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FM11 Big Euro Nation: Small Club to Big Club Challenge

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had my takeover completed. i now have some unknown Serbian guy in charge of the club. improving youth facilities and invested £200k. my future is on the line though for now. shall see what comes up in the morning...

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Peña Deportiva Santa Eulalia is a Spanish football team based in Santa Eulària des Riu, in the autonomous community of Balearic Islands. Founded in 1935, it plays in Tercera División, holding home matches at Estadio Municipal de Santa Eulària des Riu, with a capacity of 1,500 seats.

Start of Season 1

Its a beautiful island with some images from google: click here

The time has come for Ibiza team to step it up, its a very weak team, media prediction is 19th, which means its going to be tough to stay alive, but i am sure its possible, after all, what player would not wanna go play and live in Ibiza!


click here

Media predictions:

click here

Squad when i started, Attacking:

click here

Start of season transfers:

click here

Squad in the beginning of season, Attacking:


Squad in the beginning of season, Defensive:


The plan is simple, we park the bus and play on fast counters through flanks, hoping to end many games as draws and end up in the middle of chart somewhere, after all, that's what park the bus is for.

I am planning to achieve this by playing 4-5-1 with 3 defensive-oriented midfielders, 2 fast wingers and a lone striker.

This league allowes 20 field players in the squad and 5 subs on the field, i am not used to this, but will have to learn. I feel satisfied with transfers, i was able to cover all positions nicely and secured some sweet loan deals.


Kiko and Pituli will be playing striker position, i will see how each one of them performs


Pituli is also proficient as ML, however this area is very rich for me, with 3 more players ready to step up, with Suker being first choice and 2 young loaners.


Isaac Cuenca from Barca will play here a lot, taking turns with Maik, i felt this position was hard to cover until i was able to secure this loan.

3 MC/DM:

with my tactic built around shutting down midfield, it was difficult enough, considering no good players want to play for my team yet, but i feel like i did really well getting Curro Montoya, 34, he will be leading the midfield and i will play a semi-attacking midfielder in a box-2-box role, i have a lot of options here, since loaners i took are all MRCL, and i also have 2 AMs of my own, gives a lot of options to cover.

Defence is very mediocre but i went for main stats, even in top teams this is probably the hardest area to cover correctly, anyway, we will see if we can hang in this area.

I took a nice goallie on free transfer Jon Melendez, he is very mediocre but overall well-rounded, which is what i wanted.

I feel quiet confident ahead of the season to at least be able to stay alive and shoot for top 10, i forgot to play friendlies and entering league with everyone out of form, no problem, at least i avoided extra injuries.

The first game was against a team media prediciting to be #5, which is going to be a good challenge.

We got outplayed in most areas but with a bit of luck and a lot of defending we were able to snatch a draw, stats:

click here

And a beautiful long pass which leads to goal on a break:


As of this moment, everything is looking well-promising, team will need to adjust to each other but should only take a couple of months or so.

I will be posting next update at half-season period, please feel free to correct or comment, this is my first time doing this challenge.

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RB Leipzig - German 2. Bundesliga 2013/14

2. Bundesliga

Media Prediction: 17th

Board Expectation: Avoid Relegation

My Target: Avoid Relegation

League Table: 14th ǁ Position Graph

We actually started the season very well, but an awful run of form after the winter break saw us in danger o relegation, but we managed to pick up our form at the end of the season to stay up.


First Round – Managed to get an awesome result in our first ever DFB-Pokal by narrowly beating Dortmund at home.

Second Round – We didn’t have enough to get anything out of this game.

Die Bullen

Transfers 1 Transfers 2 ǁ Squad

Seeing as there is no restrictions on who you can play in the 2. Bundesliga I went on to sign a lot of younger players from all sorts of nationalities. Even if some of these players don’t make it I am sure I will be able to make a nice profit out of them. On the outgoing front, my board went over my head and accepted a €1.4M offer for star striker Carsten Kammlott from Cottbus. I decided to replace him with Koshi Yano, a Japanese striker playing for Al-Jazeera in the UAE.

GK: Tino Berbig – Carried on being our number one more for the lack of options available in the market.

DR: Jaime Serrano – This ex-Inter player has been very consistent in his first season.

