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FM11: Available tactics?

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Unlike other sections of the forum people label them with 'FM10'/'FM11' etc, but not so much here, and as I didn't play FM10 I don't have a clue which tactics are working on FM11, so can someone give me a pointer of where to look..? Instead of me searching through a lot of old threads to find what I need, lazy I know :p

Hopefully won't get deleted - apologies if so!


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I don't think you can expect a line of solid tactics until after about a month after release. It takes time to develop and test tactics, unless you're unemployed and home playing all day. And then once patch .2 and .3 comes out, you might have to make some tweaks as well, since the match engine will probably change slightly.

Having said that, I really do encourage people to at least have one save where they work on their own tactic. Even with less success, it's still very rewarding.

If you don't have the time, do what I do. Read up on a bunch of interesting tactics. Download them if you have to (usually when the OP is not informative enough.) See what/how/why some of their aspects work, and incorporate that into your own tactic. You can't get the best of every world (no tactic can as far as I'm aware) but by looking at other people's success, it can help you develop your very own tactic, rather than having to go through trial and error by yourself. It only takes like 5 min to look at a tactic after all.

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From my observation on the demo so far, a lot of the principles from FM10 still work. The main difference so far that I've seen is that crossing for wide players is more effective even if the team doesn't use particularly tall STC's. It's easier to create CCC's but 50% of them are missed even by strikers like David Villa or inside forwards like Messi.

The key I found is to have just one tactic in the match preparation screen. During pre-season tick "team blend" option and increase the workload to 40% ( default is at 30%). The when the regular season starts reduce the workload back to the default 30% and use mainly "attacking movement" for home games and "defensive positioning" for away games. By middle of September all of the bars in match preparation would be maxed at "fluid". Don't change formation at all, but don't be afraid to tweak players' roles/duties or using any of the touchline shouts.

At least that has worked for me so far.

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Try Mr Hough's FM 2010 tactics, use them as a base and tweak the set pieces according to your tastes, it'll at least give you a decent starting point; there's a 4-1-2-3 or an attacking 4-2-2-2 with wingers. Hope that helps!

Mr Hough's 4-1-2-3 for 10.3 was the best ever, has he worked out a one for FM 11 yet, i've had a bit of a look? I'm gonna try last year's on the new game to see if it works!?!

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