuppertal did it the best, because we stopped to football unfeared. By rest Heller and Orlando seems to tired for another set of 45 minutes. Conditional we are not the strongest squad of this year. It can be a problem in the sub-policy. Now I have to use 2 with 45 to go. One day it could turn really wrong. It could be this day. 1-0 is not much and to make it worser it is not our best game. A win is necessary to collect spot 3 due to yesterdays Hoffenheim-draw. Lets see if we can keep this game save..

Within several minutes the game turned save. Freshly in Schultz sets Tanghe free in the box, the keeper came out and he passed deadly cool to franke for a simple shot in the empty goal. 2-0. 1 minute later Schultz did it for himself after a fine assist of upcoming back Hummel 3-0! This game is in the pocket Despite further attempts goalscoring did not happen anymore.

This game, this final is a winner; now we are at spot 3, still 4 points away from the desired spot 2. And I have to think of putting Schultz in the starting line up. He was excellent this afternoon. Only concern Meyer reached the maximum number of cards. Next week he is suspended; but Irish lad Keane can do that job properly. More worries about the yellow cards. Players Hummel, Heller, Schmitz and Schultz are ‘sharp’. I can not miss any of them without having a problem. Verl awaiting next week.

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10 may 2023

AS Roma - Hertha BSC 2-0

Attendance : 72.459

31. 1-0 Falcao

87. 2-0 Girolamo

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Teichmann, Koch, Anelka, Hildebrandt, Heeren, Renard, Dietterle

Semi finals champions leaugue. We will start in the strongest possible way. Without Monteiro, still on rest.

Lets see if last weekends rest to some players worked out well to keep them fit and concentrated. The problem in the front-line is the same as last games. No side attackers on the bench. Due to the fine play of last week and the good results I am full of confidence. No arrogance, as the press tried to claim. A bit in the way as I won the most cups of all managers , with already 3 clubs (a record). So I seem to breathe out being unbeatable. Lets hope this will not motivate Roma too much to rise above their level.

The first half hour was a real Italian game. This means Roma had the game they wanted. It seems nothing happened before the goal. As my scouts found out that is the Roma way. Suddenly they came out of the blue and can be deadly sharp. Horn noticed it too late, used the break in the box. Yellow card and penalty. Roma’s Star striker Falcao was firm. 1-0. Lucky enough the game countered a bit as he felt out with an injury, but we did not create chances at all. A hard game. Despite that I have not much alternatives in the attacking line up. And a 1-0 is no emergency. I decide not to gamble and not to change. A peptalk for my man to keep up the work for the next 45 minutes. I told them, be sure we will have that chance to score. Go for it.

Roma started with serious attempts for the 2-0 immediately after the break. 2 corners, a perfect direct played attack and it was still nothing. Side attackers Heeren and Dieterle could not come in the game. After 55 minutes it was up to them to set up our first attack of tonight. It ended with the offside of Dieterle. It was clear now, this game gonna be tough. Another dangerous shot on goal from the midfield of Roma made clear I have to change tactic to come back in the game. The sides were not ours. Heeren will be placed now as shadow attacker (or else said upcoming attacking midfielder) and Milde will replace Dieterle. I could replace Heeren and Dieterle however only one attack minded player on the bench. Heeren is more deadly in finishing and passing, so I have to gamble on one good moment from him. The sides are now empty in a 4-3-1-2 stance. We have to survive here. I can live with 1-0; but a 2-0 will bring us in real danger..

With 15 minutes to go it was still not clear if I turned the tide. The game goes as it comes for 75 minutes now. Nothing seems to happen, exactly the way Roma would play it. I decide to put in Van den Herik. He is a bit warm headed. Hopefully he can warm up the iron and create something. After 2 minutes he did sets up a very dangerous attack over the left which ended with a header from Renard. Our first attempt on goal tonight, however saved by the keeper. More important, we took the pitch now.. The game turned more open and it must said we created the space for Roma for counterattacks. Attack after attack followed, mostly set up by Van den Herik, and sometimes followed by a counter.. With 4 minutes left, a deadly counter of Roma was succesfull. Girolami was set in a 1 to 1 with keeper Olesen, normally his speciality. However Girolami did not mistake, 2-0. The final seems to be far away now.

In injury time we had the best chance of the night. Heeren sets himself free ; however an emergency tackle on his knees made an end of this serious attempt. To make it worse I had replace him due to this. I can only pray it is not too bad; otherwise no right wingers left for the return.

After the match I found out, he was out for 4 days and Anelka, the attacking anchorman of the midfield will be suspended. It will be very tough next week; simply we do lack fresh players with attacking attitude. So necessary to score 3 goals.

Dortmund - Brugge was a very livingly game ; it ended up a bit the way I predicted in a 2-2. But if we can face one of them in the final? I have my doubts. I have to set Monteiro back on training, earlier as I wished. Hoping he can be the joker in next weeks home game.

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14 may 2023

Koln - Hertha BSC 1-0

Attendance 25.589

81. 1-0 Peeters

Team (4-4-2):

Rathmann, Cue, Gruter, Djokovic (70. Stein) , Gallego, Opitz (70.) Peschel , Mertens, Klein, Van den Herik, Milde, Renard (70. Dietterle)

This game is about nothing. I decide to give all the key players except Renard (due to no replacement aviable) rest. In a 4-4-2 setting with only 2 attackers on the field and lots of reserve players. First choice left back Gruter is earlier fit as predicted. His season seems to be over in December. Here he can take some playing minutes. For this season Kuhn will appear first choice. The result does not matter, as long as the lads tried to play

The first half was dull; Koln tried to attack but simply failed . We did play as expected from a fresh champion after a difficult champions league game; a bit lacklustre. I decide not to change things.

Same happens till deep in the second half. After 70 minutes I came with a triple subsitution. IT did not change the game directly, but made the difference. Renard could take a rest; Youngster Peschel could pick up some minutes and Stein will be in the defense. As allrounder, he is capable to do so. However with 10 minutes to go he made a mistake on covering a striker, it lead to the 1-0 from Koln. We were not able to turn the game. The goal was to give rest to the players and play minutes for the reserves. This succeed of course, despite the first losing game in the league since early December. Cyril Renard took his 18th man of the match trophy this season, a club record. Over a few days Roma is waiting. The team seems to be a bit tired. Hopefully I can put the engine once at high gear. We need to score 3 goals to get into the finals. It will be difficult. And now some days left to work on a tactical master plan!

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14 may 2023

Verl - Union Berlin 0-0

Attendance: 3.210

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Orlando (46. Schroder), Kreutzer, Schmitz , Kroll, Keane(67. Hoffman) , Heller (46. Schultz), Franke , Tanghe

The problems came really in. Meyer (suspended) is now injury; Weiss planned in the starting line up, is out for the rest of the season. Light injuries to Schultz, and Franke. 4 players on sharp. Mentally we are fit; but the bodies starts to reject this heavy season just at the moment we have to go for the prizes.

Hoffenheim sets the pressure up to us, as they win their Friday night game to Wehen. This mean we have to win to stay 3th… It will not be easy in this settings. Especially since Verl needs the points too. On regulation spot 16 with a game in hand and 4 points after Schonberg, our next week opponent. What seems to be an easy serie of games can turn in a nightmare with both teams fighting regultion.

The first half turned in the predicted battle. Heller sets Franke free after 10 minutes, however he missed an easy one. This preludes to all what I was afraid for. A heavy battle were Verl was hard working for the points. WE have to win. But with a double blanc everything is open as the second half starts. I have to replace Heller and Orlando again in the rest. The usual stuff. With 1 sub left; and the not complete fresh Schultz in the line up, I can only pray that we can turn the tide. The midfield without Meyer seems to be not able to battle up Verl, lets hope Schultz can change that. However due to his lack of training hours (light injury some days ago), this is at risk…

After 5 minutes Schultz get a for him easy long distance strike, however he failed with a weak shot. This was not the Schultz manner.. It is gone be more difficult with the minute now.

