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Relegation Fighters - MLS Game Progress Thread. [*Established Clan*]

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Dallas' luck changes...

Six games...Two goals for...One goalagainst...Equals 2 wins, and three ties...

The cloud of bad luck that has been closely following FC Dallas, has finally been lifted.

The II's boys made short work of their opponents this session with their iron tight defence.

"I switched back to 3 central defenders,"The II explained,"And I think it has made all the difference to the side. Thornton has finally regained his form and that is another big reason why we've been able to turn this season around. Our whole team hinges on him coming up big, and when he plays to his usual standard...watch out."

Dallas started the session at home against a disapointing LA side. Zack Thornton was given another chance between the goals, and DC Craig Waibel made his season debut for FC; coming back from a broken leg.

Eddie Gaven scored the winner on the thiry minute mark, finishing off a breathtaking Dallas move. Dallas were deserved winners on the day, stifling all LA could come up with.

The euphoria in Dallas that erupted was of such magnitude that manager, The II, disapeared for the next five matches! Sources relate that the relieved manager went on a bender of such proportions that he couldn't even be located by the team.

Bob Bradley presided over the next five matches, and recorded Dallas' second win of the year, three scoreless draws, and a 0-1 defeat to DC United.

"It was all thanks to my revised tactics,"related Stu,"I'm sure Bob followed them to the letter in my absence."

Dallas is clearly on the upswing, and it remains to be seen if The II can keep the momentum going upon his return. fc%20dallas.gif

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After a solid start on the defensive end, everything seems to fall apart again in the Metros club house, not only they continue their scoring drought up front, their defensive intensity has totally dropped. THe Metros have become the laughing stock once again. Metros head coach seems to hang the white flag on his third MLS campaign, he is absolutely no clue on why his team do not compete day in and day out.

"Part of the reason for this huge drop recently is because of the international call up for the World Cup 2006 and injuries, I know this is not an excuse, a team has 24 players and soccer is a team game, you cannot blame on not having a certain guy on the line up when you lose a game. But when you lost your attacking trios it is pretty tough to get anything going on the attacking side when your team already do not have any other attacking weapon. Even though it is not an excuse, but numbers tell the story, whenever Chen Tao was in the lineup, the team has scored, and the attacking movement flows smoothly, so you cannot really ignore that."

"The trade with SJ at the beginning of the season which sent a 1st round pick in exchange for Anthony Vanden Borre, it is apparently that the pick will be a 1st overall. Even though it is a first overall, but I still think that with the skills of Vanden Borre, it is worthwhile."

"I am a abit tired of all these poor performance, I am so frustrated on it, but I will be the coach of the Metros as long as they want me to be here, but it is time to bring in a new group of coaching staff."

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Sweet Smell of Success


With a fresh season starting, Kansas City started off facing Stu's FC Dallas in a game which admittedly Dallas dominated. Kansas City was able to escape with a away draw. The next game was against Colorado Rapids the defending Champions. In what was a even game both teams go a goal. A draw against LA and a 2-0 victory of New England followed. I went away for a while and my team responded with our first loss of te season to Chicago 0-2. Then 2 1-0 wins in a row.

Then we faced off against DC United in our first test of the season, we answered it with flying colors beating DC United all be it at home 2-0, Then our second test came things were back and forth though out most of the game and then a catastrophe happened after a thrown in in the 60th minute that Brian Mullan messed up. Colorado was quick to take advantage and took the 3-2 lead. My team just gave up from there the final score was 4-2. " I yelled at the team after this game. I stressed the fact that we had to play 90 minutes. I was hoping to build up some momentum going into the 7 game road trip that we have coming up. This was not how I had planed" The next game was the last game Kansas City would be at home until next month. They whopped L.A. 4-1, When asked if th is changed his opinion Allen had this to say.

Song For the Road Trip They Might Be Giants - Istanbul

@ San Jose - "Al as usual was pessimistic about facing me. Unfortunate for him my team really did not need to go out on the field they did a good enough job of beating themselves. Joe Cannon messed up missing the ball leaving a wide open net for Brian Ching who was able to hit the back pretty easily. We went a man down after the referee (who was very card happy) kicked off Ngwenya. Unfortunately for Al Aubin who had just settled into the area came out and scored right out of the blocks at half time. Things would only get worse for Joe Cannon when he let in a own goal to make 3-1. Al was upset as usual after he faces me. You know Joe is a good keeper he just had one of those days."

We tied the Metrostars 0-0 and a 1-1 tie to Columbus, We then faced New England in the battle of the penalty kicks, we came out on top 2-1 all goals were scored by penalties.

@ Chicago - " You know I like Grom, I have great respect for him but my team just came out and played. Aubin especially is starting to get into the flow of the games. He got two goals today on the break always. This was also the time that I got to show off my newest signing the young limber and talented Roy Lassiter (said laughingly). Roy is someone that I felt I needed I looked at the team and we had really no one that the younger players could look up to. Grom did a decent job of managing my team just is performing well right now."

We ended the session with a draw against FC Dallas.

"The next two games well say a lot first of all we well end a so far very successful road trip against the Eastern Conference leaders DC United. They have not lost at home so far and I am going to make it a point not to escape with a draw but win the game. We can we have the talent we can win. Aubin and Ching well have to step up though. Then the game that we circled on our calendars we come back home we get L.C.P back from the world cup and we face Colorado. I have been stressing this game since we last face Colorado. This could be the start of the changing of the guard. We are fighting with Colorado right now and we feel we are ready to take first."

Song for next two games Nelly - #1

We added some players

Greg Allen " He is a project really this guy is straight out of the kickboxing dojo. He can kick the ball and make it flat if he wanted but we really need to harness this. My scout said that he might not be ready yet I think he will be pretty soon"

Andrew Schmetzer " Young goalkeeper he is our emergency incase that which can happen that we do not speak of does happen"

Roy Lassiter " A Veteran player who had the first ever MLS Golden Boot, I enjoyed watching him has a kid so I wanted to bring him into the system. This may be his last hurrah but hopefully it well be a good celebration."

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After being sacked for the second time, Lung admits that he still has a lot to learn, but he is learning it the right way.

"...I know the frustration that comes from every direction, I know fans are so anxious to see some result, I am here to apologize to the organization. But I hope people can still support me, I have learned a lot since joining the Relegation Fighters Manager Association, I have discovered a lot of things myself, and heard a lot of advice from other managers. I am quite confident fight now, it is just a matter of time when I get a few more pieces to the mix, then we are really compete with the others. I am glad that I have given another opportunity here to prove myself..."

"...My team as a whole is average I will say, but it is not enough to compete with the others. My back line has some solid players, but none of them can run, they have a lot of trouble when they face some pacy attack line. Up front, we don't have attackers who can be a threat every time down the field. In this league, every shot, every on target is so valuable, you will not get a lot of those, because most of the teams have a defensive mind set, you cannot shoot the ball well wide, or way over the bar, you need to try and capitalize on those chances your opponent gives you if you want to win games. DC and Colorado are very good on those, that is why they stand among the top in the league..."

"...I will try to finish this season strong and gain some momentum going into the 4th season..."

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It's not called Spartan for nothing.....

SJ are still struggling to find top gear despite an All-Star roster. 6 players were called into the West's team that fell for the first time to the East, 3-zip.

Clark's side has started to settle and after a couple of roster issues Clark has welcomed a new reserve keeper, a reserve left back , a reserve centre half and a new creative midfielder to the squad. Gone are the last of the deadwood. Clark has the team he wanted. Unfortunately, Romanian international Filipescu, who was much needed at the back, had to be passed over in favour of the younger more versatile Zolton Boor. Clark may rue this decision but it was purely based on the age of the players, the DC being already 32 years old.

With most of the squad now back from injury the team has started to improve their results, though nothing to yet justify their early season billing as favourites for the Cup. "I may yet eat those words" said a more humble Clark.

EJ is still out of sorts and a transfer in the summer seems inevitable. He has been fined 2 weeks wages on 5 occassions now, injured 5 times and scored 3 times. He's still on the list and still doubting Clark in public, even though we all know his fued was with previous gaffer Stu II. "At least he's started hitting the net" said a contemplative Clark. In truth, goal scoring has long been an issue for SJ, with probably 90% of their goals coming from strikers over the last three years....the support play has simply not been there, despite several classy attack-minded players in the line up - Dempsey, Adu, Ederson, Ramierz, Klein and Ralston.

The team has reverted to their preferred 4-4-2 formation and the line up will remain settled as Al seeks the consistency from his team that has yet to transpire in three rollercoaster seasons.

