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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Nice to see this game's still going, good luck in the future lads. icon14.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks mate. We are ending our break in the 5th of January, when we'll start with CM 03/04. And you will probably see me dominating again... icon_wink.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Nice to see this game's still going, good luck in the future lads. icon14.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you vety much, we are all looking forward to the new game starting on monday.

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sounds good, only thing im wondering about is why not have very fast speed on all the time? and hope you have the "move matches for tv" ticked off in the preferences.

well im off to celebrate the new year once more and a very, VERY wet and dizzy new year to you all from the top of the world, wich is also called Finland, the land of Santa and reindeers, wich we, Rab m8, still don't use for currency.

roll on 2004!!!

The Saints Gaffer

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I have ticked "move matches for tv" as I feel it will speed the game up, so that everyone plays on the same day. If teh majority don't want it on then I can easily take it off.

You can play all your games in VERY FAST mode if you wish, however I prefer FAST for season games.

HAPPY 2004 to you all

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7pm start on monday evening, see you all there.

The server will be up tonight from around 7.30 until 10.30 for anyone who wants to do last minute bits and pieces to their team.

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It is only up and running for those managers that don't get an 'Array out of bounds' error everytime they try to look at their team !!!

I demand we start again as I know this will p' off OJ and Sami ......

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Did you get my e-mail mate???

Ideally you should resign since we have only just starting the season and you would not lose anything. The other alternitive is to load up the previous saved game which would mean we lose two hours worth of gametime and a LOT of transfers/shortlists etc etc

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with regards the save game compatibility, yes it will let you play saved games, but whether all the fixes are incorporated remains to be seen. Just from my own personal experience going back to 00/99. We didnt have any problems tbh with 4.1.3 because we started from scratch, but heard some terrible buggy stories from others who patched over a saved game. I have 4 games in limbo atm waiting for the next patch. I'm hoping this is the last one, so some consistancy prevails and the si boys ignore the schooly muppets in the GQ forum who shout for changes every time they feel thay cant score icon_wink.gif

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yep, best thing would be for Rab to retire and rejoin. All Rab has to do is save his shortlist and training etc so he wont lose any vital things. And our manager profile hasnt changed much yet so he wont lose anything there either.

i know it must **** u off rab to redo all the things in your squad but thats little compared for us to restart the whole thing AND u still have to do these things if we restart.

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We would not have to restart Sami . we would only lose 2 hrs, since I have a saved game that works.

Rabs problem was not the same as yours Sami, he cannot get into his squad screen AT ALL, it bombs out the second he clicks on his squad.

OJ and I have saved his tatics/shortlist/training so if he does retire then he can load them back in

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ok. well then the only worry i have is the transfers that occured during those 2 hours. I sold A.Svensson to Real Madrid for example. And that's why i bought Etuhu from you Moncs. Made some cash. But i think Oj will be the one whose more worried than me as he has a possible receivership to battle against during the end of the season and he made some good deals. well maybe he will report on that if he has a problem. BUT still, why just not retire and rejoin?? Test it to see if it helps?

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You all seem to have missed the point guys in that what if it happens to someone else when we are further into the game ? It is fine saying 'Rab just resign' but what happens when someone else's career goes pop ? do they just resign ? do we all start a new game then ? I don't think I would be too happy if it happened a couple of seasons into a game and from the very early happening of it in our current game I am loathe to resign only for us to have to start all over again when other managers have the problem.

Let's be quite clear on this, It was a fresh install on a XP Laptop with SP1 and nothing else running (that's why I was not on MSN). If you guys are happy to try and keep playing then fine, but be aware I will insist on anyone else that has the problem do the same thing regardless of how long they have been playing.

Everyone OK with this ?

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Rab, my point is that since it's so early on, retiring and coming back is the best option. Like I told Moncs, if we were 2-3 seasons in to the game, then I would probably be in favour of playing the few hours again. But not at this point. icon_smile.gif

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So what your saying is it's OK for me to lose what I have but if someone else should lose more than 1 season or 2 we will just restart ??

Fine by me but I will NOT be happy if someone else has the problem halfway thru this season and we restart.....

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I save the game EVERY HOUR and use 5 saved games and alternate between them on each save.

ie) 7pm save1, 8pm save2, 9pm save3, 10pm save 4 etc etc

If this does indeed happen again, then the worst that happens is that we load up the previous save and lose AT MOST one hours play.

I understand Rabs concerns and he is right, however hopefully the above statement should solve any moaning.

The only concern that I have is that, if its happened once already and we are only 4 or 5 weeks into the season, who's to say it will not happen on a regular basis??

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RabMohr:

So what your saying is it's OK for me to lose what I have but if someone else should lose more than 1 season or 2 we will just restart ??

Fine by me but I will NOT be happy if someone else has the problem halfway thru this season and we restart.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What are you losing exactly? Nothing, to the best of my knowledge. But okay, fine with me that if this happens to others then they too resign.

Case closed then?

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Do you really think I am losing nothing OJ ?? If that was the case then not a problem, but I notice that Moncs offer of YOU all losing an hours worth of gameplay was not exactly welcomed with delight!!!!