A Verl counter made that clear Lange tricked Schroder and keeper Bley ; Kreutzer could pick the ball away from the line. This was the best attempt of the match and it was not from our side. I had to change and my toughts did go. I could set Schmitz on the centre midfield and bring in Hoffman as right midfielder. Or I could bring in Kopp on the centre midfield with the risk he is gonna be injuried soon..I doubt, and decide to wait till the 70th minute.

I decide to play with Hoffman and put the strong tackling Schmitz on the centre midfield, were Keane was more a stylish passer. He sunk, so I have to play combat. Line up unchanged. Hopefully this can break Verl. We will play Kamikaze with pressure now, of course. Despite our tiredness , necessary to break the game. It is all or nothing. We played with fire, Schultz, Schmitz can away with warnings. No yellow cards, which lead to suspension. The attackers sunk in this tight battle and we could not break Verl. 0-0 . Dresdner has a game in the pocket for tomorrow, a home game with Leverkusen U21. I can only pray they will lose, otherwise the gap will

be 6 points with 2 games to go…

Leverkusen did play a dramatically game in Dresden. Again Dresden did not play well under the pressure of a sensational promotion. Leverkusen took the lead twice, and two times it was Wolfgang Horn, who scored the equalizer. Leverkusen did go for the full 3 points but the game was a copy of last weeks game of our comeptitor: Horn scored his third 2 minutes in injury time. Dresdner SC did not sunk and survived with a hard fought 3-2

Coming Friday: Union Berlin - Dresdner SC. We have to win to keep a theoretical change. It is possible due to the last 2 struggles of Dresdner SC . Bur first we have to survive Schonberg on Wednesday , an early scheduled game due to our cup-final. 2 important games in two days. Obviously mission impossible. But hope keeps alive!

If we win both it means we will be point equale to Dresdner; with them having a difficult game with Paderborn in the pocket; goal difference can also be important. We have +30 due to a poor season start, Dresdner +33.

But this is hope speaking; realistically it is clear.. We will not promote and have to face the regional liga for another year!

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It is Wednesday and two important games for Berlin are coming up.

Will Hertha beat Roma? Will Union Survive Schonberg?

Two games which can make the difference between a good season and a season never to forget!

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17 may 2023

Hertha BSC -AS Roma 6-2

Attendance : 53.310

‘5. 1-0 Hildebrandt

13. 1-1 Battaglia

28. 2-1 Edson (own goal)

37. 3-1 Renard

64. 3-2 Battaglia

71. 4-2 Renard

74. 5-2 Monteiro

87. 6-2 Renard

Team (4-3-3) :

Olsesen, Kuhn, Vogel, Horn, Teichmann, Koch, Van den Herik, Hildebrandt, Heeren, Renard, Monteiro

The problems at fore hand. Anelka is suspended. Monteiro will play his first game this month after a necessary rest. Dietterle is light injuried; Van der Ent will not be fit but could play with the risk of a heavy injury. Kuhn seems to be not in form; But Gruter lacks rhythm to replace him safely. Van den Herik will replace Anelka. Dietterle will be on the bench without any serious training I will play 4-3-3

We start sharp. Monteiro was immediately unstoppable. After 2 minutes he achieved an assist by Kuhnshot on goal, corner. The corner itself lead to panic in the Roma defense, Monteiro was the source and hit down by his attempt to head the corner.. Penalty. With 3 minutes played, Hildebrandt could set the game on fire. He did not fail. 87 minutes to go for 2 more goals! Ten minutes later Olympia stadium turned down. Battaglia took profit of a passing mistake on the midfield with a superb shift over Olesen… 1-1.. We have to score 3 goals..For a quarter we were shocked.. Then a long ball from Horn over 80 meters ended up in a duel Heeren Edson, in panic Edson headed at his goalkeeper, however he missed! 2-1 in the lead. 2 minutes later another long ball of Horn leads to a stormy period. Renard missed with a hard header.. Again an attack and Montiero missed. A few seconds later another attack was set up as Van Den Herik reached the head of Renard. This time it was bingo! 3-1 after 35 minutes.. 1 goal to go now, 55 minutes left. Roma is under serious pressure now. We can do it

Roma survived till half ways. The stats were impressive. 12 shots on goal, 1 from Roma, 11 from us. It means Roma is deadly efficient. We have to be aware of a counter. But playing this way I can not change tactics. That necessary goal will come. 45 minutes to go now, the final is closer by as ever.

Desparatly we attacked. Attacks come and come on the Roma Goal. After one hour the possibly decision came. Heeren sets a good assist in the box. Renard missed and Roma put the ball away. Horn deeply penetrated on the midfield missed and sets Battaglia on a free way to the goal. Another shift over the keeper, and instead of 4-1 it is now 3-2.. Game over?

Immediately after kick off we set up an attempt however Horn glided away and Battaglia sets up for his third run on goal. This time Kuhn intercepted.. Nothing left now as playing kamikaze.

A long ball of Horn reached again Heeren.. Heeren sets up with a straight assist on Montiero. The keeper saved quickly but not properly! Renard took the bal falling from his hands in the rebound. 4-2! We are alive again..20 minutes to go

3 minutes later Roma defender Fernandez passed not adequate enough, Renard could intercept on the midfield and played quickly forward to Heeren.. Heeren rushed to the penalty spot as the keeper came out. His solution was perfect, a slow pass to the left, to Monteiro. A not to miss chance.. 5-2!

We set back to attacking stance to pressure up Roma, which team seems to get tired. Direct combination play from Hildebrand and van den Herik on the midfield, sets a deeply rushing Koch free.. A trademark shot from 25 meters.. Woodwork.. 15 minutes to go now. 15 tense minutes. 1 deadly counter from Roma and we’re out. One goal from us and we are sure!

78 minute Teichmann intercepted on another Battaglia counter, a long ball to Heeren, rushing up shot , saved by the keeper. A long kick to Battaglia again.. Again a rush to Olesen.. Oh noo. Not again. This time..Olesen was the boss.. Saved…

82 minute: Fernandez tries to correct his mistake with a free kick. Intercepted again and again Heeren in possesion, passing to a deeply rushing Renard. A hard strike, pushed away, rebound for Monteiro.. Saved.. Still no 6-2; and still chances for Roma. I grow 10 years older this game.. 8 minutes left and still not sure, what a heat, what a tense, what a fight..

86 minute Throw in Schettino.. Again Heeren intercepted. He really stood up last half hour.. A quick pass to Monteiro, a side cross to the left.. Montiero Rushing up in our counter attack, with Renard rushing to the penalty box. A fine pass to Renard, a one on one with the keeper. Renard tricked the keeper and scored.. Finally the final is in the pocket.. All tense left my body now and I could breath freely again.. What a fight, what a game.

In the following minutes both teams had a great change to score in a one on one. Both times the keepers were the boss. Only with confidence hard working and some luck we reached the final. To be honest the Italian keeper made two mistakes, and their defender Fernandez. We can only look back at 1 mistake; from Horn . However the mistakes did not make the difference. Even the efficieny was not the key; the key was the enormous amount of attacks we set up; always hungery, never in panic, it was enough to score the necessary goals.

In Brugge it was also party time, were the game was decided in the last half hour; with two Belgium goals,

The final will be Hertha BSC- Brugge. To me a dream final. I will face my old team; Club Brugge. The team were I performed my best season ever, with a treble, including a championship with 93 out of 102 points, a 61 goals scoring striker Wegmann and a remarkable final to Dortmund (5-0). As said earlier don’t underestimate them. Their scouting is the best you can imagine. They have a dozen of class players and a very good 4-4-2 attacking styled team. Two attacking teams will decide who will win this years cup with the big ears!