This season there has been little to cheer. Eddie Pope and Clint Dempsey continue to perform, but other stalwarts have really let the side down. Former Rock, Joe Cannon, has been on the receiving end of some terrible goals of late - including knocking one into his own net, and letting in a 25 yard backpass. His return to form will be essential if the Quakes are to get into the playoffs, let alone make an impression there.

So far, Brazillian Ederson has not wielded the creative influence Clark had hoped. "He's young, he's got time on his side, but I may help him out on the creativity side by dropping Zoltan Boor in there to help try and generate some magic.' In 20 games, Ederson has one goal and not a single assist.

As always, a couple of players are letting this side down. "I know we've had changes, injuries and World Cup call-ups, but that's all behind us now and I'd like to see the team make real headway in the next 5-10 games. Hopefully, we'll hit form at the right time. Ihonestly don't see us catching KC, let alone the Rapids, at this point I will be desparately trying to avoid getting Greg in the playoffs. First, we have to get in there. LA, though disappointing, have a good squad and a very solid manager in charge in Tom. Dallas are much improved this term and are nobody's fool. It's going to be tight'.

The results in the last five games see only a single defeat, but a W1 D3 L1 record isn't going to get anyone excited. "In honesty, we dropped some points this session. I don't think we could have expected victory against the Fire, even at home, but a draw with Dallas and the Metrostars is really 4pts we could really have used." The lone victory was chalked up against AssMan powered NE, 2-0. Again, SJ only managed 5 goals in the 4 games....despite regularly playing flowing attacking football, with as many as 6 forwards on the pitch at a time.

"We're 2/3 way through the season. I think we can see where the quality really is. Cream rises to the top and all that.... We've 2 Powerhouses in this league, 2 Top sides, 4 average teams and 2 that seem to struggle. Now Dallas, who would have been in the last group earlier in the season are probably now with the 4 other average teams. It's going to take a big upset to stop this one going by the book."

With several unhappy players in the camp, mainly due to 'underperforming', there have been certain voices calling for a change. The board remains satisfied, but I think all know it would only take a couple of bad results, or the expected early playoff departure to see a regeime change in Southern Cali. "I said I'd live or die by this season. We're not dead yet, we're not on life support....but the best analogy I can give is that we're sleeping with a dirty woman, and sooner or latter she's gonna give us the clap."


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The Presence of Quality Players

Despite all the struggles that Metros have been facing these past 3 years of their rebuilding process, they finally get some quality players who can help them move to the next level. Lung has 2 players on his squad that was selected to the all-star game, this is the first time his players was chosen to the mid-season festival since he took over two and a half seasons ago.

Both Leonardo Gonzalez and Jean-Phillipe Peguero are a vital part of the team, it is just about surrounding them with some solid pieces to make this team into a competitive team in the East. Beside Gonzalez and Peguero; Vanden Borre, last year all-star, will be a key component also; Tao, will be an all-star for years in the future, so Metros have the potential to be a good team in the future. The rest of the squad is average, but it is not enough to compete is every single game. For the defenders, they don't have the speed to guide pacy attacking lines; up front, they don't have creative strikers to break down opponent's defense.

After the reitrement of Ronald de Boer and Havutcu Tayfur, the Metros now have 2 SI slot open. Scouts of the team have been searching intensively in South America and Scandinavia hoping to find some talents who can help the team.

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United Earn Qualification to Playoffs

With 9 more matches to go in the regular season, United have already secured a playoff spot, partially due to yet another poor season by the MetroStars.

United have also broken the MLS winning streak set by the Colorado Rapids last season, after beating Kansas City, New England and Columbus by scores of 3-0, 2-0 and 5-0 respectively. The 10 game winning streak was ended by a loss to the Rapids in Colorado, thanks to two Zizi Roberts goals against the run of play.

United bounced back quickly to beat LA at home and gain their 15th in of the season.

United have also announced that U.S. national Greg Gomez would be joining the team in the summer from Belgian club Antwerp. The 21 year old spent the second half of the season with the Belgian club playing in 16 matches and recoding 6 assists. He should be a welcome addition to the United team and will hopefully attract the attention of the USMNT.

This is D.C.'s second European signing this summer as Eric Anderson was brough in from Werder Bremen after the US national failed to settle in Germany.

United were also well represented in the triumphant East All Star team, contributing man of the match, goalkeeper Nick Rimando, Carlos Fernando Figueroa, Piero Alva, Dema Kovalenko, Mike Petke and Jeremiah White.

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Heating Up

We had 7 players selected for the All Star Game, 5 of them started and one came off the bench. In the League were getting consistent scoring as a team. At San Jose, Hazu came off the bench in the second half and turned the match on it's head with his brace. The first half saw the troubled EJ give AL Clark's side the lead, but they couldn't hang on.

In the Open Cup we hosted Long Island and it took us extra time to break them down, but once we did the flood gates open and we ease through 5-0. Rookie David Cota continued in his rich vein of form with his first career hatrick.

The home game with New England was a wide open affair. Our good buddy, Marcel Yonan, was in charge. At the half we were in control 3-0, but in the second half an inspired Arturo Alvarez dragged the Revolution back into the contest. It finished 4-2, and the fans definately recieved their entertainment value on this occasion.

In LA we had a little blimp, and lost 1-0. I have attributed this to the few nights we spent relaxing in Tijuana. The lads needed to let loose and wind down Wink . When we returned home to take on Kansas City, Amado Guevara turned on the style with a hatrick. We cruised to a 3-0 victory. (These results changed due to a crash)

We are looking set to make the playoffs as the number 2 seed in the Eastern Conference. The current league tables accurately represent the huge gap in talent between the teams. I think that FC Dallas 96 are poised for a late season playoff push. If they can figure out how to score they will be tough to beat since they have such a good defense.

We continued our good form with a win against the Rapids in Mile High Stadium, and in the Open Cup by edging a thriller with the Wizards. We also squeaked out a 1-0 over DC United with Hazurov scoring a bizarre goal. Now that we've clinched out playoff berth the second seed, it will be time for the youngsters to get a chance and to rest to vets that got us here.

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Coach Smith-Bryan II doesn't mince words.

"Look at that league table. We're in third spot and through to the semi-finals of the cup. That's no mean feat considering we had to take on a tough San Jose side in the quarter finals."

"Not to mention we're arguably the form side in the MLS right now with only one defeat in five. I think we've done a great job considering the resources at our disposal. If Mr Hunt wants us to finish anywhere above what he asked me and my staff to do (respectable league position) he's going to have to put his money where his mouth is."

"My successors biggest challenge is being able to keep the GM happy. Forget about the players, they work hard, as for the GM, well, I'll leave that up to you guys to decide."

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After a down session of losing to DC United, Colorado then LA 2-1, Kansas City started to turn things around. A win against the Metrostars @ Chicago , over LA, then another win over the Metrostars put them back into contention for the Western conference.

Kansas City then faced off against San Jose strangely enough Wildcat Willy and E.T. were not in the arena reportedly they got hungry before the game and went to go get something to eat. When they got back to find that San Jose had beaten them they got a nice chuckle.

“ Well I guess after how many games we have stole from him we owed him one. The food was really good though. I think I want to stay in K.C. just for that reason if nothing else for the cookingâ€

We then faced Chicago in the Open cup game in a game that took its toll on our team came out fast with Manuel Sol getting a early goal. Then we got some bad news in bunches first Brian Ching got injured. Then Chicago got two goals, Jose Burciaga got a red card but amazing Nick Garcia netted a goal late only to get answered back by Chicago and that's how the game would end. 3-2

“You know Grom and I get along fine, but he beat my team up pretty badly. You know Grom comes from that nasty Belgium style of play. We got sucked up into their game and that was our fault. If we go out there and play the beautiful ball like we should play it Chicago should be eliminated by now. It was a good game by him though I made sure to buy Grom a pint after the game to congratulate him and wish him the best. I hope that Chicago is the team to win the open cup this year.â€

Next up was a draw with Columbus 0-0 and then 1-0 win over FC Dallas which with to Stu Hopkins getting fired.

When asked about Greg Broz and Colorado match coming up Allen had this to say

“ I “suppose†you would have to say Greg is a good manager. I think a lot of it has been the result of a good scouting system. I really don’t think he can repeat this year, I would go with DC and Chicago with us having a good dark horse say in the events of the championship. Colorado has peaked I feel and we are the up and coming team after two years of remolding I am finally happy with the team that I have. We will hopefully get stronger when the playoffs start.â€

then the subject of Alex Gray and if he can perform in a big game.

