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Forum Rules, FAQs and Important Links Thread - PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING

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For all question's that might not deserve their own thread please use this thread;


Forum Rules and Posting Etiquette

Welcome to the Tactics and Training forum, here are a few rules and guidelines for you to follow, to make the forums a better place for everyone J ;

Please be as descriptive as possible in thread titles and posts. This makes it easier if you are trying to ask for help, or posting generally.

Any duplicate threads will be closed, if you are unsure use the search function and be sure to look further down this post for all links.

Threads that contain swearing or abuse of any kind will be closed at the moderator’s discretion.

Threads that are just a moan about the game will also be closed, unless it’s done in a constructive manner. I.e. provide examples, stats, and screenshots.

Do not post in caps

Threads asking for tactics or training schedules will be closed. Use the search function.

Threads asking 'what is the best' for either tactics or training will be closed.

Do not use text speech as not everyone has English as their first language.

Also make sure you post in English at all times.

If someone makes a mistake no flaming, instead try and offer assistance and offer them advice, or point them in the right direction.

Abuse of other forum members will not be tolerated. If you disagree with someone fair enough but try and be constructive when giving feedback. Do not simply post something along the lines of ‘you’re wrong’ without trying to back up why that person maybe wrong.

Everyone on the forums will be treated the same.

Try to remember that not everyone’s first language is English. So if someone makes a mistake or their English isn’t that good try and steer them in the right direction.

Don’t get involved in arguments, if you think someone has an issue with you take it to a PM or send one of the forum moderators a message about it. You can also use the report function on a post for such issues.

No linking to offsite sites with guides/articles/tactics/training. The only way that is acceptable is if you post the guide/article/tactic/training on these forums and then link back to the other site. Any threads that don't adhere to this rule will be closed.

If a thread is closed by a moderator please don’t make the same thread again, as it’ll be closed and a warning will be given.

Threads will be closed at the moderator’s discretion. If they don’t leave a reason as to why it was closed then send a PM and ask why. But we will always try and leave a reason and steer you in the right direction.

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The purpose of this sticky is to point people in the direction of the online manual.

Main page: http://www.footballmanager.com/manual

With particular attention to aspects with relevance to Tactics & Training, the following sections are particularly useful. I've linked all the topics to their respective pages, to make things a little easier for instant access.

8. Tactics

8.1. The Tactics Creator

8.2. The Tactics Screen

8.2.1. Formations

8.2.2. Team Instructions

8.2.3. Player Instructions

8.2.4. Edit Set Pieces

8.2.5. Team Settings

8.2.6. Import/Export/Misc Options

9. Backroom Staff

9.1. All Staff

9.1.1. Non Player Attributes

9.1.2. Coach Reports

9.1.3. Backroom Advice

9.2. Assistant Manager

9.2.1. Assistant Manager Feedback

9.3. Training

9.3.1. The Training Screen

9.3.2. Match Preparation

10. Scouting

10.1. Knowledge

10.2. Assignments

10.3. Reports and Feedback

11. Players

11.1. Player Attributes

11.1.1. Physical

11.1.2. Mental

11.1.3. Technical

11.1.4. Goalkeeping

11.2. Player Profile

11.3. Personal Screen

11.4. Transfer Screen

11.5. Positions

11.6. Stats

11.7. Training

11.8. History

11.9. Notes

11.10. Player Interaction

11.10.1. Move Players Between Squads

11.10.2. Change Training Schedule

11.10.3. Set Transfer Status

11.10.4. Offer to Clubs

11.10.5. Move to Affiliate

11.10.6. Offer New Contract

11.10.7. Release

11.10.8. Interaction

11.10.9. Preferred Moves

11.10.10. Discipline Player

11.10.11. Comparisons

11.10.12. Subscribe

11.10.13. Misc

14. The Match

14.1. Preparing for the Match

14.2. Pre-Match Build-Up

14.3. The Match Screen

14.3.1. Information

14.3.2. TV View

14.3.3. Classic Pitch View

14.3.4. Stats

14.3.5. Assistant Manager Feedback

14.3.6. Analysis

14.3.7. Touchline Instructions

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If people think something should be added to this, then please PM me.


