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Toin's 4-1-2-1-2, 99 Pts with Napoli first season!

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Hi, I've been developing a 4-1-2-1-2 tactic lately, and it has been really succesful for me so I decided to share it.

This is the shape of the tactic:


These are the Team Instructions:


This tactic is a plug-and-play tactic, which means you don't have to make any adjustments to use it. For me, it has worked with several teams without changing a thing. The aim is to control the match with a short passing game and a slow tempo. The goals are well spread over the squad I think, although the more defensive minded players don't score many goals. The tactic is very solid defensively as you can see at the screenshots of the league tables. I even went 1600 minutes without conceding on my Real Madrid save in my first or second season.

I have used this tactic for at least one season with Napoli and Real Madrid.


I used the tactic for the entire season and it won me the Serie A much easier than I expected. My strikers missed many clear cut chances during the season but despite that we still managed to score more goals than all other teams in the Serie A.

We also won the Cup after a 2-1 win against Juventus.

League Table




Real Madrid

I was just looking for some fun so I decided to play as Real Madrid. I'm going to admit that I cheated on this save because I added a lot of money to the club and I replayed about 5 games which ended into draws during the season.

You may find that these results aren't relevant but I just wanted to show what this tactic can do with worldclass players. All my players were on fire this season and i think i got 8 players scoring more than 10 goals.

League Table



GK: This one is pretty straightforward, just use the best you can get.

RB: The right full back is a bit more defensive than the left one, so make sure he is good in defense. All RB's I've used did a good job so just look for the best you can get.

DC's: Your defenders should be fast because the tactic employs a quite high defensive line and you'll be dominating most matches (at least I did) which makes your defenders play halfway the pitch. Your left DC should be the best header of the two because he is the most involved in corners. Important attributes are Pace, Acceleration, Heading, Marking, Concentration, Jumping, Heading, Strength (actually the are just the usual for defenders).

LB: As said before, the left full back is slighty more attacking than the right back, but he still has his defensive duties. Juan Manuel Vargas and Domenico Criscito are my favourite players for this position.

DM: He is just there to win the ball back as quickly as possible and intercept passes. Therefore he should have high Marking, Tackling, Work Rate, Determination, Strength, Stamina, Jumping, Heading. So just a regular DM like Mohammed Sissoko, Lassana Diarra (although he isn't the bad header) and Daniele de Rossi. Anthony Annan also played good for me at this position but he got booked a lot.

CM's: The right CM sits a bit deeper a than the left one, and has Try Through Balls set to often. The left one has a higher mentality and has Try Throught Balls sometimes . Look for 2 allround midfielders like Moussa Sissoko, Claudio Marchisio, Steven Defour, Marek Hamsik etc.

AM: Probably the most important player of the team. He link's up play and also scores goals. I have used Kaka, Gourcuff, Özil, Canales and Hazard and I found that faster AMC's who are also able to give a great through ball work the best. For example, I have Gourcuff and Hazard in my Napoli squad but I prefer Hazard over Gourcuff for the AMC spot and I'd play Gourcuff in one of the CM positions then. The AMC gets quite a few one-on-ones during the season so if they can finish then it's a big plus. The best players for this position are Kaka, Diego (from Juventus) and also Aguero.

Right Striker: He is set up as a Complete Forward but that doesn't mean he has to have awsome stats. Most allround forwards will fit the bill. I played Cristiano Ronaldo, Mario Balotelli, Romelu Lukaku and Karim Benzema there and they all did the job for me. Just make sure you aren't using small, poacher-like forwards like Alberto Paloschi, because their strength and their heading abillity is just too low.

Left Striker: He is set up as Advanced Forward and has the highest mentality of the team. He should be a good finisher with a lot of pace. Sergio Aguero, Alberto Paloschi and Fernando Torres are probably the best players for this position. Important attributes are Pace, Acceleration, Finishing, Off the ball, Composure, Anticipation.

Corner Setup

The tactic contains the corner setup of an other tactic posted on this forum, but I can't remember which one it was. Paolo scored around 15 corners in my first season with Napoli, so that's quite a lot considering he is not even a really good header. Chiellini is an absolute beast with this setup. If you don't like scoring too much from corners, just adjust it to your own liking.

Opposite Instructions

I've never used these, but feel free to use them, it might add something to the tactic.

Teamtalks & Press Conferences

I let my assistant manager handle all the press conferences, but if you feel he is not good enought to handle them you can do it yourself.

As for teamtalks, I look what my ass man suggests and if I'm not happy with it I'll change it. I dont really have any pattern in my team talks before and during the match. After the match I always say something positive like 'Good Effort'.

Pitch Size

I'm using the standard pitch size, haven't tested yet what the best size is. I think I'd rather use the smallest pitch size than the largest size.

Changes during the match

I never change anything during the match nor do I use shouts. Sometimes I change to contain in the last few minutes of a match against a good opponent and use the shouts "Pass into feet", "Hassle opponents and "Retain Possession". I don't know if these are the best ones to hold on a lead and therefore I use them rarely.


This tactic was made for patch 10.3

Download Link

Filefront: http://www.filefront.com/17167225/4-1-2-1-2-v6.0-Napoli-Oct-2010.tac/

zSHARE: http://www.zshare.net/download/7893850563557868/

Sendspace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4tt744

I hope some people will test this tactic and come back with some feedback, as I feel there is still room for improvement. :)

There are probably many gramatical and spelling errors in this post, but English isn't my first language. :p

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