“You can’t blame Alex for our faults in big games, the blame should never rely on one person. Alex is only in his second year even though he has won a lot of awards he still as a lot of things to learn. The more big games he is in the better he will get. This team needs this kind of chasing experience right now. We can still win the title and if we do its not going be Alex that wins the title it will be the 11 on the pitch and the 13 in rotation.â€

On the recent firings

“ I really feel bad for Lee, he has done a good job he has kept his team in the playoffs the past 3 years. He is staying at mid table he just has the unfortunate task of facing DC united and Chicago and being the 3rd best team in the league. Its really tough to figure out what his board would want. Stu is another one, I really think he was starting to turn things around at Dallas and maybe should have gotten till the end of the year to prove his worth. I really thought there were some other managers that deserved to be fired before these two got fired.â€

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SJ Boss Al Clark issued the following statement:

"I will not be speaking with the press today in protest of the league's insistence on replaying three recent matches across the league. We'd amassed 2 wins and a draw in those games, chalked up +7 GD and to have to go back and do it all again inevitably meant we came off worse. We also picked up a couple of injuries and really lost the momentum that we had. As a direct consequence, my position with the club is in jeaopardy. The Commissioner has a lot to answer for. He can fine me for this if he wants, but that's how I feel. I hope to address this injustice in tonights session, failing that you'll likely see me out of a job."

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Grom backs Clark

We caught up with Johan Grommen leaving the ice at the United Centre, where training has finished for the day. I didn't even want to ask why or what they were doing, but it was perplexing and bizarre watching the entire squad skating around in hockey gear. Maybe, this is how Grom toughens them up, or it could be just a one off way for the lads to let off steam. Grommen did weigh in on the impending axe falling on Al Clark.

"The league has done him and his players a diservice, someone needs to step up and be accountable for this. The board should also take into consideration Clark's longterm plan. I mean he's hardly had the time to get his squad to gel given all the recent aquisitions. If he does get the sack, we have an opening on our coaching staff that he could fill."

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Commissioner blasts Clark

"Clark has to look elsewhere for blame on the performance of his team where the only consistent thing is his managerial inconsisteny."

"The matches had to be re-played and there is little that can be done about it now. We have taken measures to avoid such issues in the future. At least we didn't have to re-play the entire season"

"All the top teams got hurt by this. For some it resulted in lost points, some injuries, and some both."

"We all just have to look to the future and try and and make things run more smoothly. Not pressing the add manager button twice has to be implemented as well as not overriding the incremental save feature with frequent saves so that we move confidently and successfully to the future of MLS."

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The New England Revolution have completed their first season under manager Jimmy Ventura and will take on the Chicago Fire in the first round of the playoffs. The first match will take place at Gillette Stadium in a week.

The season was certainly full of ups and downs for the first time manager but he has to be happy with the final result. A 1-1 draw in the final game against the Columbus Crew assured them 3rd place in the Eastern Conference, a step up from last year's 4th place finish. They also avoided a first round match up against the top team in the league, DC United, although they will defenitely have their hands full with the Chicago Fire and must fire (no pun intended) on all cylinders if they hope to pull an upset.

The playoffs haven't even started yet but there are already rumors of possible shakeups throughout the Revolution roster. The fact that they lead the league in red cards and were worst in the league in goals allowed doesn't sit well with Ventura and he may be looking at several changes. Rumored to be on the offseason trading block is young talented goalkeeper Carlos Chavez and talented midfielder Angel Ortiz. Obviously, no one is untouchable on the team and Ventura will defenitely look at every angle to improve his team and get them to be a more consistent force.

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Hanging By A Thread

"Well, we made 3rd place - at least that allows us to avoid the Rapids in the Semis. Of course, it means we get KC....not exactly a golden ticket to the Conference Finals."

Clark surpised many by avoiding the axeman during an up and down session that saw a great win against the reigning champions (Colorado) and a 5-1 mauling at the hands of the Champions-elect, DC. Goals were again hard to come by for the traditional high scorers. Repeated injuries during matches left 2 or sometimes all three of their key striekrs out injured. Not one of his strikers managed more than 20 league games this term, and none managed more than 24 in all competitions. No striker reached double figures for the Quakes, with Julius Aghahowa showing glimpses of his talent on his way to the team high 9 league goals (9 total).

Eddie Pope was a talisman at the back and was clearly the best SJ player through the regular season. Clint Dempsey blazed out of the gate with some fine form and a bundle of assists but faded in midseason and never really regained his top form. A goal - his first in 64 outings for the boys in teal - will hopefully set the tone for a strong showing in the playoffs.

To sum up the rest of the squad, Joe Cannon was inconsistent but when he was hot he was a game winner. He will be close to the Top in the Goalie of the Year awards. Julius was steady with 7.22 average and 9 goals in 20 league games after arriving. Pete Vagenas was playing well, and his injury put a big snanner in the works of the new formation Clark had unrolled at home to Colorado. Apparently, Pete doesn't like being an integral player and Clark's remarks that the loss to injury of his D/MLC was a blow has upset him. Pussy.

Clark blooded several rookies this season with 73 games going to rookies through 2006. Freddy Adu had his playing time stepped up and looks to hold a key role in Clarks new 3-1-3-1-1 formation. The 17 year old, now professional, plays in the hole behind Julius Aghahowa. Freddy chipped in a goal and a couple of assists over 10 starts and 11 sub appearances with an average at an even 7.00 Clark will be looking for more from Freddy both in the playoffs and through 2007 and beyond "It's time for Freddy Adu to step up to the plate and show everyone what all the hype has been about for the last 4-5 years. He's got all the talent in the world and he's the man, erm, boy, erm lad, who will can build this franchise around."

In some transfer news Clark revealed that despite his return to goalscoring form, Eddie Johnson had not yet removed his transfer request and was still reguarly missing training. "It costs that idiot 2 weeks wages every time he does it - he's pretty much played for free this season. He's on the list at his own request as he has been since the day he arrived. I've tried for a year to motivate him. At this point I'm open to offers to move him in the offseason. A 1st rounder or a very solid prospect (American) will be required from anyone who wants to take on this prodigeous talent."

In a warm up for their Semi Final series, KC knocked off SJ at home in Game 30 of the regular season. "I hope we got that out of our system and we can get back to winning ways for the post-season".

In a related story, several sources from within the SJ Front Office have been quoted off the record as saying an early departure from the playoffs will signal the end of the tenure of Coach Clark. One said "He's had 3 full seasons here and his strongest season was the first when we made the Conference Final and finished 2nd in the West. I realise we moved up to 3rd after a terrible 4th place finish last term, but this franchise is a 2 time winner of MLS Cup and the mediocrity that has pervaded throughout Clark's reign will not be tolerated indefinitely."

It is believed that Clark has only lasted this long due to the fiscal constraints in place at Spartan Stadium. He's consistently worked on a shoestring budget - both transfer fees and wages - but 2006 saw the purse strings opened slightly and there has only been a marginal improvement.

Clark, clearly with his back to the wall, had this to say, "I think I've done a relatively good job here in the circumstances. The squad has gotten younger and that was necessary. But I don't see much that needs changing here. I know there are a few envious managers in this league who would like the squad I have. I guess it's up to me to keep the wolves from the door."

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2006 Playoff Conference Semi-finals Announced


dc.gif Vs crew.gif

#1 DC United #4 Columbus Crew

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#2 Chicago Fire #3 NE Revs


rapids.gif Vs fc%20dallas.gif

#1 Colorado Rapids #4 FC Dallas

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#2 Kansas City Wiz #3 SJ Earthquakes

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Top Seed and Relaxed

United finished off the season earning home field advantage for the playoffs after completing the season with the best record in the MLS. A consistent squad and a display of good teamwork propelled United to this stage with MLS leading goal scorers Carlos Fernando Figueroa and Jeremiah White, and MLS assists leader Ivan Robelto. Once again Figueroa is being tipped for the MVP award this season after a set of dazzling displays.

"This could be our year" United manager commented after United's 5-1 trashing of San Jose at home to close out the season. "We have a group of individuals who have played their heart out in the regular season and they know as well as I that they have a good chance of going all the way this year."

Chicago and Colorado seem to be the main threat to United's title hopes this season but only after they face Columbus in the conference semi finals. "Columbus have a good squad. Their pace up front is enough to cause problems for any team. But they didn't gel this year and the sacking of their manager was not very helpful to the team chemistry. We will go to Columbus to get a win and try to wrap up the semi final in the away leg." United manager commented about facing Columbus.

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2006 Playoff Conference Finals Announced


dc.gif Vs fire.gif

#1 DC United #2 Chicago Fire


wizards.gif Vs fc%20dallas.gif

#2 Kansas City Wiz #4 FC Dallas

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The Pacific Northwest got a blast from the past as the Seattle Sounders sealed an unlikely, yet deserved 2-1 victory to take the 2006 US Open Cup over a despondent Chicago Fire.

The old NASL team had it's fair share of glory back during US Soccer's rollercoaster ride through the 70's & 80's, yet few would have imagined that the Sounders could have gone all the way and sealed this improbable victory.