DC: Frederik Møller – Another good season by Frederik, it is getting harder to keep interest away from him.

DC: Íñigo Bengoetxea – The former Barcelona trainee got a chance when the club captain Tim Sebastian got injured and didn’t lose his place in the first team from then on.

DL: Sergiy Symonenko – Got another decent season out of him, but he is getting on a bit.

DMC: Moussa Narry – The Ghanian strengthened our midfield significantly at the half way point of the season.

MC: Didier Digard – Signed last season, had a bigger influence this season.

MC: Thomas Salamon – Did OK this season, will probably have limited chances next season.

AMC: David Simão – He was released by Benfica and I jumped at the opportunity to sign the talented playmaker.

ST: Ioannis Amanatidis – Expected more out of his experience, was a little bit dissappointing

ST: Kisho Yano – Was also a bit disappointing, our attack in general was pretty weak this season.

Other News

Finances – Managed to make a prifit due to the high Prize Money in the League, think money in general won’t be much of a problem from here on.

Career Overview

Season       League             Pos      DFB-Pokal      Europe      Achievements
2011/12      3. Liga            7th      N/A            N/A         None
2012/13      3. Liga            1st      N/A            N/A         Promoted as Champions
2013/14      2. Bundesliga      14th     Second Round   N/A         None

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sounds like it was a tricky 1st season in Bundesliga II especially with the sale of Cammlott but you managed to stay up which is the main thing. i'm sure you can improve in the summer and make progress next season. from my time in germany you shouldn't have money issues from now as you said.

good luck next season.

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i think that's always the case with a lot of these games that it's key to keep a production line of youths coming in because charimen do like to sell players...

As for me and Messina, i did keep my job when the new Serbian chairman came in and i have just reached January. it's a very tight league! i'll put a mini half-season review up at the end of January.

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Well. I'm not in the mood to write up a season review. So I'll leave it at the fact I reclaimed my LIGA BBVA despite my chairman selling Didier Song, check my last update to see him.

Then just as I'm coming up to the beginning of the new season he sells Renato Gaucho and Yilmaz (again look back) as well as another striker who I've brought in since you've last seen my players. That's three strikers sold behind my back already. It's not even as if I'm short of cash, I've got £20million in the bank. I came through adversity this season, hopefully I can do it. Still at least Sacko is back from injury, though at 31 whether he'll ever be the same again is another matter.

This has all left me with no real idea where my team is, and I've been concentrating on all the wrong positions over the off-season.


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PRDH - that's one seriously frustrating chairman!! i feel your anger mate.

LLR - sounds like you're having a tough start there too mate. hopefully the kids can do the business for you though and keep you up. good luck.

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PRDH - that's one seriously frustrating chairman!! i feel your anger mate.

LLR - sounds like you're having a tough start there too mate. hopefully the kids can do the business for you though and keep you up. good luck.

Yeah I don't know what I am doing wrong this year, I am enjoying this team a lot more here than the last two in Portugal, but this is seriously tough...

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rlips - Yeah. I've calmed down a little. Some emergency patchwork being put onto the team. Loads of cash to spend, just don't know where to spend it.

[EDIT] - Thinking of giving my youngsters a go.

LLR - Good luck. I've found Spain the hardest to break of the three times I've done this challenge.

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Hey all, how's it going? Nice to see this thread still going strong! :thup:

I've not touched Football Manager for a couple of months now, just not motivated for it at all. Mostly due to spending 10-12 hours at Uni 5 days a week in that period. Feels a bit funny saying it, but I'm looking forward to just spending time at home reading for my exams now that all those projects are delivered.

I'll try to get myself up to date on everyones progress soon. I really feel bad for just abandoning this thread for so long. :o Cause there's always so many encouraging comments when you do post in here. I might even pick up on Venezia again, although it would be almost like starting from scratch now. Can't even remember the names of any of my players.

For now, good luck to everyone where ever you're at in your career! :)

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RB Leipzig - German 2. Bundesliga 2014/15

2. Bundesliga

Media Prediction: 16th

Board Expectation: Avoid Relegation

My Target: Top Half

League Table: 10th ǁ Position Graph

We started the season awfully, and didn’t get our first win until the 8th game. Things picked up and we hovered around the lower mid-table all season without any danger of being relegated, but it was disappointed as I wanted us to be finishing in the top half. The biggest problem was our attack as we still don’t seem to have found a replacement for Carsten Kammlott.