The hard working has its effects on Heeren, with a facial injury he will be out for 2 days. Who cares? Maybe 1860 the coming target over 2 days. We do not.. All players were really tired and need a rest this weekend. It is allowed.. Of course!

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17 may 2023

Schonberg - Union Berlin 1-1

32. 0-1 Kroll

78. 1-1 Peters

Red card: 52. Zimmer

Atendance: 2.360

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Dorner (79. Scholz), Kreutzer, Hoffmann (79. Heller) , Kroll, Schmitz, Schultz (64. Kopp), Franke , Tanghe

Meyer is injuried and keane did not function too well on the midfield. I will give it a try with Schultz and Schmitz on the centre midfield. Hoffmann is back as right winger. Reserve keeper Peters is injuried just as Weiss and Schroder are. Dorner is fit and back in the centre defense. At fore hand this lead to the strongest team possible. I have concerns on the long term fitness of all the players. Two games in three days is a bit much.

I have no choice

While Hertha and Dortmund playes for the final of the Champions League and whole Germany in the stadium or in front of the TV we have to much Schonberg. Load up the batteries one more time. As usual last weeks we started not with good football, it was again a battle against regulation candidate Schonberg. After half an hour Kroll made a rush over the left side and assist to Franke in the penalty box. Franke missed but kroll gets the rebound…The first chance of this game and immediately the so wanted goal! 0-1, we are in the lead

Halfways all the lads seems to be fit. It was not an excellent game but I do not see Schonberg to score easy. So tactics and team unchanged to face the last 45 minutes.

3 minutes on the way Schmitz gets a free kick. In the turbulence about that Tanghe gets a kick under his ash from Zimmer. Frustration and a red card to Schonberg.. This will make the game easier

It al seems to go as planned with Schonberg only defending. However a passing error from Hoffmann lead to a counter.Bley could save in first case but a rebound was left. Out of the blue it was 1-1 with 12 minutes to go..

A draw is not enough. I reacted immediately. Striker Scholz instead of defender dorner, Heller refreshing Hoffmann and a kamikaze pressure play for the rest of the game. With 1 man advantage and 12 minutes left we had to do something to achieve the so wanted win.

Nothing happened in the following minutes. So with 1 game left , it is now for sure we will not promote to the

second bundesliga. The so wanted climax against Dresdner SC will not be.

We had the best second seasonhalf of all teams, only a lose against Ansbach. WE came from a hopeless position with 12 points after the 2nd spot. But a fantastic second term of the season was not enough to achieve promotion.

Hopefully it will give the needed confidence for the cup final!


1. 34-75 Ansbach

2. 34-71 Dresdner SC

3. 35-66 Union Berlin

4. 34-65 Hoffenheim

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19 may 2023

Union Berlin - Dresdner SC 1-1

Attendance: 6.182

Team (4-2-2) :

Menzel, Vollmer, Jung, Schroder, Orlando, Berger, Petersen, Keane, Kopp, Fullaondo, Scholz

Yet 8 days on the encounter for the game of the year. The cupfinale. Long i hoped for a set of two games of the year. This one also. However the story is know, despite a good seconde seasonhalf we did not made ikt against regulator candidates Verl and Schonberg. That means this game is also the prelude for next week. All core players will get their rest. This due to 5 players sharp with yellow cards, some small injuries and of course all damage which can be done in this game. Still the team is representative for appereance in this league; some players were core members of the last year regulated team. However 12 months later the team is refreshed.

Most interesting point according to the local newspaper is our bench. Only 5 players on it. Why should I put here players who can risk suspension and other key players I will give a rest.

Special attention to the backs Vollmer and Jung. Both were first choice in the pre season. Vollmer with is 33 yrs is very loyal to the club and next season will be his last. He lacks speed but is a usefull back up and more important mentor to the team. Jung is young as the name said, full of talent but could not translate all his capacities in decent matches. The 2 strikers are both talented teenagers. Enough ingredients to garantuee a surprising game…

A series of good attacks over the wings follows and in the 19th minute it lead to a run from left by Petersen ending in the box with a dry shot 1-0!. The first half was livingly in the Friday night rain on a fresh field.

Not that too many great things happened, but it was about two teams give it a try.

The first serious attempt of the Dresdner came after one hour. A splitting pass to the 16meter line followed by a direct hard shot on, no in, the goal… 1-1

In the last 20 minutes Dresdner set everything on attack with 3 subs, a figure not unknown her, it turned the tide a bit but not enough to be inpressed or get in panic. No more goals scored and a strange season is over.

Too go short. In the winter we were on great distance from the spots 1 and 2. To much games lost, especially from regulation candidates. The necessary input of a new keeper (with long term injuries of the no 1 and 2) was named Bley; the greatest prospect of this league. Defender Kreutzer, a U-21 international and the defense became solid as a rock.. Finally with better performing attackers it leads to this a bit frustration final of the season. Next week is the last round. We have to play for a greater deal. The german cup. And we have a good chance to win it. It is now or never… So with 67 points out of 36 we are no at spot 3., but a spot 4 will be more likely:

As first team of this league we are finished..


1. 34-75 Ansbach

2. 35-72 Dresdner SC

3. 36-67 Union Berlin

4. 34-65 Hoffenheim

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20 may 2023

1860 Munchen - Hertha BSC 3-1

‘8 1-0 Batista

51. 2-0 Batista

90. 3-0 Hofmann

90. 3-1 Gallego

Attendance : 45.071

Team (4-3-3) :

Rathmann, Cue (62. Becker) (65. Klein) , Gruter, Djokovic, Gallego, Mertens, Anelka (62. Peschel) , Opitz, Van der Ent, Dietterle, Milde

The complete Roma squad will have a rest. It is a bit too much asked to travel up to Munich, so close after such a tense and tiring night. Van der Ent is back from injury and can make his minutes her. On the bench lots of youth players, more as usual ..

For Munich there is also nothing to deal about. Their team is save for regulation. So the game is for the record.

The first half was livingly with for both teams 5 enormous chances and one goal. On assist of Freddy Adu - The cult legend of cm4 hahaha- batista scored; obviously 2-2 should be a more realistic score for this half.

The second half was as livingly as the first one. And brought more goals; a bit this game deserves. Two teams playing full attack just to attrack the visitors. Pro for us was the first goal ever for Gallego in 4 seasons and 74 games. Con the 180 seconds lasting performance of right back Becker before he gets injuried..


The end ranking (top 8)

1. 34-67 Hertha BSC


2. 34-63 Dortmund

3. 34-58 Leverkusen

4. 34-57 Braunsweig


5. 34-56 1FC Koln

6. 34-53 M’gladbach

7. 34-53 Nurnberg


8. 34-52 Cottbus

Notice title defender Dortmund took 63 points , the same number as last year. Nurnberg, the champs of 2 years ago ended u 7th just enough to secure UEFA cup football After last years Dortmund, Hertha BSC is the weakest champion ever, messured at the 67 points Cottbus will not return in European football due to a 1-2 lost UEFA cup final at Manchester United.

The personal titles included:

- Werner Wasserlich , Manager of the year

- Markus Horn, 2nd German player of the year

- Christian Olesen, 3th Goalkeeper of the year

- Phillipe Anelka, 3th Midfielder of the year

- Cyril Renard, Attacker of the year and Topscorer Bundesliga

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Prelude to The Cupfinal

The Road to Olympia stadium

Preussen Munster

Regional division south , spot 13

Round 1. Munster - Werder Bremen (bundesliga), 1-0

Round 2. Munster - Duisburg (2nd bundesliga), 1-0

Round 3. Munster - Cottbus (bundesliga) , 2-1 e.t.