"Pffft" was all Fire boss Grommen could muster. It was all that needed to be said.

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2006 MLS CUP: DC UNITED (Omer Pamucku))

2006 Season Goes With Form!


DC Triumphed on the day and, really, there was never any doubt. After a 7-0 blowout in the semis against Chicago, it was DC who were on Fire. Wilcat Willy (Et's) Kansas, the #2 seed in the West were little match for the dominating DC team, going down 2-0. It was the first triumph for an Eastern side since the MLS was revamped before the 2004 Season, but no one will deny that the best team walked away with the Silverware on the day.

MLS.COM Congratulates DC Untied on their Championsip!! A fourth Star is born!

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MLS Announces the 2005 Season Awards

Most Valuable Player


Rookie of The Year


Scoring Champion


Goalkeeper of The Year


Defender of The Year


All Pro Team


Goal of The Season


Manager of The Year


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Taking the Money

Grom had this comment after the Fire's humiliating 7-0 defeat in the Conference Finals.

"Nobody could've predicted that result, it was if the team was told not to bother. Oh well, at least my bank account is a few million euro's richer. I'm now heading back to Antwerp to import a few more cases of beer, and maybe to buy my very own brewery. Get out of my way I got a plane to catch!!!"

Grom was seen leaving the stadium after being handed a black duffle bag, which had bundles of money protruding out the top, by a heavy set fellow wearing a designer suit. What does the commisioner think of all this?

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The New England Revolution are once again one and done in the playoffs after beginning well, defeating the Chicago Fire 2-0 in game 1. The New England area and the media alike were all excited over what had transpired and the media began to do what they do best, blow things out of proportion. Immediately after the game newspapers began writing articles and talking about upsets and Jimmy Ventura knew not only was his team up against a good Fire team on the road, they were also up against pressure. He had to gameplan against a talented team and now he had to keep his troops in line and not let them get overconfident. Just as he expected, his team came out flat. Before he knew it the game was quickly 2-0 and ended 3-0 with only a few scoring opportunites. Needless to say, winning this series was the furthest New England would have gone as DC was just unstoppable and would have won it's 5th game in 5 against New England.

Ventura has already laid the framework for a few deals and it looks like there will be a shakeup again this offseason. The main order of business is improving the worst defense in the league. Also, with all the success that he's seen from Eastern European's in the league, Ventura has dispatched a scout to that region of Europe and we already here whispers of at least 2 players being negotiated with.

There have also been some rumors that GK Carlos Chavez and AMC Felix Borja are on the block and when asked about it New England's manager only replied ''The team we have right now, is the team we have right now'' Whatever that means. Keep your eyes and ears peeled to the local newspapers and sports programs as there should be plenty of exciting news regarding the New England Revs.

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After yet another disappointing season, coach Lung went away for a long vacation to re-engergize himself. He came back during the playoff and start working his third offseason in the league. He is trying very hard to improve the team this offseason to prevent another mid-season dismissal. Up till now, Lung had already made quite some changes to his roster, he brought in a few key pieces and he is all set to go for the draft to finalize his 24 men roster.

Lung had offered trials to two youth players, although this doesn't seem to violate the rules, this prevents some of the younsters from entering the draft, which is unfair to the league, the draft, or the other managers. So Lung had put all the US youth scouting on hold until the draft is over. After talking with another head coach, we think we should propose a specific rules for our MLS play, which is we cannot sign or buy any US youth players between the time they get recognized and the draft, except those already picked up by european clubs.

The values Lung had added to the team this offseason are different from the past offseasons. During the past offseasons, he only can manage to bring in some average players, which is not enough to compete with other teams. But this offseason, he brings in a few major pieces who has very good resumes. He brings in Elson Evelio Becerra, a Columbia forward, who has very good individual skill. He is the type of strikers that the Metros are missing after they shipped out SGR. Becerra is those skillful player that Metros need to break down other MLS opponent. He also brought in Nick Garcia from Kansas in exchange for Clint Mathis. Garcia will further solidfy an improved defensive line. Wilson Lizarazo is another key pieces that Lung has brought in. He will pair up with Leonardo Gonzalez at the centre back.

Here is an overview of the 2007 Metrostars roster:


Dan Popik (exploring a trade with NE involving Alvarez)

Matt Phillips (prospect of the future)

Matt Pickens (average keeper)


Joey Franchino (starting full back)

Leonardo Gonzalez (starting centre back)

Wilson Lizarazo (starting centre back)

Nick Garcia (starting full back)

Jason Phillips (prospect of the future)

Brian Carroll (versitile player that can play defender and midfielder)

Chris Leitch (solid full back)

Jeff Parke (defender not improving as expected)


Joshua Gros (average left winger)

Anthony Vanden Borre (talented young defensive midfielder who can also play defender and sweeper)

Craig Capano (prospect attacking midfielder)

Jean-Phillipe Peguero (good attacking midfielder)

Carey Talley (versitile backfield player)

Logan Pause (versitile backfield player)

Phil Salyer (versitile backfield player)

Brad Peterson (young right winger)


Chen Tao (Chinese young starlet, centre of the team)

Elson Evelio Becerra (skillful striker, expect to see a lot from him)

Davy Arnaud (trade from CHI for a 3rd rounder, solid forward)

Kevin Flores (hot prospect, highly rated, 2nd overall in last year's draft)

Paul Houser (1st overall 2 years ago, not develop as expected due to lack of playing time, probably will drop by the team due to his high wage)

Wish the Metros all the best in this coming season.

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One and Out

"It's been like this all year...we put ourselves into contention then we let it slip away. It's the height of frustration and the empitome of futility".

SJ crashed 3-1 at home of a bad penalty decision and poor goalkeeping from the freshly annointed 2006 Kepper of the Year, Joe Cannon. "Not his best game. Not his best series to be fair." Big Joe let in 4 goals, including 2 penalties on just 7 shots on target in the series. SJ outshot and for periods outplayed their opponents....but never looked like progressing.

"The second penalty was a killer. We'd fought back to go 1-0 up in the second game, and down by a solitary goal over the tie. Then Frankie Simek bundles over their forward and Precadio hits his fourth of the series. It was devastating."

Clark's ambitious 3-1-4-1-1 formation was torn apart in the first game but it seems the SJ board saw enough from Clark and his boys to give him a further stay of execution. He's been handed a $1.5m transfer kitty, the largest of his career and he will continue to work at building a competitive team.

"Dallas have come along way in the last 12 months. We've barely kept our head above water. Infact, had LA not tanked so badly at the end of the season the spotlight would have been firmly on us. But with Colorado's early departure from the playoffs we've seen that this Conference can be competitive. I'm hoping that with a fine tweak or two we'll be up there."

Responding to a question about EJ, Clark had this to say...."Yeah, EJ, the club and myself have ironed out all our little issues. He's promised he's back on board, 100%. He's got a new contract and is back in the international reckoning. I hope he hits his 2004 season form for us next term." Freddy Adu was also capped recently for the first time, and those two forwards really hold the keys for SJ's future success.

Clark has released Lennon to likely retirement after his swansong year in MLS. "He was solid but I felt his heart wasn't really in it any more....so we've parted ways. It was a mutual decision".

Youngster Paul Vasquez also was unconditionally waived and other minor players may also join him. "The core is here. The core is staying. We have some players now who have been here a good long while. We're still a pretty young team."

The squad added Bulgarian hitman Todorov after his release from the EPL. "It's another option up front. SGR still has some gas in the tank and EJ is back in the fray. Of course, we have Julius on board, but he's been unhappy lately and given his $5.2m pricetag I'd be open to bidson him. I'd prefer not to deal him to an MLS team, nor in particular a team from the West....but if the right offer came along I would have to consider it seriously."

It seems Clark hasn't learned his lesson - even after scaldings at the hands of Pezzarossi and Estoyanoof, de Rosario and Ching alike over the last 3 years. "If they're unhappy what can I do. Their productivity drops, they start having a negative effect on other players....it's best for all concerned if they go. Frankly, Julius is too good for MLS and he knows it. I think we'll get interest from abroad."

Ahead of the 2007 draft Clark will be picking #1 for the first time, courtsey of the the Metrostars 1st Rounder that was picked up in the Vanden Borre trade. "Seems that gamble paid off". Clark will also pick around 5th with SJ's natural 1st rounder.

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"One minute, I'm in France, tuning up for a cup match. The next, clubbed over the head with a blunt object, and I wake up in Dallas. I wasn't so much 'hired' as 'threatened with death', but a job's a job."