First Round – A very disappointing campaign this season as Rostock came back from being a goal down to beat us in extra-time.

Die Bullen

Transfers 1 ǁ Transfers 2 ǁ Squad

A lot of transfer activity again as I don’t seem to be able to find an ideal first team. Again I was disappointed with spending money on a signing, as Lugiano Gallardo was merely a back-up player and does not have the potential my scouts thought he had. On the outgoing front the board went over my head again to sell my star defender Frederik Møller. I said I had some good youngsters to replace him, but after seeing some awful defending errors in the first few games and seeing Jan-Ingwer Callsen-Bracker available for a bargain, I did not hesitate on going through with it.

GK: Dennis Eilhoff – Finally found a decent replacement for Tino Berbig and Dennis did not disappoint in his first season.

DR: Jaime Serrano – Carried on performing well, but with a lot of interest in him and a readymade back-up available, I might be tempted to sell.

DC: Jan-Ingwer Callsen-Bracker – His experience really helped us out and he also contributed with a few goals.

DC: Íñigo Bengoetxea – Also had a decent season, but is in the same situation as Jaime Serrano.

DL: Rémi Maréval – Somehow managed to offload Symonenko for a €100k, so signed him as a replacement on the free. Young Chilean Carlos Castillo will probably take his place next season.

DMC: Moussa Narry – Continues to be rock solid and provide great protection to the back-line.

MC: Matías Fritzler – Did a decent job in the middle of the park.

MC: David Simão – Retreated to a MC position this season and didn’t play as much, alternating with Hanno Balitsch a lot.

AMC: Jaba Lipartia – My signing of the season and Fan’s Player of the Year, only signed him as a last minute gamble, but he was our main creative force, getting the most assists in the 2. Bundesliga.

ST: Pablo Chavarría – Almost paid €1M for him the season before and I am glad I didn’t. Picked up a bit in the end of the season but with only 7 goals wasn’t exactly prolific.

ST: Kisho Yano – Another disappointing season from him, will look to offload him due to his high wages next season.

Other News

Finances - Got carried away with the spending this season as we had an overinflated squad, will look to trim it to at least break even next season.

Career Overview

Season       League             Pos      DFB-Pokal      Europe      Achievements
2011/12      3. Liga            7th      N/A            N/A         None
2012/13      3. Liga            1st      N/A            N/A         Promoted as Champions
2013/14      2. Bundesliga      14th     Second Round   N/A         None
2014/15      2. Bundesliga      10th     First Round    N/A         None

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seems like you are missing a good striker corinthiano... still it's steady progress up the leagues. what have you thought of RB Serrano? i have the chance to sign him for Messina but his technical stats are awful at the moment. worth an investment? he is on a free by the way.

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Yes I am definately missing a striker, but cant seem to find one that I can afford...

Serrano is ok, nothing special, I'd say its wrth it because even if he doesnt pay off he is rated within the game so you can get a decent transfer fee out of him after a couple of seasons.

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Transfer window closed and no new striker...the only decent ones I found were based in Argentina and were too expensive...but I have played Yano in a slightly different way and he has scored 3 in 3 at the start of the season, lets hope he can be a bit more prolific this season.

Good one on Serrano, he didint want much in terms of wages in my game.

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Well it seems that my Younger players could turn it around, playing the bottom two teams in a row helped, a draw away and a win at home moved us up to 18th and 10pts from safety, a win in the next game and Motivation is greatly improved and we are 7pts outside, the final game of the first half saw us play league leaders Ferrol away and we lost 3-0, we have conceded 43 goals in 19 games...really need to work on stopping them getting through. Looking at moving to having a holding midfielder in the squad to just cover those breaks that are coming.

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A.C.R. Messina - Serie C2C - Season 2011-12

Mid-Season Summary

As promised, here is the table at the end of January


You'll notice it's tight at the top! :eek: The league is so unpredictable and i never know going into games if we're going to win or not but we're hanging on in there. i have assembled a reasonable squad and have strengthened a litle in January. hopefully it's enough to see us to promotion. time will tell.

i also realised i hadn't posted my profile so here it is...

