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Young players

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Hi sorry of this has been asked before.but players with low stats do u ever play them and you see an improvment in them with their stats going up.

I have always got rid of players thta have very low stats,just want your thoughts maybe i have been doign something wrong.

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There's a few factors that can push players stats up.

If they are young enough (under 24) and they haven't reached their full potential then their stats can rise. Also a players mental stats will continue to rise the older he gets.

Training can directly increase your players attributes (Not a major amount though).

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Depends upon the club you're with, depth of your squad, level you're playing at. Getting coaches to report on your youth players is always a good idea. Always make sure you use the coach with the highest Judging Player Ability and Judging Player Potential.

Normally for me, anyone with less than two stars rated potential ability from the coach report, I usually release, as they're unlikely to improve to a level I'm looking for.

Although there's benefits from a good training regime, there's no substitute for first team appearances to encourage the development of players, often quicker than just training and youth matches.

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