- New FC Dallas manager Nick Gutierrez

So the new manager at the Cotton Bowl is a familiar face to MLS management. Gutierrez is the former manager of the New England Revolution, and created a mess that the current manager is still trying to clean up over a season later. But now, after the sudden resignation of Stu Hopkins, Gutierrez was what we will call hired, for the sake of brevity, to fill the vacancy.

The changes came fast and furious. The new boss brought in former Milan, Forientina, and Benfica spark Rui Costa to try and add some creativity to a goal starved side, and immediately switched to a 4-3-2-1 in an effort to create chances and hopefully goals.

In the first match, Dallas got one of those, but not the other. Facing strugging manager Al Clark and San Jose, Dallas ended the match with 18 shots, but only three on target as the match ended in a 0-0 draw. All three shots on target, incidentally, were by attacking midfielder Ronnie O'Brien.

The next match was against Chicago. A report leaked to the Chicago Tribune mentioned manager Johan Grommen's proposed marketing slogan for next season: "The mob ain't got $@&* on us.", a message that was roundly rejected by everyone but the mob itself. When asked about Grom's proposed slogan, Gutierrez laughed and replied, "I wonder which of them has broken more legs over the past year or so." In the match itself, a hard fought struggle saw a scrappy Dallas defense hold Chicago to four shots, and only one on target, as Richard Mulrooney's strike from the edge of the penalty area proved the difference in a 1-0 win for the former Burn.

Now, the club would really be tested. The next match would be against league-leading Colorado. Dallas showed that defensive solidarity that had become their trademark, while Colorado was more than up to the task in attacking. A rare defensive blunder in the 8th minute saw a penalty kick for Colorado, but the save was made by Dallas keeper Zach Thornton. In the 19th, Rui Costa, in his second start with the club, lined up a 30 yard freekick and knocked it into the back of the net, putting Dallas ahead 1-0. The lead held up until the 63rd minute, when Kyle Beckerman somehow worked into an inch of space and squeezed a header inside the near post. 1-1 was the score, and that's how it would end. Dallas's notorious inefficiency (19 shots, 7 on target) would prove their undoing yet again, and the manager has made no secret of the fact that a big striker is atop his wish list for next season.

Now, the venue shifts to NY/NJ, for a match against the offensively challenged Metros, and this match really didn't have much to say for it. The Metros kept five and sometimes six men back for the entire 90 minutes, and that made it literally impossible for either team to break through, and it ended just as it started, a 0-0 draw. With this draw, however, Dallas officially clinched the final playoff spot in the Western Conference, so there was some light at the end of this long, dark, sleep-inducing tunnel.

The fact that Dallas clinched that playoff spot made the season's last match against LA somewhat anticlimactic. Still, it was preparation for the playoffs, and since the boss knew their opponent was going to be league-leading Colorado, any preparation is good preparation. The first goal came in the 22nd minute, as Eric Quill found some space on the left wing and fired in a cross that found the boot of Twellman and into the net. 1-0 Dallas, on Twellman's fifth goal of the season. And as if the team knew it had something to prove, they scored again in the 44th, Eddie Gaven cut in from the right wing and fired a shot from the edge of the area that deflected off of a defender and into the net. 2-0, and despite a staggering 21 shots on goal for Dallas, that's where the scoring would end.

The first playoff match against Colorado would be in Dallas. After some pleasantries were exchanged in the press between the two managers, the match on the pitch took on quite a different shape. A back and forth affair for the full ninety minutes, it was a far more competitive match than the #1 vs. #4 seedings would imply. In the 85th minute, Dallas switched to a 4-3-3, bringing on Magee for Ronnie O'Brien, the tiring Irishman who had played a great match up to that point. This would prove to be an inspired substitution.

In the second minute of stoppage time, Eddie Gaven smacked a wonderful ball from the right flank, hitting Magee right on the boots. The youngster Magee found himself in acres of space, and he didn't miss, giving Dallas a 1-0 win in the first leg.

A 1-0 win in the first leg of a playoff matchup is a great result, but it isn't everything. Going to Colorado is not an easy thing to do, and the return match beared this out. In the 25th minute, Josh Wolff, in for an injured Twellman, went down in the area, in an incident that would result in a highly controversial penalty for Dallas. The shot was converted by Rui Costa, and Dallas jumped ahead 2-0, with the advantage on away goals should that become necessary. It didn't, despite a fantastic late charge by Colorado culminating in a Dwight Pezzarossi goal in the 83rd minute. It would end 1-1, 2-1 on aggregate, and Dallas was through to the Western Conference finals vs. Kansas City.

In that match, though, the width of KC just caused nightmares for Dallas. Manuel Sol buried a 30 yard freekick in the 34th minute, and you could see the heads of the Dallas players drop for just a very brief moment. They generated few chances, and scored on none at all, and when Takuchie scored on a header in the 72nd minute, it seemed to confirm what was suspected. A 2-0 loss here is a disappointing result, but it does give the club something to build on for next season.

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United Win The Title

Going into the playoffs United were hopeful of another title bid. After a couple of tight matches against Columbus, United went through. Away from home, United were defensively solid, leaving little room for the Columbus forwards to use their pace. A goal by Ben Olsen in the dying minutes of the match, put United one step ahead in the tie. At home, United once again sat back and looked for counter attack opportunities. Fill in left winger Gavin Glinton opened the scoring, with defender Sashi Chalwe adding a second in a match that produced few chances to send United through to the conference finals.

In the conference finals, United went up against rivals Chicago Fire in what was expected to be a tough encounter. United went up with their starting eleven of Rimando - Brown, Chalwe, Clark - Kovalenko, Dinjar, Robelto, Figueroa, Olsen - Sakaliev, Alva. Chicago started the match enjoying most of the posession but Robelto opened the scoring on the 22nd minute with Figueroa adding another 5 minutes later against the run of play. With Chicago pushing forward to grab a goal two counter attack goals by Sakaliev put United up 4-0 at the half. Sakaliev added two more in the secound half and Jason Wright scored his first goal in a United uniform as United won a bizarre match with a score of 7-0. Keeper D.J. Countess was to blame for several of the goals for the Chicago squad that had been low on morale after losing out in the Open Cup final against Seattle.

In the final United faced Kansas City in the 4th meeting of the season between the two sides. In the prior three meetings, the Wizards had bested United having won two of the three meeting between the sides. It wasn't to be this time around for the Wizards as United closed down the Kansas City forwards and went ahead early with two goals from Piero Alva and sat back to exploit counter attack opportunities. With Kansas City preferring a defensive style, neither team got much going and the match ended 2-0 to crown D.C. United the 2006 MLS Champions.

In off season transfer activity, United made a suprise move of moving striker Stoyko Sakaliev to Columbus. Regarding the trade United manager commented "We have a promising striker in Tom Keevan on the squad and we needed to make room for him in the squad for next season. We have a policy of making room for our draft picks in the squad. Keevan was our first pick in 2004 and finally he's ready for first team football." " We are losing a valuable player in Sakaliev but developing Keevan is a bigger priority for us at the moment." Midfielder Matt Garcia was also shipped to Columbus as a part of the Sakaliev trade as he found it difficult to crack the United first team his first season out of the draft.

In other transfer news, Greg Gomez joined the United squad after enjoying a successful spell in Belgium. Gomez is a hardworking attacking midfielder who can also fill in as a striker. Gomez indicated his delight in joining the MLS champions after his one year spell in Europe.

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As the offseason continues, the foundation of the team is set, but Lung is stilling trying to explore every opportunity that can help this team get into the playoff for the first time in 4 years. Lung made a minor deal before the 2007 draft, he sent Jeff Parke to San Jose in exchange for prospect goalie David Garlick. Lung will give David Garlick and Matth Phillips every opportunity to start in this coming season despite the presence of Dan Popik.

For the 2007 draft, Lung had a shortlist that he had drawn up during his evaluation process on the combine players. But when he was on the clock during the second round, he did not have much choice already. He chose Brian Adams, a striker, during the second round. Lung had told the reporters that he is looking for some midfielders in the draft, but yet he chose two strikers in the draft. After Brian Adams, Lung drafted Scott Crawford during the third round. another striker that has some potential.

"By the time the Metros were on the clock, I don't have much to choose from already, I can just go out there and pick someone who I think has to potential, and the best available player at that time was Brian Adams. I will take a look at him this season, and see how will he develop."

Lung cut Matt Pickens out of the 26-men roster. He picked up Manqoba Ngwenya at the Supplemental Draft, but he will likely give him up because the Metros have 3 SI already.

We will keep you up to date on what's going on in that NY/ NJ area.

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The offseason began for the New England Revolution, the 2nd under manager Jimmy Ventura and like the first one it was busy. It had as many deals fall through as deals that went through. There were rumors that they were interested in bringing in DC United central defender Mike Petke to improve the defense and help last year's first round pick David Campbell develop further but that deal fell through and Petke was traded to FC Dallas. Another rumor had them in negotiations with San Jose for goalkeeper David Garlick but that also fell through and Garlick ended up in a Metrostars uniform.