This Clan has always been about ALL the members having a good time but I must admit that it now appears that only a few seem willing to miss out while others carry on regardless as long as they are not affected. This even extends to players needing or wanting to finish early for the night meeting with calls to carry on without them, just a symptom of the changed attitude I feel. It was not that long ago that we were happy to cancel a night if a regular was not able to make it, now the rest just play on and tough !!!

I am not having a go so don't panic, but you did ask the question.

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listen lads i want to go against what i said earlier in your thread,

this is a quote from another post i did today:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> well actually i have been speaking to a few of the SI team. The major issue with 4.1.3 was the fact that it was not save game compatible. If you tried to play a save game after patching with this you got lots of errors and bugs. The main cause of this was the fact that in the new patch the AI tactics had been tweaked, and game when patched obviously tried to run these new tactics when in your old 4.1.2 saved games these were obviously different. Hence the score changing and major errors.

I have been reliably informed that this error has been fixed for the release of 4.1.4. So 4.1.4 will definately be save game compatible.

I tested an online game running under 4.1.3 fixed exe (spanish leagues) and the game was stable as hell, i could not see any blatant bugs that would be game damaging.

As a result i might be kicking off myself with 4.1.3 tonight knowing of the impending release of 4.1.4 and the fact that it is saved game compatible. I also know that the Si team are away to Milan to watch the footie this weekend so the patch release will not be early next week <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

so this looks to be our course of action tonight. Good luck with your game, makes excellent reading icon_smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> oh and watch you don't get splinters sitting on that fence <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

icon_wink.gif naah you lot can sort your own shít out, your clan has been good so hopefully you can get a resolution sorted.

As for change of opinion, well what can i say even the dogmeister can be misinformed icon_razz.gif

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I would like EVERYONE in the clan to agree to the below.

If Rab's problem happens again, then we load up the previous save and lose AT MOST one hours play. Rather than resigning

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moncs:

I would like EVERYONE in the clan to agree to the below.

If Rab's problem happens again, then we load up the previous save and lose AT MOST one hours play. Rather than resigning<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay that is fine with me. It's just that at this point I really don't want to do it because we would lose a lot of important pre season work. And lose a lot of valuable deals, and there wouldn't be any guarantees we would be able to make those deals again. But if it happens during the season I don't mind playing a couple of games again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RabMohr:

Do you really think I am losing nothing OJ ?? If that was the case then not a problem, but I notice that Moncs offer of YOU all losing an hours worth of gameplay was not exactly welcomed with delight!!!!

This Clan has always been about ALL the members having a good time but I must admit that it now appears that only a few seem willing to miss out while others carry on regardless as long as they are not affected. This even extends to players needing or wanting to finish early for the night meeting with calls to carry on without them, just a symptom of the changed attitude I feel. It was not that long ago that we were happy to cancel a night if a regular was not able to make it, now the rest just play on and tough !!!

I am not having a go so don't panic, but you did ask the question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't worry mate, I'm not panicing. But I really don't understand what you would lose at this point. Since it isn't the reputation and all your tactics, trainings and your shortlist are saved.

And like I said in the previous post, I don't mind loading up a previous save during the season and lose a couple of games but I do mind it now when it's the pre season and I, like we all, have made hard work and some good deals. And wouldn't be any guarantees we would be able to make them again. Hope you understand that.

And Mr X, it's good to know that things should be ok in every aspect concerning the game, and thanks for the compliments about our clan. This really is a wonderful clan and I'm very pleased to be a part of it.

Oh, and Rab, about the playing on part after somebody has had to left, it's just that the game is so a addictive it's really hard to end playing each time. icon_smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moncs:

I would like EVERYONE in the clan to agree to the below.

If Rab's problem happens again, then we load up the previous save and lose AT MOST one hours play. Rather than resigning<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

i agree

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OJ:

Oh, and Rab, about the playing on part after somebody has had to left, it's just that the game is so a addictive it's really hard to end playing each time. icon_smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, but u must understand that we have people with commitments and i am one of them. i might not be the most active student but thats another matter. forexample i have a exame on fri morning so i HAVE to quit 10.30 on thu as the exame will be the first thing in the morning. and to all our british members, remember the time differance, it's +2h over here.

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Dont know if tomorrow nights on, my youngest daughter Katie was taken into hospital today with a badly gashed head after a fall, and they are operating on her tomorrow morning @ 9am, so hoprfully she will be out in the afternoon, if not then I'm going to have to cancel CM tomorrow night.

Since I won't be near a PC tomorrow, unless they have Broadband in the Sick Kids Hospital, then just come on messenger as usual and if im there then its on, if Im not then its off!!

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Just spoke to Moncs and he says the game should be ok for tonight....operation went well and everything looks OK.

I have had a death in the family so might not make it tonight but will try my hardest to be on.

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OK Razor.....Si have announced a patch that fixes everything so I don't have to resign, England were disqualified from the World Cup and Scotland were announced as World Champions !!!!

Is that better ? Oh and OJ is good at CM... icon_wink.gif

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THANKS GUYS for all your best wishes, she is had her little operation at 11.30 this morning and is now back home running about daft as if nothing ever happened :-)

CM will be back up tonight from about 6.30.

Thanks again

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