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1 touch football

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How to do it?

Central Defenders/Midfielders/Strikers run with ball = rarely

Fullback/Wingers run with ball = sometimes

Short passing, quick tempo?

How would you set everything up, with duties and all?

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With my Arbroath team I have set all the players to Runs With Ball = Rarely. Even a striker I play who has Dribbling = 12, Agility = 11 & Balance = 12 I set to Runs With Ball = Rarely. Tempo is set to quite Quick and all players passing is set to Shorter. This seems to be working with the 1 touch football that I like to see and like to implement. Sometimes my players get caught in possession because of the players lacking the quality of the bigger teams, but they were getting caught in possession a LOT more when tempo was set to Slower because from my experience when you get a player that doesn't have decent Composure and Strength and the tempo is set to Slower then he doesn't seem to know what to do with the ball and he ends up losing possession a lot.

Now with my Celtic team, I have most of my players set to Runs With Ball = Sometimes, Tempo = quite Slow & Passing = Shorter and they tend to play the 1 touch football BUT because of the way I have it set with the Runs With Ball the players do tend to run with the ball a bit more before passing it and with the tempo being slower then they tend to hang onto the ball longer when they are not challenged.

With my teams though I have gone through and done individual player settings and tactics rather than just the team settings (a bit more patience needed for this I think but it works for me and I prefer this as I like to control what each of the players do) so some of my Celtic players I have got on Runs With Ball = Often as they are good dribblers. With the players that are not good at dribbling I have got set to Rarely and they tend to pass the ball off pretty sharpish. With my Arbroath team I got sick of them running into trouble all the time so I decided to put Runs With Ball = Rarely for all players and this seems to be working for the 1 touch.

So, in short (as I have rambled on quite a bit now :D), I would put ALL players on Runs With Ball = Rarely, Passing = Shorter and Tempo = Quicker and with this the players should pass the ball around a lot quicker.

Hope this helps :thup:

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