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How to change a few things in match team stats short


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Anyone have ideas about the following:

1. Changing the column titles? For instance, key passes, key tackles, and key headers are all labeled "Key" which is fine when they are in context (i.e., after the related stats) but if I just want to display key incidents, there's no way to tell which is which. Also, I'd prefer to change "Comment" to "Motivation."

2. Removing the 0s in displayed stats. In the goals column there are no 0s, only blank spaces for players that didn't score. I'd like to display the stats I'm adding to the split stats screen the same way.

3. Color coding the ratings (i.e., poor, good, average, excellent each a different color) the same way attributes are in the player profile. For that matter, it'd be nice to color code the ratings everywhere they show up (and if I understand the way colors are handled, that's probably how it'd work anyway).

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I was afraid you'd say that. One more question -- where are the colors of the circles in the match analysis screen determined. I didn't see anything promising in the settings.xml nor could I figure out which (if any) of the panels named something including "analysis" was the right one.

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The match Analysis Screen is controlled by the 'match detailed analysis.xml' file - however it looks like the colours are hardcoded as their is nothing in the file about the colours and there is no entry in the settings files for those icons.

Adding a colour="xxx" line into the lines like these might work:

<widget class="picture" file="pitch/icons/kit/analysis" id="pic4" row="4" column="4" scale_picture="true"/>

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