I’ve downloaded some Training Schedules but don’t know what folder they go in?

C:\Users\Name\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\schedules

Then go to the training screen in game and import via that screen.

I’ve downloaded a Tactic but don’t know what folder they go in?

C:\Users\Name\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\tactics

The go to the tactic’s screen in game and you can access any tactics you’ve added via that screen.


Important and Useful Links Thread

If you would like a thread adding to the list then please send me a PM with the link and it will get added at some point.

For all previous versions of FM up to Football Manager 2010 can be found here;


All the new FM 11 links will be posted below once the game is out.

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  • 8 months later...

FM11 - Training Centre - Discussions & Schedules Links

This area will contain links for all the forum threads relating to both discussions and schedules for training.

They're in no particular order with regards to number of posts or views, or any favouritism. If you think I've missed anything, or want a thread to be added to the lists, please send me a PM with the link.

Cheers - Heath

Training Discussion Threads

SFraser's Training Schedules for FM10

FM2011 Training Masterclass

Training Masterclass - Individual tailored schedules (Moved Posts)

Training Schedules Threads

When downloading schedules, if you haven't done so already, create a new folder named [i]"schedules"[/i] in the following location:

[b]C:\Users\<your user name>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011[/b]

Once you've save the downloaded training schedules to the [i]"schedules"[/i] folder, go to the [b][i]"Training"[/i][/b] screen, you'll see a large tab to the center left, with [i]"Players / Coaches / Schedules"[/i]. Click on [i][b]"Schedules"[/b][/i]. At the bottom of the screen, click the [i][b]"Manage Schedules"[/b][/i] tab. A new popup window will open. Click the [i][b]"Import"[/b][/i] tab and you should see the schedules you've downloaded.

Double-click the downloaded schedule and a list will appear, of all the schedules within that download. Highlight the first one and click [i]"OK"[/i]. You should now have all those schedules available for use.

Raver training + sets

Jad's schedules

Stevie G's Cruxius Training

Tony's Training

Raver training + sets

Jenko_EFC's Training Schedules

Fundamentals of Training: The OCD approach!

FM11: Ahoj Training Schedules

TR's Training (Training schedules based on Tug's)

Costas Training

GleBTraining 2011

!!! Atomic training !!!

Tutoring Discussions & Ideas Threads

Tutoring FM11, new tests

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  • 9 months later...

FM 12 Links

FM2012 Training And Match Prep Masterclass

The SI Sports Centre - All You Need To Know About FM

The Ball-Winning Midfielder - Winning Tackles & Trophies

Player Role Calculator for Windows & Mac

David & Goliath Strategies

Training The Furious Way

Breaking the Tactical Tedium

[Tactics] Creating your own tactic

The Regista - regulating a steady supply of Chances

Trequartista - a discussion

The Full 90 Minutes - What I Do

Youth Development - The Guide

Creating your own Training Schedules

Going Behind In A Game - Turning It Around (The Discussion)

Creating a Potent Tactical System

A Formation Inspired by Rafa

The Danubian Whirl

Combining Multiple Playstyles - A Tactical Experiment

Libero & The Invisible Wall

Attacking Central Midfielders (Recreating Scholes/Lampard)

Full Backs and Wing Backs - the most important men on the pitch

Brendan Rodgers and Tika-Taka - How will Liverpool adapt?

Manchester United's 4-4-2 of 2007-2008

Tika-Taka & Asymetric tactics (Liverpool/Rodgers Inspired)

Defending: Tackling, marking and conceding since the invention of goals

Changing the Game Around with a Tactical Substitution

The Triple Pivot - A Footballing Carrousel of Brilliance

An Insight to my Tenerife team

Three Defensive Midfielders.........is it as defensive as it sounds?

Giving you a bit of Brazilian Magic

Tactics & Formations: The Discussion

Overloading The Middle - My Formation.

Building The Squad

Icelander's Tactical Masterclass! Now including Part 4 - Internazionale 3 at the back

Sweeping Fullbacks?

Fabians 4-3-3

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