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10.3 4-4-2 Is Born

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Well, not being funny but 6-0 4-2 4-0 and now 5-0 is not anything like showing me its a good formation. Infact all this is achieving is making my whole squad morale "very poor" for my first league game.

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Hehe, look mate I've been playing this game a LONG time, I know how to play this game. It's not just the results - I can see in the play that it's not right. Even from the friendly games I can see the defence is flawed - my fullbacks get caught right up the pitch all the time in break downs in play. Now I can mes about with this myself, but it annoys me when people throw up these threads singing a formation from the heavens when really to make it work you need to have the best squad in the league.


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I have to say this tactic seems amazing. First season with Spurs and no new players, I´ve played 10 games and won 9 including Man U and Liverpool at home and Arsenal away. Crouch and Defoe have scored alot and the defense seems solid, 27 goals for and 6 against.


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been using this tactic for 1 and a half seasons with plymouth, started in league one was tipped for mid table but one the league now in jan on second season tipped for relegation but am currently 2nd in the league and am i very very dominate force at home

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Got a 0-0 first game against West Ham. Easily dominated the match, was unlucky not to win :)

I guess that's the price you pay when you have to play Robert Mak as a striker. :p Bellamy and Tevez were both injured and Santa Cruz had around 75% fitness after overcoming injury. Probably should have stuck to my 4-5-1 for that game, but my players have to get used to this one I suppose.

The injury crisis at Eastlands shows no sign of letting up however. Joao Moutinho picks up an injury in that game. Adebayor breaks his leg in training, and Santa Cruz is injured in an international match. Tevez however recovers from injury just a few days before the next match, and is thrown straight back in.

Blackburn up next, will post how the tactic fairs against them. By the way Crew, you should edit your OP and post the mediafire link in there, as more people will probably try to download it.

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little update..... im now in the prem thanks to this tactic absolutely amazing lol just bought ryan shawcross for 5m and is way better then all my other defenders so will be looking to concede a lot less this season

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It looked like I would be heading for my 4th consecutive draw and my 6th in 8 matches before 17 year old John Guidetti popped up with a winner in the 86th minute. :)

Tactic definitely allows me to dominate games. The other teams don't appear to be doing as well as before, although they are different teams, but they are similar quality I suppose :)

Will give it a few more games, I play Arsenal, Chelsea, Man Utd and Liverpool in consecutive PL games fairly soon, so hopefully my players can settle before then and I can get 1 or 2 strikes back to fitness. Guidetti went and got injured too, but I think Bellamy has just recovered. Will have to see what his fitness is at now, but I started Redshaw in the last game, may have to take a look at Mak again.

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Been using this tactic on 3rd season with Newcastle. Currently 3rd with 8 games of the season to go. Giving me great results but my Disciplinary record is shocking. 30 games played 72 yellows and 7 reds!!! Has any one had this problem and if so how do I tweak it. I rarely use OI so find it quite strange. Back line is R Taylor V Kompany S Taylor L Enrique.

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tbhid say this is more suited to lower league teams as i tried this tactic with liverpool and it wasnt all that great

Yes and no, I tried it Liverpool it worked but only after like 6 or 7 games, needed time to gel

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After 4 games with the tactic as it came, something about it just wasn't clicking for my team, so I decided to take a closer look at it and see if there was anything I wanted to change. I had managed two 0-0 draws and two 1-0 wins in games I should have been winning. So I made a few tweaks. Mostly to how my team operates offensively, as this seems to be where things aren't working for my team. In the first game I managed a much more convincing 2-0 win with Vincent Kompany scoring both goals from corners. (he has now scored 3 of the 4 goals since I switched to this tactic). I tried not to alter the defensive side of things too much, as I have yet to concede a goal in the 5 games since changing to 4-4-2 now.

If anyone wants to know the changes I made, I'll try and post them, or I can upload it. Probably wouldn't be the ideal tactic for Lower Leagues or for struggling teams, unless you are one of the favourites for the title maybe. But I imagine for the top teams around Europe, you could probably pull it off.