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VfB Lübeck

End of Season Report 2012-2013

League Table

League Graph

Once again we had quite a good season all though we were a bit in consistant in some games wich i hope to sort out in the off season..

this was squad at end season it is getting hard to improve this squad now without spending big, there is a few younger players that i think make the grade lets see next season.

Transfers with no budget yet again was had to find the right players for my team.

Key Player Profiles

Marcos Álvarez glad i found this guy another good season by him won fans player of the year as well.

Timo Hammel My first choice goalkeeper bit doggy at times though.

Tim Siedschlag solid wen bought in to cover for injured players.

Taygun Kuru very good player was impressed by him.

Paul-Max Walther my best midfielder was class.

this was my Best XI

Career Overview

Season     Team                   Country    League                   League Finish    
2011/12   VfB Lübeck               Germany   3.Bundesliga               10th
2011/13   VfB Lübeck               Germany   3.Bundesliga               14th 


Well tis was my problem area I want to try sort this out as we are spending to much on wages so this

Next Season.

sort the squads lack of consistence out the players

build on last seasons Finnish.

get more cash into the club.

try get better players in

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*edit* Changed my mind, so never mind this.

I tried to get back into my Venezia game, but I just can't do it. Having won the EURO Cup last season and improved on that squad a lot with over £30M spent before my long break from FM, it would be like starting a new game with a club like Juventus or something now. Just not what I have in mind atm.

So I'm going back to Portugal, having enjoyed my experience there with Anadia last year. Basically cause I like the transfer rules there, and the lack of huge price- and tv- money keeps it interesting.

So without derailing any further, I present the new manager of Sport Clube Vianense, Tommi Helm. And here's the League position history. The club plays it's home games at Estadio Dr. Jose de Matos, which has a capacity of 15,000 with 11,000 seats. Other facilities are basic to average and the finances show a balance of £31K and a wage budget cap of £2,6K. There's no staff at the club at all.

We are expected to fight against relegation.

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End of season 2011-12

Well, as you can see on the graph my expectations didnot deliver and we were fighting for survival with some very bad streaks, as seen on the match history.

Team end of season

To sum it up, we barely made it through, i am now hoping to stick with the plan, but make some nicer hires and finish higher next season so that better players might be attracted to join my team.

Unfortunately a take-over has fallen apart and our team went down becoming semi-professional and lowering coaches allowed to 2 and salary budget to around misery 15k per week.


I got a pair of real nice young strikers, Llopis and Howard. 18 and 21, they have a bright future.

I also grabbed nice future DC at age 23, Omar looks really nice.

Anton Pablo is a 21 y/o goallie who is not much worse than mine and is very similar to the one jd clark boy got for his squad, excentric fellow.

I also got Victor who cost me arm and a leg and is 38 y/o, this is an experiment to see if slow but very profecient playmaker can make a difference.

All defensive stats

All offensive stats

So, lets see how this new season goes.

btw, some results from other competitions:

Euro Championship - England

Champions League - Arsenal!

Europa League - Chelsea

Liga BBVA - Barcelona!

King's cup - Getafe

Spanish Super cup - Barcelona!

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dj clark boy - here's hoping you can find a couple of cheap gems and get yourself heading up the table next season. good luck.

ohanzee - shame to see Venezia ended but i do completely understand your point of view as i've been there before. good to see you stay in the challenge though so good luck in Portugal.

D-bus - congrats on staying up. that's the hard part initially to be honest. looking forward to seeing you climb theleague next season.

As for Messina, season complete. hopefully i can get a review up tonight...

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Cheers rlipscombe, but I actually changed my mind (sorry for going back and forth like this :o). After having another good look at the save, I'll be playing at least one more season with Venezia, and probably more.

Here's a link to the last update I made. Highlight being winning the EURO Cup and coming 2nd in the Serie A. Our highest position so far.