Q. final. Munster - 1860 Munchen (bundesliga), 2-0

S. final. Munster - Aalen (reg. Div. South), 3-2

Target man :Stephan Ahrens, scoring goals in all matches except the semi final; however suspended for the final

Union Berlin

Round 1. Union - VFB Stuttgart (bundesliga) 5-1

Round 2. Regensburg (reg. Division south) - Union, 0-4

Round 3. Union - Braunschweig, 5-0

Q. final. Karlsruhe (2nd Bundesliga) -Union, 0-1

S. final Union Berlin - Hannover 96, 2-1 e.t.


Fact 1:

The miraculues way of Union.

In their first cupgame Union scored 5 goals against Bundesligateam Stuttgart; unlikely because in all previous league matches Union scored zero goals.

Braunsweig was at the time of the cupgame aginst Union,the no 2 of the bundesliga. Karlsruhe defeated Hertha with 3-1 in round 1 but lost on a late goal (89') from Union. However it can be decided with much more tense and drama in the last minutes. In the following game, Hannover missed a penalty in the last second of the game. That ball stopped by reserve goalie Mentzel- who did stop penalties twice in earlier cupstages-. In extra time a completely tired Union could score with 10 man left, 4 injuries including keeper Bley and of course only 3 subs

Fact 2:

Munster did play al its cup games at home, for the first team they will travel ‘away’

Fact 3:

The winner will represent Germany in the UEFA cup. For the first time in history a regional liga team will take that honours.. Munster saved from regulation on the last play round..

Fact 4:

Berlin has 2 profesional clubs. Last year it was Hertha BSC taking the cup. A win by Union will mean the cup stay in the same city.by another club; for the first time in history.

Fact 5:

Danny Tanghe, the 25 yrs old Belgium striker from Union is the only player who knows what it is to win a cup. With 3 cup victories at Club Brugge and 1 at HSV he can be called experience. Detail is that he is now on loan from Hertha BSC, were his HSV cup was also created during a loan (From Club brugge)

What says the bookmaker?

Union Berlin is favorite in a light way (5:4), where Munster quotes 7:4; however a draw after 90 minutes seems to be the most likely score (11:5)

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27 may 2023

Cup final (DFB Pokal)

Union Berlin - Preussen Munster 2-0

Attendance: 42.305

65. 1-0 Franke

67. 2-0 Kroll

Red Card : 67. Haas

Team (4-2-2) :

Bley, Hummel, Reck, Dorner, Kreutzer, Schmitz , Kroll, Meyer , Schultz, Franke , Tanghe

We know that Munster usually plays a 3-5-2 system and that their best target man Ahrens is suspended.

Freshly rested out, we have only the long term injury of reserve defender Weiss. Other reserve defender Orlando is also light injuried and will miss the game. No suspensions. We can play in the strongest formation. No tactical changes. We are ready to do it. Schultz will be in the starting line-up instead of Heller. Schmitz will start on the right midfield. Not the best passer but we could use his combat skills.

The first 15 minutes were all about nerves . Nothing happened , Schultz opened the match as a match with a long distance shot , meters over the goal. A half filled Olympia stadium most of them Union supporters, took a seat for the game now and really did not see anything else as a combating game. The Schultz attempt was the only highlight of the first half.

The second half was the same untill the hour mark was passed. Conditionally Munster seems to get advantage but in their will to create a change they passed to central defender Kreutzer. With a 50m pass he reached Tanghe who directly passed to a rushing Frank. Firmly he lanced a deadly striker to the lower left edge of the goal… which hitted the net…. Finally something happened and the game was open. Union in the lead

A minute later, direct midfield pashing leads again to Tanghe. He tried to get a penalty as more happened this season and the flabbergasted Munster made that foul.. The pressure was up to Kroll to decide the game.. He did 2-0. To make it easier, centre defender Haas gets a red card.. Munster already used their 3 subs and will face real troubles now. What follows was cat and mice and 1 offside goal of us.. The most magic moment to celebrate this cup victory came in minute 77 with a treble substituin. One of the incoming players was Good Old Torsten Vollmer. A bit too slow to operate in the core 11; but with his 34 yrs he will retire after 16 years serving Union. This was his tribute for such a long period. A loyal club player came in and will say goodbye with the first and only prize in his carreer. I don’t think he expected such a farewell at the start of the season…

The cup is ours. Union rules for 1 day over berlin! Union wins the cup.. What a sensational feeling in my first season as trainer.. And t win this with a regional league team. Amazing! Who cares about Hoffenheim that grabbed ’our’ third spot in the league at the same moment no one! We have to celebrate this fully, realizing this is a real succes on occasion!

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TV Interview Von Spree

A tough not briliant game brought the cup for the first time to Union Berlin

Here an tv interview with Von Spree, several minutes after the ref. blown the last whistle


- Thank you, this feels amazing; great

“What a succes, your team is in the spotlight nowâ€

- of course the media is now interested in my team, in the way I worked. We had the confidence for today really It was now or never. You could see both teams felt the same way. You can see that back in the way the game develops. Tough, hard working, combat, not many chances. Everything was put in this game to win. I must be realistic that both teams are no top teams, so a game with an overdose of goof football can not be expected. But that is also the source of cup football, sometimes it is more about surviving and we have good experience with surviving in earlier cup matches. Nevertheless we deserve the atttention just as Munster does..

“talking about Munster, you don’t seem to be afraid of themâ€

-Well of course I was sharp, I know their qualities. For games of this importance a view on the table is not enough. Munster struggled regulation just as we fought for promotion. It all means both teams knows what it is to fight in a match, find new breethe even if the football played is not the way hoped for. Maybe that is the best explaination, also for the first hour of today’s game. I was not so keen on the result, of course I know my man, knew they will give everything, but the same figure counts for Munster. In this kind of games it is not strong to show any kind of fear at forehand; get an underdog role will be rare, we played in our own city…

“the city was full of Union last weeksâ€

Yup, that is our advantage. Since April this final was talk of the town. Berlin is a big city but real football succes is not really a habit here; this is definitely not like Munich, Dortmund and so on were it all cames more naturally. I don’t know what made the people choice for us. Maybe it is the small size of the club , our blanco palmares that made the people choice for us in great numbers. A bit adding to the lack of succes over the years here in football. For Union this is more on occasion, just like people are used too. For Hertha their succes was more expected and not really a surprise, more unlike berlin peope are used too. Look at the 35.000 people supporting us today; most of them do not visit our stadium regulary, but this occasion wont be missed. Maybe that is not correct but it feels so

“anyhow, it is your first year as managerâ€

- yup, when I came in the pain of regulation was still felt. The club was also in deep financial troubles. It was all about clean sweeping. All the ways we, the club, put our shoulders under it and survived. The club is now healthy both in sportive and financial ways. It was not easy; but there was no other choice as working for a future or ending up profesional football. Looking at sportive side I had to build a complete new squad. Lots core players were too old to build upon for coming 3 years. It means I had to find out and build a new team, and also experience how it worked out. Strangely enough the cup matches did go superb where the competition was a real problem isue tll the winter. Also the new coming players, such as Frank and Keane and the hertha loaners Tanghe, Hoffmann and Schultz had to be implanted in a team, all was necessary to build a team and it was so difficult to build and also to work to results. Till the winter the balance in the defense was not great , we lost too many games on that issue

“talking about Hertha, you cooperate with them?â€

- we do.. Since Wasserlich is the manager they had an eye on the top players here. A guy like Renard is the sample; for years he shots his goals for union, just as the way the picked up defensive midfielder Opitz. They could all come for low funds and did weaken the sportive basement in the second bundesliga. It was kanibalism and Wasserlich realized that it would lead to nothing. Credits to him. He works with a young team, balanced with older experienced players, but the opportunities for youth to come in the core 11 decreased seriously since he tried to build up a top team. He saw the potential of Union as a sort of source to give that youngster experience; were it will bring us lots of top talents.