Ventura did manage to bring in Adrian Iencsi, a Romanian veteran central defender just before that though and there were whispers from New England's locker room that several players are already excited about learning from him. Also brought in was Paraguayan right fullback Oscar Diaz, who was purchased from Saturn. No one knows yet if that's a team or the planet.

Departing the team was attacking midfielder Felix Borja who was sold to Europe for 1 million dollars. That means that goalkeeper Carlos Chavez, who was shopped in the offseason to free up a TI slot, will have another shot with an improved defense to show what he can do.

In the draft, Ventura was looking for the best available players to add young talent to the team and fortunately for him the best available player in his opinion was a position of need as well. 17 year old attacking midfielder Steve Lewis was the pick and will get plenty of playing time throughout the year now that Borja is no longer a Rev. In the draft room, there was some criticism about the pick some thinking he was picked too early, and others thinking he would never last to New England's 2nd round pick. Ventura defended his pick with this quote "Have you seen the kid's talent? Not only is he talented but he fits in a position that we need to fill with the departure of Borja. Some managers were probably upset that they did their homework wrong and expected him to drop to the 2nd. I didn't even try to have him last to my 2nd round pick because he would be gone long before that if I didnt' pick him".

The 2nd round saw them draft a striker, Chris Johnson. He will compete for a backup role with Jamil Walker and Alecko Eskandarian behind starters Dewayne DeRosario and Brian Miller.

In the 3rd round, central defender Jason George was selected and he'll also be one of the young defenders that will get a chance to learn from Adrian Iencsi.

The only other player to make the 26 man roster from the draft picks was left fullback David Moore. He's somewhat of a project but Ventura saw enough in him to keep him around.

Last offseason, Ventura's first, saw him lay down the groundwork for future rosters with the purging of many players, including Clint Mathis. This season Ventura is adding young and veteran players alike in an effort to gain one of the top seeds in the Eastern Conference. Next year will be more of the same regardless of where they finish until the team is a powerhouse in the East. Hopefully that will happen and won't take too much longer.

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Adding youth the emphasis in Dallas

FC Dallas have approached this offseason with a clear emphasis on getting younger in key positions. They signed Wallisian goalkeeper Mathew Rothwell, a 20 year old with fantastic aerial ability, solid reflexes, and loads of potential for $52,000. He'll battle Zach Thornton for the starting GK position, a battle that may rage throughout the season. The club is also said to be in the final stages of discussions with Yemeni midfielder Salim Al-Husaini. The brave 19 year old is a superb passer with a decent long shot, and tough as nails to boot. He should fit right in as a member of Dallas's DM rotation.

The signing of Rothwell, however, spells the end for Henry Ring in Dallas. He was not included on the club's 26 man roster, and he was pretty well ignored in the supplimental draft as well. One has to wonder whether this is the end of the line for the keeper.

Of course, if you want to get younger, probably the best way to do that is through the draft. Dallas had a good one:

1st round: Jeff Williams, D/DM L

Williams has a chance to be a really good offensive fullback. His passing skill is amazing, he's a good dribbler, and works very hard on the wing. He'll be a great addition to the squad, even if it takes him a year or so to pan out.

2nd round: Kevin Rodriguez, S C

A player well suited to the single striker system that Gutierrez tends to employ, Rodriguez is a scrappy player with pretty good skills for a player just shy of his 21st birthday. One worth watching.

3rd round: David Oshoniyi, AM R

The club was thrilled to see the blazing quick Oshoniyi fall to the third round. He's a very good dribbler, and a solid free kick taker to boot - a skill that can only get better as he learns the tricks of the trade from Rui Costa. All in all, another solid addition - we can expect to see all three of these picks on the Cotton Bowl pitch this season.

After the draft, Dallas sent their 4th round pick to DC in exchange for veteran defender Mike Petke. The 31 year old will help shore up the backline, where depth looked to be wearing a bit thin after the release of John Burwood and Danny Hall.

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Draft Day Round Up

After a couple of disappointing seasons, SJ found themselves with a task or two in hand. Ahead of the 2007 draft, Sj had made a trade that acquired themthe #1 overall pick (from the Metros). Add in their natural #5 and Clark was armed to the teeth. "I was looking for some players who could help right away - quite a challenge with this squad".

Clark picked a left winger - Stephen Tucker - who looks to have all the tools - with the #1 pick. "Sure we have Dempsey and Adu, but this kid is an out-and-out winger, and he brings somehting different to the table".

With #5 Clark was able to select Matt Phillips, a robust centre half. With their second rounder SJ selected Danny Cervantes, an esteemed DR and with it, Clark had secured 3 of his top 5 players in the draft. "I'm well chuffed, I had those boys all within my top 5...for Danny Cervantes to drop to me at #15 was fantastic". Clark added keeper Josh Estes, who was the top player in the recent combine with his 3rd round pick and it was all-round a good day at the office for the men in Teal.

In other roster activity, Clark traded Julius Aghahowa to DC for Mike 'Hutch' Hutchison...a solid DRC. "This trade killed two birds with one stone - it got rid of an expensive SI, for which we had no room, and got a solid d-man in return for which we were desparate." Clark also traded 3rd choice Keeper David Garlick to the Metros for Jeff Parke, adding more defensive cover.

In moves to meet the 26 man limit, Clark released youngsters Chris Watson, Mike Davis and Frankie Simek. Ryan Cochrane - the last remaing pre-Clark tennant - was also cut after failing to fulfil his potential at the Spartan Stadium.

With two more cuts yet to be made, Chris Greer in particular must be looking hard over his shoulder. The 2005 1st Round pick has never lived up to billing and may have worn out his welcome. Many speculated that he wouldn't survive the first cuts, but the new found depth in defence bought his a stay of execution as Frankie Simek was shown the door.

"Watson and Davis could likely do a job in this league. Simek and Cochrane...? I'm not so sure. Either way, I wish them all the best."

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United Announce 26 Man Squad

With the draft(s) completed, United have finalized a couple of more deals to head into the next season. Former team captain Mike Petke was dealt to Dallas in exhange for a pick in the 2008 draft since Petke was unable to crack into the first eleven last season with United going to a 3-man defense. United dealt away yet another defender Russell Hutchinson to San Jose to get Julius Aghahowa in return. It is rumored that the deal is a loan deal and the two players could be swapped back before the start of next season. It is also rumored that neither player will be eligible to play against their former team this season as the two managers entered into a genteman's agreement.

United Squad

GK - Nick Rimando - Eccentric keeper going into his prime, will be the starter in most matches.

GK - Scott Ellis - Enthusiastic keeper with great tools, main backup and occasional starter.

GK - Brian Brown - Promising keeper who will have to work hard in the offseason to get a spot in the final roster, picked up in the draft.

D - Sashi Chalwe - Strong defender, one of the best in his position in the MLS

D - Eric Anderson - Promising defender who will start most matches on the right side of Chalwe.

D - C.J. Brown - Experienced strong defender and team captain.

D - Mike Jackson - Promising defender will have to live up to his promise this season to remain on the team.

D/DM - Matt Denecour - Versatile defensive player is strong in the air and on the ground.

DM - Ricardo Clark - Skillful midfielder, recently chosen to the Gold Cup dream team after scoring 4 goals in 6 matches for USMNT.

DM - Dema Kovalenko - Determined midfielder who has the technique to run the midfield.

DM - Mike Schmidt - Hardworking midfielder, excellent backup in the defensive midfield position.

AM - Jeff George - 16 year old could become a premier playmaker for the USMNT, picked up in the draft.

AM - Jason Wright - Pacy winger can play on the right side, will fill in for Olsen in some matches.

AM - Carlos Fernando Figueroa - Determined attacking midfielder has been the MLS MVP two years running.

AM - Greg Regan - Promising attacking midfielder is deadly from set pieces.

AM - Ben Olsen - Fan favorite and consistent performer on the right and centre of midfield.

AM - Ivan Robelto - MLS assists king last season and technical genius, prefers to play on the left side.

AM - Marko Dinjar - Playmaker reminiscent of the great Gheorge Hagi, still 20 years old with much to contribute.

AM/F - Tom Keevan - 18 year old natural finisher who will be given a chance to make the starting spot his own.

AM/F - Greg Gomez - Enthusiastic forward who joined the club from Europe at the beginning of the season.

AM/F - Gavin Glinton - Pacy winger/forward has been a reliable backup for two seasons.

F - Julius Aghahowa - Explosive striker who can be a menace in the locker room, will be a backup to start the season.

F - Piero Alva - Has scored 30 goals in the past two seasons for United and assisted on 20 goals.

