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FM 2010 - Tactics and match engine

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Cleon, I'm with the guy above me. I simply can't win with this game by creating my own tactics. They just don't work. I have also downloaded other peoples tactics and do fine for a few games then the team just nose dives. Yes, this is from the new season on, no changing tactics midseason.

I can somewhat understand what you are talking about when you have great players like Liverpool. Other folks come in with Man U and Milan, well, you better win with these teams is all I can think. Now most of these people should try doing this with FC Dordrecht or the like and see how they fare.

When you say "it's all the same principles and logic" that doesn't really help me. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I gave you an American football game and told you just use the pulling guard more often and have the fullback chip the defensive end, would you know what the hell I'm talking about? hell no, most likely not. And then somewhat explained it then said just use those principles, you would be clueless.

So I guess, is there no hope for someone like me, who has the Fox Soccer Channel, watches football, but simply does not understand the finer points of tactics.

If my left defensive back has poor ratings. How the hell am I supposed to know what to do in the first place. I am just becoming more and more lost in this game. Funny thing or maybe not so funny is that I have been playing since Champ Man 01. I love the game but the fun is quickly fading as I simply can not win with this version. I am not looking to dominate Europe every year, but to at least play well and win sometimes would make the game a lot more interesting.

Currently Portsmouth, started out 6-1-1. Then I went 8 games without a win and have scored 2 goals. Now how can you do so well, not change tactics, then have your team all of a sudden not even look like they have used the tactic before.

On the verge of just leaving this game. I have a ****** enough job, don't need to come home and scream at the computer cause my players cant do a tactic that was created. Sorry, just getting ****y with this game. I know some people are going to scoff at my lack of tactic knowledge, fine. But the game should be playable for even beginners who don't completely understand every little thing about football.

I have to agree with you on that one. Unless you know the match engine and how 2 notches left is better than 3 notches left on the sliders, then you're screwed. :thup:

Unlike Catbreath, I DO know a lot about football and tactics IRL, but for me it's like mrdorf said.

If you put the slider 2 notches on the wrong side, it f*cks up your whole tactic.

It's starting to **** me off quite a lot lately.

I really don't understand this, what do you think?

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Why the new thread? Couldn’t you just carry on in the other one.....?

But changing a slider by 2 notches doesn't have massive effects to the ME as each notch is just a slow progression to the next stage. The only time it would have a massive effect would be if you moved it 7 or 8 notches in one go.

There are plenty of threads available on the forums highlighting what the settings do and the impact they have. We have threads that cover everything needed to be a successful manager on FM. I suggest people go and read them....

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