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Guest roberto922
Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

Well I am in my second year, out of five, at secondary school. Wait, this is getting too personal!

explains the immaturity of a 12/13 year old then icon_wink.gif trust me once you get to my age (15) you need to work yo ass off. I was predicted As in all 3 sciences, 2 englishes and 3 others and now I'm predicted Bs/Cs because I didn't work hard, except at the start of year 10 I was predicted Ds because I had done so little class/homework, next year I'll hopefully get As, think of the PA/CA system lol I started with huge potential, fizzled out in the reserves and now I've got a regular first team place and I'm starting to kick arse again.

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Guest roberto922
Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

I'm fourteen. So I'm not too far away. Plus after watching a documentary ealier about humans descending from Aliens, I think I know it all now!

WTF you must be in year 9 then?

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Actually I jst got 70%, so it's honours for me! Even though I've only been doing Irish for four years.

But weirdly the teacher, who's our teacher isnt the head of Irish in the school. No, the one who you'd learn more from watching paint dry is. So the crap teacher corrected the exam. Then our teacher came in and added ten marks onto my letter and story. Only reason I'm in honours.

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Just finished my last AS exam today, was bloody stuck in the hall from 1.00 to 5.00 doing absolutely pointless Economics that I am really regretting picking. Still four days off and then straight back to work with A2's. Just keep looking forward to my gap year where I can spend half a year visiting family in Australia and half a year lounging around on FM.

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Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

There's three. And I only put down my name as "Ryan", for some reason it automatically put them there. And now I can't change it.

And I live in Ireland, we finished school last week and have a whole twelve weeks off! Which explains why I wasn't in school.

Sawadee Krap! Poot Thai pen mai? Are you Ryan, half filipino? Cuz I might just know you. You could be my long lost cousin. hehehe.

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Lol, I love reading people say that work isn't important and "I can get good grades without study" etc. Cause if, like me, that was/is your approach, good luck with A-Levels and now uni if you decide to go. I went from straight A's at GCSE with no work, to 4B's and 2 C's at A-Level with no work, now I am averaging a low 1st class on my Masters of Mathematics course with no work and you know what I wish? I would have done more work, cause I haven't ever had that feeling of getting an awesome grade for working hard. And recently things have got damn hard in the 3rd of 4 years. So study, learn how to study and gain some discipline. You have no idea how useful a life skill it will be. Even if you don't do a degree or A-Levels, being able to concentrate and self motivate will take you far.

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I work 20 hours a week part time, and am studying my AS levels, which are **** easy, surely you couldn't of spent 6 months away purely for those reasons! Coursework is realtively easy to remain upto date, half a night on it and I'm upto scratch! Its next year and the damned A2's that will require all the effort!

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Yeah. We know this fella doing his Leaving Cert and he's at the mart every monday selling chickens. He has to look after chickens, goats and ducks, breeding them and all, all on his own.

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Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

Jealous? Why? Do you want to do the exams again?

Yes, i'm sure most of the older timers on here would. It's all well and good chasing girls and drinking every night of the week when you're 17, but it doesn't affect your ability to apply for jobs when you're 25.

If I had bothered my backside I could have done the degree I wanted to do when I was 18, instead I did soemthing else just so I could have a degree and now at the age of 25 i'm at Uni again part time doing the course I originally wanted to do.

If i'd concentrated rather than getting drunk with the laydays, I wouldn't be having to do Uni exams twice. In doing no work I effectively created more work icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by NffcBash:

I work 20 hours a week part time, and am studying my AS levels, which are **** easy, surely you couldn't of spent 6 months away purely for those reasons! Coursework is realtively easy to remain upto date, half a night on it and I'm upto scratch! Its next year and the damned A2's that will require all the effort!

Well woop-de-doo Mr. Smarty Pants

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Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

Is bomjr asking if I am from the Phillipines?

No, I have a cousin in law named Ryan who is half Irish half Filipino (Wife side). No word from him in over a year. I doubt its you though cuz he doesn't even know how to use the internet, last I remembered. hehehe. My bad.

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Originally posted by backpackant:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Don't be a fool, stay in school!

And when you go to Uni do a PROPER subject. Not some sciving one like Acting. If things don't work out in the movies, you may has well have printed your dimploma on chocolate.

I did creative writing and I'm still not on the best-seller list. The only up-side is I can post on these forums while I'm supposed to be working. icon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I do Film Studies. Where we literally doze whilst the lecturer talks, then watch a film, three times a week!

Originally posted by phnompenhandy:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by mark wilson27:

I never studied and now Im a shelf stacker, who needs education LMAO... icon_biggrin.gif

I don't bother studying and I'm a university professor, so icon_razz.gif

icon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You guys are the worst, you're all so boring! icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by chopper99:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

Jealous? Why? Do you want to do the exams again?

Gladly, it beats working for a living and then spending all the money you do earn on rapidly increasing bills, petrol and mortgage. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

My Dad filled his AC Cobra up from empty the other day, it cost him more than I earn in a month! I'm beginning to struggle to keep my car at this rate too. icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by goodzorr_avfc:

I'm beginning to struggle to keep my car at this rate too. icon_frown.gif

I downgraded from a 2L Mondeo because it was costing me too much in petrol and the tax was approaching £200, last month. I got myself a wee 1.3 Rover 25, which I was gutted about, but thought it would be worth it in the long run.

I was paying £50 to fill the tank in the Mondeo and was looking forward to cheaper tank fills, it's increased so much already that i'm now back up to £50 despite the difference in tank and engine size. icon_mad.gif

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Originally posted by Ryan,,,:

Who needs a car? Sell your car and house and buy a boat-house. The advantage is if you don't like your neighbours you can just sail off somewhere else.

Unfortunately not. You can't just park your house boat anywhere you want, you need to apply to the relavent authorities who look after whatever stretch of water you happen to be on and get premission to moor your boat at some point on that stretch of water.

It's actually quite a lengthy process.

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