F - Ben Dunn - Promising striker who might get playing time late in matches, picked up in the draft..

F - Tim Martin - Promising striker with aerial prowress, picked up in the draft.

F - Jeremiah White - Pacy striker was the joint leading scorer in the MLS last year.

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With the playoffs over the runners up Kansas City & their vocal Assistant Boss Ethan Allen had this to say about playoffs

“Well San Jose was a sweet victory, at the end of the regular season we questioned L.C.P.’s heart a little and he came back and gave us a resounding answer scoring four goals in the series, the problem was that many of my players were getting injured. Pablo got injured and then Brian Ching was the next to go in the series. I have to admit it felt good beating Al. He is the type of manager that whines a lot and to hear him call me lucky after the match brought a smile to my face. Beating him 3-1 at home was a great thing to see for me.â€

“ Dallas was a nice surprise my game was done before they were and I was rooting for them, nothing against Nick. I thought it would be easier and missing 3 of my best players I did not want to take that chance. We ended up beating Dallas in part thanks to a penalty I have to admit 2-0 was a bit unjust to Nick. He played a good contest I just got the momentum swaying my way.â€

“We faced DC in the final and I think the team was just happy to be there. Unfortunately we did not come out with the performance needed to give DC a good threat. Omer is a great coach and he deserved the title. I apologize to the fans for not being able to have the exciting final that we probably should have had. “

“ As far as the Off season goes we are going have a difficult rebuilding process we lost Aubin, Alexandre and Ngwenya. I really didn’t want to see them go. We also traded Nick Garcia for my favorite MLS striker Clint Mathis. We had a big roster we had many cuts to make also. I also signed Kevin Hartman as a good back up and teacher for Alex. The team has changed a lot since last year we have a prospect coming. In the draft we picked up a good Midfielder, a good defender and another good midfielder my second second round pick will almost surly be cut. I am giving him till the 24 man cut but he just does not have the potential I feel. Right now I am optimistic about my team I don’t know what we can and can’t do. The team is going need some time to gel hopefully they will gel quickly.â€

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Grom's European Vacation

The vacation started in Antwerp, where I toured the De Koninck bbrewery. This beer is the signiture drink of the city, and it has a special bond with the locals. Next I took trip to the neighboring town of Breendonk, to tour the Moortgat brewery, this is where the champagne of beers is produced, Duvel. This is probally the best known beet in Belgium. This part of the trip inspired my own brewery ambitions. Soon we were in the town of Namur, where my career took off. So, this would be where I was going to lay some of my extra cash, investing into the Musée des Bieres Belges. This is a great museum, where there are thousands of objects releated to beer on display and there are over 800 beers to sample here. The locals here remembered me from playing days and I saw a couple of kids walking around with Chicago Fire shirts. Sadly my time in Namur was limited since I had to get over to the Stade Francis le Blé.

On my way to France, my phone rang and on the other there was a bloke with a thick Geordie accent. I could barely understand him, ah it was the Columbus Crew manager. This was the conversation.

Smith-Bryan III-"Hoo ye gannin? "

Grom-"What's that?"

Smith-Bryan III-"Hoo's ya fettle?"

Grom-"I'm well thank you for asking and you?"

Smith-Bryan III-"Champion!!!"

Grom-"Have your scouts in Bulgaria found anyone decent yet?"

Smith-Bryan III-"Nowt, but me scout nigh on foond a gem but affta wading through aal the clarts nothin yet."

Grom-"Oh well keep looking he's out there and you'll find him"

Smith-Bryan III-"Aye, howay back wi me beeah"

Grom-"Cya mate"

I was on my way to attend the huge rivalry match with ES Wasquehal travelling to face Stade Brestois 29. This was the biggest match going on in France at the time since it was featuring the countries top 2 sides. Last time out, Brests lost as all the decisions went infavor of the Les Jaunes et Noirs. This time, Brest were looking to stake an emphatic claim to Wasquehal's crown. The match really didn't live up to the hype, but during halftime I was honoured on pitch. The game was very one sided as Brests thumped the defending champions 6-0. Norweigan senstation Helge Sandvik was unstoppable and he scored his first career hatrick for the club, Sidi Malkan Sissoko popped up with a brace in his testimonial season, and the scoring was rounded off with an own goal from Christer Eriksson, who now believes that he made the wrong choice in choosing Les Jaunes et Noirs over the Brests. Mark Krol and Moussilou didn't threaten at all and their defense was at sixes and sevens most of the match. Poor Gael Ouefio was left helpless on most of the goals. The Brests were worthy winners and the carnival atmosphere continued late into the night.

Back in the US, the Chicago Fire signed young Belizean striker Robert Muschamp for 60k from Juventus FC. He scored on his international debut and will add a much needed spark to our attack.

The draft saw us pick up young Eric Edwards who is a versitatle defender and striker, and with our second pick we added depth to the problematic goalkeeping situation with Matt Duff. Now with last year's pick Brian Parrish ready for MLS action after a stint with the Seattle Sounders, the team is comming together nicely.

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This past offseason was kind of quiet in term of media stories. Every team was doing their parts, improving their team instead of getting involve in all those media's talks like last year. Metrostars head coach Lung also quietly went through his third offseason.

A month before the regular season begins, Lung aquired D.J. Countess, an all-star goalkeeper from Chicago for a second round pick. "I think he can get more from it. At the beginning I thought he was looking for a first round pick, but I said I will only give up for 2nd at this time, and coach Grom said fair enough, so I finalized the deal. I realized later that he got prospect Scott Ellis from DC United, I think he is trying to make room for him."

"I am very happy that D.J. joins us and I am looking forward to his service. At first, I was planning to drop Dan Popik and give Matt Phillips and David Garlick to share the GK job this season. But now with the arrival of D.J., surely he will be the number one guy, but I still will give those two a start once in a while."

At the final roster cut off day, coach Lung cut Dan Popik, Brad Peterson, Joseph Ngwenya, and Paul Houser. "I would like to have them on my team, but I can only keep 24, so I can't really do anythiing. Joseph will occupy a SI slot which I don't have; Paul still have some potential to show, but I can't afford his wages after I signed Elson; Brad is still young and is not ready to play yet; Dan gave us a solid year last season, but I can only have 3 GK on my final roster, and he is the odd man out."

Metrostars played in a warm up cup hosted by SJ, Metros lost all three games in that competition. "I don't really think the results of those games matter, my assistant manager took charge of those games, and he was just using some normal style of play, there were not much tactical strats involve. Those games are just to give the players some match practices and get them into mid-season form when they start they season."

After the warm up cup, the Metros played in 9 friendly matches, they tied Charlotte 1-1, and then won the next eight without giving up a single goal.

Here is the Metros 24-men roster for 2007:


D.J. Countess, Matt Phillips, David Garlick


Joey Franchino, Leonardo Gonzalez, Wilson Lizarazo, Nick Garcia, Anthony Vanden Borre, Jason Phillips, Chris Leitch, Phil Salyer


Joshua Gros, Craig Capano, Jean-Phillipe Peguero, Carey Talley, Logan Pause, Brian Carroll, Mike Jackson


Chen Tao, Elson Evelio Becerra, Davy Arnaud, Kevin Flores, Scott Crawford, Brian Adams

The Metrostars 2007 season is officially underway when they face the Galaxy in Los Angeles. LA jumped to an early lead when Oktay strike home his first of the campaign. Metros answered one back mid-way through the second, Becerra scored on his debut on a pass from Flores. Both teams were played evenly throughout the game, so a draw is quite reasonable.

"Becerra has expressed a week before the season begins that he finds it a bit tough to settle in this area, I hope he can overcome this and help this team wins."

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Progress in the Champions Cup

Luis Angel Firpo 2 - 3 D.C. United

United took the first leg of this tie in their usual flamboyant fashion despite conceding the first goal. The Salvadoran side failed to threaten for most of the match despite the seemingly close score.

D.C. United 2 - 0 Luis Angel Firpo

After getting the away result in their favor, United never panicked and booked a ticket to the next round in an easily won contest.

Quarter Finals

Pumas 2 - 0 D.C. United

United looked lost and not fully rested from their friendly game less than 48 hours before this match. Pumas controlled the game and United were lucky to come away with only a 2-0 loss on the day.

D.C. United 3 - 0 Pumas

The phenomenal comeback by United spilled into extra time with the score level on aggregate at full time. United took charge of this game and gave little room for Pumas to operate. With the United players looking much sharper this time around, Carlos Fernando Figueroa took charge in midfield and put on a footballing clinic. Early extra time goal by Jeremiah White gave United fans much to cheer about before they witnessed a nail biting finish to the contest after Ben Olsen was sent off for a bookable offense and United were left with 10 men on the pitch. Rimando and the defenders stood strong however as United got past Pumas to make their way into the semi finals for a second straight year.