“and how about the Dorner and Kroll transfers?, can you explain us more"

- Well I know what you mean. It sounded strange to many people Why should Hertha pay 10 million Euro for a 26 years old winger and a 18 year old rookie in the centre defense. It was of course also a bit a way to help us getting financial healthy. We needed that money, but Wasserlich assured me it has a sportive side to. Kroll is a very good winger and could be necessary in his plans for next year; you’ve seen the problems Hertha deals with , by a lack of wingers in their selection. Any how for a talent as Dorner it is given to play much games and he does not have to move out of the city. The same figure do count for Schultz and Hoffmann; for teenager it is always a dark bid when they move. It gave us to opportunity to work with talented and good players and secured also that they will not be picked away for a too low transfer bids; it does really differ if a club has to negotiate with Hertha or small Union. For the players it is also much easier, they know they can prove here their qualities raise their skills, knowing Hertha is following them keen. For coming season, I hope to loan more youth players and I expect one or 2 options or transfer bids from Hertha. It is now problem. It all gives us the security of a continue stream of young great talents..always a pleasure to work with

“how about you , next seasonâ€

- I will stay at Union of course. This first year was so difficult but also an excellent learning school. Look I am 35, have won one piece of silverware..

“that is much more as the most managers..â€

- That is true but I does not mean I am ready for a top club anyhow.. I have to learn and I really like the atmosphere at Union. Which regional club can commit 6.000 supporters each game; and how about the 18.000 last January when we played a friendly with Hertha. It all means football is more alive in this city as predicted, it all makes it lovely to work here.

“how about Union next seasonâ€

- We are not in the position to look for great transfers, and it is not in the way the club now sets as policy. ?We will look for young and experienced players. A bit the way like last winters transfers of keeper Bley and centre defender Kreutzer. Both are in their earlier 20’s and can be called hot prospects, tomorrows Bundesliga players. For them it is a new experience., even if it means they play already in the regional liga. A bigger audience and the possibility to get in view by a top club; a bit the way Renard proved in last 2 seasons at Hertha. We have to work on an image as ideal step up for the real work.

“and the UEFA cup?â€

- we will face that cup, possible we loan 2 or 3 players more now from Hertha to broaden the squad. We will need that because we will also give it a try with defending the cup. It will not mean we will now look for 2 or 3 big names from the bundesliga or other competitions just to be more competitive in the UEFA cup. That is an one time cccasion, ever next year it will be all normal and hopefully again in the second bundesliga. Anyhow, realistically we talk about older players and it is never sure if they are still hungry..

“Oliver Huber?â€

- Yup I have an eye on him, I know his is troubled with Wasserlich . He is 33 and has lots of experience; I mean he was the captain when Germany won the world cup (2018). But we have to wait and see. He could be a nice add for the UEFA cup next year. It will solute Hertha from new problems in his last contract year. On the other hand if a club wants to buy him, we do not have many chance on this issue.

“champaign taste goodâ€

- Hahaha I don’t drink champaign..

“the boys in the dressing room are calling you nowâ€

- To drink champaign..I know.. Gimme a beerr..

***at that moment several players emptied 2 liter glasses of beer over Von Spree in front of the TV camera’s. It means end of interview!

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add to the interview

Short explaination on the question about the

Dorner -Kroll transfer:

Union has been in debt for 10 million

Hertha (Wasserlich) would cooperate with Union and had paid too low prize in recent future for Union talents. The solution. Hertha paid 5million each for both players and loaned them immediatly back to Union.

Other detail and not known by the journalist. Union had an eye on striker Tanghe but could not afford his wages demands. Therefore Hertha signed him on a 'bosman' and loaned him immediatly to union

Short Explaination about Oliver Huber

This question refers to the greatest football gossip and rumour of this season.

Huber came 2 yrs ago from Cottbusto Hertha as experienced midfield or defense anchorman. Wasserlich worked with him at the german team with succes. And to both satisfaction. His arrive was in the Wasserlich tradition to transfer 'known' players which who he worked earlier; for knowing skills and characters.

However it went wrong. When in october november the latins Rivas and Constantini asked for the scalp of Wasserlich, Huber was not loyal; choiced openly their side in an interview with Bild Zeitung. It means the end of Huber as player; in the winter he gets loaned out for six months to Salzburg, where Rivas was sold to Everton. Constantini's contract will expire next month so from the gang of 3, only Huber has a contract lasting next year. A come back is not possible. So he has to be transfered or loaned out. Von Spree knows that. Just as the German press does, they published lots of articles about the gang of 3 vs Wasserlich f.e. headlines "will Wasserlich be whipped by his star-players"

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27 may 2023

At the Hertha stadium

(Wasserlich watches TV)

In his diairy

“I noticed that Union picked up the cup, take over us. It is good that they do so; because it means alot to all those who are loaned to them. I don’t care about the city of Berlin. I am born in Leipzig and Leipzig really suffers lack of prizes. Once i’d give it a try; but more as the semi finals could not be reached.

However i am angry for that optimistic talk from Von Spree about loaning players and buying talents. He thinks it is structural for Hertha BSC. Well the board here was not really satisfied with the way I dropped players at Union. It was that I stand for that plan and could defend it. A new trainer here and it can be past again. What is left then for him? No transfer budget, no loaners from us and missing his key players Kroll, Dorner and Tanghe.

This option is serious, I still feel sure about my decision to quit

Anyhow I doubt when I will tell it. I already announced media silence for the coming champions league final. I am afraid that I will say to much, give a clue leading that I will quit. Even that I am not quite sure when. It can be immediately after the final or I can wait to 14 june when Ireland will face Germany. As national manager of Germany I really felt. What is better as leaving in a national game against them? Or should I wait till the start of next season? I don’t know what is the moment to tell it to the board? How will they react, I know they will take it not easy even if we lost from Club Brugge.

The supporters stopped moaning this month. Just as I predicted.. Once we have our bundesliga title, they are satisfied. Didn’t they notice the poor away games in april? Nope , they celebrate. And the press.. Well no one noticed it could be my last game. If they face facts they could know. My first job at ADO lasted 5 years, 1 to much; the last year was a bummer. Where I intend to stay for 3 yrs and signed up for the last periods by year. Since then I set that 3 years as hard maximum. Leipzig, Werder, Club Brugge, HSV, all following clubs were for 3 years. Good I give it a try with a 4th year in Bremen but that was no succes, as I had to run away at the end of the season before I get sacked. Didn’t they notice I can do a job for max 3 years ? They don’t. Didn’t they notice I left Club and HSV after winning a title and the champions league? Winning silverware will not guarantee I will stay; it means I set the crown on my work.. Time to go then.. The press did not notice, they are talking about the final, what players will leave, if Metzelder will stay as assistant. But about me, lucky enough no word... It will be a shock for all, fans, board and press. Where were they in October when I faced troubles with players and fans already agreed with sacking me. I did not forget that… I am bitter. Berlin is not my city and I never really felt much love her. Yup.. Iambitter, maybe because my wife will divorce to. Berlin, City of the world and she claims I found another man, working so hard and so nicely.. WOW great for her.

I have seen enough in my home country. I will stop unless a fine club from Holland will offer me a job… I like being at ADO. I start my career there. My children were born there. I am gracefull for that. I can grow old in germany, but I feel I have to stop. Only a good offer from Holland can change mind. Not for the results.. Just 1 year for the fun playing 4-2-4 or 2-4-4; super attacking. Could be good therapy; leaving football and my wife leaving? Why should I stay in my country? Waiting for gossip magazines, newspapers?

