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Can I Make Nations Exempt From International Competitions?

Oscillate Wildly

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Hi! Any help would be appreciated with the personal game I'm trying to run.

I want my game to be based around a yearly equivalent of the World Cup. I've created a new Cup competition, included the nations I want and added it to a league, and this all works fine.

What I now want to do is put something in place that stops those nations from also competing in pre-exisiting international tournaments. For example, if I'm managing England, I only want to be competing in *My Cup* year-by-year and not World Cup, European Championship, Qualifiers, etc as well.

I've tried 'Removing' international competitions via the editor and this doesn't do anything, and I've tried deselecting the FIFA Nation tickbox, but still nada. England (or whichever nation I try) is always entered into pre-existing competitions each time a new draw is scheduled.

Can I change this? Is there an edt file / command I can implement that would, say, ban a nation from competing in the World Cup indefinitely (in the same way you can TRANFER_EMBARGO a club side for a thousand years so the club can only ever use players that come through its youth side)? Or, I've heard mention of the Advanced Editor, but haven't had reason to download it up until now; is there something in this that would allow me to edit international tournaments?

If anyone can advise me it would be hugely appreciated. :)

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If you've added the rules through the Nation Rules, try the following;

- assign all of your chosen tournaments for removal to the specific nation where the rules are based

- add them as cup competitions, without scheduling any rounds

I've tried this - with multiple and single competitions - but with no joy in any instance, unfortunately. The game keeps crashing. But thanks anyhow.

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The advanced panel can be tricky especially when you are starting off. Have a look at the advanced editing thread in here and you might get some help. :thup:

Tricky. Yes. :o :D

I've linked this question to the advanced thread, so hopefully someone there can nudge me in the right direction. Thank you!

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