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FM11 - Rekluse's Positional Training Schedules

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I made a similar version for FM10 which was very effective in my games and received several PM's requesting the schedules since the original link had died, unfortunately I had lost the files when I reformatted to windows 7.

I went through each of the positions, all of them listed below, and weighted the schedule for each based on those attributes. For example a ball winning midfielder has 7 recommended attributes; 3 of them are strength, 1 tactics, 2 defense and 1 attacking. So the schedule for ball winning midfielder is weighted with an emphasis on these attributes, resulting in the schedule having high strength, high defending.

It's also important to note that the ball winning midfielder schedule has tactics, ball control and attacking all set evenly even though there are no ball control attributes recommended. I did this on all of the positions based on personal preference. While ball control may not be recommended, I feel as a whole all of the attributes it improves (dribbling, first touch, heading, technique and flair) are just as, if not more, important to the position than the other non-recommended tactic and attacking attributes.

You will also find some schedules you want to tweak that are based on my personal preference. For example wingers are set on high aerobic, tactics, and ball control while only having medium attack. I set this for a few reasons - I usually have my wingers cut inside, so crossing is less important to them and the other reason being that most players would not choose to have an out and out winger unless they already had a high crossing attribute. Which brings me to:

***REMINDER: Check the schedules based on your own players, especially if playing in lower leagues, and alter them as needed. Please do not use these schedules as a plug and play but rather a base to cater them to YOUR TEAM.***

You can also use tutoring and individual focus to your advantage, for example it wouldn't make much sense to put emphasis on shooting training for central defenders just because they have a recommended composure attribute. However, you could have a defender who already has a high composure attribute tutor the player.

Also keep in mind that if you begin to use individual training focus and PPM's for players, their workload with these training regimes will be too high and they WILL complain about this. You could make them their own schedule, but more often than not you'll only have 1 or 2 players using a poacher schedule, so it's quite easy to go in and just lower aerobics a bit for example.

These schedules are weighted towards attributes recommended for each of the base positions:

Advanced Forward

Complete Forward

Deep Forward - Atk

Deep Forward - Sup

Defensive Forward - Atk

Defensive Forward - Sup


Target Man


Box to Box Midfielder

Advanced Playmaker - Atk

Advanced Playmaker - Sup

Anchor Man

Ball Winning Midfielder

Central Midfielder

Central Midfielder - Atk

Deep Playmaker

Defensive Winger

Defensive Midfielder

Inside Forward

Wide Midfielder


Ball Playing Defender

Central Defender

Central Defender - Cover

Full Back - Atk

Full Back - Def


As you can see, not every single position is covered. Some positions have no differences in attributes from Support and Defend, some are just so similar there is no point in creating a separate schedule for them.

These schedules have not been fully tested, I will be testing them but would encourage and welcome any feedback and recommended changes.


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Wouldn't mind testing this out, if only I could remember where to put the training schedules! Where do I put them again?

Cheers :thup:

Edit - Never mind, I figured it out.

Looking at the schedules for the first time, there seems like rather a lot!

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This looks sweet!

Quick question, would changing the training schedule cause any negative effects mid-season?

No, you can change schedules mid season multiple times. In FM10 I rotated between a fitness heavy, balanced and fitness light/technical heavy schedule depending on the amount of games I had during a month, or injuries.

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What teams are you guys having injury problems with? I'm currently playing with Aston Villa, and am having no injury problems, but I have not tested it with teams with lower training facilities or physios but if you could provide me with that information then it will let me know what level I need to look at to tweak.

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I get alot of players saying they are unhappy with the high workload.

If your using the default settings for match preparation you will have a couple players complain about the workload, and a couple more may complain if you set them to individual focus and learning new PPM's - you can just tweak their workload down a bit. By lowering the workload to get rid of these players complaining, then it wouldn't benefit those who are able to deal with this workload as much.

If you receive excessive amounts of players complaining then please let me know what team you are, and which players are complaining, so I can look into it further and improve the schedules.

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Where do I put these schedules please? I haven't got a folder called 'maps', or if I have I can't find it.

Thanks ....Jon T.

C:\Users\Name\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2010\schedules

Then go to the training screen in game and import via that screen.

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I went through each of the positions, all of them listed below, and weighted the schedule for each based on those attributes. For example a ball winning midfielder has 7 recommended attributes; 3 of them are strength, 1 tactics, 2 defense and 1 attacking. So the schedule for ball winning midfielder is weighted with an emphasis on these attributes, resulting in the schedule having high strength, high defending.

based on your explanation above, how do you 'emphasize' the training on certain attributes?

Each of a training menu covers certain numbers of attributes. For example, strength covers 3 and tactics covers 5-6 attributes. Do you emphasize by doubling up the clicks/notches, for example, 6 notches for Strength and 10/12 notches for Tactics?

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It's not as technical as that. If a position has 3 recommended attributes for strength and 3 for tactics, the schedule will be high for strength but can be anywhere from medium to high for tactics depending on the other recommended attributes. It's pretty much just done based on what I feel the position needs but use the recommended attributes as a hard guideline. Like central defenders for example, I don't have their shooting high even though composure is a recommended attribute. In the last FM I would attempt to increase this through tutoring, or just let it develop naturally, rather than wasting ability points on unneeded attributes. With FM11 we now have focused training which makes this worlds easier to accomplish. For example, if a position's only recommended attack attribute is crossing and I felt ball control/tactics would benefit the position more then I kept attack training lower and would just use focused training for crossing.

Like I said, these aren't really plug & play training if your trying to min/max players. You can certainly use them as plug & play, but to min/max you'll want to tweak the training based on attributes the player needs improving on, utilize focused training, tutoring, and lower the workload on match preparation for lesser difficult games.

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I've used these for a season with Dortmund now. No real problems with injuries; the vast majority has come about in games (stupid hard tackling!). I've had a couple of complaints about the high training workload, but that's only from players with a low workrate, and quite frankly I ignore them. It hasn't caused any issues with morale.

The results from the schedules have been quite good, but it's difficult to assess how effective they are until I've had more time to adjust to the changes to the game's training module.

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