I took my decision, I will move to Holland. Just to breathe out and get relaxed. If a club from there knocks on the door. Oke I will do it, even if it is Veendam, Telstar or another complete nobody team Be sure they don’t give it a try, thinking I am too expensive or only in for a top club.. One game to go as club coach and I can feel retired.

What started with a cup game from ADO at Den Bosch, whit a dramatic defeat in the last minute, will end with a Champions League final in Belgrado.. Now I know the title for my diaries in book from: from Den Bosch to Belgrado. "

Do we see a man doubting about his decision to quit. We do. Even a 4th year at Hertha can be possible. As he is hanging around in the past with my max. of 3 years. But we also see a bitter old man.. Anyhow the Berlin spring has had its second highlight. After the title for Hertha , it is Union taking the cup. One game left for this most memorable Berlin Football Spring!

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28 may 2023

Lets build up to the last game of this story. It is a story about a spring; with the end of an old and bitter coach and the rise of a New young coach, both in Berlin.

Wasserlich will coach the last game of his career; at least as club coach. A career that starts in 2002, lasting 21 year. Of course there are coaches who did the same, but how many players did do the same.

Here a rare overview of those oldies with long lasting careers.

Players active from 2002 till 2023

Murillo (AFC Ajax) - DC (Brazil (Brazilian 79 caps)

Aged 35, Starts his career at Victoria but played for 19 seasons at Ajax.

Anthony leTallec (Liverpool) -SC (France 66 caps, 24 goals)

Aged 38. Started his career at Le Havre is now playing coach at Liverpool; winner of champions league and added in dream team world cup 2014

Kasper Lorentzen (Valencia)- AM L/A L (Danmark 83 caps, 3 goals)

Aged 37. Started at Brondby, winner world cup 2010, world cup dreamteam 2010 and 2018; a legend in Danmark

Pedro Aurojo (Manchester United)- DL (Portugal 79 caps, 2 goals)

Aged 38. Started at Sporting B, is now player coach. Record transfer in 2012; Hertha BSC paid 46 million euro. Never collected silverware

Landrey Bonnefoi (Juventus) - GK (France 0 caps)

Aged 39, lifelong reserve keeper at Juve

Sebastian Frey (Arsenal) - GK (9 caps)

Aged 43(!), France started in 1997 at Cannes, made name and fame at Parma and Inter; first Keeper this season. Winner of champions League, UEFA cup and Intertoto. European keeper of the year 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, A legend in the posts!

Rudy Carlier (Dortmund) - SC (21caps 4 goals

Aged 37. Started at cannes like Frey in 2001; made name and fame in france and his vintage days at Dortmund, winner German cup, Bundesliga.

Marco Pauloni (Inter) - GK (Italy 0 caps)

Aged 39,Italian. Started at Rome in 2001, switched later to Inter, Winner of Uuefa cu, championsleaugue . Another goalkeeping legend

Vladimir Bogdanovic (Schalke 04)- DR/DMR (Yougoslavia 53 caps, 1goal)

Aged 36, started in 2001 at Red Star Belgrado, had his best moments in Berlin at Hertha. The german cup of 2021 is his only silverware

Mark Yeates (Spurs) - AM R/A R (Ireland 49 caps)

Aged 38, life lasting at the spurs; cult hero in London

Wayne Henderton (Aston Villa) - GK (Ireland)

Aged 39, since this season back at the nest were he started in 2001. Played 20 seasons for Kingz in Australia

Joe Murphy (W.B.A) - GK (Ireland 21 caps)

Aged 41., started at Tranmere and now 20 seasons at WBA

Oskitz Estfania (Dortmund)- AMC (Spain 22 caps, 12 goals

Aged. 41 Started at Socediad and is now assistant coach in Dortmund and officially still player. Winner of German Cup, UEFA cup and German player of the year in 2017

Otto Frederickson (M’gladbach) - GK (Finland 66 caps)

Aged 41. Player/coach , started in ‘97 in finland since 2001 at glad Bach, 641 official matches. German keeper of the year in 2009, 3th in 2021

Mark Wilson (1860) - DC/DMC (Scotland 67 caps, 6 goals)

Aged 38, player/coach at 1860 now, started his career by Dundee Utd

Kleopas Giannou (Hannover 96) - GK (Greece 103 caps)

Aged 41. Started in 99 at Olympiakos. Made name and fame at AEK and Hannover, 602 official matches, winner 2006 world cup. A legend

Rui Pedro (Wolfsburg) - GK (Portugal 9 caps)

Aged 42. Started career at Espinho. Some silverware and worked for 2 months with Wasserlich, who transferred him from HSV to Wolfsburg

Robert Huth (Schalke 04) - DC (Germany 52 caps)

Aged 38. Player coach, started long ago at Hertha. Worked together with Wasserlich at the national team, winner of 2018 Worldcup, Euro 2020. , Olympic games, 2 UEFA cups, 3 German cups.

Hatem Ben Arfa (VFB Stuttgart) -A L (France 5 caps)

Aged 36, started at Lyon.

Daniel Haas (Trier) - GK(Germany, 52 caps)

Aged 39, started career at Frankfurt made name and fame at Hertha for 15 seasons. Worked with Wasserlich at the national team and Hertha, where he was reserve in the first year. Winner Euro 2020.

Micheal Malcolm (Leicester) - A L (England)

Aged 37. Started in 2000 at the spurs.

Alan O’Brien (Leicester)- M R (Ireland 7 caps)

Aged 38. Started in 2002 at Newcastle. . Since 2005 a Leicester legend.

Kostas Mendrinos (Olympakos)- AM R (Greece 24 caps)

Aged 38. Lifelasting career at one club. Now player coach, winner world cup 2006. A club legend. Worked With Wasserlich at the national team in 2015

Vito (Sporting)- D R (Portugal)

Aged 35. Started in 2002 at Varzim. Made his name in Portugal

Borut Semler (AEK) - A RC (Slovenia 77 caps, 47 goals)

Aged 38. Player coach at AEK. Started career in ’97 turned into real European gypsy; played in lots of european competitions.

Nigel de Jong (AZ)- D/DM RLC (Netherlands, 108 caps, 12 goals)

Aged 39. Spend almost 20 seasons at Ajax, winner of the UEFA cup, Silver medal at word cup 2010. 9x dutch champion, 7 dutch cups.. Now player/coach at AZ.

Oliver van Impe (Club Brugge) -GK (Belgium)

Aged 39, started in 1997 at Denderleeuw, played for ages at AA Gent and is succedor of Olesen at Club; but in a role of reserve. Detail; both will meet for the first time at coming match.

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29 may 2023

A report of Club Brugge.

Club has history. In 1976 they played their first CL finale, a lost one. Long it seems to be the only occasion at this cup. However with Werner Wasserlich , they took the cup in 2017. Now it is the third final for our Belgium friends; as were it is Hertha’s First one. How did Brugge come so far?

The Road to Belgrado: Club Brugge

Group A Champions League

AC Milan - Club Brugge : 2-1

Club Brugge - Liverpool : 3-0

Braunsweig - Club Brugge: 0-2

Club Brugge - Braunsweig: 3-3

Club Brugge - AC Milan: 3-1

Liverpool - Club Brugge: 0-1

2nd round

Glasinac - Club Brugge: 1-2

Club Brugge - Glasinac: 4-0

Quarter Final

Juventus - Club Brugge: 0-2

Club Brugge - Juventus: 0-0

Sem final

Dortmund - Club Brugge: 2-2

Club Brugge - Dortmund: 2-2

Important Players

Topscorer is an African called Peter, with this season 35 goals. Don't know much about him

The midfield and defense are still based on the Wasserlich Fundaments. Who are the topplayers know by Wasserlich?