Here's the transfer history showing the signings I made before my break. For some reason it's showing players bought last summer as well as this summer, maybe cause there's been a patch since I last played and it broke somehow? The real amount spent this summer is £29M, which has left us with a really bad bank balance, even though there's still £10M left to spend according to budget. But I'm not worried at all, cause I know the TV-money alone will take us well into plus during the season, and we have the Champions Cup as well, which can be anywhere from good to amazing money-wise depending on success. Our 2nd place finish last season should put us straight into the group stages so that's a lot of money already in the bank.

The one thing I like about our squad is the average age. As you can see only 5 players are above 25 years of age. What I do not like, at all, is the amount of Italians. We only have 5 of them in total, and of those only Perego really have the potential to become a superstar. Looking at the other top teams - Fiorentina, who won the Serie A last season doesn't have a single Italian player in their first team squad - and AC Milan (3rd last season) have only 4. It's sad. I'm crying. :(

This is my main reason for trying another couple of seasons. I want to make Venezia a more Italian team. At this point I don't think it's reasonable to go for all-Italian, but I want at least 11+ Italian players in my first team squad, and I want all of them to be good enough to win us trophies. So there's my goal. It might take a few seasons, but it's something to aim for, and I think it will keep me interested.

I won't go on much more now, but just to finish off before I start playing through this next season, I thought I'd show the players those £29M were spent on.

Salvatore Perego - Starting with the one Italian, cause he's sort of what made me wanna continue the game. I nicked him from Parma for £5M. A lot of money for someone so young, but looking at his ability as a 17 year old and his 4,5 star potential, I think he could be the next Daniele de Rossi, and that is exactly what he's labelled as. Want to build my future (more Italian based) team around this guy if possible.

Arkaitz Costa - I guess I really wanted another great central defender before my break, cause I payed £7.25M for this guy. He really does look brilliant though. But he's Spanish. We have more Spanish players than Italian, hmf.

Diego Minelli - Another big money signing at £7.75M. He's a wonderkid, so I guess he's worth it.

Nahuel Garcia - Goalkeeper from Argentina, with Spanish 2nd nationality.

Luis Maria Vinas - Rightback, again from Spain. Very quick, but I'm pretty sure even I can outjump him.

Emiliano Luduena - Decent looking midfielder, can take set pieces at least. Free transfer, Argentina/Spain.

Gino Braun - Not a new signing, he was co-owned by Roma, but they didn't want him, so I got him back for free.

That should do, back in business. 4 of my best scouts are sent to turn every rock in Italy looking for talents. Hopefully they will have at least 3-4 interesting names for me come next summer. Don't expect us to win the Champions Cup this season, but with a bit of luck we could go far. And hopefully we can give Fiorentina a real fight for the Serie A title as well.

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Ohanzee, it's kinda of good to see you back in Venezia :D. good luck - i certainly think that making the team more Italian is a good way to go. and looking at some of your signings i'd be raring to have a few seasons with them. good luck!

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Yea, I'm actually having some fun again already. Got a few Italian players in mind to, but it's hard to get the real prospects as most of them pop up in Milan, Inter, Juventus, etc. It's a long process anyways, and that's a good thing really, won't get bored right away. I'd love to have at least 6-7 players playing regularly for the Italian A squad eventually. Right now we have zero.

You'll be glad to know we've won another trophy to. A very lucky 2-0 win over Liverpool, with new goalkeeper Garcia picking up the MoM award, have won us the European Super Cup.

Our first taste of Champions Cup football wasn't so pleasant though. 4-0 down away to Arsenal 2 minutes into the 2nd half. :o We almost managed a miraculous comeback though, making it 4-3 before Fabregas finished us off with a 5th. Atletico Madrid and Red Star the other two teams in our group. At. Madrid beat Arsenal 4-0, so I'm a bit worried ahead of those meetings. Think we should at least be able to finish 3rd though. Might be just as well.

Looking forward to your Messina update to. Nice to see you back in Italy. :thup:

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A.C.R. Messina – Serie C2C

Season Review

Media Prediction: 6th

League Finish: 3rd (promoted via playoffs) Graph

The League

The board expectations were for a play-off spot which put the pressure on a little. We had a decent wage budget though so I felt I could put together a reasonable squad. We spent most of the season in the top 7 and as my earlier table showed we were in a really tight battle through the winter. Ravenna made a break for it though in the spring and we were playing for a play-off spot. We managed to achieve this in the final couple of games and we went into the play-off semis against Melfi.

