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Specific marking and closing down?

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Hey guys, now this question may have been answered before, but I can't seem to find an answer.

I want my players to pick up specifc markers and stay close to them so that there centre-backs may have time on the ball but no options to pass it to apart from each other and/or the keeper. So I select specific man-marking and assign them a player (ticking tight marking), but what closing instructions do I give them?

I presume that they should have very low closeing so that they do not try and close to ball, but I just want to check that this is the case. Because that I could also see that it is logical that I want them to close/press upon that player, so I'm not 100% sure.

Thanks guys.

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Yep. Closing Down to furthest left (you could thorw in the never close down OI but I'm not usre that would make a mechanical difference if the nearest players are all set to 1 anyway).

I would guess it won't work as someone will get triggered as the 'nearest man' at some stage and go to close down the centre backs.

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Yep. Closing Down to furthest left (you could thorw in the never close down OI but I'm not usre that would make a mechanical difference if the nearest players are all set to 1 anyway).

I would guess it won't work as someone will get triggered as the 'nearest man' at some stage and go to close down the centre backs.

Well the idea is that you play a 3-4-3 formation aginst a 4-4-2...

So the two CB man-mark the strikers, ML/MR man-mark the wingers, two CMs man-mark their CMs, your inside forwards man-mark their full backs... leaving yous striker to put presure upon the two centre-backs and you 'spare-man' in defence to play as a sweeper...

Thank you for the answer :)

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