- Van Puyvelde was in 2017 an excellent reserve keeper, now top class, excellent reflex

- Alfonso* is one of the best defenders in the world, this Belgium is quick, can head, an tactical very strong

- Vermeiren*, Attacking Rightback for years, now at age

- Edwin Dekker, the Dutch centre defender, succedor of Markus Horn, last Wasserlich signing.. Allround

- Oliver Claes, an original dribble back. Left back with the best dribble in the world

- Geert Melis*: quick and intelligent attacking midfielder , famous for his rushes

- Jan Heylen*: Left winger, intelligent, good assist. Came under Wasserlich from GBA, very experienced

- Kurt de Clerq*. Young powerhouse for attack or midfield work on the sides, a bit slow, not clever

- Alain Geraerts*, now aged left attacker. Intellegent, technique and team captain.

Players marked with * did play in the 2017 final..

The team of Brugge faces some injuries, especially in the front linie. Genius Geraerts suffer a light injury. But will play. Heading striker Gregoire, is out; so we don’t have to calculate on this Horst Hrubesch-like supersub. Young Right winger Nick Van Dooren is also out just as the original Left back Dirk Peeters,, a Belgium international. However I rate now expected to play Claes higher due to his superb dribbling.

Brugge became champion, just like us. So two fresh champs will face each other. Coach is Stephane de Mol ; a 4-4-2 style is likely. Exactly in the same way as the 2017 with 2 winger midfielders rushing to the lines for assists. One attacking midfielder and upcoming back … Very attacking and quick players necessary to do so; they have. Especially Melis is one to target.. He is quick , makes kilometres and set up attacks in all forms, for short passing till long balls or direct passing.

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A correction note: Brugge did win their semi final at home with 2-0 of course.

30 may 2023

A report of Hertha BSC

It is the first European final in the history of the club. However not for the coach, and a bunch of players.

Wasserlich did take the Champions League with Werder (2014), Club Brugge (2017) and HSV (2020). With HSV he also took the UEFA cup (2019). As national manager with Germany he won the World cup 2018 and Euro 2020.

So by lack of history . Which players did take a cup?: Christian Olesen (Brugge), Thomas Rathman (Werder), Timo Vogel (Brugge, HSV0, Markus Horn (Brugge), Markus Dietterle (HSV), Djokovic (HSV). The last one is not allowed to play. Further Van der Ent was present in the national team in 2020. So The club has no history, but the players does. How did Hertha come so far:

The road to Belgrado: Hertha BSC

Group H Champions League

Hertha BSC - Porto: 3-1

Rosenberg - Hertha BSC: 2-5

Ajax - Hertha BSC: 2-2

Hertha BSC - Ajax : 1-0

Porto -Hertha BSC: 2-1

Hertha BSC- Rosenborg: 6-0

2nd round

Deportivo - Hertha BSC: 0-3

Hertha BSC - Deportivo: 4-0

Quarter final

Inter - Hertha BSC: 1-3

Hertha BSC - Inter: 3-0

Semi final

AS Roma - Hertha BSC: 2-0

Hertha BSC - AS Roma: 6-2

The squad is fully fit. No injuries. Tomorrow I will announce and introduce the team including its reserves.

Till October the tactic was 4-4-2 (or 4-2-4 depend on how you see it). Since then it is 4-3-3.

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Introducing the team 4-3-3

1. GK Christian Olsen (30 yrs, Danmark, 47 caps)

Goalkeeper, some said the best in the world.. Trackrecord 390 games played, 304 goals

Came to Hertha at a record fee of 16 million Euro in 2020

2. DR Timo Vogel (28 yrs, German, 28 caps)

Over-average but hardworking back, left and right. Someone has to do the dirty work

15. DL Martin Kuhn (28, German)

Berlin born Kuhn is originally the reserve at this position due to injury of the first choice he took his chance. Good long ball

4. DC Sven Teichmann* (26, German 14 caps)

Solid in man marking with creative genius , likes to come up for attacking, esp. at corners.. Berlin born

5. DC Markus Horn (28, German 46 caps)

Captain of the national team, very quick defender.with great action radius, excellent zone defender, heading specialist. Came in 2021 from Brugge for 18 million Euro

21.DMC Andreas Koch (30, German 7 caps)

Hard working defensive midfielder with deadly long distance shot. Joined first the German nationals in 2022 before he stepped up to a bundesliga team; we bought him for 350k from Wattenscheid

77. AMC Philiepe Anelka (24, Belgium, 24 caps)

Playmaker , excellent assist and great action radius. Has passwork is the keyword

33. MC Frank Hildebrandt (33, Germany, 12 caps)

Veteran midfielder with great action radius , good technique and creative. Ideal between defense and attack. Came this summer from VFB Leipzig for 1 million euro; discoverd at the YA there by Wasserlich..

10.AR Frank Heeren (21, Germany, 11 caps)

More as a hot prospect, Techincal excellent right-wing attacker, hard working and noise for goals. Joined us from Duisburg in the winter 2020/2021. Last years club topscorer

23. SC Cyril Renard (28, Germany, 11 caps)

Came in 2021 from Union Berlin as reserve striker. Cyril is quick and strong, theoretically not the best finisher, but this years no 1. ; will turn to topscorer

21. AL Filipe Montero (21, Belgium, 22 caps)

The pearl of our academy. Filipe born in Brussels grow up in Berlin. Can be compared with great names of the past like Arjen Robben or Johan Cruijff. Quick, good technique, eye for the goal, smart, high finishing qualities and a fine dribble. A team player and individualistic player with ‘the action’. Can also play on midfield or in 4-4-2 together with Heeren a world copple. On concern: can not play to many matches in row

The Bench

29. GK Thomas Rahtmann (29, Germany)

Excellent reserve keeper

14. D/DM RLC Jens Stein (28, Germany)

Hard working an sober midfielder with defense qualities. Joined for 350k from Gutersloh in 2020

23. DC Jose Gallego (23, Germany, 1cap)

Left feeted defender, good man marker, quick and good all-round defender.. More as hot prospect. Joined the nationals last summer as I supervised that squad, picked up 1 cap at that euro tournament

44. AM RC Peter van der Herik (22, Holland)

Hot propsect, very talented and tempramentfull attacking midfielder , no individualist but more a set up player

7. AM L/A L Micheal Dietterle (27, Germany)

Sober hard working left winger with excellent technique and good assist. Not a goalscorer. Via Oldenburg and HSV to here .. First transfer in 2020, for 3 million euro. Back up for Monteiro

6. A RLC Henk van der Ent (21, German , 19 caps)

Very techniqual and creative attacker, good finisher, great assist. Has creative moments. Operates normally as winger; also in a 4-4-2 when he comes up from the midfield.

24.DM RC Sebastian Opitz (18, German)

Hot prospect , very good long distance shot hard working

Not selexted but mentioned to worth

26. GK Per Olsen (26, Danmark, 1 cap)

Very good goalkeeper, standinn

43. Zjelko Djokovic (30, Yugoslavia, 56 caps)

Came this winter from HSV , technical player with good assist, sometimes at bit lazy but very experienced.

Not allowed to play, already played in Europa with HSV

22. SC Mathias Milde (26, Germany, 2 caps)

Hard working striker, however powerless, not strong enough in duels. Usefull sub but did not brought what I hoped for. Came in 2020 from Frankfurt, as topscorer 2nd bundesliga and hot prospect..

37. DL Hans Gruter (25, Germany)

The normal first choice left back. Defensive solid, good attacking range, good distance shot. Was injuried from December till april lost his place this season. Next season is a new chance. Funny detail. Last year he was loaned to… Club Brugge!