United boss was delighted with the win and noted "This is a clear indication as to how far we have come. The fans nationwide should thank the commissioner for the appointment of the Relegation Fighters to this league by filling these stadiums and providing support to MLS football." When asked about the progress about the Seattle team in the cup, United manager said "No disrespect to Seattle but Chicago would have done a better job."

Kickoff to the MLS Season

After a short break from matches, United started the season against last year's runner up Kansas City. Early goal by Mathis left United shell shocked and Preciado took adtantage by putting the Wizards up 2-0 before the 9th minute. As KC sat back, United started to gain control of the contest with slick passing and clawed back one goal early in the second half courtesy of Piero Alva. In the dying minutes of the match, and with Kansas City starting to tire, Piero Alva once again beat his marker and slotted home the equalizer to earn a 2-2 draw away from home.

United also made some roster moves with Scott Ellis exiting the RFK and heading to Chicago in return for a 1st rounder in a move to make room for the promising Brian Brown. Benn Dunn was kept in the roster at the expense of tall striker Tim Martin who was cut to reduce the roster size to 24 players.

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  • SI Staff


Season Kicks Off With a Win

After a long pre-season making some fine tuning, the 24 man roster day came along and Clark was left with a couple of headaches.

"It's tough to cut guys, it's hard enough to get to 26 most times, but those two you lose down to 24 are more often than not capable players whom I'd love to keep around. I long for the day this league has a reserve league with 10 developmental contract spots available. icon_wink.gif"

The odd men out turn out to be Paul Medina, a very promising DL and Josh Estes, a good young keeper. "I know I should have probably cut a DC, we've got 8 players who can cover that position in the squad....but I felt we should really cut the weakest players. It's been the toughester roster deadline day of my career. I know those two win find work elsewhere, and who knows, they may end up back here one day. I notice Chris Watson and Mike Davis have already been picked up (By KC and Schalke)."

Pre-season went according to plan for SJ, as they went unbeaten in about 10 games against USL and MLS teams. They also picked up the inaugural Warm-Up Cup, topping the 4 team league cosisting of SJ, Chicago, Columbus and the Metros.

First up in 2007 was Jimmy's New England Revolution. Clark had reverted back to his favoured 4-4-2 formation and his starting day line-up was as follows:

Gk : Joe Cannon

DR: Mike Hutchinson

DC: Andre Muri

DC: Eddie Pope

DL: Pete Vagenas

MR: Chris Klein

MC: Ederson

MC: Zoltan Boor

ML: Steve Tucker

SC: Eddie Johnson

SC: Svetoslav Todorov

It was a rough first 45 minutes against a Revs side that simply exploded out of the blocks. The peppered Joe Cannon's goal but couldn't make their obvious domination turn into goals and, as often happens in football, SJ stabilized and then sucker punched the road team. A brace from revitalised Eddie Johnson and a late goal from Chris Klein was enough for the boys in Teal to romp home to a flattering 3-0 decision.

"Great stuff. I thought we did well to weather the storm. I made a couple of personnel changes, but stuck to my guns tactically, and it paid off. I wish every game went like this."

SJ had been posted as 2nd favourites for the title this year behind reigning champs DC. "It's the first time in 3 years we've not been at least joint favourites. Hopefully, with a little bit of pressure off we can really come into our own. I wont make any lofty predictions this year, but my board have been patient and I feel we are both due and ready to move this team on this season. "

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Cancer and How it Feeds

It all began after we failed to beat Seattle in the Open Cup Final and coupled with the 7-0 trashing in the Conference Final by rival DC United. Amado Guevara made it known through the media that it was time for him to move on for a bigger club since he needs a new challenge.

In a private meeting I said to him " Listen Amado it's holiday time now, go back to Honduras relax and spend time with your family. We can discuss this again, once you've really thought about it. He responded with his typical "A'Ok Boss."

DJ spinning for a new Club

The decision to let DJ move on was tough for everyone, but coach Lung seems to know what he's doing. It's a good move for us because we have Ellis comming in from DC. Plus, it allows me to send a message to the squad that complacency won't be tolerated. The fans were uneasy about this move and Amado Guevara didn't hesitate to chip in with his 2 cents. Amado felt that the team lacked competition for places and that the squad needed strengthening.

"Damn it the squad doesn't need strengthening, in fact as it stands Amado doesn't even feature in the first team plan, so he better get used to picking splinters out his arse since he's going to be riding the pine."

Amado then said that he's disillusioned with life here at Chicago under olde school boss Grom. Since coach Grommen isn't willing to listen to his players and their ideas. Guevara also upset big Jim Curtin and Shalrie Joseph and they are now worried by the size of the squad.

"Geez he's opened his big mouth again!!"

"This is the last straw, he's done here!!!, Guevara will never dawn a Fire shirt ever again."

After three meetings with the board, I finally managed to convince them that the team doesn't need Guevara and that we'll be better with out him. "So Amado has been a free transfer, he's caused too many problems in the club house, he thinks he too good for the MLS well let him prove it and FECK HIM.....NOBODY is bigger than the team, good ridance. I just hope the fans understand." The Rumors are that injured Romanian International Florin Cernat is working out with the team and is close to agreeing terms. He was released by Dynamo Kiev while he was recovering from a long term spinal injury.

Opening Day is here

Dallas at home. 30,416 were on hand for an emphatic Fire performance. Kingsley got us off to a nice start after only 6 minutes with a finish at the far post, the move was started with a long throw in from Kelly Gray and Hazurov flicked it on. Then on 14 minutes Hazu broke the offside trap and cooly finished, just 4 minutes after that he powered home a header from Justin Mapp's pinpoint acurrate cross. The next goal came from Robert Muschamp as he put away a scrabble caused by a long throw by Joseph. 4-0 to the Fire at halftime and that's how it finished.

"The boys really showed what we can do and this is a 2 fingered V salute right at Guevara,"

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In what has started off a new season Ethan Allen was particular unhappy with the refereeing at the Chivas Vs Kansas City Wizards.

In the first game Kansas City came out hot until they were subject to a very close call that should have been a penalty Jorge and Clint both came up to argue the Costa Rican only got a warning while Mathis got a yellow card and argued that yellow card and managed to get kicked out of the game. Chivas quickly countered and got a goal to go 1 up; 10 minutes later we got an answer from Leider to tie the game. Momentum was shifting our way but we were only able to manage a draw.

Then what was considered a very controversial game. It went back and forth with Alex looking like he was on form and then around the 30th Leider scored a goal to makes us go up on away goals. Then suspiciously a few minutes later, Alex Gray got injured on a “Cross ballâ€. Willy and Allen were furious demanding a red card but no card was given. Things got worse as Kevin Hartman came in and Chivas were able to capitalize starting the second half 2 minutes in Chivas scored one and then another with in the span of 5 minutes. Coincidently Brain Mullan would go down from another hard no call. Once again Allen and Willy pleaded for a foul but none came. More changes would come after a shot hit the post and barley missed. Chivas were able to counter and get their third goal past Hartman, Tyrone Ardense scored a goal his first of his Wizard career but it was all for not as the Whistle would blow shortly afterwards.

“It was a travesty and a mockery of the game. The referees were corrupt as can be. I know Concacaf has a vendetta against the MLS. I have been told by officials not working the Champions Cup. The calls that went against were insane. I wan the Referees banned, I want Chivas out of the Cup, I want a formal apology from Concacaf, this is one of the most biased and disturbing things every done in North American Soccer. We were the better team and if it was not for the fact that Chivas had 14 players on the field on both games we would have won easily.â€

In other games we got there by beating Kulture Yabara the Belize team in the first round. We won the first leg 2-0, with Leider and Ching getting the goals. Then Gray was out so Hartman started and we lost 2-1 but went on the aggregate rule.

We also started the MLS season facing the team that we lost to in the finals DC United. The game started off nicely has Mathis scored on a Nick Ramondo Mistake and then we attacked a stunned DC side Leider got the second goal. We dominated the first half and up until the 60th minute mark. They got a lucky when a Mathis shot hit the post and fire back out to a DC defender who gave it to Alva who was questionably called onside got one past Alex Gray. We continued to stay back and it cost us as in the 85th minute Alva scored another goal.

“Well it was partially my fault part of it was just luck, I shouldn’t have backed off really we were beating DC united in every way possible. The score should have been some where around 4-1 at the end of the first half. Mathis just needed the goal to be about an inch wider and we would have been running away with the game. Omer had luck on his side this time but with Mullan out, Pablo hurt and Ardense out it is not so bad to draw. It gives me great confidence that even with a back up midfield for the most part we still should have beat them.â€

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