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Hey there guys.

First of all, this tactic is NOT originally mine. It is thanks to Mr Hough and Knap (If im allowed to mention them).

I simply made very minor tweaks to it. Im not sure If im allowed to make a thread about it, but I cant see why not. Its a great tactic, and thought I'd give it the attention it deserves

Ok. Its a 442 based on Mr Hough's infamous Unbeaten tactic. I simply lowered the mentality a couple notches to Knaps version, and also lowered defensive line a notch

My results were with Crewe in my first season in League 2. I did not expect a 442 to give me this much success, hence my post.

I am sure with a few more tweaks, it can easily be the most successful 442 on this game. I am really excited in posting, as I believe it can really work for all of you

I dominated my league; My only concern is when I play heavy favourites, i.e Everton in the FA Cup, where I lost 3-0 quite convicingly

This tactic scores a lot, but Ive been trying to tweak the defence, as thats what I believe needs work on. I create many CCC's but also give away some aswell.

Ive always been a fan of a tactic with wingers, and I believe Ive finally cracked one. Knap and Mr Hough deserve ALL the credit, not me. Ive simply made very minor tweaks, if any.

The table : Last few games I rested my key players in order to give some youngsters a chance, hence I dropped a few points. End of first season...2010/2011. Date was cut off as Im not that good with cutting and pasting.


Result: Best away result.


What I like about this tactic, is that its realistic. Basic 442. It feels real. If you buy the correct players, and use the right teamtalks, you can make it even better. Some games I lost were because of the teamtalks and morale, and NOT of the tactic, and this is what I like about it.

Irl you cant always blame a tactic for your team losing heavily, or narrowly.

My team, and the tactic.


Now, I hope others can test this, as I really do have faith in this tactic. With good management skills and transfers, you can really go far.

NOTE: Watching all the games in 3d, I found that you really need good Centre backs as you will soak up some pressure at times.

THE TACTIC : http://www.filefront.com/16868417/M442%20reborn%20knap%20edit%20%28Crewe%2C%20Apr%202010%29.tac

Please provide honest feedback. Havent tested with a big team, so not sure how it goes.




Is there any chance you can give a detailed list of attributes for each for position? Only because i might want to use this as a career tactic

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Great to know..A tweaked one is in the making. be prepared :)

wicked! will it be tighter at the back and not let them have so many chances? (all be it mostly from range but u always get them annoying goals go in against you) but apart from that the opposition seems to have a fair few chances.

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Hi guys. I have a stupid question for you. Why is there tactics like they were in the past football manager editions? Like arrows up and down? Can you choose wether you want to play the new tactical version of fm2010 and the old one? Please answer

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Yes this type of formation you need about 6 or 7 games to gel. I couldnt win for love or money but on the 7th game i started grinding out results then after that it was ban ban bang

i agree, i played 442 with rotherham and didn't win till my 8th game then they started scoring for fun and i won the league easily. I find that 442 with target man and poacher will get you to prem quite easily its just once your there it gets hard

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Hey crew_alex i just started a new game with Blackburn Rovers, anyway my 3rd match of the season was against manchester utd and i was using your 1st version of your 4-4-2, by the end of the match i found that man utd had only fouled 7 times but i had fouled them 17 times so im not surprised i lost 2-0, have you found that it causes alot of fouls? anyway my next game was against norwich in the league cup, this time i decided to switch to your updated defensive version, and this time we only fouled 8 times and norwich fouled us 15 times

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I was using the original version, now im using the new defensive version, just played chelsea at home, they dominated us in the possession department but we played better than we do with the original version and came away with a 0-0 draw. we fouled 13 times but we seem to play better as a unit. which version do you recommend? old version or new version?

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iv always used the tweaked version of this tactic, with it iv gotten plymouth from league 1 to the prem is as many games and in the same save i took a low morale rangers who were 7th in the league and finished 2nd, its the only tactic iv had any real success with and iv also found a decent guide on the internet about the 4-4-2 so will see if i can tweak it to be even better then what it already is

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