Other players in the first team

- DLR Carsten Becker (17, Germany)

- DR/DMR Daniel Cue (21, Germany)

- DLC/DM LC Markus Thomas (17, Germany)

- DM LC Koen Mertens (18, Germany)

- DM RC Sacha Peschel (19, Germany)

- DM C Robert Klein (20, Germany)

Players on loan:

- DC Sebastian Dorner (!9, Germany) -Union Berlin

- DM RC Jurgen Schultz (21, Germany) - Union Berlin

- DMC Oliver Huber (33, Germany, 22 caps) - Austria Salzburg

- AM RLC Sven Hoffman (18, Germany) - Union Berlin

- AM L Timo Kroll (26, Germany) - Union Berlin

- SC Danny Tanghe (25, Belgium, 6 caps) - Union Berlin

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31 may 2023

Club Brugge - Hertha BSC 2-0

Attendance 32.671 - Belgrado

52. 1-0 Gerearts

64. 2-0 Gerearts

Brugge (4-4-2)

Van Puyvelde, Alfonso, Claes, Dekker (57. Vermeiren) , Djordevic, Larmerque, Almeida, Garmer, Heylen (74. Bombele) , Ndoninga (74. Castillo), Gerearts

Hertha (4-3-3)

Olesen, Vogel, Kuhn (78 Dietterle) , Teichmann, Horn, Koch (66 Van der Herik) , Anelka, Hildebrandt, Heeren (63 Vander Ent), Renard, Monteiro

The final started as a battle , a great battle, both team full of nerves, trying to take the midfield. It was hard tackling, tactical marking and walking, fine tuning and so.. This phase lasted 27 minutes when Anelka tried to reach Renard, who head to a rushing Heeren.. He shot and hit the woodwork. Finally after 27 minutes a shot on goal..

Some minutes later Andreas Koch picked up yellow for a nasty foul at the legs of Larmerque. It could have been red, but it was his expression to warn Brugge the midfield was ours. IT was , we ruled there but our frontline was not good.. The Brilliant Defenders Alfonso and Dekker had Renard and Heeren in their bags. It was us making the game , and the Brugge defense trusting on their qualities.

Halfways it was evident, 1 shot on goal, and 0-0. A dull start of the final. Or a tactical one, depends on how you look. Brugge lets us make the game. Possibly they hope for a counter. This was not the risk, but can happen if I pushed Anelka more forward to a position between midfield and frontline. Other concern the fitness of Koch; he works hard and was the best man on the pitch. However if he could do so 90 minutes.. I doubt. Hopefull is that our passing is lots better as that from Brugge.

The first minutes turned into some struggling again and Brugge;s Djordevic collection a Yellow card. The second good attempt to attack follow; again it was Hertha, Montiero dribbled over the left and tried to give a sharp assist to Renard’s head.. However he did not push the ball perfect and in stead of the intended pass, the ball gets out of the field.. Keeper\s kick.. The game started livingly again, but to say it was beautiful football? No!

Immediately after that Dekker passed over 70 meters, Teichmann could only stop this ball with his hands.. I looked at the ref; it could be explained as something with a breakthrough of a player and a sent off.. However, again we were lucky.. It was a yellow card.. This ball means that Brugge has more attacking intentions as in the first half. It could lead to a more open game.

A handsball from Dekker leads to a 35m free kick.. A huge wall and Anelka behind the ball. The shot was hard but lacks precision. Over. What follows was a counter by brugge and a 30m strike for Garmer just near the post.

In the first 10 minutes happens more as in the complete first half!

56 minute. Kuhn Throws in to Horn who’ll sent a long ball to Montiero, A Dekker interception leads to a long ball at lamarque, Rushing away from Horn, Horn could only throw at his shirt. Fool he was! It was in the penalty box.. Gerearts stayed cool and the ball hit’s the net.. 1-0 to Brugge.

Strangely enough it was the last action from Dekker, Rightback Vermeiren cames in. This means in my opinion weaking of their defense. Of course Vermeiren has lots of experience. But hie is not as fast as he was 6 years ago.. This could mean space for Montero. However at the Right Heeren was not in the game. I had to oversee and change the team within 5 minutes.

61 minute Hildebrandt crushed Garmer at the midfield, making clear we are not beaten. It lets to a yellow card.

My oldies Hildebrandt and especially the exceptional Koch does not seem to fit; but I will let them try. First sub. Heeren out, and the more creative Vander Ent in. Tactics unchanged.

63 minute first action of Van der Ent he lost the ball.. Gerearts gets the ball on assist on could rush to the keeper. I know what is gonna happen. A lob, Gerearts speciality and Olesen weakness… of course it happened and no fortune on our way here. 2-0 to Brugge. Now we have to play all or nothing!

Tactics set to kamikaze. Van den herik in for a tired Koch. Anelka as shadow striker and my backs pendling between defence and midfield.. We have to pressure the game up!

A battery of chances followed but not real great ones. Desparatly I subbed back Kuhn for Attacker Dieterlle on the left. To give more pressure.. A long distance shot from Hildebrandt sailed to the woodwork.. It begin to became clear. We have no luck ; it is not our night.. The Berin spring will end with a last bitter episode. Slowly the power and mental strongness faded away from my team. We have to life with silver; especially as 5 minutes before the endwhistel Gerearts forgot to complete his hat trick.. It was game over.. We surrender here. Brugge is to smart, to intelligent. We lost the game just by facing a better squad, both we had good defensive work; but we made two mistakes.. Brugge zero. The class of Gerearts made the difference on the first goal; that was enough to win, we never had such a moment …

It is over.. It is bitter. The Berlin spring does not end happy… The morale: succes is a journey, not a destination. There was one destination, this game. It had to lead to a brilliant trilogy. The ball is roumd , you know

(end of story)

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Werner Wasserlich announced leaving Hertha BSC, the day after the lost CL-final. Indeed he gets 'on holiday' to The Netherlands, but did not retired. After 10 months of doing nothing, Germany asked him back for the third time; this occassion as Supervisor on euro 2024. Again with a very attacking stanced Germany, 4-3-3, 4-2-4 and when needed in the game kamikaze 2-3-5. It amazed the crowd, was input for some legendary games and gives again the impact of a Germany making attacking football a a fine art to see. Who tought so in 2002, Germany as attacking attraction? With some luck he could defend the title. In a final against Greece, Germany fought back from 0-2 to 4-2. This cup was his last trick

Hertha BSC was as strong as the seasons before, however a battery of longlasting injuries in the preseason made it all to difficult to achieve silverware. Another ticket to the CL-final gets out of sight. Dortmund blocked the team in the cup (2nd round) and in the run for the title. The injury problems leads to a very difficult first season half with knock out in the cup and the CL. An old fashioned sparkling Hertha stand up since january. Coming close to the title from a hopeless gap.

Union Berlin was the most amazing part of the next season. Finally the lads grabbed the title in the regional division South, as was hoped, expected, wanted. Defending the cup was a new adventure which lead to a dramatic quarter final. After 120 minutes Bayern knocked with 4-3 in the Berlin Olympia.

And the UEFA cup? that was a real adventure. Von Spree hoped to survive round 1. with a drawing at a luxemburg team the team did. Via IFK gothenburg round 3 was reached. The unknown squad of FC basel was awaiting. highly motivated Union grabbed 3 red cards at the first game in swiss, and a 3-0 defeat. At home the team stand up, fought but lost again with 0-1. This rare adventure was over, but a great experience for the players. For most of them the only chance to tour Europe.

Years after this Von Spree took up his promise really. He led Union in 3 seasons to the Bundesliga, when he started at Schalke 04. Big club, great ambitions. 2 titles, a cupfinal and a champions leaugue made him a legend in the Ruhr. Not with the 4-4-2 tactics he started his career with but with a very italian like 5-3-2 sweeper tactics. Contrasting to Wasserlich, his kind of football was not about attacking, amusement to public but about result football, lets the opponent make the game and counter attacking.

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