Our form against Melfi hadn’t been that great so I decided to follow the advice of my staff and change formation to a 4-5-1 for the match. This was aided by the fact that Said was injured and I didn’t have much other faith in my strikers. The formation changes worked and we managed to reach the 2-legged play-off final against Brindisi. We had lost our two previous games against them so I wasn’t overly hopeful. I decided to persevere with the 4-5-1 and we won a tight home leg 1-0. Going into the away leg Said was back from injury and I put him on the bench as he wasn’t 100%. We went behind but the introduction of Said made the difference as we ran out 2-1 away winners, 3-1 on aggregate securing our promotion to Serie C1. i was also named manager of the year.

Serie C Cup.

We managed to make it through the group stages of the cup but then fell in the knockout stages. To be fair it wasn’t my priority and I was giving a few squad players a go.

The Players

Transfers 1 Transfers 2

Here’s a look at some of the key players for me in my promotion season:

Squad 1 Squad 2


Damiano Crescenti - Young Gk who was first choice for most of the season, despite my assistant rating Lirussi higher. Is under threat if I can sign a good keeper this summer though.

Emanuele Lirussi - Backup to Crescenti in the main, he will be let go if I can improve in this area.

Full Backs

Daniele Ghidotti - Forst choice RB, Daniele had a good season. Good player who hopefully can make the step up.

Alessandro Armenise - First choice LB who also had a good season.

Centre Backs

Fabio Buscaroli - Experienced CB was 1st choice for most of the season before losing his place towards the end when I gave Kysela a go.

Carlos Garcia - Despite the name, he is a Swedish youth international who joined on loan in January. Assured defender, I’d love to get him back for next season.

Marek Kysela - Czech youth international is one for the future after joining in January but got a few games towards the end of the season and may feature more next year.

Domenico Marchetti - 1st choice CB for the club until losing his place to Garcia. Domenico weighed in with some key goals and should form part of the club’s future.


Massimiliano Ammendola - left winger in on loan from Napoli was back up for most of the season before a late season run where he did pretty well.

Elia Cortesi - RM for most of the season and did pretty well. Still young like a lot of the squad.

Salif Dianda - Burkino Faso winger who provided cover on both flanks. Probably won’t be good enough for C1 though.

Riccardo Enrico - 1st choice left winger for most of the season before losing form in the run-in. solid winger.

Alex Guerci - defensive midfielder who did a solid job in the centre of the park. Solid if unspectacular.

Lorenzo Insigne - Attacking midfielder also on loan from Napoli who provided cover in the main before featuring late in the season.

Raffaele Maiello - Central midfielder loaned from Napoli who did pretty well overall. Another to suffer from a late season dip in form. Would take him back next season if I get the chance.

Giovanni Scampini - reserve who played occasionally in central midfield.


Giovanni Kyeremateng - on loan from Crotone, Kyeremateng was a cover signing who didn’t do too much.

Mattia Montini - Ex-Roma striker who did ok but was mainly cover. Still young though, he has decent potential.

Florian Myrtaj - Veteran Albanian who did ok as support to Said but who will be a reserve at best next season most likely.

Said Ahmed Said - the young Ghanian was the star of the team. Released by Inter, Said scored 20 goals in his first season and was in the running for the player of the year award. I have high hopes for him.

Jakub Vojtus - Slovenian youth international signed in January. Scored on his debut but then went cold until given his chance in the play-offs where he came alive. Hoping for more next season.


A small profit was made on the season but this was thanks to some prize money and £200k invested in the club by our new Serbian chairman. Hopefully a boost in crowds next season (we got 12k in the play-offs against our average of 4k) will help us next season.

The Future

Overall I’m pretty happy with how the season panned out. If I’m honest we are a little soft in defence and the midfield is a little weak but we achieved promotion which is great. Hopefully we can improve and be a force in Serie C1. time will tell.

Career History

Season   League        Pos.    Serie C Cup  Coppa Italia  Europe   Achievements
2011/12  Serie C2C     3rd         xxx             xxx        N/A     Promotion via playoffs

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Congrats on promotion rlipscombe! Really well done. :thup:

Always nice to get that first promotion early, great motivation to keep going. Some nice signings, Said does look promising. I like that you're actually taking several players on loan to. That's something I really need to get better at when playing in the lower levels.

Good luck next season. Hope you can find some gems in the transfer window and push for another promotion already. :)

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cheers Ohanzee. i am really pleased to get up. i always look at loans as being a way to bring in a little extra quality and can always be a way of bulking up a squad on little wages. can help finances a little.

looking forward to the new season. scouring the free transfers right now.

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End of season 2012-13

Well, i fought for survival once again and it was pretty bad, bordering relegation full season, finally making it through in last few games, here is the chart.

I am thinking that maybe my approach is wrong, i seem to lose a lot of games on last minute goals and also sometimes lose points unable to score against weaker teams.

So i decided to go more attacking next season , i am thinking 4-2-3-1 spanish style, its appropriate, i am in spain, right?

Made some good transfers: transfer list.

Alexandru Maxim

Snatched awesome AMLCR from Espanyol, he was going out of contract and i snatched him. He played on loan for me before, i am confident he will be great.

Jordi Vidal

I snatched Real Madrid's graduate for AML position, looks promising.

Denis Cheryshev

Awesome catch as well, AMC/S, another Real Madrid's graduate, looking good.

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D-Bus - i bet it is frustrating at the moment. i would definately try a new formation as you haven't got much to lose. 4-2-3-1 has worked well for me in a few games, as has 4-1-2-2-1 with wingers. like the look of Vidal as a winger and i think Cheryshev could be a decent little striker for you. might be quite well suited to a lone striker role. good luck improving this season.

Biscotti - looking forward to the update.

As for me, i'm looking forward to a night of pre-season tonight trying to pick up a few young gems...

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@ D-Bus

Yea we're getting there. It's not hard to build a team of young prospects once you're in the top division of the big leagues though. Just have to get out of those bottom leagues, that's always the biggest challenge imo.

But in terms of ability our squad is not even remotely close to the top teams of Europe. Half the squad is below 3 stars still, but most of them have potential to improve. Only Hajji and Costa are 4 star players atm. I would have thought Chibwe was to, but he's just 3,5 atm. Can't wait to see how good he becomes if he reaches his 4,5 star potential though, certainly should be worldclass if he does. My assistant is kinda crap at JPP/JPA though, just 14/12. I really wish I could have my best scouts show me these charts instead.

Luckily ability isn't all that matters, as our win in the EURO Cup last year showed. A couple of superstars well blended in with some promising youngsters, adding in just a little bit of luck, and it can do the trick. Then again, At. Madrid and Arsenal have shown us in the Champions Cup this season that we're not at all ready to win that Cup yet. But we'll getting there.

As for tactics, I find almost anything works as long as I have a DMC protecting my back 4. Just need to make sure we get 100% familiarity levels in match preparation. I use Team Blend at High workload in pre-season and come the first real match it's usually close to 100% on all 3 tactics I want to use. I always setup 3 different tactics so I can swap around when players are injured or just tired.

Also having at least 3-4 players setup as ball-winning in midfield and attack seems to work really well for me. Ball-winning (for me) = man marking, higher end closing down, hard tackling and tight marking. I always have all my strikers and at least 2 midfielders set this way to try and win the ball before they get to my back 4. Formation wise I've played 4132, 41212, 4123, etc. What I really wanna play is 4132 with ML/MC/MR. But I don't have good enough wingers to pull it off yet.

Good luck next season yourself, hope you can find some form and push for a promotion! :thup:

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Hey guys, thanks for good points. it is very hard to get decent players in low divisions too.

Long story short, my bid on attacking play didnot pay off and after a takeover i found myself without a job after 10 games in the league and still staying in the relegation zone.

Stupid new owner was not able to turn it around and the team ended up being relegated at the end of the season through playoffs.

I decided to continue the same game, i will wait for new teams to get promoted and pick a weak one.

I scouted a lot of players and made a lot of connections, i am going to look to snatch some of my players back into the new team as time goes by.

It looks like Ibiza will not see Top Football after all!


like your pointer on ball-winning, i will analyze that ingame

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